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  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3




    Introduction ................ ................. ................. ................. .... III


    Reinforcement ............... ................. ................. ............... 6

    Extension ................ ................ ................. ................. ....... 30

    Culture & Festivals ............... ................ ................. .......... 42

    Investigate! ............... ................. ................. ................. .... 54

    Assessment ................ ................. ................. ................. . 66

    Answer keys

    Reinforcement ............... ................. ................. ............... 92

    Extension ................ ................ ................. ................. ....... 98

    Culture & Festivals ................. ................. ................. ....... 102

    Investigate! ............... ................. ................. ................. .... 104

    Assessment ................ ................. ................. ................ .. 106

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3



    Essential Science Plus 3 Teacher’s Resource Book provides a wide variety

    of photocopiable worksheets designed to complement Essential Science

    Plus 3 Student’s Book and Essential Science Plus 3 Teacher’s Book.These worksheets facilitate a flexible approach in the classroom. Students

    in the same class can be given different worksheets. Stronger students

    can expand on the material learnt in class. Weaker students can use

    the worksheets to revise. Alternatively, students can work together with

    stronger peers to complete the tasks. In addition, these worksheets can be

    photocopied and used for homework.

    There are five categories of worksheets: Reinforcement , Extension,

    Culture & Festivals, Investigate! and Assessment . Answer keys are

    provided at the back of this book.

    Reinforcement and Extension worksheets

    There are twenty-four Reinforcement  worksheets and twelve Extension 

    worksheets. The Reinforcement worksheets are designed to provide

    additional support for students in need of further practice. They can be

    used after the relevant section in the Student’s Book, before the Show

    what you know sections, or as extra preparation for the Unit assessment.

    Depending on the students, they can complete the worksheets with or

    without consulting their Student’s Books, in the classroom or at home,

    individually or in pairs.

    The Extension worksheets can be used for fast finishers or to expand on

    the material covered in class.

    EssentialScience Plus3 Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing /Santillana Educación,S.L.6

    Name Date

         R     E     I     N     F     O     R     C     E     M     E     N     T

    Our senses1

    • 5 A ≈ 5 C ∩ 5 D ∪ 5 E ∼ 5 F ♣ 5 G ◊ 5 H ⊃ 5 I ⊂ 5 L

    ♦5 M ∧ 5 N ∨ 5 O ♠ 5 R ∅ 5 S ∗ 5 T ♥ 5 U ≅ 5 V ∴ 5 W

    Unscramble the words and label the diagram.1

    Find the parts of the ear and complete the sentences.2

    Use the code and find the message.3

    n e s lc p o t i e r e v n

    s i i r t a n e r i

    a n c e o r u p l i p 


    ∴ ∪  ◊ • ≅ ∪  ∼  ⊃ ≅ ∪  ∅ ∪ ∧ ∅ ∪ ∅ : ∅ ⊃ ♣ ◊ ∗ ,

      : ,

     ◊ ∪ • ♠ ⊃ ∧ ♣ ,  ∅ ♦ ∪ ⊂ ⊂ ,  ∗  • ∅ ∗ ∪   • ∧ ∩   ∗  ∨ ♥ ≈ ◊ .

      ,  ,  .

    a. Sound vibrations go into the outer ear and along the .

    b. The vibrates.

    c. The vibration of the eardrum moves the .

    d. The sound then goes to the .

    e. The cochlea sends the sound through the to the brain.

    EssentialScience Plus3 Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing /Santillana Educación,S.L.30

    Name Date

       E   X   T   E   N   S   I   O   N 

    1 Our senses

    Guide dogs act as eyes for people who are blind.

    They help blind people move from one place

    to another. They can help a blind person crossthe road, avoid obstacles or go to the shops. Guide

    dogs stay with their owners at all times.

    Most guide dogs are Labradors or Golden

    Retrievers. They receive special training startingwhen they are puppies. Then, they are assigned

    to a blind person. Guide dogs wear a harness todo their job.

    Guide dogs work approximately six years before

    they retire.

    Read and write True  or False .

    a. Guide dogs help people who cannot see.

    b. They sometimes leave their owners alone.

    c. Their harness is just for decoration.

    d. All breeds of dogs can be guide dogs.

    e. They have a limited working life.

    Complete the index card about guide dogs.



     Job description:

    Most common breeds:


    Years of service:

    Guide dogs


  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Culture & Festivals worksheets

    There are twelve Culture & Festivals worksheets, one for each unit. Some

    of these worksheets expand on a variety of cultural topics. Others focus on

    typical annual festivals in various countries. Students have the opportunity

    to relate their learning to the real world.

