europeaid development education and awareness raising programme of european union markus pirchner...

EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November 2009 ITUC Training Seminar for NMS Trade Union Organizations on External Assistance Instruments of the EU

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Page 1: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European UnionMarkus PirchnerHead of SectorEuropeAid / Unit F1

Bruxelles, 20 November 2009ITUC Training Seminar for NMS Trade Union Organizations on External Assistance Instruments of the EU

Page 2: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAid1. Part: What the EC does:

Programming period 2007-2013:

Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)

geographic programmes

5 thematic programmes (complementary to geographical programmes)

Investing in People Environment Non State Actors and Local Authorities (NSA & LA) Food Security Migration and Asylum

Support to sugar production

Page 3: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


NSA & LA in Development

Budget & specific Objectives

903 m € for 2007-2010218,6 m € in 2009

Obj 1. Development actions aiming at promoting inclusive and empowered society in partner

countries & regions (741 m € = 82%)

Obj 3. Coordination and networking in Europe (18 m € = 2%)

Obj 2. Awareness raising and development education in Europe (126 m € = 14%)

Page 4: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAidObjective 2: DE & AR

Objective: Awareness raising and development education

in the EU and acceding countries for development issues


Public support for MDG agenda, in part. Sub Saharan Africa

Coherence for development in areas of public interest: migration, trade, security, social dimension…

Media and development

Page 5: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAidImplementation of Programme

• Through Call for Proposals(Cf), • last CfP: EuropeAid/127765/C/ACT/Multi, published


• Where to find info: Reference: 127765

• Next CfP March/April 2010

Page 6: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAidImplementation of Programme

• Through Call for Proposals(Cf), • last CfP: EuropeAid/127765/C/ACT/Multi, published


• Where to find info: Reference: 127765

• Next CfP March/April 2010

Page 7: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAidStatistics last CfP

• 2 Stage: Concept Note – Full Proposal

 Call Reference

CN received CN preselected Success rate

Full Aplications received FA selected

Success rate: selected vs received CN


380 190 50,0% 186 76 20,0%

LA 19 15 78,9% 15 11 57,9%

Page 8: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


Two interesting projects as examples:“Jobs Jobs Jobs, Decent work for all, the key to eradicating poverty”

• Partners: Solidar, War on Want, Olaf Palme Centre, Progetto Sviluppo• Budget: 1,4 MEURO, EC contribution 75%, 3 years• Overall Objective: Creation of decent work for women and

men as a key factor to reduce poverty in developing countries.• Activities: • 1. research & materials: case studies (informal economy in

Zambia, Agriculture in South Africa…) • 2. dissemination: website, presswork, electronic newsletter• 3. advocacy: roundtables, international conference

Page 9: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


Page 10: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


Page 11: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


“Enhancing the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) ability to deliver on development goals through awareness raising on its current and potential role in developing countries

• Partners: CEE Bankwatch Netwok, Les Amis de la Terre, Urgewald, ActionAid UK, Mani Tese• Budget: 1,5 MEURO, EC contribution 71%, 3 years• Overall Objective: To ensure a strong and coherent framework

that guides the EIB’s agenda to eradicate poverty, foster sustainable development and achieve the millenium development goals (MDGs).• Activities: • 1. publications and educational materials• 2. studies• 3. meetings, workshops and conferences• 4. dossiers for decision-makers, dialogue• 5. internet, press

Page 12: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November


Page 13: EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November

EuropeAidThank you for your attention!

• Markus PIRCHNER• European Commission – EuropeAid Co-operation Office,

AIDCO/F/1• Unit "Relations with civil society and coordination"• L-41 02/166, B-1049 Brussels

Tel: +32-2-29 87016, Fax: +32-2-29 66044• E-mail: [email protected]•
