event project - university of houston_gabriel general_2014-15

Fall 14’ Event Project University of Houston – Gabriel General

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Fall 14’ Event Project

University of Houston – Gabriel General

Event Overview Finals Event • The event I chose this semester was called

“Survive Finals”, in which care-packages were distributed to students around the library throughout a 3-day period during dead week.

• The care-packages consisted of 5-Hour ENERGY, a 5-Hour decal, headphones, a small water bottle, a granola bar, and a note of encouragement for finals.

• With the reputation of 5-Hour ENERGY to keep the user awake and focused, many students were eager to try a sample in order to aid them in their endless studying

• 5-Hour ENERGY and “Survive Finals” were able to compliment each other by addressing the fundamental needs of students preparing for their final exams; resulting in an overwhelmingly successful event project

Planning Steps:

1. Scouted various areas of the library prior to dead week, noting the amount of traffic in each section and whether or not it would be effective to sample there

2. Called an acquaintance that is employed by the university to get the “green light” on sampling inside and around the M. D. Anderson library

3. Once I confirmed it was permissible to sample within the library, I started constructing the care-packages for “Survive Finals”

4. On the arrival of dead week, I began to sample 60 care-packages a day on December 8th, 9th, and 11th, respectively

5. Throughout this period of sampling, to reach a wide variety of diverse individuals and groups, I sampled once in the morning, afternoon, and night, respectively

Key LearningsSuccessful:• The care-packages were well-put together

and professional; countless students praised its clean appearance

• The contents of the care-packages were also very well received, many of the students thoroughly enjoyed and used everything that was enclosed

• Since “Survive Finals” was conducted during dead week, the library remained very busy, which was advantageous for sampling high volumes

Unsuccessful:• On every day I sampled, I seemed to have

burned through the care-packages very quickly; next time we should anticipate to sample a higher volume of products

Results Total Sampled Throughout

“Survive Finals”: 180 Care-Packages

Overall , this event experienced unprecedented success. UH Students at the M.D. Anderson library were very enthusiastic to receive their care-packages, and were excited to give 5-Hour ENERGY a chance to assist them with their studies.

Due to it’s overwhelming success, “Survive Finals” is definitely an effective option to participate in for future events.

Lastly, this event was a phenomenal experience for me and the students that were sampled too. I had a great time interacting with acquaintances and new students throughout the event. And from this experience, I was able to plan "Survive Finals” to my standards and learn fundamental interpersonal skills along the way.