    Investigate! worksheets

    There are twelve Investigate! worksheets, one for each unit. These

    worksheets provide opportunities for students to carry out simple

    investigative tasks, either in the classroom or at home.


    EssentialScience Plus3 Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing /Santillana Educación,S.L.42

    Name Date

       C   U   L   T   U   R   E   &    F

       E   S   T   I   V   A   L   S

    1 Our senses

    People with sight and hearing disabilities use different languages to communicate with other

    people. Sign language is a language that many deaf people use to communicate.Braille is a system of printing for blind people.

    Use the sign alphabet. Learn to say your name with your hands. Take turnswith a partner to spell out your name.

    Use the Braille alphabet. Punch out your nameon a piece of card with the tip of a ballpoint pen.Learn to read it with your fingers. Exchangenames with a partner.



    EssentialScience Plus3Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing/Santillana Educación,S.L.54

    Name Date

       I   N   V   E   S   T   I   G   A   T   E   !

    1 Our senses

    What happens when you can’t see what you are tasting? And when you can’t seeor smell what you are tasting?


    1. Work with a partner.

    2. Your partner wears a blindfold.

    3. Dip a plastic spoon in one of the foods and let your partner taste it.

    4. Ask your partner to identify the food.

    5. Repeat the experiment in a different order. This time your partner holds their nose.

    6. Complete the table with the results. Take turns and compare the results.


     food blindfolded blindfolded and holding your nose

    pineapple juice   yes no  

    mustard orange juice

    pineapple juiceketchup

    mayonnaise yoghurt

    I can / cannot identify foods when I cannot see them.

    I can / cannot identify foods when I cannot see them and cannot smell them.

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    EssentialScience Plus3 Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing/Santillana Educación,S.L.66

    Name Date

         A     S     S     E     S     S     M     E     N     T

    1 Our senses




    Complete the table.1

    Use the colour code and circle the words.

    sight→ green 

    hearing→ red 

    smell→ blue 

    taste→ purple 

    touch→ orange


    Complete the parts of the eye and match them to the definitions.

    a. r We use it to focus.

    b. t a It takes the image we see to the brain.

    c. o n It is the coloured part of the eye.

    d. o t e v It captures the light.

    e. u l It is transparent and light passes through it.

    f. n Light enters the eye through it.


    pain eyelashes retina cochlea cornea texture temperature nostrils

    inner ear olfactory nerve taste buds flavour eardrum nasal cavity

    67EssentialScience Plus3Photocopiable Material© 2012Richmond Publishing/Santillana Educación,S.L.

     A  S   S  E   S   S   ME   N  T  

    How do we hear? Match and number the sentences in order.

      The eardrum takes the information to the brain.

      The outer ear make the sound louder.

      The cochlea vibrates when the sound reaches it.

      The auditory nerve receives the sound.

      The ear canal transmits the sound vibrations to the auditory nerve.

      The three small bones carries the sound to the middle ear.

    Circle the correct words in each sentence.

    • Smells enter our nose through the nostrils / nasal cavity.

    • The eyelid / cornea protects the eye.

    • Our taste buds help us to distinguish different flavours / smells.

    • Different areas of the tongue / mouth detect different tastes.

    • Through our skin we feel pain / colour.

    Complete the crossword about how these things feel.













    Assessment worksheets

    There are twelve double-page Assessment worksheets, one for each

    unit. These worksheets can be given to students once the unit has been

    completed, as a revision test, or to check progress at any point during

    the year.

    Digital resources


    The i-solutions pack contains 4 CDs:

    CD 1

    Digital Flashcards, Digital Posters and

    Web bank

    The digital flashcard bank offers over

    100 images to project onto an interactive

    whiteboard or to print out. There are

    four digital posters which can be printed

    out. The web bank includes some of the

    best, free web links for teaching Science,Geography and History.

    CD 2

    IWB Activities

    The Interactive Whiteboard Activities CD

    contains three interactive activities per unit

    to help reinforce the Student’s Book content

    in a fun way.

    CD 3


    The i-book contains

    the core course

    material in digital

    format: Student’s

    Book, Activity Book

    and Teacher’s Book.

    It can be used

    on an interactive

    whiteboard in the

    classroom or for

    class planning.

    CD 4

     Teacher’s resources and maps

    This CD contains the PDFs of this Teacher’s

    Resource Book. In addition, there are

    printable blank and filled-in maps of


    . .. .




    EssentialScience Plus 3 PRIMARY



    . i .


    PR I R Y

    Language Co panion 3

    The L anguageCompanionisdesigned to help CL IL teachersin bilingualprogrammesith v ocabulary and structuresthatthechildren may nothav e been

    ex posed to orhav e nothad suffici entpractice ith. Thisinnov ativ e multimedia

    tool can be used on an interactiv e hiteboardoron a computerith printoptionsav ailableforall orksheets.

