europass curriculum ·...

1 Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information Ime i prezime ALEKSANDRA NIKOLIĆ Adresa 62, E. Šehovića, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Telephon ++ 387 33 225 727 Mobilni: ++ 387 61 811 081 Fax ++ 387 33 667 429 E-mail [email protected]; [email protected] Državljanstvo BiH Datum rođenja 5.5.1966 Spol ženski Radno iskustvo/zvanja Datum 2013 nadalje Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Vanredni professor, dr. sci Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Vodeći samostalni istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, mentor na doktorskim, master i bachelor studiju, vođa tima za kvalitet, vodeći trener, vodeći konsultant i projekt manager Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike, akademsko obrazovanje, teritorijalni razvoj Datum 2009 -2013 Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Docent, dr. sci Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Samostalni istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, mentor na, master i bachelor studiju, vođa tima za kvalitet, vodeći trener Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike, akademsko obrazovanje, teritorijalni razvoj Datum 1999 - 2009 Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Viši asistent, M.Sc Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, konsultant, vođa tima za kvalitet, trener Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike Datum 1990 - 1999 Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Asistent Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Mlađi istraživač, asistent, consultant, trener Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

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Page 1: Europass Curriculum · Ekonomika agroindustrije Ime i vrsta organizacije pružatelja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja


Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information


Adresa 62, E. Šehovića, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH

Telephon ++ 387 33 225 727 Mobilni: ++ 387 61 811 081

Fax ++ 387 33 667 429

E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]

Državljanstvo BiH

Datum rođenja 5.5.1966

Spol ženski

Radno iskustvo/zvanja

Datum 2013 nadalje

Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Vanredni professor, dr. sci

Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Vodeći samostalni istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, mentor na doktorskim, master i bachelor studiju, vođa tima za kvalitet, vodeći trener, vodeći konsultant i projekt manager

Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo

Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike, akademsko obrazovanje, teritorijalni razvoj

Datum 2009 -2013

Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Docent, dr. sci

Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Samostalni istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, mentor na, master i bachelor studiju, vođa tima za kvalitet, vodeći trener

Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo

Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike, akademsko obrazovanje, teritorijalni razvoj

Datum 1999 - 2009

Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Viši asistent, M.Sc

Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Istraživač, univerzitetski nastavnik, konsultant, vođa tima za kvalitet, trener

Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo

Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike

Datum 1990 - 1999

Zanimanje ili radno mjesto Asistent

Glavne aktivnosti i odgovornost Mlađi istraživač, asistent, consultant, trener

Naziv i adresa poslodavca Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo

Vrsta djelatnosti ili sektor Istraživanje i razvoj, agrobiznis, međunarodna trgovina, javne politike

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

Page 2: Europass Curriculum · Ekonomika agroindustrije Ime i vrsta organizacije pružatelja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja


Datumi 2008

Naziv dodijeljene kvalifikacije DOKTOR NAUKA

Glavni predmeti / stečene profesionalne vještine

Ekonomika agroindustrije

Ime i vrsta organizacije pružatelja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja

Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni Fakultet, UNSA, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo

Osobne vještine i kompetencije

Materinski jezik(ci) BOSANSKI, SRPSKI, HRVATSKI

Drugi jezik(ci)

Samoprocjena Razumijevanje Govor Pisanje

Europska razina (*) Slušanje Čitanje Govorna interakcija Slušanje Čitanje

Jezik ENGLESKI odlično vrlo dobro vrlo dobro vrlo dobro

Jezik RUSKI odlično dobro dobro dobro

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Društvene vještine i kompetencije Izvrsna sposobnost komuniciranja, prezentiranja, kao i fasilitiranja različitih diskusija (načnih, ekspertskih), izvrsna sposobnost povezivanja i građenja efikasnih internacionalnih mreža i projektnih timova, izvrsna sposobnost učenja i transfera znanja i informacija

Organizacijske vještine i kompetencije

Projektni menadžment (priprema implementacija i evaluacija projekata), osmišljavanje i implementacija istraživanja u oblasti agrobiznisa, ruralnog i teritorijalnog razvoja, međunarodne trgovine i akademske edukacije, priprema i egzekucija raznih događaja (radionice, treninzi za trenere, internacionalne konferencije, simpoziji isl), fasilitiranje radionica i sektorskog dijaloga (uključivanje stakeholder), audit i samoevaluacija, izvrsne komunikacijske i prezentacijske vještine, te vještine pisanja (izlaganja) naučnih radova

Tehničke vještine i kompetencije Generalne intelektualne kompetencije (analiziranje, zaključivanje na osnovu činjenica, izvještavanje isl), kompetencije u području kreiranja i analiziranja javnih politika vezanih za obrazovanje istraživanje, poljoprivredu i teritorijalni razvoj, kompetencije vezane za izgradnju sistema upravljanja kvalitetom u visokom školstvu, provođenje procesa benchmarkinga u visokom obrazovanje, kao i vještine neophodne za pripremu strateških dokumenata, razvojnih planova, te kompetencije vezane za oblast transfera znanja i treninga trenera, Razvoj i pripremu obrazovnog curriculuma, te definisaje ishoda učenja

