ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service

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  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    Infuence Peddling


    SPOUSES MANUEL C.RAFOLS, JR. and LOLITAB. RAFOLS, Complainants,-versus-

    ATTY. RICARDO . BARRIOS,JR., Respondent.

    A.C. N!. "#$%Promulgated:March 15, 2010


    D E C I S I O N


    The primary o!ecti"e o#administrati"e cases against la$yers is notonly to punish and discipline the erringindi"idual la$yers ut also to sa#eguard theadministration o# !ustice y protecting thecourts and the pulic #rom the misconducto# la$yers, and to remo"e #rom the legalpro#ession persons $hose utter disregard o#their la$yers oath has pro"en them un%t tocontinue discharging the trust reposed inthem as memers o# the ar& ' la$yer maye disarred or suspended #or misconduct,$hether in his pro#essional or pri"atecapacity, $hich sho$s him to e $anting inmoral character, honesty, proity and gooddemeanor or un$orthy to continue as ano(cer o# the court&

    Rivera v. Corral, '&C& )o& *5+, uly +, 2002, *+

    .CR' 1&

    /y its /oard Resolution )o& 1 dated March , 1,

    the .outh Cotaato-.arangani-eneral .antos City

    3.4C.'R)6 Chapter o# the 7ntegrated /ar o# the Philippines

    37/P6 resol"ed to re#er to the 7/P /oard o# o"ernors in Manila,

    #or appropriate action and in"estigation, the purported

    anomaly in"ol"ing udge Teodoro 8i9on r& and 'tty& Ricardo &

    /arrios, r&1;Thus, on March 2+, 1,

    'tty& oe o# Court

    and /ar Con%dant, re#erred #or appropriate action a copy o#

    the letter and a(da"its to then Court 'dministrator 'l#redo

    =& /enipayo&

    7n turn, then .enior 8eputy Court 'dministrator

    Reynaldo =& .uare9 %led $ith the Court an 'dministrati"e

    Matter #or 'genda, recommending in relation to 'tty& /arrios,

    r&, as #ollo$s:

    xxx5& The 4(ce o# the /ar

    Con%dant e DR)7.@8 $ith a copy o# theletter-note and its attachments so that itmay conduct its o$n in"estigation in thematter $ith respect to the actuations o#'tty& Ricardo /arrios, r&;


    7n the resolution dated 4ctoer 21, 1, the Court

    appro"ed the recommendations,;and directed the 4(ce o#

    the /ar Con%dant to in"estigate the actuations o# the

    respondent, and to render its report and recommendation


    P)!ceeding( !* '+e OBC

    4nly the respondent appeared during the hearing e#ore the

    4/C& 8enying the charges against him, he sought the

    dismissal o# the complaint and re-a(rmed the contents o# his

    comment& 8espite notice, the complainants did not appear

    e#ore the 4/C& @o$e"er, the complainants and the

    respondent had testi%ed during the administrati"e hearing

    in"ol"ing udge 8i9on, r& e#ore Court o# 'ppeals 'ssociate

    ustice ose .aio r& as the 7n"estigating ustice& 'lso

    testi#ying thereat $ere the complainants $itnesses, namely:

    'llan Ra#ols, 8aisy Ra#ols and =arry .e"illa&
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    A. Eidenc

    e *!) '+e


    The complainants $ere the plainti

    #or 8itas Ra#ols, 'llans $i#e, $ho o accounts, and $ent ac> to the hotel $ith the cash&

    There, they sa$ the !udge and his dri"er, $ho ec>oned to

    them to go to$ards the !udges )issan pic>-up then par>ed

    along the high$ay in #ront o# the hotel& Manuel alighted #rom

    his car and approached the !udge& Manuel personally handed

    the money to the !udge, $ho told Manuel a#ter as>ing aout

    the amount that it $as not enough& Therea#ter, Manuel

    entered the hotels co-

    up until some$here inside the 8oa .oledad

    state, spina, eneral .antos City& There, the !udge alighted

    and approached the complainants and shoo> their hands& 't

    that point, Manuel handed P*0,000&00 to the !udge& The !udge

    then told Manuel that the RTC !udge in 7loilo City e#ore $hom

    the perpetuation o# the testimony o# .oledad le"encionado-

    Pro"ido $as made should still testi#y as a $itness during the

    trial in his salain order #or the complainants to $in& The !udge

    persuaded the complainants to gi"e money also to that !udgeA

    other$ise, they should not lame him #or the outcome o# the


    The complainants $ere #orced to gi"e money to the

    !udge, ecause they #eared that the !udge $ould e iased

    against them unless they ga"e in to his demands& /ut $hen

    they ultimately sensed that they $ere eing #ooled aout their

    case, they consulted =arry .e"illa, their mediamen #riend, and

    narrated to .e"illa all the #acts and circumstances surrounding

    the case& They agreed that the details should e released to

    the media& The expos$as pulished in the$e%s#a&er, a

    local ne$spaper&

    Therea#ter, the respondent and udge 8i9on, r& made

    se"eral attempts to appease the complainants y sending

    gi#ts and o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    'ccording to the complainants, the respondent

    demanded P25,000&00 as his expenses in securing the

    testimony o# .oledad le"encionado-Pro"ido in 7loilo City to e

    used as e"idence in their ci"il case& 7n addition, the

    respondent reEuested the complainants to

    orro$ P?0,000&00 #rom the an> ecause he $anted to

    redeem his #oreclosed 7su9u l#, and ecause he needed to

    gi"e P11,000&00 to his nephe$ $ho $as due to lea"e #or $or>


    B. Eidence *!)

    '+e Re(!nden'

    7n his "eri%ed comment dated March 22, 200?,10;the

    respondent con%rmed that the complainants engaged him as

    their counsel in Ci"il Case )o& ?20& @is "ersion #ollo$s&

    4n 8ecemer 22, 1, the respondent introduced

    Manuel to udge 8i9on, r& inside the ast Royal @otels coed $hat the money $as #or, Manuel replied

    that it $as in appreciation o# the #ormers introducing the latter

    to the !udge& The respondent stated that Manuel did notmention $hat transpired et$een the latter and the !udgeA

    and that the !udge did not tell him 3respondent6 $hat

    transpired in that con"ersation&

    T$o days later, the respondent again "isited the

    complainants at their house in eneral .antos City on oard

    the !udges )issan pic>-up dri"en y the !udges dri"er, in order

    to recei"e the P0,000&00 #rom the complainants& The amount

    $as eing orro$ed y the !udge #or his s$imming pool& =ater

    on, the !udge told the respondent to >eep P*0,000&00 as a

    to>en o# their #riendship& '#ter Manuel handed theP0,000&00,

    the respondent and the !udges dri"er headed

    to$ards 8a"ao City, $here, according to the !udges

    instruction, they redeemed the !udges $rist$atch

    #or P15,000&00 #rom a pa$nshop& The dri"er rought the

    remaining amount o# P*5,000&00 to the !udge in his home&

    4n anuary 2, 1, udge 8i9on, r& "isited the

    respondent at the latters house to as> him to execute an

    a(da"it& 8eclining the reEuest at %rst, the respondent

    relented only ecause the !udge ecame physically $ea> in

    his presence and $as on the "erge o# collapsing& )onetheless,

    the respondent re#used to notari9e the document&

    7n that a(da"it dated anuary 2, 1,11;the

    respondent denied that udge 8i9on, r& as>ed money #rom the

    complainantsA and stated that he did not see the

    complainants handing the money to the !udge& @e admitted

    that he $as the one $ho had reEuested the !udge to

    personally collect his unpaid attorneys #ees #rom the

    complainants $ith respect to their pre"ious and terminated

    caseA and that the !udge did not as> money #rom the

    complainants in exchange #or a #a"orale decision in their


    4n anuary 2, 1, the respondent returned to the

    complainants residence, ut $as surprised to %nd

    complainant =olita crying aloud& .he in#ormed him that the

    !udge $as again as>ing an additionalP*0,000&00 although

    they had gi"en him P*0,000&00 only the $ee> e#ore& .he

    di"ulged that the !udge had told her that their case $ould

    surely lose ecause: 3a6 they had engaged a counsel $ho

    $as #ahinang&laseA 36 the !udge hearing Ci"il Case )o& 5?+5

    in 7loilo and the $oman $ho had testi%ed in Ci"il Case )o&

    ?02 had not een presentedA and 3c6 they $ould ha"e to

    spend at least P10,000&00 #or said !udges accommodations in

    eneral .antos City&12;

    4n anuary *1, 1, udge 8i9on, r& $ent to the

    house o# the respondent, ut the latter $as not home& The

    !udge le#t a note addressed to the complainants, and

    instructed the respondents secretary to deli"er the note to the

    complainants along $ith a gi#t 3imported tale cloc>6&1*;'ccording to the respondent, the complainants consistently

    re#used to accept the gi#t se"eral timesA it $as later stolen

    #rom his house in Ceu City&

    4n eruary 1, 1, the respondent deli"ered the note and

    gi#t to the complainants, ut the latter re#used to recei"e it,

    telling him that they $ere no longer interested to continue

    $ith the case& 't the same time, the complainants assured

    him that they ore no personal grudge against him, ecause

    they had a prolem only $ith udge 8i9on, r&

    4n eruary 2+, 1, the respondent $ent to the

    )ational /ureau o# 7n"estigation Regional 4(ce, Region G7,

    and the Philippine )ational Police Regional 4(ce, Region G7,

    oth in 8a"ao City, to reEuest the in"estigation o# the matter&


    4n March 2, 1, the respondent paid udge 8i9on,

    r& a "isit upon the latters reEuest& 7n that meeting, the

    respondent told the !udge aout the re#usal o# the

    complainants to accept the !udges gi#t and aout their

    decision not to continue $ith the case& 15;