    The L anguageCompanionhasto sections: S cience and Art. TheS cience sectioncov ersmaterial fromthe sev en S cience sy llabustopics, hi le the Artsection deals

    ith tenty picaltopicsforeach lev el.

    Each section then offersthree main areasto practise: ords,L anguage andCommunication.

    in i u require ents: 

    Intel PentiumIII (orequiv alent); PoerPCG3 800 Hz(recommended: >1000 Hz )

    256 B ofRA (recommended:>512 B)S creen resolution: 1024x 768 pix els

    8x CD-RO Driv e

    L oudspeakers

    perating syste s:

    • indos98, NT, 2000,XP,Vista and indos7

    • acOS Xv .10.1.x , 10.2.x , 10.3.x or10.4.x

    •L inux (plugin F lash 8.0 orhigher)


    indo sInsertthe CD-RO. The program ill l aunch

    automatically . Ifthe program failsto start

    automatically , open the file ex ein.ex e to run.

    L inux

    Insertthe CD-RO and open the file ex eL inux .htmto run. F orfull screen pressF 11.


    InserttheCD-RO andopenthefileex eac.apptorun.


    r i r C L IL


    L N G U



    P NI  N

    . r i c e l t . c

    P   UB L   I     S   HI    N G

    cianmagenta amarillo negro127_Et_Ln_m_.i n 1 2/12/  11 1:24

     _ _ -

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.6

    Name Date

    Our senses1

    • 5

     A ≈ 5

     C ∩ 5

     D ∪ 5

     E ∼5

     F ♣ 5

     G ◊ 5

     H ⊃ 5

     I ⊂ 5

     L♦5 M ∧ 5 N ∨ 5 O ♠ 5 R ∅ 5 S ∗ 5 T ♥ 5 U ≅ 5 V ∴ 5 W

    Unscramble the letters and label the diagram.1

    Circle the parts of the ear and complete the sentences.2

    Use the code and find the message.3

    n e s lc p o t i e r e v n

    s i i r t a n e r i

    a n c e o r u p l i p


    ∴ ∪  ◊ • ≅  ∪  ∼ ⊃ ≅  ∪  ∅ ∪ ∧ ∅ ∪ ∅ : ∅ ⊃ ♣ ◊ ∗ ,

      : ,

     ◊ ∪ • ♠ ⊃ ∧ ♣ ,  ∅ ♦ ∪ ⊂ ⊂ ,  ∗  • ∅ ∗ ∪  • ∧ ∩  ∗  ∨ ♥ ≈ ◊ .

      ,  ,  .

    a. Sound vibrations go into the outer ear and along the .

    b. The vibrates.

    c. The vibration of the eardrum moves the .

    d. The sound then goes to the .

    e. The cochlea sends the sound through the to the brain.

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

     Tick (✓) the true sentences and cross ( ✗) the false sentences.

    a. We can distinguish lots of different smells.

    b. Dogs have a weak sense of smell.

    c. Smells travel through the air.

    d. Smells enter our nose through the olfactory nerve.

    e. The olfactory nerve sends information about smells to the brain.

    Circle the words related to taste. Then, write them under the correct picture.

    r x p r d s z b

    s o u r l a n i

    a d b r x l w t

    g s w e e t m t

    m x o n x y l e

    y b p d a e c r

    How do these things feel? Read and match.










    A B C

    D E F

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.8

    Name Date

    Label the skeleton with these words.

    Circle six muscles. Then, write them under the correct body part.

    c a l f m u s c l e

    t e s j p b w b o f  

    q u a d r i c e p s

    r y h r s c a g e p

    q i f g d e c k c x

    t r i c e p s w t v

    g x c o b s t u o q

    u l k w o d q p r j

    z a b d o m i n a lr h o b s n y p l a



    2 Our body

    arm trunk leg






  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.10

    Name Date

    Living things3

    Look at the photograph and complete the table.

    living things non-living things

    Write the names of the life processes.

    a. Living things need food to be able to move and grow.

    b. Living things make new living things.

    c. Living things interact with each other and the environment.

    Read the sentences and write yes or no .

    animals plants

    They make their own food.

    They communicate with each other.

    Some are born from eggs.

    They are living things.

    Some eat other animals and plants.

    They move.

    They produce seeds.




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    1Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Where do these animals live? Write.






    Match the words to the definitions.

    These animals eat plants. 


    These animals eat meat. 


    These animals are born from eggs. 


    These animals eat animals and plants.



    These animals are born from their mother’s womb. 


