ethics vs ads

Group Members: Preeti Gusain Shweta Singh Pradip Gupta Sujit Kumar  Vinay Tiwari

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Group Members:Preeti GusainShweta Singh

Pradip GuptaSujit Kumar

 Vinay Tiwari

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EthicsThe rules of conduct recognized in respect

to a particular class of human actions or a

 particular group, culture, etc.

That branch of dealing with values relating

to human conduct with respect to the

rightness and wrongness of certain actionsand to the goodness and badness of the

motives and ends of such actions.

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The American Marketing Association

has adopted the following as adefinition of advertising. "Any paidform of non-personal presentation andpromotion of ideas, goods or services

by an identified sponsor."

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Ethics in Adsy They sell us dreams, entice us into confusing

dreams with reality.

y They pander to our desires for things that are bad

for us.y They manipulate us into wanting things we don't

really need.

by Geoffrey Klempner[This is taken from the article commissioned in 2004 by the Cardiff Centre forEthics, Law and Society . It is anthologized in Advertising Ethics: IndianPerspectives Le Magnus University Press 2005 and also in Ethics, Law and SocietyVolume 2, Jennifer Gunning and Soren Holm Eds., Ashgate 2006.]

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The most controversial Ad in India

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Surrogate AdvertisingSurrogate advertising isadvertising which embeds a

brand or product messageinside an advertisement which is ostensibly used foranother brand or product.

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Why surrogate advertising?y There are a number of reasons for companies to use

surrogate advertising. One of the most common reasons isto circumvent a ban on direct advertisements of particular

products. Many nations have laws restricting alcohol andtobacco advertising, for example, so companies usesurrogate advertising to market their products.

y Techniques used might include advertising anotherproduct with the same brand name, sponsoringcommunity events, issuing public service announcements,

or sponsoring sports teams. All of these activitiestechnically do not violate the ban on direct advertising, butthey still get consumers familiar with the company'sbranding.

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MarlboroManThe Marlboro Man is a figure used in tobacco advertisingcampaign for Marlboro cigarettes. In the United States, where the campaignoriginated, it was used from 1954 to 1999. The Marlboro Man was first conceivedby Leo Burnett in 1954. The image involves a rugged cowboy or cowboys, innature with only a cigarette. The advertisements were originally conceived as a way to popularize filtered cigarettes, which at the time were consideredfeminine.

The Marlboro advertising campaign, created by Leo Burnett Worldwide, is saidto be one of the most brilliant advertisement campaigns of all time. It

transformed a feminine campaign, with the slogan "Mild as May", into one that was masculine, in a matter of months. Although there were many MarlboroMen, the cowboy proved to be the most popular. This led to the "MarlboroCowboy" and "Marlboro Country" campaigns.