evaluation q6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing the product? Thomas Beckensall

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation q6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of

constructing the product?

Thomas Beckensall

Page 2: Evaluation q6

When we were using the camera equipment we were sure that the handheld recording is ok as the cameraman has a steady hand, but the problem was with the sound recorded with the footage. We wanted wind to make the scene more intense but it affected the sound, as we had to come up with a new idea for the storyboard on set we had to cut out most of the audio which I think turned out better as the main character seems more distant which is a good effect for the story.

There were problems we had like the costume the characters would have to wear had limited things which we could change about it but with the filming taking weeks to produce the amount of footage we had no time to think about it that long. We settled for just torn clothes, this made the character look as though he had ‘nothing but the clothes on his back’ this had made the film look authentic to what had happened. The clothes was just one part to the problem as we had to have a way off showing how he stayed alive with food and water, there was a scene we did in an old house when he found dirty water and tinned food but we scrapped the scene as it was too dark to see what was going on. The voice over in the scene wouldn’t have fit in with the non talking parts of the sequence. We were going to put a voice over on the scene when he walks up the street but the time we had on this ran short and we had to leave it out, this would have made the entire film make more sense. I still feel we made good use of the equipment we had though.

I got to use final cut to edit the final product, this was the first time I had used this and I found it easy to use but there is some things that I struggled with like sound and cutting down the video clips to fit together. I had used garageband before which was easy for me to get the sound I wanted, the problem was getting it onto final cut. With the difficulty I had with these sounds I decided not to put a voiceover on.

The effects on final cut are tints to the colour and effects to the way the camera makes things look. I put on a black and white layer but kept it faded to give the dead wasteland feel to the scene. The chase scene jumps back to when the main character is walking up the street, this was to put on a voice over to sum up the story, sadly the editing was not as effective as there is no voice over to listen to on this scene.

With Garageband there were some problems I had as there was no music to fit the right mood at times, my team mate found a sound which fit the ending perfectly. After he left the group I had to get the song all over again, with a long search in my free time I finally found a suitable sound to fit in specific parts. Creating the sound at the end was the easy part as it was two sounds that overlapped each other.