Računalne vještine i kompetencije Word, Excel, Power Point, statististički paketi, Prezi, Corel

Umjetničke vještine i kompetencije -

Druge vještine i kompetencije -

Vozačka dozvola B

Dodatne informacije Članica BiH HERE TEAM (Higher Education Reform Experts) from 2016 Članica EAAE (European association of agricultural economists) from 2011 EU project evaluator (2005, 2006) Recenzent međunarodne monografije: Znaor et al. (2014): „Unlocking the future – Seeds of Change: Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for WB countries, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Zagreb, Croatia Recenzent na internacionalnim konferencijama/simpozijima: 132 Seminar oft he EAAE: Is Transition in European agriculture relly over?, Skopje, Macedonia, zatim 46, 47, 50, i 51 hrvatski i međunarodni simpozij agronoma, Opatija, Hrvatska, 4TH AGRIMBA-AVA Congress Smart Agribusiness for the Society of Tomorrow, Poreč, Croatia; International Scientific/Expert Conference Of Agriculture And Food Industry, BiH – Turkey.

Dodaci Lista projekata i publikacija

Page 3: Europass Curriculum · Ekonomika agroindustrije Ime i vrsta organizacije pružatelja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja


Page 4: Europass Curriculum · Ekonomika agroindustrije Ime i vrsta organizacije pružatelja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja

Annex 1. Reference list


Date from –to

Location Company Position Description

1990 - present

Sarajevo Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo

Lecturer and senior researcher in area of agribusiness economics

Teaching on two subjects: ”Statistics”, “Management in food industry”, on master level: “International trade”, “Quality systems”, “Policy cycle management”

Research activities in the area of agribusiness sector development, total quality systems, competitiveness of agribusiness, policy analysis (application of PAM methodology and Porter competitiveness index), trade issues

Project proposals development and day to day management 2015/2019 EU COST Action



Networking and presentation of state of art in the area of Mathematical And Computer Science Methods For Food Science And Industry

2016 BiH USAID/Sweden FARMA II Project

Leading expert Policy Gap & Regulatory Priority List Preparation in the area of Agriculture and food industry and international trade

2015 BiH, Macedonia and Serbia

RRPP in Western Balkans Swiss Agency For Development And Cooperation, SDC, Federal Department Of Foreign Affairs.

Leading expert “The Impact Of Socio-Economic Structure Of Rural Population On Success Of Rural Development Policy”

Analysis of rural areas to identify obstacles for rural development policies implementation in BiH, Macedonia and Serbia with emphasis on farmers behaviour, social networks and social capital,

Preparation of regional monography The impact of socio-economic structure of rural population on success of rural development policies, printed in Skopje Macedonia

2014/15 BiH Joint EU/CoE Expert Project “Strategic Development Of Higher Education And Qualifications Standards” – preparation of report “HEI and TEMPUS program”

2014/15 BiH Ministry of Agriculture, Water management and forestry, FBiH government

Leading expert Strategy of development of agricultural sector in FBiH 2015-2019, - I was in charge in creation of methodology for working groups engaged in strategy development

Co-author of the whole document with special emphasis on definition of sector challenges, vision and strategical goals of sector,

Facilitation of public discussion and workshops, discussion with policy makers and sector stakeholders, preparation of SWOT and PEST analysis and preparation of monitoring and evaluation strategy

2012/15 BiH, Serbia, Montenegro



Leading expert Responsible to develop training curriculum and teaching material for EU Agricultural policy

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Annex 1. Reference list


Date from –to

Location Company Position Description

2012/16 BiH BIHTEK

530696 – TEMPUS

– 1 – 2012 – 1- BE

Contact point, main project manager at UNSA

As a contact point I was responsible for project management and administration

I was leader of UNSA/UN Paderborn UNSA internal benchmarking team responsible to develop approach and methodology for international/internal academic benchmarking and to prepare action plan and strategy for sustainability for UNSA

I was responsible to prepare two training sessions for university staff in the field of Benchmarking, theory and practice.

2012/14 Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Hungary,


SCOOP, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Leading lecturer, expert, researcher

Project manager;

Part of international team in charge of “Advancing Training and Teaching on Organic Agriculture in South-East Europe”, B.Sc. And M.A.

