eve quotes

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  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


    If you love someone, set them free. If they come back theyre yours; if they dont they neverwere.- Richard BachYeah?.. well fuck that shit and fuck Richard Bach. Do you honestlythink, I have the time to meet someone, click, grow an attachment, fall in love, deeply in

    love, Im not talking your average crush, Im talking, going back to the days where we usedto write love letters from long distances type of love, the making a cup of tea and blowing it

    until its warm enough for them to drink type of love to have a soul connection, miss them,crave them, submit to them, etc.. just to let them go in the future. Wdf. Listen, if its gottondeep enough for me to fall into that type of love, Im not letting you go. Fuck, I hate thisgeneration of replacers. If something goes wrong, instead of fixing it, we replace, or let it go

    or some other dumb shit. No. Richard Bach, who is divorced, I will not take advice from you.

    As long as it isnt toxic and unhealthy, I am not letting go.

    The sun is perfect and you woke this morning. You have enough language in your mouth to beunderstood. You have a name, and someone wants to call it. Five fingers on your hand and

    someone wants to hold it. If we just start there, every beautiful thing that has and will ever exist is

    possible. If we start there, everything, for a moment, is right in the world.Warsan Shire

    "Be good to people. Even the shitty ones. Let the assholes be assholes. Youll sleep better."

    "Poetry is what happens

    when nothing else


    Charles Bukowski

    Iubeti atunci cnd i cunoti mirosul pielii i harta alunielor impregnat pe spate. Iubeti

    atunci cnd te trezetilng el cu zmbetul pe buze, cnd adormi cu gndul la el dac nusuntei alturi i te trezeti doar de dorul de a i-l aminti din nou. Iubeti cnd te ntrebi cumai dormit pn acum altfel dect n braele lui i i dai seama c dimineile n-au fostniciodat mai frumoase ca atunci cnd suntei mpreun. Iubeti cnd te simi norocoas sfie al tu, cnd i asculi respiraia rezemat la pieptul lui i i mngi barba aspr, doar ste convingi c e real, c EL se afl acolo.

  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


    I wonder if you know yet that youll leave me. That youare a child playing with matches and I have a paper body.

    You will meet a girl with a softer voice and stronger arms and she

    will not have violent secrets or an affection for red wine or eyes

    that never stay dry. You will fall into her bed and Ill go back

    to spending Friday nights with boys who never learn my last name.

    I have chased off every fool who has tried to sleep beside me

    You think its romantic to fuck the girl who writes poemsabout you.You think Ill understand your sadness because I live inside my own. But I will show up at your door at 2 am, wild-eyed and sleepless.

    and try and find some semblance of peace in your breastbone

    and you will not let me in. You will tell me to go home.

    Clementine von Radics

    Do not fall in loveWith people like me.

    people like me

    will love you so hard

    that you turn into stone

    into a statue where people

    come to marvel at how long

    it must have taken to carve

    that faraway look into your eyes

    Do not fall in love with people like me

    we will take you to

    museums and parks

    and monuments

    and kiss you in every beautiful

    place so that you can

    never go back to them

    without tasting us

    like blood in your mouth

    Do not come any closer.

    people like me

    are bombs

    when our time is up

    we will splatter loss

  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


    " If I never see you again,

    I will always carry you.



    On my fingertips and at brain edges.

    And in centers,centers

    of what I am

    of what remains. "

    ~ Charles Bukowski

    "Eu nu ruinez un barbat. Nu vreau banii lui.

    Ma multumesc cu sufletul.

    Si cand plec din viata lui, nu ii fur averea,

    dar il las gol pe dinauntru."

    Uneori l simea aa de rece, nct ar fi vrut s-l scuture, s zglie sufletuln el, poatedoar aa ar fi reuit s-l readuc la via. Alteori, ns, ajuns la captul puterilor, i doreac iarna de afar s se mute n sufletul ei. Se ruga Lui Dumnezeu s o nghee i pe ea, so rup n buci i s o mprtie n toate zrile, s o fac s dispar cu totul. Pn cnd

    chiar aa s-a ntmplat

    " Ultimele zile mpreun au fost marcate de un aer care prevestea sfritul. Mi s -a druitatunci aa cum nu o mai fcuse niciodat, iar eu n-am neles pe moment ca asta era felulei de a-i lua la revedere. Paradoxal, acelea au fost zilele n care am fost cel mai fericit.Cuprins de beia momentului, n-am observat c tristeea din privirea ei nu dispruse nicioclip. n dimineaa cnd m-am trezit i ea nu mai era lng mine m-am gndit c se va

    ntoarce peste cteva zile, cum fcea de obicei, dei n adncul sufletului tiam c de dataasta o s fie altfel. mi druise deja totul. M-a nvat s iubesc, mi-a druit attea, iar eudoar am luat i am luat, dar nu i-am dat nimic. A plecat din viaa mea la fel de trist cum avenit..."

  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


  • 8/10/2019 Eve Quotes


    nopi n braele tale, dars-au pierdut

    i am blestemat ceasul care nu contenea s ticienepstor icrud

    deprtarea dintre noi

    Your real first love will make you realize that your first love wasnt really your first love.

    - Unknown