evaluating logistical challenges of offshore module transportation

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The logistical challenges of offshore module transportation are indeed significant, to say the least. Find out how to deal with these challenges – from planning during module design stage all the way to engineering and risk management.


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Page 2: Evaluating logistical challenges of offshore module transportation

Evaluating Logistical

Challenges of Offshore

Module Transportation

Presented By:

Craig Tornga, Vice- President

Crowley Solutions, Inc.

Image goes here – or colorblock

August 23, 2012

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Agenda for Today’s Presentation

• Introduction of Crowley

• Planning at the Module Design Stage

• Heavy Lift Vessels for Modular Transportation

• Planning & Engineering - Heavy Lift Modular Transportation

• Risk Management

• Question & Answer Session

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Company Overview

Family Owned

• Thomas Crowley founded the company in


• He began with a $80 Whitehall 18 foot

rowboat transporting ships crews in San

Francisco Bay, and a dream.

Crowley Profile:

• Over $1.6 billion dollars in annual income.

• 4,300 employees worldwide.

• Worldwide Business capabilities with

primary operations from the Arctic to Latin


• 250 vessel fleet.

• Diversified transportation services

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Crowley Solutions

Crowley Solutions is a project management organization providing marine solutions as a prime contractor for energy and resource extraction industries. We provide a wide array of turnkey solutions to our clients including project management, marine operations, naval architecture and marine salvage. We provide the advantage of a single point of contact that ensures coordination of the entire breadth of Crowley service capabilities.

Our Service Offerings:

• Project Management

• Fuel Management

• Engineering

• Vessel Design and Build

• Emergency Response

• Ocean Towing

• Heavy Lift Barge Transportation

• Project Concept Studies

Our Area of Expertise:

• Arctic Logistics & Operations

• Technical Beach Landings

• Remote Site Operations

• Complex Marine Projects

• High Bollard Pull Offshore Rig/Platform Towing

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Crowley Heavy Lift Transport Projects

• Shell Sakhalin sealift 2004 and 2005

• Exxon Neftigas sealift 2003, 2012

• Chevron Angola sealift 2010

• Prudhoe Bay, Alaska sealifts 1968-2012 Over 1.4mm Tons of Modules transported into the Arctic

• Chevron Rankin B 2012 (Offshore Western Australia)

• Gulf of Mexico – up to 12,000 Ton Modules transported

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Heavy Lift Vessels for Modular Transportation

• Heavy Deck Barges

– Shorter Routes

– Shallow Discharge

– Grounding Required (If barge designed for it)

• Heavy Deck Carriers

– Faster than Tug & Barge

– No Tow Line

• Heavy Lift Ships (Load On – Load Off)

– Smaller Modules that can be Lifted

– Fast Mode

• Semi Submersible Heavy Lift Ship (Roll On Roll Off)

– Highly Stable

– Long Routes

– Fast Mode

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Modular Transport – Tug & Barge

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Modular Transport – Heavy Deck Carrier

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Modular Transport – Heavy Lift Ship (Lift On – Lift Off)

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Semi-Submersible Heavy Lift Ship (Roll On Roll Off)

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Planning at the Design Stage

• Designing module with consideration of static and dynamic loads for the intended vessel

– Matching the module to the structure of vessel

– Taking into account the motions of the vessel and module, given the proposed route

• Vessel selection – classed, sufficient deck space and strength, motion response adequate to not overstress the cargo

• Project management team

• Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail

– Expense for matting / grillage

– Vessel or cargo damage

– Project delays

– Vessel modifications

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Planning & Engineering - Heavy Lift Modular Transportation

Load Planning • Height of dock above water at low and high water

• Water depth

• Tidal conditions – use the tides when you can

• Live load or dead load

• Weight control and center of gravity

• Dock strength

• Vessel deck load capacity

• Vessel structure – frames and bulkheads

• Ramps / transition plates

• Load plans

• Stow Plans

• Ballast Plans

• Mooring plans

• Sea Fastenings / Tie Downs

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Planning & Engineering - Heavy Lift Modular Transportation

Transport Planning • Voyage Plans

– Route

– Met Ocean Data / Studies

• Sea state for season & environmental conditions for route

• Vessel heading and speed

– Vessel Structure Analysis

• Motions Analysis

• Stability of the vessel

– Reactions between the vessel and cargo

– Ports of Shelter

– Bunkering

– Assist tugs

– Depths and air height

– Transit Ballast Plans

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Planning & Engineering - Heavy Lift Modular Transportation

Discharge Planning

• Same dock and water considerations as load site

• Roll off or lift off

• Live or dead discharge

• Grounded Discharge

– Beach landings

– Shallow water

• Offshore Discharge

– Float over deck Installation

– Heavy lift installation vessel lift off

– Float 0ff (For Vessels being Transported by Semi-submersible Vessels

• Ballast Planning

• Weather window for removal of sea-fastenings and cargo

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Planning & Engineering - Heavy Lift Modular Transportation

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Risk Management

• Risk Assessment

– Sea State

– Routing Plans

– Safe Ports of Refuge

– Piracy


– Cargo Handling

– Suitability of Load & Discharge Sites

– Quality & Capabilities Analysis of Vessels

• Risk Mitigation

– Development of Alternative Plans - contingencies

– Engineered Solutions

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Questions and Answers

Be sure the Visit us at the Crowley Solutions Booth

Thank You for Attending!

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