    4n the next day, udge 8i9on, r& sent a note to the

    respondent to in#orm him that the !udge had raised the

    amount that he had orro$ed #rom the complainants&1?;The

    !udge reEuested the respondent to tell the complainants that
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    he 3udge 8i9on, r&6 $as going to return $hate"er he had

    orro$ed #rom them& @o$e"er, the complainants in#ormed the

    respondent that he should tell the !udge that they $ere no

    longer interested in getting ac> the money&

    The respondent made a #ollo$-up at the )/7 and P)P

    Regional 4(ces in 8a"ao City o# his reEuest #or assistance

    a#ter Manuel mentioned to him that he 3Manuel6 >ne$ o#

    many armed men ready at any time to help him in his

    prolem $ith the !udge&

    Re!)' and Rec!--enda'i!n !* '+e OBC

    7n its Report and Recommendation dated May 15,

    200,1;the 4/C opined that the administrati"e case against

    the respondent could not e dismissed on the ground o#

    #ailure to prosecute due to the complainants #ailure to appear

    in the scheduled hearing despite due notice&

    /ased on the #acts already estalished and identi%ed,

    as rendered in the decision dated anuary 21,

    200? in ManuelRafols and Lolita B. Rafols v.

    Judge Teodoro '. Dizon,1;the 4/C re!ected the respondents

    denial o# any >no$ledge o# the transaction et$een his clients

    and the !udge&

    The 4/C recommended:

    F@R4R, in the light o# the#oregoing premises, it is respect#ullyrecommended that respondent 'TTH&R7C'R84 /'RR74., r& e .D.P)88 #romthe practice o# la$ #or three 3*6 years $ith astern $arning that a repetition o# similar actin the #uture $ill e dealt more se"erely&

    Ruling !* '+e C!u)'

    Fe appro"e and adopt the report and

    recommendations o# the 4/C, $hich $e %nd to e #ully and

    competently supported y the e"idence adduced y the

    complainants and their $itnesses, ut $e impose the supreme

    penalty o# disarment, $hich $e elie"e is the proper penalty&


    .ection 2, Rule 1* o# the Rules of Court,$hich

    go"erns the disarment and suspension o# attorneys,


    .ection 2& Dis(ar#ent and

    sus"ension of attorneys (y theSu"re#eCourt) grounds therefor& 'memer o# the ar may e disarred orsuspended #rom his o(ce as attorney y the.upreme Court #or any deceit, malpractice,or other gross misconduct in such o(ce,grossly immoral conduct, or y reason o# hiscon"iction #or a crime in"ol"ing moralturpitude, or #or any "iolation o# the oath$hich he is reEuired to ta>e e#ore

    admission to practice, or #or a $ill#uldisoedience o# any la$#ul order o# asuperior court, or #or corruptly or $ill#ullyappearing as an attorney #or a party to acase $ithout authority to do so& The practiceo# soliciting cases at la$ #or the purpose o#gain, either personally or through paidagents or ro>ers constitute malpractice&

    The urden o# proo# in disarment and suspension

    proceedings al$ays rests on the shoulders o# the complainant&

    The Court exercises its disciplinary po$er only i# the

    complainant estalishes the complaint y clearly

    preponderant e"idence that $arrants the imposition o# the

    harsh penalty&1;'s a rule, an attorney en!oys the legal

    presumption that he is innocent o# the charges made against

    him until the contrary is pro"ed& 'n attorney is #urther

    presumed as an o(cer o# the Court to ha"e per#ormed his

    duties in accordance $ith his oath&20;

    @ere, the complainants success#ully o"ercame the

    respondents presumed innocence and the presumed

    regularity in the per#ormance o# his duties as an attorney o#

    the complainants& The e"idence against him $as sustantial,

    and $as not contradicted&

    To egin $ith, the respondents denial o# >no$ledge

    o# the transaction et$een the complainants and udge 8i9on,

    r& $as not only implausile, ut also unsustantiated& 7t $as

    the respondent himsel# $ho had introduced the complainants

    to the !udge& @is act o# introducing the complainants to the

    !udge strongly implied that the respondent $as a$are o# the

    illegal purpose o# the !udge in $anting to tal> $ith the

    respondents clients& Thus, $e unEuali%edly accept the

    aptness o# the #ollo$ing e"aluation made in the 4/Cs Report

    and Recommendation, viz*

    xxx /eing the 4(cer o# the Court, he mustha"e >no$n that meeting litigants outside

    the court is something eyond the oundso# the rule and that it can ne"er e !usti%edy any reason& @e must ha"e >no$n thepurpose o# udge 8i9on in reEuesting him tomeet the complainants-litigants outside thechamer o# udge 8i9on& /y his o"ert act inarranging the meeting et$een

    udge 8i9on and complainants- litigants inthe Co

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    pro"ed that the respondent had >no$n all along o# the illegal

    transaction et$een the !udge and the complainants, and

    elied his #eigned lac> o# >no$ledge o# the deli"ery o# the

    money to the !udge&

    Thirdly, his attempt to explain that the complainants

    had gi"en the money to the !udge as a loan, #ar #rom

    so#tening our strong impression o# the respondents liaility,

    con%rmed his a$areness o# the gross impropriety o# the

    transaction& /eing the complainants attorney in the ci"il case

    eing heard e#ore the !udge, the respondent could not ut

    >no$ that #or the !udge to orro$ money #rom his clients $as

    highly irregular and outrightly unethical& 7# he $as innocent o#

    $rongdoing, as he claimed, he should ha"e desisted #rom

    ha"ing anypart in the transaction& Het, he did not, $hich

    rendered his explanation unelie"ale& Compounding the

    un$orthiness o# his explanation $as his admission o# ha"ing

    retained P*0,000&00 o# the orro$ed money upon the !udges


    'nd, lastly, the 4/C has pointed out that the

    respondents act o# reEuesting the )/7 Regional 4(ce

    in 8a"ao City to in"estigate $as an a#terthought on his part&

    Fe agree $ith the 4/C, #or the respondent o"iously acted in

    order to anticipate the complainants mo"es againsthim and

    the !udge& To e sure, the respondent sensed that thecomplainants $ould not simply #orgi"e and #orget the

    mulcting they had su their

    money despite their eing "ery angry at the !udges greed&

    4"erall, the respondent denials $ere $orthless and

    una"ailing in the #ace o# the uncontradicted e"idence sho$ing

    that he had not only personally arranged the meeting

    et$een Manuel and udge 8i9on, r&, ut had also

    communicated to the complainants the !udges illegal reason

    #or the meeting& 7t is axiomatic that any denial, to e accepted

    as a "iale de#ense in any proceeding, must e sustantiated

    y clear and con"incing e"idence& This need deri"es #rom the

    nature o# a denial as e"idence o# a negati"e and sel#-ser"ing

    character, $eightless in la$ and insu(cient to o"ercome the

    testimony o# credile $itnesses on a(rmati"e matters& 2*;


    The practice o# la$ is a pri"ilege hea"ily urdened

    $ith conditions&2+;The attorney is a "anguard o# our

    legal system, and, as such, is expected to

    maintain not only legal pro%ciency ut also a "ery high

    standard o# morality, honesty, integrity, and #air dealing in

    order that the peoples #aith and con%dence in the legal

    system are ensured&25;Thus, he must conduct himsel#,

    $hether in dealing $ith his clients or $ith the pulic at large,

    as to e eyond reproach at all times& 2?;'ny "iolation o# the

    high moral standards o# the legal pro#ession !usti%es the

    imposition on the attorney o# the appropriate penalty,

    including suspension and disarment&2;

    .peci%cally, the Code of +rofessional

    Res"onsi(ilityen!oins an attorney #rom engaging in unla$#ul,

    dishonest, or deceit#ul conduct&2;Corollary to this in!unction

    is the rule that an attorney shall at all times uphold the

    integrity and dignity o# the =egal Pro#ession and support the

    acti"ities o# the 7ntegrated /ar&2;

    The respondent did not measure up to the exacting

    standards o# the =a$ Pro#ession, $hich demanded o# him as

    an attorney the asolute adication o# any personal

    ad"antage that conIicted in any $ay, directly or indirectly,

    $ith the interest o# his clients& or monetary gain, he

    disregarded the "o$ to delay no man #or money or malice and

    to conduct mysel# as a la$yer according to the est o# my

    >no$ledge and discretion, $ith all good %delity as $ell to the

    courts as to my clients that he made $hen he too> the

    =a$yers 4ath&*0;@e also disoeyed the explicit command to

    him as an attorney to accept nocompensation in connection

    $ith his clients usiness

    except #rom him or $ith his >no$ledge and appro"al&


    @econ"eniently ignored that the relation et$een him and his

    clients $as highly %duciary in nature and o# a "ery delicate,

    exacting, and con%dential character&*2;