    Complete the table.




    animal nutrition reproduction movement  

    walk, run, climb



  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    1Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Circle the correct words.

    a. Worms, insects and spiders are vertebrates / invertebrates.

    b. Mussels have shells / exoskeletons.c. Crabs have thick / thin exoskeletons.

    d. Jellyfish and earthworms have / do not have a protective covering.

    Complete the crossword about insects.

    1 2





    Down Across

    1.  These parts help insects feel and smell. 4. This part contains wings and legs.

    2. An early stage in an insect’s life. 5. This part contains the main organs.

    3. Invertebrates with six legs. 6. Insects fly with these.

    Solve the animal riddles.




    It lives in water and looks likea big fish, but it is a mammal.It has bare skin and a long nose.

    It has beautiful wings and it can fly.Its babies are born from eggs.It has six legs and two antennae.

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.14

    Name Date

    5 Plants

    Use the words to complete the text.

    move air adapt food seeds sunlight living things water minerals

    Plants are . They cannot

    from place to place, but they to their environment.

    They make their own . They use ,

    , and

    from the soil. Plants reproduce from .

    Complete the sentences with tree, bush  or grass. Then, match.

    a. A has a short, woody stem.

    b. A has a soft, flexible stem.

    c. A has a thick, woody stem called a trunk.

    Read and complete the words. Then, label the plant.

    They grow from the stems and branches. a

    They hold the plant in the ground. o

    They can be woody or soft. e




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    1Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Unscramble the letters and label the diagram. Then, circle the partsof the flower that attract insects.

    l t e p a

    e t m s a n

    p c e r a l

    a s l p e

    Match the sentences to the life cycle.

    a. Next, leaves grow on the stem.

    b. Flowers with seeds inside grow on the pear tree.

    c. When the pears are ripe, they fall to the ground and release seeds.

    d. The baby plant grows into an adult pear tree.

    e. The seed germinates. A root and a stem grow.



  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.16

    Name Date

    6 Water 

    Look at the photos of different states of water. Write S (solid), L (liquid) or G (gas).

    Complete the sentences.

    dissolve gas liquid smell taste colour water solid

    a. All living things need to live.

    b. Water has no , or .

    c. Water exists in three states: , and .

    d. Salt and sugar in water.

    Use the clues to complete the changes of state.

    a. Liquid water changes into ice. l f a i

    b. Liquid water changes into water vapour. v o t

    c. Ice changes into liquid water. t n

    d. Water vapour changes into liquid water. n e a o




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    1Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Label the diagram with the words from Activity 3.

    Match and number the sentences in order. Then, write the numbers on the diagram.

    When water vapour rises in the air, in lakes, rivers and seas.

      Water collects falls back to Earth as rain or snow.

    The Sun heats the water and through the soil and becomes groundwater.

    Water from the clouds it evaporates and goes into the air.

      Some water filters it condenses and form clouds.



    water vapour water ice

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.18

    Name Date

    Look at the pictures and write mountain landscape, flat landscape or coastal landscape.

    Unscramble the letters and label the parts of the mountain.

    o p e l s t o f o m t u i s m

    Complete the sentences with plain or plateau.

    a. A often has a wide river flowing through it.

    b. A is a large area of high, flat land.

    c. A is a large area of low, flat land.

    d. The biggest in Spain is in the centre of the country.





  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    1Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Circle the elements of coastal landscapes. Then, write them next to their definitions.

    p en in  s u  l a c l

      i  f f b a y i s landa r c h i p e l  a 

    g o b e a ch

    a. A high area of rock next to the sea:

    b. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides:

    c. A group of islands:

    d. A part of the sea that cuts into the land:

    e. An area of flat land with sand or pebbles next to the sea:

    f. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides except one:

    Copy each sentence under the correct photo.

    Don’t disturb wild animals. Don’t pick wild plants. Don’t drop litter on the beach.

    Read and write natural change or man-made change .

    a. Rain and wind wear down rocks.

    b. A volcano erupts.

    c. A dam is built on a lake.

    d. A deciduous tree loses its leaves.

    e. A field is planted with crops.




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.20

    Name Date

    Complete the text about rivers.

    fresh water






    Rivers are bodies of moving . They provide a home and food

    for many . We use them to generate . We also

    use them to things and people by boat and ship. The land next

    to rivers is land which is good for .

    Use the clues to complete the words related to rivers.

    A smaller river that flows into a larger river. r a .

    The place where a river meets the sea. t .

    The place where a river begins. u .

    A bend in a river. a r.

    Complete the sentences with lake or reservoir.

    a. A always contains fresh water.

    b. A always has a dam.

    c. A is a man-made area of still water.

    d. A very small is called a pond.

    e. A forms naturally.