Leading university teacher in charge for development of curriculum, teaching materials for modul Organic food marketing;

Teaching in international settings: visiting teacher in Tirana, Albania 2013/14 Albania, BiH;

CRO, Slovenia, Serbia,


The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in South-East Europe (SEE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Member of Advisory Committee

”Streamlining Of Agriculture And Rural Development Policies Of SEE Countries For EU Accession”

Analysis of agricultural policies and its harmonisation with EU CAP

2012 BiH IFC, WB i Anteja ECG, Slovenija

Leading expert “Competitiveness Assessment of three Agribusiness Value-Chains in BiH” – analysis of situation, preparation of recommendation

2012 BiH CRS Održivi povratak

Leading expert Development of curriculum for farmers training, implementation of training and preparation of booklet – Cooperatives as a possibility for quality of life improvement

2012 B&H Canton of Sarajevo

Expert Expert supporting work of team for sustainable development in the scope of Preparation of annual operational plan as a part of BiH Development Strategy and Strategy for social inclusion

2012 B&H, SRB, CRO EU, SWG RRD Leading regional expert

Leading expert facilitating participatory process of regional strategy building for defined region Drina Sava (tree countries) applying concept of ABD in the scope of Preparation for implementation of an area based development approach (ABDa) in the Western Balkans

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Annex 1. Reference list


Date from –to

Location Company Position Description

2012 B&H UNDP –Human Development Report - RR

Local expert Analysis of situation in order to outline current state of rural communities social, human and economic development

Development of recommendations for improvement

2011 B&H EU project implemented by FAO office Budapest

Leading researcher for two sectors – milk and diversification

Preparation of IPARD sector analysis in B&H

Analysis of sectors (diversification and milk), preparation of report, development of case studies and facilitating WG

2011 SEE JRC European research project – Area based development

Leading researcher and coordinator in B&H

Analysis of different B&H regions and assessment of its potential for area based development and cross border cooperation on the basis of tailor made indicators developed by research team

2011 B&H EU project, implemented by WYG International Ltd

Mentor for WG Eu expro 2 - supporting export development and promotion in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Analysis of trade performances of agribusiness sector and facilitation of working group

Preparation of draft B6H agribusiness export strategy

2011 B&H Italian gov. bilateral support RD strategy for Municipality Prijedor

Senior expert for local economic development & rural development

Facilitating local stakeholder meetings in order to analyse local needs and opportunities for development

Development of strategy for rural development

Preparation of rural development plan and detailed RD Program with set of projects

2011 B&H Italian gov. bilateral support RD strategy for ZD Canton

Senior expert for local economic development & rural development

Facilitating local stakeholder meetings in order to analyse local needs and opportunities for development

Development of strategy for rural development

Preparation of rural development plan and detailed RD Program with set of projects

2010/11 B&H IFC: FBH Regulatory Reform Project

local expert in charge to review all key regulationa and procedures and to make it simpler and more user friendly


Sarajevo FBiH Government Leading researcher Current agricultural policy and its impact of the food production in FBIH, policy paper

Creating methodology for public policies assessment 2008/09 Sarajevo CANTON

SARAJEVO Leading researcher Situation and development perspectives of dairy sector in Bih, study

Deep analysis of dairy sector and its market position and competitiveness , analyses

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Annex 1. Reference list


Date from –to

Location Company Position Description

2008/10 Sarajevo Consortium of FP7 EU projects – Contract No. 211760,

Researcher Enlargement network for agri-economic policy analysis of the accession and the candidate states and the western balkan countries,

Specific work: analysis of dairy sector and renewable energy sector in bh

Interview of 10 biggest dairies in bih

2007/08 Sarajevo EU CARDS SEESMARD Description

Local Expert Analysis of sector, and policy impacts, preparation of strategic documents, preparation of rural development policies etc

Any field work with companies and cooperatives and which?

2008 Tuzla TZ Canton Leading Expert Strategy of economic development of tuzla canton – development of agribusiness sector

2007 Sarajevo FBiH Team leader for pedology (soil quality research) group,

Co-author of strategy of environmental protection of fbih,

Specific focus on environmental quality of soil in bih

2005/07 Sarajevo Consortium of FP6 EU projects – CEEC Agri Policy No 513705

Expert Review of agricultural policy, market and trade developments

2006 Sarajevo UCODEP, GAL Etruria in frame of SEENET Program

Expert Co-author of Study on Development of Canton Sarajevo Rural Areas, adopted by the Canton Sarajevo Government, prepared in accordance to the EU methodology

Included field cooperation with stakeholders working groups in each Sa municipality .

2005/06 Sarajevo Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Federation B&H

Expert Assessment of policy and legislation gaps – recommendation for the Strategy of agricultural development in Federation of B&H

2004 Beograd The Peoples consulting group, USA

Expert Rapid assessment of food industry potential development projects

Field work with companies: Soja protein,Bečej Perper, Beograd etc.