    Berily, the respondent $as guilty o# gross

    misconduct, $hich is improper or $rong conduct, the

    transgression o# some estalished and de%nite rule o# action,

    a #oridden act, a dereliction o# duty, $ill#ul in character, and

    implies a $rong#ul intent and not mere error o# !udgment&

    **;'ny gross misconduct o# an attorney in his pro#essional or

    pri"ate capacity sho$s him un%t to manage the ae in this administrati"e case& 'nd, eing

    conspirators, they oth deser"e the highest penalty& The

    disarment o# the respondent is in order, ecause such

    sanction is on par $ith the dismissal o# udge 8i9on, r&

    /0EREFORE, 'tty& Ricardo & /arrios, r& is

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    This decision shall e entered in the records o# 'tty&

    /arrios, r& as a memer o# the Philippine /ar&

    Copies o# the decision shall e #urnished to the /ar

    Con%dant and the 7ntegrated /ar o# the Philippines #or record

    purposesA and to the Court 'dministrator, #or circulation to all

    courts nation$ide&


    In'e-e)a'e Language

    Repulic o# the Philippines



    .C4)8 87B7.74)

    A.C. N!. 1#2" N!e-3e) 4%, 564%


    Judge, Municial T)ial C!u)', San Ma'e!,



    ATTY. RODOLFO FLORES,Respondent&

    R . 4 = D T 7 4 )


    Respondent 'tty& Rodolto lores 3'tty& lores6 $as counsel #orthe de#endant in Ci"il Case )o& 1?* captioned as Marsha

    'ranas plainti< "ersus 'rnold /almores de#endant a suit #or

    damages %led e#ore the Municipal Trial Court o# .an Mateo,

    Ri9al and presided y herein complainant udge Marieth

    Rodrigue9-Manahan 3udge Manahan6& 8uring the proceedings

    in Ci"il Case )o& 1?*, udge Manahan issued an 4rder 1dated

    anuary 12, 2011, $herey she "oluntarily inhiited #rom

    hearing Ci"il Case )o& 1?*& The said 4rder reads in part, "i9:

    More than mere contempt do his 3'tty& lores6 unethical

    actuations, his traits o# dishonesty and discourtesy not only to

    his o$n rethren in the legal pro#ession, ut also to the ench

    and !udges, $ould amount to gra"e misconduct, i# not a

    malpractice o# la$, a serious ground #or disciplinary action o#a memer o# the ar pursuant to Rules 1* a J &

    7) B7F F@R4, #urnish a copy o# this 4rder to the /ar

    8iscipline Committee, 7ntegrated /ar o# the Philippines, to the

    .upreme Court en anc, #or appropriate in"estigation and


    Dpon receipt o# the copy o# the ao"e 4rder, the 4(ce o# the

    /ar Con%dant 34/C6 deemed the pronouncements o# udge

    Manahan as a #ormal administrati"e Complaint against 'tty&

    lores& 8oc>eted as '&C& )o& 5+, the case $as re#erred to

    the xecuti"e udge o# the Regional Trial Court o# Ri9al #or

    in"estigation, report and recommendation&*

    7n her 7n"estigation, Report and

    Recommendation,+7n"estigating udge osephine Karate

    ernande9 37n"estigating udge6 narrated the antecedents o#

    the case as #ollo$s:

    ' complaint #or 8amages $as %led e#ore the Municipal Trial

    Court 3MTC6 o# .an Mateo, Ri9al doc>eted as Ci"il Case )o&

    1?*, entitled Marsha 'ranas "s& 'rnold /almores& The Pulic

    'ttorneyLs 4(ce 3P'46 thru 'tty& erdinand P& Censon

    represented the complainant $hile 'tty& Rodol#o lores

    appeared as counsel #or the de#endant&

    x x x 8uring the Preliminary Con#erence x x x, respondent

    'tty& lores entered his appearance and $as gi"en time to %le

    a Pre-Trial /rie#& x x x 4n May 2+, 2010, respondent 'tty&

    lores %led his Pre-Trial /rie# ut $ithout proo# o# MC=

    compliance hence it $as expunged #rom the records $ithout

    pre!udice to the %ling o# another Pre-Trial /rie# containing the

    reEuired MC= compliance& x x x 'tty& lores as>ed #or ten 3106

    days to sumit proo#&

    The preliminary con#erence $as reset se"eral times 3'ugust

    11, .eptemer 6 #or #ailure o# respondent 'tty& lores toappear and sumit his Pre-Trial /rie# indicating thereon his

    MC= compliance& The court a Euo li>e$ise issued 4rders

    dated .eptemer 15 and 4ctoer 20, 2010 gi"ing respondent

    'tty& lores a last chance to sumit his Pre-Trial /rie# $ith stern

    $arning that #ailure to do so shall e considered a $ai"er on

    his part&

    Mean$hile, respondent 'tty& lores %led a Mani#estation in

    Court dated .eptemer 1+, 2010 stating among others, the

    #ollo$ing allegations:

    x x x x

    +& Fhen you too> your oath as memer o# the /ar,

    you promised to ser"e truth, !ustice and #air play& 8o

    you thin> you are eing truth#ul, !ust and #air y

    ser"ing a cheater

    5& 7gnorance o# the la$ excuses no one #or $hich

    reason e"en rap $as con"icted y the

    .andiganayan&-%"hi/ut e"en $orse is a la$yer

    $ho "iolates the la$&

    ?& =ast ut not the least, od said Thou shall not lie&

    'gain the Philippine Constitution commands: i"e

    e"ery ilipino his due& The act o# re#usal y the

    plainti< is "iolati"e o# the #oregoing di"ine andhuman la$s&

    x x x x

    Respondent 'tty& lores later %led his Pre-Trial /rie# earing an

    MC= numer $hich $as merely superimposed $ithout

    indicating the date and place o# compliance& 8uring the

    preliminary con#erence on )o"emer 2+, 2010, respondent

    'tty& lores mani#ested that he $ill sumit proo# o# compliance

    o# his MC= on the #ollo$ing day& 4n 8ecemer 1, 2010,

    respondent 'tty& lores again #ailed to appear and to sumit

    the said promised proo# o# MC= compliance& 7n its stead,

    respondent 'tty& lores %led a =etter o# e"en date stating as


    7# only to gi"e your @onor another chance to pro"e your pro

    plainti< sentiment, 7 am herey %ling the attached Motion

    $hich you may once more assign to the $aste as>et o#


    Fith the small respect that still remains, 7 ha"e as>ed the

    de#endant to loo> #or another la$yer to represent him #or 7 am

    no longer interested in this case ecause 7 #eel 7 cannot do

    anything right in your sala&5

    The 7n"estigating udge #ound 'tty& lores to ha"e #ailed to

    gi"e due respect to the court y #ailing to oey court orders,y #ailing to sumit proo# o# his compliance $ith the

    Mandatory Continuing =egal ducation 3MC=6 reEuirement,

    and #or using intemperate language in his pleadings& The

    7n"estigating udge recommended that 'tty& lores e

    suspended #rom the practice o# la$ #or one year& ?

    The 4/C adopted the %ndings and recommendation o# the

    7n"estigating udge&

    4ur Ruling
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    There is no dout that 'tty& lores #ailed to oey the trial

    courtLs order to sumit proo# o# his MC= compliance

    not$ithstanding the se"eral opportunities gi"en him& NCourt

    orders are to e respected not ecause the !udges $ho issue

    them should e respected, ut ecause o# the respect and

    consideration that should e extended to the !udicial ranch

    o# the o"ernment& This is asolutely essential i# our

    o"ernment is to e a go"ernment o# la$s and not o# men&

    Respect must e had not ecause o# the incuments to the

    positions, ut ecause o# the authority that "ests in them&

    8isrespect to !udicial incuments is disrespect to that ranc

    the o"ernment to $hich they elong, as $ell as to the .tate

    $hich has instituted the !udicial system&N

    'tty& lores also employed intemperate language in his

    pleadings& 's an o(cer o# the court, 'tty& lores is expected to

    e circumspect in his language& Rule 11&0*, Canon 11 o# the

    Code o# Pro#essional Responsiility en!oins all attorneys to

    astain #rom scandalous, o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    T+e C!u)'?( Ruling

    The petition is partly meritorious&

    The practice o# la$ is a pri"ilege esto$ed on la$yers $homeet high standards o# legal pro%ciency and morality&207t is aspecial pri"ilege urdened $ith conditions e#ore the legalpro#ession, the courts, their clients and the society such that ala$yer has the duty to comport himsel# in a manner as touphold integrity and promote the pulicOs #aith in thepro#ession&21ConseEuently, a la$yer mustat all ti#es, $hetherin pulic or pri"ate li#e, act in a manner eyond reproach

    especially $hen dealing $ith #ello$la$yers&22ChanRolesBirtuala$lirary

    7n this relation, Rule &0* o# Canon as $ell as Canon o# theCPR pro"ides:

    Rule &0* ' la$yer shall not engage in conduct thatad"ersely reIects on his %tness to practice la$, nor shall he,$hether in pulic or pri"ate li#e, eha"e in a scandalousmanner to the discredit o# the legal pro#ession&

    Canon ' la$yer shall conduct himsel# $ith courtesy,#airness and candor to$ard his pro#essional colleagues, andshall a"oid harassing tactics against opposing counsel&Rule &01 - ' la$yer shall not, in his pro#essional dealings, uselanguage $hich is ausi"e, oe it appear that he notari9ed it e#ore hisadmission to the /ar&

    4n the alleged #alsi%cation o# his notarial entries, 'tty& Kaidecontended that he needed to simultaneously use se"eral

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    notarial registers in his separate satellite o(ces in order toetter cater to the needs o# his clients and accommodate theirgro$ing numer&1+This explains the irregular and non-seEuential entries in his notarial registers&

    urther, 'tty& Kaide argued that imeno $as ne"er his clientsince she did not personally hire him as her counsel& imenoengaged the ser"ices o# KMK $here he pre"iously $or>ed asan associate& The real counsel o# imeno and her relati"es intheir annulment o# title case $as 'tty& =eo MontalanKarago9a, one o# KMKOs partners&154n this asis, therespondent should not e held liale #or representing

    conIicting clientsO interests&

    inally, he denied that he used any intemperate, oeep, maintain, protect and pro"ide#or la$#ul inspection as pro"ided in theseRules, a c+)!n!l!gical !@cial n!'a)ial )egi('e) !*n!'a)ial ac'(consisting o# a permanently ound oo> $ithnumered pages&N The same section #urther pro"ides that Nanotary pulic shall >eep !nl< !ne ac'ie n!'a)ial )egi('e)a' an< gien 'i-e&N24n this asis, 'tty& KaideOs act o#simultaneously >eeping se"eral acti"e notarial registers is alatant "iolation o# .ection 1, Rule B7&

    The )otarial Practice Rules strictly reEuires a notary pulic to

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    maintain only one acti"e notarial register and ensure that theentries in it are chronologically arranged& The None acti"enotarial registerN rule is in place to deter a notary pulic #romassigning se"eral notarial registers to di spaces in the notarialregister to allo$ the antedating o# notari9ations&

    7n these lights, $e cannot accept 'tty& KaideOs explanationthat he needed to maintain se"eral acti"e notarial registers inseparate o(ces so he could accommodate the increasingnumer o# his clients reEuiring his notarial ser"ices&

    T+i( C!u)' (')e((e( '+a' a n!'a)< u3lic (+!uld n!'')iiali9e +i( *unc'i!n( a( +i( !e)( and du'ie( a)ei-)e((ed i'+ u3lic in'e)e('.*0' notary pulicOs o(ce isnot merely an income-generating "enture& 7t is a pulic dutythat each la$yer $ho has een pri"ileged to recei"e a notarialcommission must #aith#ully and conscientiously per#orm&

    'tty& Kaide should ha"e een acutely a$are o# thereEuirements o# his notarial commission& @is Iagrant "iolationo# .ection 1, Rule B7 o# the )otarial Practice Rules is notmerely a simple and excusale negligence& 7t amounts to aclear "iolation o# Canon 1 o# the Code o# Pro#essionalResponsiility, $hich pro"ides that Na la$yer should; upholdthe constitution, !3e< '+e la( !* '+e land and )!-!'e)e(ec' *!) la and legal )!ce((e(&N

    Representing conicting interests

    The in"estigating commissioner properly noted that 'tty&Kaide should not e held liale #or representing conIictingclientsO interests&

    Rule 15&0*, Canon 15 o# the Code o# Pro#essionalResponsiility pro"ides:chanroles"irtualla$liraryRule 15&0* - ' la$yer shall not represent conIicting interestsexcept y $ritten consent o# all concerned gi"en a#ter a #ulldisclosure o# the #acts&7n'ninon v. Sa(itsana,*1the Court laid do$n the tests todetermine i# a la$yer is guilty o# representing conIictinginterests et$een and among his clients&

    4ne o# these tests is +e'+e) '+e acce'ance !* a ne)ela'i!n !uld )een' '+e *ull di(c+a)ge !* a la

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    D E C I S I O N

    :ELASCO, JR.,J.&

    7n his s$orn letterQcomplaint dated 8ecemer 22, 200?, $ith

    enclosures, 'ntero & Pore in"ites the Courts attention to the

    #ollo$ing excerpts o# .enator Miriam 8e#ensor-.antiagos

    speech deli"ered on the .enate Ioor:

    x x x 7 am not angry& 7 am irate& 7 am#oaming in the mouth& 7 am homicidal& 7 amsuicidal& 7 am humiliated, deased,degraded& 'nd 7 am not only that, 7 #eel li>ethro$ing up to e li"ing my middle years ina country o# this nature& 7 am nauseated& 7spit on the #ace o# Chie# ustice 'rtemioPanganian and his cohorts in the .upremeCourt, 7 am no longer interested in theposition o# Chie# ustice; i# 7 $as to esurrounded y idiots& 7 $ould rather e inanother en"ironment ut not in the.upreme Court o# idiots x x x&

    To Pore, the #oregoing statements reIected a total disrespect

    on the part o# the spea>er to$ards then Chie# ustice 'rtemio

    Panganian and the other memers o# the Court and

    constituted direct contempt o# court& 'ccordingly, Pore as>s

    that disarment proceedings or other disciplinary actions e

    ta>en against the lady senator&

    7n her comment on the complaint dated 'pril 25,

    200, .enator .antiago, through counsel, does not deny

    ma>ing the a#oreEuoted statements& .he, ho$e"er, explained

    that those statements $ere co"ered y the constitutional

    pro"ision on parliamentary immunity, eing part o# a speech

    she deli"ered in the discharge o# her duty as memer o#

    Congress or its committee& The purpose o# her speech,

    according to her, $as to ring out in the open contro"ersial

    anomalies in go"ernance $ith a "ie$ to #uture remedial

    legislation& .he a"erred that she $anted to expose $hat she

    elie"ed to e an un!ust act o# the udicial /ar Council /C;,

    $hich, a#ter sending out pulic in"itations #or nomination to

    the soon to-e "acated position o# Chie# ustice, $ould

    e"entually in#orm applicants that only incument !ustices o#

    the .upreme Court $ould Euali#y #or nomination& .he #elt that

    the /C should ha"e at least gi"en an ad"anced ad"isory that

    non-sitting memers o# the Court, li>e her, $ould not e

    considered #or the position o# Chie# ustice&

    The immunity .enator .antiago claims is rooted

    primarily on the pro"ision o# 'rticle B7, .ection 11 o# the

    Constitution, $hich pro"ides: ' .enator or Memer o# the

    @ouse o# Representati"e shall, in all o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    the Court, the lady senator has undoutedly crossed the limits

    o# decency and good pro#essional conduct& 7t is at once

    apparent that her statements in Euestion $ere intemperate

    and highly improper in sustance& To reiterate, she $as

    Euoted as stating that she $anted to spit on the #ace o# Chie#

    ustice 'rtemio Panganian and his cohorts in the .upreme

    Court, and calling the Court a .upreme Court o# idiots&

    The lady senator alluded to /n Re* 3icente Sotto&?;Fe

    dra$ her attention to the ensuing passage in Sottothat she

    should ha"e ta>en to heart in the %rst place:

    x x x 7;# the people lose their

    con%dence in the honesty and integrity o#this Court and elie"e that they cannotexpect !ustice there#rom, they might edri"en to ta>e the la$ into their o$n hands,and disorder and perhaps chaos $ould ethe result&

    )o la$yer $ho has ta>en an oath to maintain the

    respect due to the courts should e allo$ed to erode the

    peoples #aith in the !udiciary& 7n this case, the lady senator

    clearly "iolated Canon , Rule &01 and Canon 11 o# the Code

    o# Pro#essional Responsiility, $hich respecti"ely pro"ide:

    Canon , Rule &01&' la$yer shallnot, in his pro#essional dealings, uselanguage $hich is ausi"e, oes the Court as an a#terthought

    in light o# the insulting tenor o# $hat she said& Fe Euote the

    passage once more:

    x x x Iam not angry& I am

    irate& I am #oaming in the mouth& Iamhomicidal& I am suicidal& Iam humiliated,deased, degraded& 'nd Iam not only that,

    7 #eel li>e thro$ing up to e li"ing my middleyears in a country o# this nature& I amnauseated& Ispit on the #ace o# Chie#

    ustice 'rtemio Panganian and his cohortsin the .upreme Court, Iam no longerinterested in the position o# Chie# ustice; i#7 $as to e surrounded y idiots& I $ouldrather e in another en"ironment ut not inthe .upreme Court o# idiots x x x& 3mphasisours&6