    Water and landscapes8

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    2Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Circle the names of the oceans and seas. Then label the map.

    a r c t i coce a n c a r  i  b

      b e a n sea ind i a n o c e a n s o 

    u t hc h inaseaa  n t a r c t i coce a n a

      t  l a n  t  i

     c o c eanmed i t e r r  a n e a n s e a pac i f icoce a n

    Circle the four cardinal points on the compass. Then, find them in the wordsearch

    and write them.

    x h e a s t

    s n o r t h

    o q w v z g

    u w e s t t

    t k r c f w

    h w p x k s

    What kind of map do you need? Write.

    a. To locate a museum in a city:

    b. To locate a country in a continent:

    c. To locate mountain ranges in a country:

    d. To travel by car from one place to another:




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.22

    Name Date

    9 Air 

    Read and circle the correct word.

    a. Air is a mixture of different gases / liquids.

    b. Carbon dioxide / Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in air.

    c. All animals and people need oxygen / nitrogen to survive.

    d. Plants need carbon dioxide / oxygen to make their food.

    Copy the sentences under the correct picture. Then, write P (property) or U (use).

    Birds need air to fly. We inflate bicycle tyres with air. Air has weight.


    Complete the text about the atmosphere.

    The atmosphere is the layer of

    that surrounds the .

    The layer of the atmosphere has

    oxygen, which living things need to .

    The upper of the

    contains very little oxygen. Outside

    the atmosphere is . Here, there is no

    air and there are no .




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    2Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Circle six words about the weather. Then, write them next to the correct symbol.

    f o g g y k r

    s r a s g m ac l o u d y i

    p m u n r x n

    d c w n x v i

    q b s y p p n

    s n o w i n g

    w i n d y x s

    Complete the table about weather instruments.

    instrument measures / indicates


    weather vane


    rain gauge

    wind speed

    Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    clashes uproot column speeds destroy funnel-shaped

    a. A tornado forms a swirling of wind.

    b. It looks like a dark cloud.

    c. Winds in a tornado can reach of up to 480 km/h.

    d. Tornadoes can buildings and trees

    e. They form when warm, humid air with cold air.




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.24

    Name Date

    10 Where we live

    Complete the sentences with increases or decreases.

    a. When more people diethan are born, the population .

    b. When there are more immigrantsthan emigrants, the population .

    c. When more people are bornthan die, the population .

    d. When there are more emigrantsthan immigrants, the population .

    Read the sentences and write rural area or urban area.

    They have a lot of traffic.

    People work in many different jobs.

    Most people live in houses.

    Many people work in farming.They have narrow roads.

    There are a lot of shops.

    Are these advantages or disadvantages of living in a city? Match. 

    more educational services 


    sports centres and cinemas

    fewer open spaces 


    schools and museums

    more free time activities 

    few natural landscapes

    • Now, write one more advantage and disadvantage.




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    2Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Complete the text about street maps.

    rows grid key aerial view columns symbols

    Street maps show an

    of streets, parks, gardens and buildings in

    a city. They have a with

    and .

    They have for important

    buildings and places. The

    of the map indicates the meaning

    of the symbols.

    Use the colour key and circle the words.

    road transport → red 

    rail transport → green

    water transport → blue 

    air transport → orange

    underground trains lorries fastest tracks cargo ships rivers

    minor roads airports very expensive motorways cheap

    Match the sentences to find five road safety rules.

    a. Do not cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.

    b. Always wear a helmet on the pavement.

    c. Always look both ways before crossing the road.

    d. Always cross the road behind buses.

    e. Always walk when cycling.




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    11 Work

    Use the colour key and circle the words.

    primary sector → green 

    secondary sector → red 

    tertiary sector → blue

    mining manufacturing tourism education crop farming transport

    fishing health care animal farming forestry construction retail

    Match the jobs in the primary sector to the sentences.

    open-pit mining   The boats have freezers on board for storing fish.

    coastal fishing   This job takes place near the coast.

    deep-sea fishing   Fish are only caught when they are fully grown.

    fish farming   Rocks and minerals are extracted from near the Earth’s surface.

    underground mining   Rocks and minerals are extracted from deep underground.

    Circle eight products from farming and forestry. Write them. Then, underline the irrigatedcrops in blue, and the dry crops in green.

    p d g b e w x

    t o m a t o q

    h l c k c o w

    p i g r e d r

    o v s r r t i

    c e a m e t c

    p v g r a p e

    k i r b l c h




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    2Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Write the type of industry under the correct picture.

    food industry textile industry chemical industry construction industry


    Unscramble the jobs. Then, classify them according to the service sectors.

    r o t u e i d g u 

    s i t n e t d 

    g r s e n i 

    i n t r a r e r d v i

    c e r h a t e 

    h o p s s t i s n s a t a

    education health care transport retail tourism entertainment

    Complete the sentences about how jeans are made. Then, number them in order.

    a. Lorries take the cotton to a .

    b. sell the jeans to customers.

    c. Farmers collect raw from plants.

    d. Machines weave the cotton into .

    e. In another factory, people use machines to cut and sew the denim cloth to make





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     Time passes12






    1,000 years 24 hours 60 seconds 366 days

    365 days 100 years 60 minutes 10 years

    leap year   decade   hour   century

    Write personal history or family history  under each picture.