2004 Sarajevo EU Commission – GFA – Functional Review of Agricultural sector”

Expert Assessment of agribusiness sector with emphasis on institutions

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Annex 1. Reference list


Date from –to

Location Company Position Description


B&H University of LLeida

Expert and Main trainer for trainers

Development of core human capacities for implementation of different aspects of quality management systems,

2001 - 2005


Project manager & Expert

Project manager, Trainer in quality assurance systems for organic production, Assessment of market development (organic food)

Cooperation with Vegafruit, Agroboss; Faveda, Anđelić etc.

1999 - 2000

B&H EU Commission Agricultural Strategic Programming Unit,

Local Expert Analysis of different agribusiness sector and making recommendation for policy makers (improvement of applied policies and new policy instruments)

2000 B&H UNDP Expert Researcher in charge for part of study concern with rural development

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Annex 1. Reference list

Page 9/14 - Curriculum vitae of NIKOLIĆ, Aleksandra

For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010

Martinovska Stojcheska, Aleksandra, Ana Kotevska, Natalija Bogdanov, Aleksandra Nikolić (2016): How do farmers respond to rural development policy challenges? Evidence from Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Land Use Policy, Volume 59, Pages 71–8

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2016): UNSA International Benchmarking Report, BIHTEK TEMPUS project 530696-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR, UNSA, Sarajevo, BIH

Bošković, Dušanka, Aleksandra Nikolić (2016): UNSA Internal Benchmarking Report, BIHTEK TEMPUS project 530696-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR, UNSA, Sarajevo, BIH

Kotevska, Ana, Natalija Bogdanov, Aleksandra Nikolić, Dragi Dimitrievski, Aleksandra Martinovska Stojcheska, Emelj Tuna, Tatjana Milić, Ana Simonovska, Ruzica Papić, Lenka Petrović, Mirza Uzunović, Emir Bećirović, Branka Andjelković, Dragan Gjoshevski, Nenad Georgiev (2015): The impact of socio-economic structure of rural population on success of rural development policy: Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edited by Ana Kotevska, Aleksandra Martinovska Stojcheska, 08/2015; Association of Agricultural Economists of Republic of Macedonia., ISBN: 978-9989-2358-6-3.

Nikolić, Aleksandra, S. Bajramović, Dragana Ognjenović (2015): Academy, Food Industry & Government Links What Is Going On In Bih?, 26th International Scientific/Expert Conference Of Agriculture And Food Industry, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2015): How to build up research capacity through international cooperation – case study: Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, UNSA, 25 Years of Transformation Process in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern

European Countries, MOEL-Symposium, UNI Hohenheim, Germany

Kotevska, Ana, Natalija Bogdanov, Aleksandra Nikolić, Ružica Papić (2015): The Impact Of Socio-Economic Structure Of Rural Population On Success Of Rural Development Policy, Conference: Social, Political & Economic Change In The Western Balkans, Ohrid, Macedonia

Tuna, Emelj, A. Simonovska, N. Georgiev, A. Nikolić, N. Bogdanov (2015): Lack of social capital as the main obstacle for efficient use of rural development programs in West Balkan, JOINT CONFERENCE “Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education” AIAEE 31 and ESEE 22, Wageningen University, the Netherlands and

Martinovska Stojcheska, Aleksandra, Ana Kotevska, Natalija Bogdanov, Aleksandra Nikolić (2015): Application Of Rural Development Policy In See Countries: Behavioral Economics Approach, 25th NJF Congress Nordic View to Sustainable Rural Development, Riga, Latvia, (

Nikolić, Aleksandra, M. Uzunović, E. Bećirević (2015): Farmers social embeddedness and rural development: Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented at the 4TH AGRIMBA-AVA Congress Smart Agribusiness for the Society of Tomorrow, Poreč, Croatia

Nikolić, Aleksandra, S. Bajramović, Dragana Ognjenović (2015): ACADEMY, FOOD INDUSTRY & GOVERNMENT LINKS: What is going on in BiH?, presented at 26th International Scientific/Expert Conference Of Agriculture And Food Industry, Sarajevo, BiH

Bajramović, S, Aleksandra Nikolić, J. Butković (2014): Agricultural Policy and European Integration in South-eastern Europe, chp. B.II Agriculture an agricultural policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, edited by Tina Volk, E. Erjavec, K. Mortensen, FAO, Budapest, Hungary, (ISBN 978-92-5-108612-4).

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Uzunović, M., Spaho, Nermina (2014): Lifestyle pattern underlying organic and traditional food consumption, British Food Journal, Volume 116, Issue 11, pp. 1748-1766.

