evolution moving toward a brighter future?. answering some big questions. how do species becomes...

Evolution Moving toward a brighter future?

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Page 1: Evolution Moving toward a brighter future?. Answering some BIG questions.  How do species becomes more diverse?  How do some species survive environmental

EvolutionMoving toward a brighter future?

Page 2: Evolution Moving toward a brighter future?. Answering some BIG questions.  How do species becomes more diverse?  How do some species survive environmental

Answering some BIG questions. How do species becomes more


How do some species survive environmental changes and others do not?


Page 3: Evolution Moving toward a brighter future?. Answering some BIG questions.  How do species becomes more diverse?  How do some species survive environmental

Answering some smaller questions. What came first the chicken

or the egg?

Chicken ______

Egg ______


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A (R)Evolutionary Theory Conceived by Charles Darwin after his

voyage on the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands.

The Theory of Evolution Concept Review: What is the

difference between a theory and a law in science?


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A (R)Evolutionary TheoryCharles Darwin in his book On the Origin of Species presented a model for evolution that changed the way the world viewed life and the processes that formed it.


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The concept of evolution did not begin with a boy and his beagle but with other scientists who paved the way.

“If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.“

Sir Isaac Newton


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Scientists who led the way

Rock Guys James Hutton – Theorized that

the Earth was much older than just a few thousand years.

Charles Lyells – Taught that the way things worked in the present is the key to understanding the past. That the same processes that shape the world today; earthquakes, volcanos, etc. also were present in the past.

Life Guys Jean-Baptiste Lamarck – Had his own

hypothesis on evolution. That through selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost traits DURING their lifetime and that these traits could be passed to offspring, changing the species.

Thomas Malthus – Published on population growth, noting that more babies were being born than people were dying. He said that if this kept up we would run out of food and living space.


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What this meant to Darwin

Rock Guys James Hutton – That the

world is very old and that would give enough time for Darwin’s hypothesis to have taken place.

Charles Lyell – That the earth has been going through the same processes so life should also be going through the same process now as it did before.

Life Guys Jean-Baptiste Lamarck -

That organisms change over time and the concept was out there already.

Thomas Malthus – That if humans could grow until they covered the whole planet, plants and animals that reproduce more than us must have something that limits their growth.


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What he saw by standing on the shoulders of giantsThat all life came from a common ancestor, having evolved into different forms. That since more organisms are born than can be supported they must compete to survive.This competition for resources is the key, Darwin called it survival of the fittest or Natural Selection


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Natural Selection

As populations grow they experience forces that limit how much they can grow; food supply, living space and predators to name a few.These forces are called limiting factors


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Natural Selection

If your supplies are limited and you want to survive that means you need to compete for the supplies.


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Natural SelectionHowever things aren’t always easy.


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Natural SelectionDarwin proposed that only the fittest organism would live and reproduce, and that includes within the same species.This is why he called it survival of the fittest, because only if you were the “best” would your genetic code get passed down to the new generation.


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Natural SelectionSo what made you the fittest?

How do you get to be the fittest?


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Natural Selection

Adaptation – An inherited characteristic that increases an organisms chance of survival.


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Natural Selection

Over time natural selection results in changes in a species characteristics, these changes increase a species’ fitness in its environment.

Note: Since each environment is different no one species is fit for all environments


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Natural SelectionIf you want to be able to change it helps to have the tools that let you do so.


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Natural SelectionThese tools are called Genetic Variance.

Genetic variance is when a species has a pool of genes for characteristics that could be more useful in certain situations.

Ex. Sickle Cell Anemia in humans


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Natural SelectionChanges take a lot of time

Similar species with many common traits probably have a more recent common ancestor than species that are not very similar.


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Answering some smaller questions. What came first the chicken or

the egg? Answer The EGG!

Following evolution all chicken and birdsdescended from a common ancestor, we know this because they all lay eggs. At some point there was a creature thatwas like a chicken but not a chickenthat creature laid an egg and from it was born a creature that was differentenough from the parent to be called chicken !


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Natural SelectionLab Simulation of Wolves vs. Bunnies

Work in pairs, one controls the simulation while the other fills out the worksheet

Follow the instructions on the worksheet

I know it is fun but focus first!


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