    Complete the text about traditions and festivals.

    international celebrations customs older

    national beliefs events regional

    Traditions are the and of a community.

    Children learn about traditions from people. Traditions can be

    or . Festivals are

    to commemorate important . Many countries celebrate

    festivals such as New Year’s Day.




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    Circle six historical records. Then, circle the historical monuments in blue.

    p a i n t i n g

    r c a d r j c c

    p a l a c e x h

    q s o x o z b u

    r t p h o t o r

    g l o k t s o c

    u e k w r a k h

    Use the colour key and circle the words.

    thousands of years ago → orange 

    hundreds of years ago → green

    nowadays → blue

    caves near rivers flats huts castles

    running water electricity noblemen

    Match the sentences about the history of the telephone and put them in order.

      The telephone was invented modern mobile phones.

      Smartphones are in 1876.

    In 1973, the first mobile phone was invented.

      Over the years, telephones became smaller and cheaper.

    Read and write True  or False .

    a. The telephone was invented by a Spanish person.

    b. Smartphones can be connected to the Internet.

    c. You cannot watch TV on a smartphone.





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    1 Our senses

    Guide dogs act as eyes for people who are blind.They help blind people move from one placeto another. They can help a blind person crossthe road, avoid obstacles or go to the shops. Guidedogs stay with their owners at all times.

    Most guide dogs are Labradors or GoldenRetrievers. They receive special training startingwhen they are puppies. Then, they are assignedto a blind person. Guide dogs wear a harness todo their job.

    Guide dogs work approximately six years beforethey retire.

    Read and write True  or False .

    a. Guide dogs help people who cannot see.

    b. They sometimes leave their owners alone.

    c. Their harness is just for decoration.

    d. All breeds of dogs can be guide dogs.

    e. They have a limited working life.

    Complete the index card about guide dogs.



     Job description:

    Most common breeds:


    Years of service:

    Guide dogs

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     Tick (✓) the true sentences and cross ( ✗) the false sentences.

    a. Bones break because they are rigid.

    b. Bones can repair themselves.

    c. The most common fracture is when a bone breaks into fragments.

    d. Broken bones need to be realigned before being immobilised.

    e. All fractures take about 6-8 weeks to heal.

    f. A fracture of the femur takes the same time to heal as a fracture of the radius.

    Have you ever broken a bone or know someone who has? Complete the medical card. 



    Our body

    Broken bonesBones are hard, strong and rigid, but they can sometimes break orfracture. However, broken bones can repair themselves.

    There are many different types of fractures. The most common typeis a simple fracture, which happens when a bone breaks cleanly.

    In order to help bones heal correctly, it is important that they arerealigned. Broken bones can be put back into position by a doctor.The bones are then immobilised with a plaster cast, so they canstart to heal. Simple fractures usually take about 6 to 8 weeks to

    heal, although large bones take longer.

    Medical card

    Who broke a bone?

    Which bone was it?

    How did they break it?

    How many weeks did it take to heal?

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    Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

    a. Blue whales are the largest and loudest animals on Earth.

    b. Their sounds can be heard from very far away.

    c. A decibel is a unit for measuring distance.

    d. The sound of a jet engine is louder than the call of a blue whale.

    e. Blue whale sounds can be painful to our ears.

    Use the code to find out how animals communicate.

    • 5 A ∪ 5 E ⊃ 5 I ∨ 5 O ♥ 5 U

    tr♥mp∪t ch•tt∪r q♥•ck ch⊃rp h⊃ss




    Animal talkAnimals do not talk like people, but they stillcommunicate with each other. For example, birds singand chirp, dogs bark, cats meow and lions roar.

    The blue whale is not only the largest animal onEarth, but also the loudest. Blue whales emit very loudand repetitive sounds that travel many kilometresunderwater. The call of a blue whale can reach up to 188decibels. This is much louder than a jet engine, which

    is about 140 decibels. Human shouting is 70 decibels.Sounds over 120 decibels are painful to our ears.

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     The Venus flytrapThe Venus flytrap is a small, carnivorous plant. Its sweet-scented leaves attract insects.These leaves open and close like jaws to capture insects. When the plant is touched,sensitive hairs on the inside of the leaves sendsignals to the plant. So, when an insect touchesone of these hairs, the leaves snap shut. Theplant then slowly digests the trapped insect. Afterabout a week, all that is left of the insect is its hardexoskeleton.