Nikolić, Aleksandra, M. Uzunović, A. Mujčinović, (2014): Strengthening the levels of food companies' market orientation - the road towards strengthening the competitiveness of agribusiness in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Bajramović, S., Nikolić, A (2014).: Institutional and Strategic Dilemmas of Agricultural Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14th EAAE Congress ”Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies”, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Annex 1. Reference list

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For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Uzunović, M., Skorupan Makaš, Merima, Salputra, Guna (2014): Building database for Bosnia and Herzegovina AGMEMOD model: Challenges and solutions for application of Common Methodology, presented at 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Izmir, Turkey, 2014

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Uzunović, M. (2014) : Understanding motives behind organic food consumption in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented at 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Izmir, Turkey

Uzunović, M., Aleksandra Nikolić, S. Bajramović, Vesna Delibašić, Kulelija, B. (2014): Bosnian and Herzegovinian dairy sector position at Croatian and Serbian markets, presented at 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Izmir, Turkey

Nikolić, Aleksandra, M. Uzunović, A. Mujčinović (2014): Underlying factors shaping level of market orientation of food companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented at 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Izmir, Turkey, 2014

Nikolić, Aleksandra, K. Uçar, M. Uzunović (2014): The Comparison Of The Structure Of Dairy Value Chains In Bosnia And Herzegovina And Turkey – What Can We Learn? 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference On Agriculture And Food Industry, 25th — 28th September, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nikolić, Aleksandra, A. Mujčinović, Arnela Memić (2014): International food standards – IFS, 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference On Agriculture And Food Industry, 25th — 28th September, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2013): Quality Management Along Value Chain Of Organic Agriculture In Bosnia And Herzegovina, Autum Academy Food Chain Quality And Safety, UNI Hohenheim, DAAD funded project "Sustainable and Efficient Agriculture in Central, SouthEastern and Eastern Europe“ (MOEL), Germany

Bogdanov, Natalija, Aleksandra Nikolić (2013): ABD Strategy for Drina-Sava Region, IPA Multibeneficery annual program, No 2011/271-25, SWG RRD, available at:

Bajramović, S., Fetahagić, M., Goss, S., Joldić, J., Kovač, Z., Dulić-Marković, I., Memić, F., Nacev, A., Nikolić, A., Rokvić, G., Živkov, G. (2013): Izvještaj o humanom razvoju za Bosnu i Hercegovinu za 2013.: Ruralni razvoj u Bosni i Hercegvoini: Mit i stvarnost, UNDP Bosna i Hercegovina, Sarajevo.

Bogdanov, Natalija, Aleksandra Nikolić (2013): Area Based Development Approach – evidence from border rural region Drina-Sava, Book of proceedings, The seminar: Agriculture and rural development (ed. N. Bogdanov & S. Stevanović), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Zemun, Srbija pp.101-112

Makaš, M, A. Nikolić, D. Ognjenović, E. Bećirović, V. Selak (2013): Agricultural cooperatives capability to ensure faster revival of Agriculture in BiH, THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume II, pp. 665-668

Krilić, Alejna, Aleksandra Nikolić, V. Selak, S. Bajramović, V. Falan, D. Đorđević (2013): The factors that influences consumers' preferences of natural bottled water int he region oof BiH, THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume II, pp. 659-663

Bećirović, E., Aleksandra Nikolić, S. Bajramović, Dragana Ognjenović, Alejna Krilić, Merima Makaš (2013): Cooperatives – holders of BIH agriculture's future development THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume II, pp. 633-638

Nikolić, Aleksandra, A. Mujčinović (2013): Internal quality system in the food industry BiH – case Coca Cola and Milkos, THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume I, pp. 295-300

Nikolić, Aleksandra, E. Hadžihasić (2013): Market segmentation based on consumer perception of Livno cheese, THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume I, pp. 291-294

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Andrea Ćurea (2013): Certified food company experience – positive and negative effects in quality system adoption, THE JOURNAL OF EGE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, Special Issue, Volume I, pp. 285-290

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Vanzetti, D., Aleksandra Nikolić (2013): Shared Harvests: Agriculture, Trade, And Employment chp. Potential Impacts of WTO and EU Accession on the Agricultural Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, edited by Cheong, D., M. Jansen, R. Peters , International Labour Organization and United Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland

Ognjenović, Dragana, S. Bajramović, Aleksandra Nikolić (2012): Economic performances of dairy industry in BiH, 132 Seminar oft he EAAE: Is Transition in European agriculture relly over?, Skopje, Macedonia

Spaho, Nermina, A. Alihodžić, Sanja Oručević, Aleksandra Nikolić, Asima Begić-Akagić, M. Smajić (2012): OlFactory evaluations of intensity realised aroma compounds from different food matrix, A Sense of Inspiration, 5th European Conference on Sensory research and Consumer Research, Bern, Switzerland

Peštek, A., Aleksandra Nikolić (2011): „Role of traditional food in tourist destination image building: example of the city of Mostar“, UTSM Journal of Economics, Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 89-100, University of Tourism and Management Skopje, FYRM

Nikolic Aleksandra, Nermina Spaho, Tea Samardžić (2011): Influence of wine extrinsic quality dimension on consumers’ perception in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented at Seventh Symposium, In Vino Analytica Scientia, Gratz, Austria.

