evaluation question 4 - how did you use media technologies in the construction and research,...

Lavanyah Rathimohan

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Post on 20-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

Lavanyah Rathimohan

Page 2: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

I got most of the research from the internet and websites such as YouTube.

Google also was a useful source as it allowed me to get information about different types of Short Film genres.

My phone internet was also available for research. I used my phone to watch YouTube videos as YouTube is not available in my school.

Page 3: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

While planning and research stage I used lots of different programmes such as:

Page 4: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

Blogger was the most important thing as I used it to upload all my posts. It was really good as it is easy to use to keep a track of how well your doing while working. It was useful as I could embed pictures and videos to show where I got my ideas from. I used blogger like a diary as I was constantly uploading posts with ideas.

Page 5: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

I used Microsoft Word to create my script. This allowed me to print copies and develop the script by writing notes directly onto the paper. I could then easily change them on word.

Page 6: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

I also used my laptop to do lots of research at home on the internet when I was not in school. It allowed me to watch Short Films from my genre. YouTube was not accessible from my school so it was very hard to watch short films therefore I had to watch them at home and this allowed me then to analyse them. However, I did watch some on my phone but sometimes the network was really slow, which was time consuming. Google also helped me to research anything that I needed to know about Short Films e.g. Codes and Conventions.

Page 7: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

For my first draft I filmed with a video camera and for my final product I filmed with my phone.

An advantage of both is that it allowed me to film clips. A disadvantage with the video camera is that when I came to the editing

stage and put all the clips together a white transition came up every time it changed from one to another.

A disadvantage with the iPhone is that you had to be very careful of which way your holding the camera. I had to make sure that I am holding the phone landscape every time because if hold it portrait the clip is going to come out different. So I had to make sure I filmed everything in one layout.

After filming I uploaded all my footage into the iMac with a firewire and uploaded it to Adobe Premiere Pro. I then chose the footage that I wanted to include in my Short Film. I then added it into the timeline and edited it.

I also used Adobe Photoshop ti make a Poster for my Short Film.

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A image of my video during the construction progress.

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Here is the list of clips that I recorded.

TimelineVideo and audio bar



Page 10: Evaluation question 4 - How did you use Media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage

Blogger was used to record my research and planning, filming and editing throughout my process.

For my evaluation I used PowerPoint/Slideshare. All I had to do was type in the answer on PowerPoint and then convert it into Slideshare in order to post it on Blogger. It was not that hard.

I also used Prezi.