    The Venus flytrap can live in soils with a lowmineral content because it obtains minerals fromthe insects it captures.

    Read and write True  or False . Correct the false sentences.

    a. The Venus flytrap is a meat-eating plant.

    b. The plant’s beautiful flowers attract insects.

    c. Sensitive hairs digest the trapped insect.

    d. A Venus flytrap takes about a week to digest an insect.

    Look on the Internet for carnivorous plants. Choose one and complete the index card.




    Where does it grow?

    How does it get nutrients?

    What animals does it trap?

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    Water 6

    Draw all the water on Earth! Colour the key.1

    Water, precious water About three quarters of our planet’s surface is covered withwater. However, most of this water is salt water. Just avery small amount of water is fresh water. Most of thisfresh water is trapped in ice caps and glaciers. It isalso found in rivers, lakes and as groundwater.This means, there is very little water available forpeople to use.

    The world’s population has increased dramatically,and water consumption today is seven times higherthan a hundred years ago. We need to save water andkeep it free from pollution and contamination.

    salt water fresh water  

    • Draw 97 drops of water. Colour them dark blue. • Draw 3 drops of water.Colour 2 ½ drops light blue.

    • Colour the remaining half of thedrop red.

     5 water in oceans and seas 5 water in lakes and rivers

     5 water trapped in ice caps and glaciers

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    Sculpted landscapesWind and water have shaped landscapes all over the Earth.No rock is hard enough to resist the forces of erosion.

    Wind is a powerful force that carries dust and sand fromone place to another. It can carry huge amounts of dust oververy long distances. It can also blow sand against rocks withtremendous force. This causes soft rocks to slowly wear downand sculpt amazing formations like arches, buttes and dunes.

    Moving water in rushing streams and rivers is the major agent

    of water erosion. Ocean water changes the shape of coastlines.Waves constantly crash against cliffs forming arches, caves and columns.Rain slowly washes away soil and rock fragments creating ever-changinglandscapes.

    Match the rock formations to their definitions.

    a. cave a vertical rock formation

    b. arch a hill that rises sharply and has a flat topc. butte an underground hollow with an opening to the outside

    d. dune a curved rock formation

    e. column a hill of sand

     Tick (✓) the true sentences and cross ( ✗) the false sentences.

    a. All rocks on Earth wear down over time.

    b. Wind is the major agent of erosion.

    c. Buttes are rock formations of coastal landscapes.

    d. Ocean waves erode cliffs and change their shape.

    e. Arches can form inland and along the coast.

    Look for beautiful landscapes on the Internet or in magazines. Cut out, or print the picturesand use them to make a poster. Label each type of formation.




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    Air 9

    Weather satellitesNowadays, weather satellites collect completeweather information about every place on Earth.They provide satellite images and other usefuldata about the atmosphere.

    There are two types of weather satellites: polarorbiting and geostationary. Polar orbitingsatellites go around the planet from the NorthPole to the South Pole, and are able to view

    every part of the Earth twice a day! They travel close to the Earth’s surface, as lowas 800 km, and provide extremely detailed satellite pictures of weather patterns aroundthe planet. Geostationary satellites track the weather over one specific region by stayingover the same place. They orbit the planet at 36,000 km above the Equator.

    Weather satellites collect more than just information about the weather. They can also tellus about forest fires, volcanoes, dust storms and other environmental phenomena.

    Read and write T  (true) or F  (false).

    a. Weather satellites collect information about every place on Earth.

    b. Polar orbiting satellites go around the planet at the Equator.

    c. All satellites orbit the Earth at the same distance.

    d. Polar orbiting satellites travel faster than geostationary satellites.

    e. Weather satellites are only used to predict weather.

    f. Weather satellites can tell us about volcanoes and dust storms.

    Do some research on the Internet and make a five day weather forecast for your area.Include high and low temperatures, and predictions of precipitation.



    weather forecast 

    day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5

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    Where we live10

    Answer the questions about the place where you live.

    a. Do you live in a village, a town or a city?

    b. How old is your village / town / city?

    c. What is the population today?

    d. Is the population increasing or decreasing?

    • If it is increasing, where are the new people coming from?


    • If it is decreasing, where are people moving to?


    What is your favourite village, town or city? Write two reasons why you like it.



     Villages, towns and cities over timeMany villages, towns and cities in Spain arethousands of years old and they have changedcompletely since their origins.

    Over a period of hundreds of years, some smallvillages grew into towns and some of the townsbecame big cities with large populations, tall buildings,wide streets and many industries and services.