    ' care#ul re-reading o# her utterances $ould readily

    sho$ that her statements $ere expressions o# personal anger

    and #rustration at not eing considered #or the post o# Chie#

    ustice& 7n a sense, there#ore, her remar>s $ere outside the

    pale o# her o(cial parliamentary #unctions& "en

    parliamentary immunity must not e allo$ed to e used as a

    "ehicle to ridicule, demean, and destroy the reputation o# the

    Court and its magistrates, nor as armor #or personal $rath

    and disgust& 'uthorities are agreed that parliamentary

    immunity is not an indi"idual pri"ilege accorded the indi"idual

    memers o# the Parliament or Congress #or their personal

    ene%t, ut rather a pri"ilege #or the ene%t o# the people and

    the institution that represents them&

    To e sure, .enator .antiago could ha"e gi"en "ent

    to her anger $ithout indulging in insulting rhetoric and

    oed, .enator .antiagos outurst

    $as directly traceale to $hat she considered as an un!ust act

    the /C had ta>en in connection $ith her application #or the

    position o# Chie# ustice& /ut $hile the /C #unctions under the

    Courts super"ision, its indi"idual memers, sa"e perhaps #or

    the Chie# ustice $ho sits as the /Cs e4o5ciochairperson,

    ;ha"e no o(cial duty to nominate candidates #or

    appointment to the position o# Chie# ustice& The Court is,

    thus, at a loss to understand .enator .antiagos $holesale and

    indiscriminate assault on the memers o# the Court and her

    choice o# critical and de#amatory $ords against all o# them&

    't any e"ent, eEually important as the speech and

    deate clause o# 'rt& B7, .ec& 11 o# the Constitution is .ec&

    5356 o# 'rt& B777 o# the Constitution that pro"ides:

    .ection 5& The .upreme Court shall ha"e the#ollo$ing po$ers:

    x x x x

    356 Promulgate rules concerning theprotection and en#orcement o# constitutional

    rights, pleading, practice, and procedure inall courts, the admission to the practice o#the la$, '+e In'eg)a'ed Ba), and legalassistance to the underpri"ileged&3mphasis ours&6

    The Court, esides eing authori9ed to promulgate

    rules concerning pleading, practice, and procedure in all

    courts, exercises speci%c authority to promulgate rules

    go"erning the 7ntegrated /ar $ith the end in "ie$ that the

    integration o# the /ar $ill, among other things:
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    3+6 .hield the !udiciary, $hich

    traditionally cannot de#end itsel# except$ithin its o$n #orum, #rom the assaults thatpolitics and sel# interest may le"el at it, andassist it to maintain its integrity, impartialityand independenceA

    x x x x3116 n#orce rigid ethical standards

    x x x&;

    7n Re* Letter Dated 6 7e(ruary 6889 of 'tty. $oel S.

    Sorreda,10;$e reiterated our pronouncement in Rhee# of the

    +hili""ines v. 7errer11;that the duty o# attorneys to the courts

    can only e maintained y rendering no ser"ice in"ol"ing any

    disrespect to the !udicial o(ce $hich they are ound to

    uphold& The Court $rote in Rhee# of the +hili""ines:

    x x x 's explicit is the %rst canon o#legal ethics $hich pronounces that i;t is theduty o# a la$yer to maintain to$ards the

    Courts a respect#ul attitude, not #or the sa>eo# the temporary incument o# the !udicialo(ce, ut #or the maintenance o# itssupreme importance& That same canon, as acorollary, ma>es it peculiarly incumentupon la$yers to support the courts againstun!ust criticism and clamor& 'nd more& Theattorneys oath solemnly inds him to aconduct that should e $ith all good %delityx x x to the courts&

    'lso, in Sorreda, the Court re"isited its holding

    in Surigao Mineral Reservation Board v. Clori(el12;that:

    ' la$yer is an o(cer o# the courtsA

    he is, li>e the court itsel#, an instrument oragency to ad"ance the ends o# !ustice& @isduty is to uphold the dignity and authorityo# the courts to $hich he o$es %delity, notto promote distrust in the administration o#

    !ustice& aith in the courts, a la$yer shouldsee> to preser"e& or, to undermine the

    !udicial edi%ce is disastrous to the continuityo# go"ernment and to the attainment o# thelierties o# the people& Thus has it een saido# a la$yer that a;s an o(cer o# the court,it is his s$orn and moral duty to help uildand not destroy unnecessarily that highesteem and regard to$ards the courts soessential to the proper administration o#


    The lady senator elongs to the legal pro#ession

    ound y the exacting in!unction o# a strict Code& .ociety has

    entrusted that pro#ession $ith the administration o# the la$

    and dispensation o# !ustice& enerally spea>ing, a la$yer

    holding a go"ernment o(ce may not e disciplined as a

    memer o# the /ar #or misconduct committed $hile in the

    discharge o# o(cial duties, unless said misconduct also

    constitutes a "iolation o# hisQher oath as a la$yer&1+;

    =a$yers may e disciplined e"en #or any conduct

    committed in their pri"ate capacity, as long as their

    misconduct reIects their $ant o# proity or good demeanor,

    15;a good character eing an essential Euali%cation #or the

    admission to the practice o# la$ and #or continuance o# such

    pri"ilege& Fhen the Code o# Pro#essional Responsiility or the

    Rules o# Court spea>s o# conduct or misconduct, the re#erence

    is not con%ned to ones eha"ior exhiited in connection $ith

    the per#ormance o# la$yers pro#essional duties, ut also

    co"ers any misconduct, $hichaleit unrelated to the actual

    practice o# their pro#ession$ould sho$ them to e un%t #or the

    o(ce and un$orthy o# the pri"ileges $hich their license and

    the la$ in"est in them&1?;

    This Court, in its unceasing Euest to promote the

    peoples #aith in courts and trust in the rule o# la$, has

    consistently exercised its disciplinary authority on la$yers

    $ho, #or male"olent purpose or personal malice, attempt to

    ostruct the orderly administration o# !ustice, triIe $ith the

    integrity o# courts, and emarrass or, $orse, malign the men

    and $omen $ho compose them& Fe ha"e done it in the case

    o# #ormer .enator Bicente .otto in Sotto, in the case o#'tty&

    )oel .orreda inSorreda, and in the case o# 'tty& rancisco /&

    Cru9inTacordan v. 'ng1;$ho repeatedly insulted and

    threatened the Court in a most insolent manner&

    The Court is not hesitant to impose some #orm o#

    disciplinary sanctions on .enatorQ'tty& .antiago #or $hat

    other$ise $ould ha"e constituted an act o# utter disrespect on

    her part to$ards the Court and its memers& The #actual and

    legal circumstances o# this case, ho$e"er, deter the Court

    #rom doing so, e"en $ithout any sign o# remorse #rom her&

    /asic constitutional consideration dictates this >ind o#


    Fe, ho$e"er, $ould e remiss in our duty i# $e let

    the .enators o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    her peers ent ac>$ards and a"oided imposing their o$n

    rules on her&

    inally, the lady senator Euestions Pores moti"es in

    %ling his complaint, stating that disciplinary proceedings must

    e underta>en solely #or the pulic $el#are& Fe cannot agree

    $ith her more& Fe cannot o"erstress that the senators use o#

    intemperate language to demean and denigrate the highest

    court o# the land is a clear "iolation o# the duty o# respect

    la$yers o$e to the courts&21;

    inally, the .enator asserts that complainant Pore

    has #ailed to pro"e that she in #act made the statements in

    Euestion& .u(ce it to say in this regard that, although she has

    not categorically denied ma>ing such statements, she has

    uneEui"ocally said ma>ing them as part o# her pri"ilege

    speech& @er implied admission is good enough #or the Court&

    /0EREFORE, the letter-complaint o# 'ntero & Pore

    against .enatorQ'tty& Miriam 8e#ensor-.antiago

    is, con#ormaly to 'rt& B7, .ec& 11 o# the

    Constitution, DISMISSED&



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    their respecti"e motions to li#t order o# suspension $ith

    certi%cations #rom the 7ntegrated /ar o# the Philippines and

    the xecuti"e udge o# the court $here they might appear as

    counsel and state that they desisted #rom practicing la$

    during the period o# suspension&

    4n the claim that the Commission on @uman Rights allo$ed

    'tty& /aliga to per#orm his #unctions as Regional 8irector

    during the period o# suspension, the 4(ce o# the /ar

    Con%dant said that the Commission Ndelierately;


    this courtOs order o# suspension& 'ccording tothe 4(ce o# the /ar Con%dant, the Commission on @uman

    Rights had no po$er to Nalter, modi#y, or set aside any o# this

    courtOs resolutions; $hich ha"e; ecome %nal and executory&


    Thus, $ith respect to 'tty& /aliga, the 4(ce o# the /ar

    Con%dant recommended that this court reEuire him to sumit

    a certi%cation #rom the Commission on @uman Rights stating

    that he desisted #rom per#orming his #unctions as Regional

    8irector $hile he $as suspended #rom the practice o# la$&2*

    The 4(ce o# the /ar Con%dant #urther recommended that

    'tty& /aliga and the Commission &on @uman Rights e

    reEuired to comment on complainant =inganOs allegation that'tty& /aliga continued to per#orm his #unctions as Regional

