eu trade policy

EU TRADE POLICY Do interest groups hamper the EU’s reputation as a champion of trade liberalisation? Adelina Valeva Katalin Jakucs

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Do interest groups hamper the EU’s reputation as a champion of trade


Adelina Valeva Katalin Jakucs

Page 2: EU trade policy


The EU in world trade

EU trade policy - institutional structure

Lobbying the EU trade policy

The Commission – pan-European solutions

National governments and the Council of Ministers –

protectionist lobbying

Lobbying the European Parliament?

Are NGOs influential?

Concluding remarks

EU Trade Policy

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The EU in world trade

EU Trade Policy

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The European Commission

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The Council of Ministers

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The European Parliament

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Lobbying EU Trade policy

• Business representation is relatively recent• High degree of institutional complexity • The Commission works intensively to solicit

business input in order to gain bargaining leverage vis-à-vis third countries and EU MS.

• ‘Two channel logic of trade policy lobbying: Corporate actors to be successful if

propose pan-European trade policy solutions to the Commission in liberalizing trade.

Protectionist goes through the national route

NGOs fairly limited in influencing policy outcomes but present; willing to make the trade policy process more transparent.

EU Trade Policy

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Lobbying the European Commission

• The Commission is happy to hear the views of

business – new EU-level business representation

encouraged by the Commission

• Two objectives: technical expertise and finding

pan-European solutions to prevent disputes with


• Works closely with industry representatives in

financial services and telecommunication

services; DG Trade and DG Industry – stable

relations with groups

• Firms – immediate advantage or long-term goals

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National governments and the Council of Ministers – protectionist lobbying

• Protectionist lobbying goes through the national channel

• By aiming to affect the consensus in the Council

• Politicians have incentives to satisfy the demands of interest


• National interest groups push their government to block a trade

agreement in the Council

• Nationalist lobby only successful when backed by the government

• For example: Agriculture vs. Textile sector (Woll, 2006)

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The role of the European Parliament after Lisbon

• “effective interest representation in the Parliament […] requires wider coalitions, better networking, non-technical approaches, combined with an acute sense for regional or even local political priorities”.

(Lehmann, 2009)

• the enhanced powers of the EP in the post-Lisbon era have opened it up as a new point of access for trade policy lobbyists

•lobbying the EP is challenging due to its political fragmentation and multiple access points

•lobbysts have to be very fined-tuned to the local and regional priorities of individual MEPs

•it seems that business groups will continue to focus most of their lobbying efforts on the Council

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Are NGOs influential?

• NGOs find it difficult to threaten or enhance political actors’ chances of re-election or re-appointment

• NGOs are unlikely to have the option to threaten withdrawal of investment or employment

• NGO representatives are rarely in a position to provide precise and detailed policy information

• They defend extreme positions that are difficult to achieve

• NGOs’ influence on trade policy outcome is unsignificant


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Do interest groups hamper the EU’s reputation as a champion of trade liberalisation?

• interest groups are present and work closely with the Commission in order to propose pan-European trade liberalization solutions

• interest groups interact with national governments when trying to push for protectionist measures

• however, protectionist lobby is only successful when backed by the government

• societal groups do not exercise influence over policy outcomes

• when the Commission opts for pan-European regulation instead of pan-European liberalization it is not a result of successful trade policy lobbying

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References• De Bièvre, Dirk/Dür, Andreas 2005. Constituency Interests and Delegation in

European and American Trade Policy, in: Comparative Political Studies 38: 10, 1271-1296.

• De Bièvre, D. and Dür, A. 2007. 'Inclusion without Influence? Civil Society Involvement in European Trade Policy', Journal of Public Policy.

• Dür, Andreas 2008a. Bringing Economic Interests Back Into the Study of EU Trade Policy-Making, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10: 1,27-45.

• Meunier, S. 2005. Trading Voices: The European Union in International Commercial Negotiations. first ed. Oxfordshire: Princeton University Press.

• Mugge, D. 2004. Financial Liberalization and the European Integration of Financial Market Governance, 03/4 December. Koln.

• Nugent, Neill 2006. The Government and Politics of the European Union, Houndmills.

• Woll, C. 2006. Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union: Who Captures Whom? Max Planck Institute for the study of societies, 06/7 October.

• Zimmermann, H. 2006. Wege zur Drachenzähmung. Die EU und die USA in den Verhandlungen um die Aufnahme Chinas in die WTO, 1985–2001, BadenBaden.

EU Trade Policy