Nikolić, Aleksandra, D. Vanzetti (2011): „Potential Impacts of WTO Accession on the Agribusiness Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina” presented at EAAE 2011 Congress “Change and Uncertainty”, Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Tea Samardžić, Nermina Spaho (2011) “Market segmentation based on consumers perception of bh. vine quality”, Proceedings of 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, Opatija, Croatia

Nikolić, Aleksandra, S. Bajramović, Dragana Ognjenović, D. Lalić, M. Uzunović (2011): SEE trade liberalization – new opportunity for B&H agrobusiness?, British Food Journal, vol 113 issue 1.

Bajramović, S., Butković, J., Ognjenović Dragana, Nikolić Aleksandra (2010): The budgetary support to agricultural producers in B&H and achieved level of adjustment with EU common agricultural policy, XXIst Scientific-professional Conference of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Neum, BiH

Lalić, D., Nikolić, Aleksandra, Uzunović, M., Samardžić, Tea (2010): Effects of signed EFTA contract to development of bh agriculture and food sector, XXIst Scientific-proffessional Conference of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Neum, BiH

Erjavec, E., Aleksandra Nikolić, Guna Salputra, F. Chantreuil (2010) : Extending AGMEMOD MODEL towards Bosnia and Herzegovina: opportunities for agricultural sector analysis, XXIst Scientific-professional Conference of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Neum, BiH

Bajramović, S., Aleksandra Nikolić, E. Bećirović, Dragana Ognjenović, J. Butković, Merima Makaš (2010): Foreign Trade Of Bosnia And Herzegovina In Agricultural And Food Products – Situation, Trends And Perspectives, XXIst Scientific-proffessional Conference of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Neum, BiH

Ognjenović, Dragana, Aleksandra Nikolić, S. Bajramović, V. Falan, E. Bećirović (2010): Assesment Of The Business' Financial Safety Of The Milk-Processing Sector In Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, XXIst Scientific-proffessional Conference of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Neum, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra, H. Bogućanin, V. Selak, S. Bajramović, V. Falan, Dragana Ognjenović, Alejna Krilić, Merima Makaš, M. Uzunović, D. Lalić (2010): Public policies impact to the agriculture competitiveness in Bosnia and Herzegovina Works oft he Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, LV, No 60/1, Sarajevo, BiH

Bajramović, S., Dragana Ognjenović, Aleksandra Nikolić, E. Bećirović (2010): European Union rural development indicators and their availability in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Works oft he Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, LV, No 60/1, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, A., Bajramović, S 1 ., Ognjenović, D., Uzunović, M., Lalić, D. (2010): Implications of current business environment for farm development and management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu 5. konferenca DAES, Pivola, Slovenia

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Bajramović S., Dragana Ognjenović, Aleksandra Nikolić, V. Selak, H. Bogućanin (2010): The Assessment Of Development Level Of Agro-Food Sector In Bosnia And Herzegovina With Respect To Its European Integration, Intercatedra Conference „Agriculture in the process of adjustment to the common agriculture policy, Skopje, Macedonija

Nikolić Aleksandra, S. Bajramović, V. Selak, H. Bogućanin, Dragana Ognjanović, M. Uzunović, D. Lalić (2010): Competitive Performances Of The Agribusiness In BiH, Intercatedra Conference „Agriculture in the process of adjustment to the common agriculture policy, Skopje, Macedonija

ČAVALJUGA, Samra, Aleksandra Nikolić (2009) Self-evaluation/self-assessment as a part of Quality culture in Higher education – an example of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. Technics Technologies Education Management-TTEM; Vol.4 (1); 3-14,

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Dragana Ognjenović (2009): Assessment of the competition and competitiveness of the dairy food chain in 2008, EUFP7, AgriPolicy Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis, Report for EU Commision

Bajramović, S., Aleksandra Nikolić, Dragana Ognjenović (2008): "Situation and development perspectives of the dairy sector in BH", The VI symposium of agriculture, veterinary, forestry and biotechnology, Goražde, BiH,

Nikolić, Aleksandra: Competitive capability of dairy industry in B&H (2008), Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Agriculture and food Sciences, Sarajevo, B&H

Bajramović, S., Dragana Ognjenović, Aleksandra Nikolić (2008): Challenges faced by the Agro-Food Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina as regards its integration in EU Agriculture in Western Balkans and EU Integration, DAES, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Bottcher, G. Flleischer, Nadia Weidner (2008): Public Policy management, TEMPUS IBJEP19027-2004,Faculty of Agriculture and food sciences, Skopje, Macedonia,