    8irector $hile he $as suspended #rom the practice o# la$&

    4n uly 1, 200, 'tty& /aliga %led a mani#estation,2+arguing

    that his suspension #rom the practice o# la$ did not include his

    suspension #rom pulic o(ce& 'tty& /aliga said, Nt;o stretch

    the co"erage o# his suspension #rom the practice o# la$; to

    his; pulic o(ce $ould e tantamount to "iolating; his

    constitutional rights sic; to due process and to the statutory

    principle in la$ that $hat is not included is deemed


    7n the resolution


    dated .eptemer 2*, 200, this courtreEuired respondents to %le their respecti"e motions to li#t

    order o# suspension considering the lapse o# the period o#

    suspension& This court #urther ordered 'tty& /aliga and the

    Commission on @uman Rights to comment on complainant

    =ingariOs allegation that 'tty& /aliga continued per#orming his

    #unctions as Regional 8irector $hile he $as suspended #rom

    the practice o# la$& The resolution dated .eptemer 2*, 200


    Considering that the period o# suspension #rom the practice o#

    la$ and disEuali%cation #rom eing commissioned as notary

    pulic imposed on respondents ha"e sic; already elapsed,

    this Court resol"es:

    316 to reEuire oth respondents, $ithin ten 3106 days

    #rom notice, to 7= their respecti"e motions to li#t

    relati"e to their suspension and disEuali%cation #rom

    eing commissioned as notary pulic and .D/M7T

    certi%cations #rom the 7ntegrated /ar o# the

    Philippines and xecuti"e udge o# the Court $here

    they may appear as counsel, stating that

    respondents ha"e actually ceased and desisted #rom

    the practice o# la$ during the entire period o# their

    suspension and disEuali%cation, unless already

    complied $ith in the meantimeA

    326 to reEuire 'tty& immy P& /aliga to .D/M7T a

    certi%cation #rom the Commission on @uman RightsC@R; stating that he has een suspended #rom o(ce

    and has stopped #rom the per#ormance o# his

    #unctions #or the period stated in the order o#

    suspension and disEuali%cation, $ithin ten 3106 days

    #rom notice hereo#A

    3*6 to reEuire respondent 'tty& /aliga and the C@R to

    C4MM)T on the allegations o# complainant against

    them, oth $ithin ten 3106 days #rom receipt o# notice

    hereo#A &&&23mphasis in the original6

    7n compliance $ith this courtOs order, 'ttys& CaluaEui and

    /aliga %led their respecti"e motions to li#t order o#

    suspension&2'tty& /aliga also %led his comment on

    complainant =inganOs allegation that he continued per#orming

    his #unctions as Regional 8irector during his suspension #rom

    the practice o# la$&

    7n his comment2dated )o"emer 1*, 200, 'tty& /aliga

    alleged that as Regional 8irector, he Nper#ormed;, generally,

    managerial #unctions,N*0$hich did not reEuire the practice o#

    la$& These managerial #unctions allegedlyincluded &Nsuper"ising; &&& the day to day operations o# the

    regional o(ce and its personnelNA*1Nmonitoring progress o#

    in"estigations conducted y the Commission on @uman

    Rights; 7n"estigation DnitNA*2Nmonitoring the implementation

    o# all other ser"ices and assistance programs o# the

    Commission on @uman Rights; y the di

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    4n eruary 1, 2010, this court li#ted the order o# suspension

    o# 'tty& CaluaEui&+@e $as allo$ed to resume his practice o#

    la$ and per#orm notarial acts su!ect to compliance $ith the

    reEuirements #or issuance o# a notarial commission&

    4n the other hand, this court re#erred to the 4(ce o# the /ar

    Con%dant #or e"aluation, report, and recommendation 'tty&

    /aligaOs motion to li#t one-year suspension and the respecti"e

    comments o# 'tty& /aliga and the Commission on @uman


    7n its report and recommendation50dated 4ctoer 1, 2010,

    the 4(ce o# the /ar Con%dant stated that 'tty& /aliga Nshould

    not ha"e een; allo$ed to per#orm his #unctions, duties, and

    responsiilities as Regional 8irector; $hich reEuired acts

    constituting; practice &o# la$&N51Considering that 'tty& /aliga

    claimed that he did not per#orm his #unctions as Regional

    8irector $hich reEuired the practice o# la$, the 4(ce o# the

    /ar Con%dant recommended that the Commission on @uman

    Rights e reEuired to comment on this claim& The 4(ce o# the

    /ar Con%dant also recommended holding in aeyance the

    resolution o# 'tty& /aligaOs motion to li#t suspension Npending

    the Commission on @uman RightOs %ling o# comment;&N52

    7n the resolution5*dated anuary 12, 2011, this court held inaeyance the resolution o# 'tty& /aligaOs motion to li#t one-

    year suspension& The Commission on @uman Rights $as

    ordered to comment on 'tty& /aligaOs claim that he did not

    practice la$ $hile he held his position as Regional 8irector&

    7n its comment5+dated 'pril ?, 2011, the Commission on

    @uman Rights reiterated that the penalty imposed on 'tty&

    /aliga as a memer o# the ar is separate #rom the penalty

    that might e imposed on him as Regional 8irector& The

    Commission added that it is No# honest elie# that the position

    o# Regional 8irector; is managerial and does not reEuire the

    practice o# la$;&N557t again mani#ested that it $ill Naide y

    $hate"er ruling or decision this court; arri"es on the;


    The issue #or our resolution is $hether 'tty& /aligaOs motion to

    li#t order o# suspension should e granted&

    Fe %nd that 'tty& /aliga "iolated this courtOs order o#

    suspension& Fe, there#ore, suspend him #urther #rom the

    practice o# la$ #or six months&

    Practice o# la$ is Nany acti"ity, in or out o# court, $hich

    reEuires the application o# la$, legal procedure, >no$ledge,

    training and experience&N57t includes Nper#orming; acts

    $hich are characteristics o# the legal; pro#essionN5or

    Nrendering any >ind o#; ser"ice $hich; reEuires the use inany degree o# legal >no$ledge or s>ill&N5

    For> in go"ernment that reEuires the use o# legal >no$ledge

    is considered practice& o# la$& 7n Cayetano "& Monsod,?0this

    court cited the delierations o# the 1? Constitutional

    Commission and agreed that $or> rendered y la$yers in the

    Commission on 'udit reEuiring Nthe use o#; legal >no$ledge

    or legal talentN?1is practice o# la$&

    The Commission on @uman Rights is an independent o(ce

    created under the Constitution $ith po$er to in"estigate Nall

    #orms o# human rights "iolations in"ol"ing ci"il and political

    rights&;N?27t is di"ided into regional o(ces $ith each o(ce

    ha"ing primary responsiility to in"estigate human rights

    "iolations in its territorial !urisdiction&?*ach regional o(ce is

    headed y the Regional 8irector $ho is gi"en the position o#

    'ttorney B7&

    Dnder the uidelines and Procedures in the 7n"estigation and

    Monitoring o# @uman Rights Biolations and 'uses, and the

    Pro"ision o# C@R 'ssistance,?+the Regional 8irector has the

    #ollo$ing po$ers and #unctions:

    a& To administer oaths or a(rmations $ith respect to

    NCommission on @uman Rights; mattersAN?5

    & To issue mission orders in their respecti"e regional


    c& To conduct preliminary e"aluation or initial

    in"estigation o# human rights complaints in the

    asence o# the legal o(cer or in"estigatorA?

    d& To conduct dialogues or preliminary con#erences

    among parties and discuss Nimmediate courses o#

    action and protection remedies andQor possile

    sumission o# the matter to an alternati"e disputeresolutionNA?

    e& To issue Commission on @uman Rights processes,

    including notices, letter-in"itations, orders, or

    supoenas $ithin the territorial !urisdiction o# the

    regional o(ceA?and

    #& To re"ie$ and appro"e dra#t resolutions o# human

    rights cases prepared y the legal o(cer&0

    These po$ers and #unctions are characteristics o# the legal

    pro#ession& 4aths and a(rmations are usually per#ormed y

    memers o# the !udiciary and notaries pulic1

    - o(cers $hoare necessarily memers o# the ar&27n"estigating human

    rights complaints are per#ormed primarily y the

    CommissionOs legal o(cer&*8iscussing immediate courses o#

    action and protection remedies and re"ie$ing and appro"ing

    dra#t resolutions o# human rights cases prepared y the legal

    o(cer reEuire the use o# extensi"e legal >no$ledge&

    The exercise o# the po$ers and #unctions o# a Commission on

    @uman Rights Regional 8irector constitutes practice o# la$&

    Thus, the Regional 8irector must e an attorney - a memer

    o# the ar in good standing and authori9ed to practice

    la$&+Fhen the Regional 8irector loses this authority, such as

    $hen he or she is disarred or suspended #rom the practice o#

    la$, the Regional 8irector loses a necessary Euali%cation tothe position he or she is holding& The disarred or suspended

    la$yer must desist #rom holding the position o# Regional


    This court suspended 'tty& /aliga #rom the practice o# la$ #or

    one year on une 15, 200?, Need a necessary Euali%cation to his position as

    Commission on @uman Rights Regional 8irectorQ 'ttorney B7&

    's the Commission on @uman Rights correctly resol"ed in its

    resolution dated anuary 1?, 200:

    F@R'., this suspension under ethical standards, in e

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    'tty& /aligaOs per#ormance o# generally managerial #unctions

    $as not supported y the record& 7t $as also

    immaterial&-%"hi@e held the position o# Commission on

    @uman Rights Regional 8irector ecause o# his authority to

    practice la$& Fithout this authority, 'tty& /aliga $as

    disEuali%ed to hold that position&

    'll told, per#orming the #unctions o# a Commission on @uman

    Rights Regional 8irector constituted practice o# la$& 'tty&

    /aliga should ha"e desisted #rom holding his position as

    Regional 8irector&

    Dnder .ection 2, Rule 1* o# the Rules o# Court, $ill#ul

    disoedience to any la$#ul order o# a superior court is a

    ground #or disarment or suspension #rom the practice o# la$:

    .C& 2& 8isarment or suspension o# attorneys y .upreme

    CourtA grounds there#or& - ' memer o# the ar may e

    disarred or suspended #rom his o(ce as attorney y the

    .upreme Court #or any deceit, malpractice, or other gross

    misconduct in such o(ce, grossly immoral conduct, or y

    reason o# his con"iction o# a crime in"ol"ing moral turpitude,

    or #or any "iolation o# the oath $hich he is reEuired to ta>e

    e#ore admission to practice, or #or a $ill#ul disoedience o#

    any la$#ul order o# a superior court, or #or corruptly or $ill#ullyappearing as an attorney #or a party to a case $ithout

    authority so to do& The practice o# soliciting cases at la$ #or

    the purpose o# gain, either personally or through paid agents

    or ro>ers, constitutes malpractice&

    7n Molina "& 'tty& Magat,this court suspended #urther 'tty&

    Ce#erino R& Magat #rom the practice o# la$ #or six months #or

    practicing his pro#ession despite this courtOs pre"ious order o#


    Fe impose the same penalty on 'tty& /aliga #or holding his

    position as Regional 8irector despite lac>&o# authority to

    practice la$&

    Fe note that the Commission on @uman Rights n /anc

    issued the resolution dated 'pril 1*, 200, reconsidering its

    %rst resolution suspending 'tty& /aliga as Regional 8irectorQ

    'ttorney B7& 7nstead, the Commission admonished 'tty& /aliga

    and sternly $arned him that repeating the same o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    Conduct and thical .tandards #or Pulic 4(cials and

    mployees against 'tty& 'steria & Cru9ara 3respondent6& 7n

    his a(da"it-complaint2dated May 2002, complainant

    charged respondent $ith engaging in pri"ate practice $hile

    employed in the go"ernment ser"ice&

    Complainant alleged that respondent $as admitted to the

    Philippine /ar on *0 May 1? and $as appointed as 8eputy

    Register o# 8eeds o# eneral .antos City on 11 'ugust

    1&*Complainant asserted that as 8eputy Register o#

    8eeds, respondent %led a petition #or commission as a notarypulic and $as commissioned on 2 eruary 1 $ithout

    otaining prior authority #rom the .ecretary o# the

    8epartment o# ustice 3846&+Complainant claimed that

    respondent has notari9ed some *,000

    documents&5Complainant pointed out that respondent only

    stopped notari9ing documents $hen she $as reprimanded y

    the Chie# o# the 7n"estigation 8i"ision o# the =and Registration


    Complainant contended that respondent could not !usti#y her

    act y pretending to e in good #aith ecause e"en non-

    la$yers are not excused #rom ignorance o# the la$&

    Complainant randed as incredile respondentLs claim that

    she $as merely moti"ated y pulic ser"ice in notari9ing*,000 documents& Complainant pointed out that respondent

    spent money to uy the )otarial Register /oo>s and spent

    hours going o"er the documents suscried e#ore her,

    therey pre!udicing her e(ciency and per#ormance as 8eputy

    Register o# 8eeds& Complainant elie"ed that e"en i#

    respondent had otained authority #rom the 84, respondent

    $ould still e guilty o# "iolating .ection 36326 o# R' ?1*

    ecause her practice as a notary pulic conIicts $ith her

    o(cial #unctions&

    7n her Comment, respondent admitted that she $as a notary

    pulic #rom 2 eruary 1 to *1 8ecemer

    1&Respondent stated that she $as authori9ed y her

    superior, the Register o# 8eeds, to act as a notary pulic&Respondent pointed out that the Register o# 8eeds, 'tty&

    Pelagio T& Tolosa, also suscried petitions and documents

    that $ere reEuired to e registered&Respondent explained

    that the Register o# 8eeds imposed the #ollo$ing conditions

    #or her application as a notary pulic:

    x x x

    +& That the application #or commission $as on the condition

    that respondent cannot charge #ees #or documents reEuired

    y the 4(ce to e presented and under oath&10

    Respondent contended that $hen she %led her petition #orcommission as a notary pulic, the reEuirement o# appro"al

    #rom the 84 .ecretary $as still the su!ect o# a pending

    Euery y one o# the Registrars and this #act $as not >no$n to

    respondent&11Respondent maintained that she had no

    intention to "iolate any rule o# la$& Respondent, as a ne$

    la$yer relying on the competence o# her superior, admitted

    that an honest mista>e may ha"e een committed ut such

    mista>e $as committed $ithout $ill#ulness, malice or


    Respondent argued that she $as not engaged in illegal

    practice as a notary pulic ecause she $as duly

    commissioned y the court&1*Respondent denied that she

    "iolated .ection 36326 o# R' ?1* ecause she $asauthori9ed y her superior to act as a notary pulic&

    Respondent reasoned that her eing a notary pulic

    complemented her #unctions as 8eputy Register o# 8eeds

    ecause respondent could immediately ha"e documents

    notari9ed instead o# the registrants going out o# the o(ce to

    loo> #or a notary pulic& Respondent added that she did not

    charge #ees #or the documents reEuired y the o(ce to e

    presented under oath&1+la%"hi

    Respondent insisted that contrary to complainantLs claims,

    she only notari9ed 1*5 documents as certi%ed y the Cler> o#

    Court o# the 11th udicial Region, eneral .antos City& 15

    7n her Report and Recommendation 3Report6 dated 25 anuary

    2005, 7n"estigating Commissioner =ydia '& )a"arro

    recommended to the 7/P /oard o# o"ernors the dismissal o#

    the complaint against respondent #or lac> o# merit& The Report

    reads in part:

    @o$e"er, the #act that she applied #or commission as )otary

    Pulic $ithout securing the appro"al o# the proper authority

    although she $as allo$ed to do so y her superior o(cer, $as

    not her o$n undoing #or ha"ing relied on the ample authority

    o# her superior o(cer, respondent eing a neophyte in the la$pro#ession #or ha"ing ne$ly passed the ar a year a#ter at that


    Records #urther sho$ed that a#ter ha"ing een reprimanded

    y 'tty& lestado #or said mista>e $hich $as done in good

    #aith respondent ceased and desisted to per#orm notarial $or>

    since then up to the present as could e gleaned #rom the

    Certi%cation issued y Cler> o# Court B7 'tty& lmer 8&

    =astimosa o# the 11th udicial Region eneral .antos CityA

    dated 8ecemer 2*, 200+ that 1*5 documents ha"e een

    notari9ed y the respondent #rom eruary 2, 1 to

    8ecemer *1 1 and there $as no record o# any notari9ed

    documents #rom anuary 1, 10 to 8ecemer 21, 11&1?

    7n a Resolution dated 12 March 2005, the 7/P /oard o#

    o"ernors, in adopting and appro"ing the Report, dismissed

    the case #or lac> o# merit&

    Complainant claims that in dismissing the complaint #or Nlac>

    o# meritN despite respondentLs admission that she acted as a

    notary pulic #or t$o years, the 7/P /oard o# o"ernors

    committed a serious error amounting to lac> o# !urisdiction or


    .ection 36326 o# R' ?1* pro"ides:

    .ection & Prohiited 'cts and Transactions& - 7n addition toacts and omissions o# pulic o(cials and employees no$

    prescried in the Constitution and existing la$s, the #ollo$ing

    shall constitute prohiited acts and transactions o# any pulic

    o(cial and employee and are herey declared to e unla$#ul:

    x x x

    36 4utside employment and other acti"ities related thereto& -

    Pulic o(cials and employees during their incumency shall


    x x x

    326 ngage in the pri"ate practice o# their pro#ession unless

    authori9ed y the Constitution or la$, pro"ided, that such

    practice $ill not conIict or tend to conIict $ith their o(cial

    #unctionsA or

    x x x

    Memorandum Circular )o& 11o# the xecuti"e 8epartment

    allo$s go"ernment employees to engage directly in the

    pri"ate practice o# their pro#ession pro"ided there is a $ritten

    permission #rom the 8epartment head& 7t pro"ides:

    The authority to grant permission to any o(cial or employeeshall e granted y the head o# the ministry or agency in

    accordance $ith .ection 12, Rule GB777 o# the Re"ised Ci"il

    .er"ice Rules, $hich pro"ides: 12& )o o(cer or employee shall engage directly in any

    pri"ate usiness, "ocation, or pro#ession or e connected $ith

    any commercial, credit, agricultural, or industrial underta>ing

    $ithout a )i''en e)-i((i!n *)!- '+e +ead !*

    Dea)'-en'A Pro"ided, That this prohiition $ill e asolute

    in the case o# those o(cers and employees $hose duties and

    responsiilities reEuire that their entire time e at the disposal

    o# the o"ernment: Pro"ided, #urther, That i# an employee is
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    granted permission to engage in outside acti"ities, the time so

    de"oted outside o# o(ce hours should e %xed y the chie# o#

    the agency to the end that it $ill not impair in any $ay the

    e(ciency o# the other o(cer or employee: 'nd pro"ided,

    %nally, That no permission is necessary in the case o#

    in"estments, made y an o(cer or employee, $hich do not

    in"ol"e any real or apparent conIict et$een his pri"ate

    interests and pulic duties, or in any $ay inIuence him in the

    discharge o# his duties, and he shall not ta>e part in the

    management o# the enterprise or ecome an o(cer or

    memer o# the oard o# directorsN,

    .u!ect to any additional conditions $hich the head o# the

    o(ce deems necessary in each particular case in the interest

    o# the ser"ice, as expressed in the "arious issuances o# the

    Ci"il .er"ice Commission& 3/old#acing supplied6

    7t is clear that $hen respondent %led her petition #or

    commission as a notary pulic, she did not otain a $ritten

    permission #rom the .ecretary o# the 84& RespondentLs

    superior, the Register o# 8eeds, cannot issue any

    authori9ation ecause he is not the head o# the 8epartment&

    'nd e"en assuming that the Register o# 8eeds authori9ed her,

    respondent #ailed to present any proo# o# that $ritten

    permission& Respondent cannot #eign ignorance or good #aithecause respondent %led her petition #or commission as a

    notary pulic a#ter Memorandum Circular )o& 1 $as issued in


    7n ;u#ol, Jr. v. 7errer Sr.,1$e suspended a la$yer employed

    in the Commission on @uman Rights 3C@R6 #or #ailing to otain

    a $ritten authority and appro"al $ith a duly appro"ed lea"e o#

    asence #rom the C@R& Fe explained:

    Crystal clear #rom the #oregoing is the #act that pri"ate

    practice o# la$ y C@R la$yers is not a matter o# right&

    'lthough the Commission allo$s C@R la$yers to engage in

    pri"ate practice, a $ritten reEuest and appro"al thereo#, $ith

    a duly appro"ed lea"e o# asence #or that matter are

    indispensale& 7n the case at ar, the record is ere#t o# any

    such $ritten reEuest or duly appro"ed lea"e o# asence& )o

    $ritten authority nor appro"al o# the practice and appro"ed

    lea"e o# asence y the C@R $as e"er presented y

    respondent& Thus, he cannot engage in pri"ate practice&

    's to respondentLs act o# notari9ing documents, records sho$

    that he applied #or commission as notary pulic on 1+

    )o"emer 2000, e#ore the Regional Trial Court 3RTC6 o# .an

    ernando, Pampanga, /ranch +2& This $as granted y RTC

    xecuti"e udge Pedro M& .unga, r&, on 01 8ecemer 2000&

    @o$e"er, the C@R authori9ed respondent to act as notary

    pulic only on 2 4ctoer 2001& Considering the acts o#

    notari9ation are $ithin the amit o# the term Npractice o# la$,N

    #or $hich a prior $ritten reEuest and appro"al y the C@R to

    engage into it are reEuired, the crucial period to e

    considered is the appro"al o# the C@R on 2 4ctoer 2001 and

    not the appro"al o# the RTC on 0+ 8ecemer 2000&20

    7n Muring, Jr. v. Gatcho,21$e suspended a la$yer #or ha"ing

    %led petitions #or commission as a notary pulic $hile

    employed as a court attorney& Fe held:

    'tty& atcho should ha"e >no$n that as a go"ernment la$yer,

    he $as prohiited #rom engaging in notarial practice, or in any

    #orm o# pri"ate legal practice #or that matter& 'tty& atcho

    cannot no$ #eign ignorance or good #aith, as he did not see>to exculpate himsel# y pro"iding an explanation #or his error&

    'tty& atchoLs %ling o# the petition #or commission, $hile not

    an actual engagement in the practice o# la$, appears as a

    #urti"e attempt to e"ade the prohiition&22

    Dnder the Dni#orm Rules on 'dministrati"e Cases in the Ci"il

    .er"ice, engaging in the pri"ate practice o# pro#ession, $hen

    unauthori9ed, is classi%ed as a light o

  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    pulic o(ce, except in the case o#suparagraph 36 326 ao"e, ut thepro#essional concerned cannot practice hispro#ession in connection $ith any mattere#ore the o(ce he used to e $ith, in$hich case the one-year prohiition shallli>e$ise apply&

    7n her letter-Euery, 'tty& /u(?>6?, assu#ing the sa#e does not con@ict or tend to

    con@ict %ith his o5cial duties, (ut a non4incu#(ent li&e

    #yself cannot, as is a""arently "rohi(ited (y the last

    "aragra"h of Sec. !A =hy is the for#er allo%ed, %ho is still

    occu"ying the very "u(lic "osition that he is lia(le to e"loit,

    (ut a non4incu#(ent li&e #yself %ho is no longer in a "osition

    of "ossi(le a(usee"loitation cannotA%&'

    The Euery arose ecause 'tty& /u, #or a period o# one 316 year #rom the date o# her

    separation #rom go"ernment employment&

    'tty& /u o# Court

    o# that /ranch&

    Then 8eputy Court 'dministrator 3no$ Court

    'dministrator6 ose P& Pere9 made the #ollo$ing oser"ations

    $hen the matter $as re#erred to him:

    The general intent o# the la$, asde%ned in its title is to uphold the time-honored principle o# pulic o(ce eing apulic trust& .ection + thereo# pro"ides #or

    the norms o# conduct o# pulic o(cials andemployees, among others: 3a6 commitmentto pulic interestA 36 pro#essionalismA and3c6 !ustness and sincerity& 4# particularsigni%cance is the statement underpro#essionalism that t;hey pulic o(cialsand employees; shall endea"or todiscourage $rong perceptions o# their rolesas dispensers or peddlers o# unduepatronage&

    Thus, it may e $ell to say that the

    prohiition $as intended to a"oid anyimpropriety or the appearance o#impropriety $hich may occur in anytransaction et$een the retired go"ernmentemployee and his #ormer colleagues,suordinates or superiors rought aout y#amiliarity, moral ascendancy or undueinIuence, as the case may e&2;

    .useEuently, in a MinuteResolution dated uly 15,

    200, $e resol"ed to re#er this case to the 4(ce o# the Chie#

    'ttorney 31C'T6 #or e"aluation, report and recommendation&


    The 4C'T too> the "ie$ that:

    The premise o# the Euery is erroneous& .heinterprets .ection 36 326 as a lan>etauthority #or an incument cler> o# court topractice la$& Clearly, there is a misreadingo# that pro"ision o# la$& +;

    and #urther oser"ed:The con#usion apparently lies in the use o#the term such practice a#ter the phrasepro"ided that& 7t may indeed emisinterpreted as modi#ying the phraseengage in the pri"ate practice o# theirpro#ession should e pre#atory sentencethat pulic o(cials during their incumencyshall not e disregarded& @o$e"er, read in

    its entirety, such practice may only re#er topractice authori9ed y the Constitution orla$ or the exception to the prohiitionagainst the practice o# pro#ession& The termla$ $as intended y the legislature toinclude a memorandum or a circular or anadministrati"e order issued pursuant to theauthority o# la$&x x x

    The interpretation that .ection 36 326 generally prohiits incument pulico(cials and employees #rom engaging inthe practice o# la$, $hich is declared thereina prohiited and unla$#ul act, accords $ith

    the constitutional policy on accountaility o#pulic o(cers stated in 'rticle G7 o# theConstitutionx x x

    The policy thus reEuires pulic o(cials andemployees to de"ote #ull time pulic ser"iceso that in case o# conIict et$een personaland pulic interest, the latter should ta>eprecedence o"er the #ormer&5;ootnotesomitted;

    Fith respect to la$yers in the !udiciary, the 4C'T pointed to

    .ection 5, Canon * o# the Code o# Conduct #or Court Personnel

    the rule that deals $ith outside employment y an incument

    !udicial employee and $hich limits such outside employment

    to one that does not reEuire the practice o# la$& ?;The

    prohiition to practice la$ $ith respect to any matter $here

    they ha"e inter"ened $hile in the go"ernment ser"ice is

    reiterated in Rule ?&0*, Canon ? o# the Code o# Pro#essional
  • 7/26/2019 ethics cases on influence peddling, intemperate language, and lawyers in government service


    Responsiility, $hich go"erns the conduct o# la$yers in the

    go"ernment ser"ice&;

    7n "ie$ o# the 4C'T %ndings and recommendations,

    $e issued an nBanc Resolution dated )o"emer 11,

    200 directing the Court 'dministrator to dra#t and sumit to

    the Court a circular on the practice o# pro#ession during

    employment and $ithin one year #rom res