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Esma Velagić Habul (2008):A model to select suitable policy options “best practice” – example of “best practice” selection for organic sector regulatory framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress “Cultivate the Future”, Modena, Italy

Nikolić, Aleksandra, A. Domazet, Esma Velagić Habu (2007): «Competitiveness Of Organic Sector In Bosnia And Herzegovina», I International congredd Food technology, quality and safety, FINS, Novi Sad, Serbia

Domazet, A., Aleksandra Nikolić, V. Trivun, Esma Velagić Habul, E. Kurtović, K. Aganović (2007): Organic Food Production – Generator Of Rural Development In Bosnia And Herzegovina, EIS, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2007): Policy Impacts On Agribusiness Performance Case Study B&H Milk Industry, EPPU,

Nikolić, Aleksandra(2007): Regulatorna struktura sektora organske poljoprivrede u BiH Fond Otvoreno društvo BiH, Sarajevo, BiH

David Vanzetti, Aleksandra Nikolić (2007): Potential Impacts of WTO Accession on the Agricultural Sector in Bosnia Herzegovina, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Dragana Ognjenović (2006): Structure And Competitiveness Of The Milk And Dairy Supply Chain In Bosnia And Herzegovina, FP 6 - CEEC Agri Policy Report for EU Commision,

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2006): Sugar market report for B&H, FP 6 - CEEC Agri Policy Report for EU Commision,

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Enida Stroil, Jasmina Bešlagić (2006): Characteristics of BH organic market and its reflection to organic wild plants' products marketing, First IFOAM Conference on Wild Production, Teslić, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Enida Stroil, Jasmina Bešlagić, A. Fakić, N. Ibraković, N. Delić, N. Hadžiomerović, Behisa Ajanović, Aida Šuša, Amela Karadža, Samra Selimović, Amela Kajević (2005): „Level of negotiation power and sophistications of buyers – important factor of milk industry economical viability in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, XVIII Naučno-stručni skup poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije, Neum, BiH

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Nikolić, Aleksandra, Enida Mujkanović, Darinka Slavnić, Snježana Cvjetković, Lejla Grebo, Elvira Omerović, Alma Jež, Lejla Pašalić (2005): Kyoto protocol – possibilities or limitation of future agribusiness development, XVIII Naučno-stručni skup poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije, Neum, BiH.

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2005): Sugar market report for B&H, CEEC Agri Policy Report for EU Commision,

Velagić Habul, Esma, Aleksandra Nikolić, Asima Begić Akagić (2005): “New Food Forms At The Market – Novel food and Organically produced foods”, Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2004): Production of organic food for foreign or domestic markets?, I simpozij poljoprivrede veterinarstva i šumarstva «Strategija razvoja domaće proizvodnje», Radovi Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Vol. XLII, No. 54/04, Sarajevo,BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra, E. Velagić Habul (2004): «Quality of Academic education in BiH – stakeholder analysis», Radovi Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Vol. XLII, No. 54/04, Sarajevo, BiH

Selak, V., H. Bogućanin, S. Bajramović, Aleksandra Nikolić, D. Ljubić, Dragana Sarić, Sadžida Kasapović, V. Falan, (2004): Neki okviri prilagodbe bosansko-hercegovačke poljoprivrede europskim integracijama. Radovi Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Vol. XLII, No. 54/04, Sarajevo, BiH

Selak, V., H. Bogućanin, S. Bajramović, Aleksandra Nikolić, D. Ljubić, Dragana Sarić, Sadžida Kasapović, V. Falan, M. Ivanković (2004): Kreditiranje kao činitelj razvitka poljoprivrede u Federaciji BiH. Radovi Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Vol. XLII, No. 54/04, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra, E. Velagić Habul (2004): „Razvoj tržišnoorijentiranog curriculuma primjer korištenja DACUM matrice“ II Simpozijum poljoprivrede, veterine i šumarstva, Bihać

Nikolić, Aleksandra, S. Bajramović, Dragana Sarić, V. Selak, H. Bogućanin, V. Falan (2003): «PAM (policy analysis matrix) – efficient tool for evaluation of agribusiness competitivness», Naučni skup sa medjunarodnim učešćem: «Kompatibilnost agrarne politike srbije i crne gore i zajedničke agrarne politike evropske unije», Poljoprivredni Fakultet Zemun, SiCG

Velagić Habul, Esma, Nikolić A., Stahli R., Herren D., Manolov I., Jančeva H. (2003):«Rečnik na nakoji termini svjazano s evropejskaja reforma b višeto obrazovanie», Agraren Unoiverzitet Plovdiv, Bulgaria,

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2002): Agriculture and sustainable tourism, Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, B&H,

Selak, V., H. Bogućanin, S. Bajramović, Aleksandra Nikolić, Dragana Sarić, Sadžida Kasapović, V. Falan. (2002): Common food market among Southeast European Countries - needs, possibilities perspectives, Conference “Collaboration among Balkan countries in development of agriculture and food products”, Skopje, FYRM

Nikolić, Alleksandra, S. Bajramović, dragana Sarić, V. Selak, H. Bogućanin, V. Falan (2002): Organic agriculture as driving force of sustainable rural development in B&H, Conference “Food production – factor of regional integration of Balkan, Beograd, SiCG.

Nikolić, Aleksandra, Velagić-Habul, E. (2002): Managing The Eco-Labels Confusion at Emerging Organic Food Market in Bosnia And Herzegovina, Conference on eco-labels and greening of the food market, Boston, Massachusetts, USA,

Velagić Habul Esma, Aleksandra Nikolić, Francheska Aprillis (2002): Kako proizvoditi hranu na organski način, BETA, Sarajevo, BiH

Velagić Habul, Esma, Aleksandra Nikolić, R. Stahli, D. Herren (2002): Glossary of some terms in European reform of higher education Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BiH

Beilock, R., Aleksandra Nikolić (2002): Concessions for early development of international tourism, The Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pg.852-856

Aleksandra Nikolić, (2002): Vodič za ocjenu kvaliteta informacija o poslovnom okruženju – Perspektive tržišta organskih proizvoda u BiH, Beta, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): “How to develop successful project management”, Workshop “Final result of TEMPUS project Reorientation of academic education in agriculture in B&H", Sarajevo, B&H

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Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): “Development of trust in organic as a main precondition for organic production and marketing”, Salesman-Buyer Meeting, Laktaši, B&H GTZ, SIDA and SIPPO, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): “ Identification of B&H agribusiness comparative advantage by application of PAM methodology”, Conference “Modern research in agriculture and forestry – possibilities of application in B&H”, ETH Zurich, Faculty of Agriculture, Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry, Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, B&H

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): “Sustainable rural development – one vision”, Seminar Sustainable rural development in B&H”, AVALON &BETA, Sarajevo, B&H

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001):“Organic agriculture in world and in B&H”, AVALON & BETA, Tuzla, B&H

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001):“Certification as a basis for development of trust in organic food”, AVALON & BETA, Tuzla, B&H

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): “Inspection in the scope of organic agricultural production”, Certification as a basis for development of trust in organic food II”, AVALON & BETA, Sarajevo, B&H

Nikolić, Aleksandra (2001): Introduction of quality insurance system for the organic agricultural production, Seminar “Some basis of organic agriculture”, AVALON & BETA, Sanski Most, BiH

Pajić, Z., Dančević-Gojković, M., Kunošić-Vlajić, M., Jaganjac A., Agić, N., Nikolić, A., Djurić, G., Šunje, A., Bogdan, A., Šeremet, N. (2001): ”The transition to development – challenges and priorities for UN development assistance to B&H, United Nations, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra, S. Bajramovic, Dragana Saric(2000): “Bosnia and Herzegovina agribusiness in transition – present trends Case study: Dairy sector” 1st International Conference on Recent Economic Developments and Problems in the Transition Economies, Thessaloniki, Greece May

Nikolić, Aleksandra (1999),: “Šljivovica – product with high export potential, Works of the Faculty of agriculture University of Sarajevo 48, Sarajevo, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (1999): "Development of methods of job description and assessment of job complexity at the work place within the agribusiness" - Works of the Faculty of agriculture University of Sarajevo 48, Sarajevo

Velagic Habul Esma, Nikolic A., Vukašinovic S., Kosovic N. (1998), "Standards in organic agriculture", Conference Possibilities of healthy food production, Bugojno, B&H,

Velagic Habul Esma, Nikolic A (1998): " Organic agriculture as a world movement", Food and Health, Bugojno, BiH

Nikolić, Aleksandra (1998),: "Life Cycle Analysis as a Managerial Tool for Improvement of Efficiency within the B&H Food Processing Industry", 3 International Conference of biotechnologist and food technologist, Zagreb, Croatia,

Bajramovic S., Dragana Saric, Aleksandra Nikolic, M. Kurtovic (1997): "Mountain Individual Farming as a Factor of After-war Reconstruction of Agriculture of Bosnia and Herzegovina", Works of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, Vol. XLII, No. 46.

Bajramovic S., Dragana Saric, Aleksandra Nikolic, M. Kurtovic (1997):"The Models of Mountain Individual Farms Adapted to market Conditions", Works of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, Vol. XLII, No. 46

Velagić Habul, Esma, Aleksandra Nikolić, Asima Begić Akagić (2005): “New Food Forms At The Market – Novel food and Organically produced foods”, Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo, BiH

Student text book

Martin Belloso, Olga, M. Sorak, Aleksandra Nikolić, Slavica Grujić (2003) «Total quality management a step ahead for food industry in B&H», Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerziteta u Bnja Luka, Banja Luka, B&H