    Three quarters of the population of Spain now lives in towns and cities. However, only two

    cities, Madrid and Barcelona, have a population of more than one million inhabitants, andonly four other cities, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza and Malaga, have a population of over500,000 inhabitants.

    However, not all villages have grown. Some are almost abandoned these days, with fewinhabitants left, due to rural migration. The villagers have moved away to the cities insearch of jobs, education and better opportunities.

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    Where does paper come from?Paper was invented in China over 2,000 years ago.Originally, paper was made of pulp produced byboiling cloth and old fishing nets!

    Nowadays, paper is made of pulp from wood. Largeplantations of trees are grown. The trees are cut down,then chopped into small wood chips. These chips aresoaked in water and chemicals to form wood pulp.The pulp is bleached to remove tree bark and sap.

    Next, the pulp is drained and squeezed to remove all the excess water, then placed in hugedrying machines. The pulp is then attached to spools and placed in cutting machines.

    Lots of different paper products are made these days from recycled paper. Usingrecycled paper to make new paper has a less negative impact on the environment,and is better for the planet.

    Recycled paper is used for everything from paper plates to toilet paper!

    Read and write True  or False .

    a. Paper was invented 2,000 years ago in India.

    b. Originally, the pulp used to make paper came from boiled cloth.

    c. These days the pulp is made of wood chips soaked in water and chemicals.

    d. The pulp is cleaned with bleach to remove sap and bark.

    e. Recycled paper is only used to make toilet paper.

    Find out on the Internet how paper is recycled. Write three or four sentencesdescribing the process.



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     Time passes12

    World Heritage SitesThe United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organisation (UNESCO) is an agency of theUnited Nations. Its purpose is to help promote peaceand security in the world through the promotion ofeducation, science and culture.

    UNESCO identifies cultural and natural sites of‘outstanding universal value’, and includes themin the World Heritage List. These sites are places of special significance that need tobe preserved for future generations. The list contains 936 sites that range from historicmonuments and natural beauty spots, to fossil beds!

    Europe is the continent with the most World Heritage Cultural Sites, includingcathedrals, castles, Roman and Greek ruins and historic city centres. Spain is hometo 43 World Heritage Cultural Sites, which include the Alhambra, the Cave of Altamira,the historic city of Toledo, the Monastery of El Escorial and the Old Town of Caceres,among others.

    Research on the Internet World Heritage Cultural Sites in Spain. Choose oneand complete the index card. Include a photograph.




    Autonomous Community:

    Type of site:

    Year of inscription:

    Write two reasons why you like this site:

    World Heritage Cultural Site

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    1 Our senses

    People with sight and hearing disabilities use different languages to communicate with other

    people. Sign language is a language that many deaf people use to communicate.Braille is a system of printing for blind people.

    Use the sign alphabet. Learn to say your name with your hands. Take turnswith a partner to spell out your name.

    Use the Braille alphabet. Punch out your nameon a piece of card with the tip of a ballpoint pen.Learn to read it with your fingers. Exchangenames with a partner.



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    Cricket is a national English sport.It is played between two teams of11 players each, on a large grass field.Each team has a 12th team memberwho acts as a substitute if a playergets injured during the game.

    One team bats and tries to score runs.The other team bowls and fields theball and tries to get the batting team

    out. In this way, the game resemblesbaseball.

    Children’s cricket matches consist of two innings. Each innings lasts approximately onehour and 15 minutes. Each team gets one opportunity to bowl and bat.

    Circle the correct words.

    a. Cricket is an outdoor / indoor sport.

    b. Cricket is similar to basketball / baseball.

    c. Cricket is played between two teams of 11 players each / 11 players in total.

    d. Children’s cricket matches last about one hour and 15 minutes / two hours and a half.

    Do research on the Internet and complete the index card about cricket.



    Our body2

    Player’s equipment:

    A famous cricket team:

    A famous cricket championship:

    Five countries where cricket is played:


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    Groundhog Day

    Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated each year on the2nd February in the United States of America and Canada.In the States, thousands of people go to Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania, to see this event. On this date, a specialgroundhog, called Phil, comes out of his burrow afterhibernating all winter. Groundhog Phil makes predictionsabout the weather for the rest of the winter. According totradition, if it is sunny on the 2nd February and the groundhogsees its shadow, it returns to its burrow. This means thatwinter weather will continue for six more weeks. If it is cloudyand the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it means thatspring weather will arrive soon. On the 2nd February 2012,Groundhog Phil saw his shadow and predicted six moreweeks of winter.

    Match these words from Groundhog Day to their definitions.

    a. groundhog forecastb. burrow be in a dormant condition in the winter months

    c. hibernate a dark shape produced when light is blocked

    d. predict a small, brown furry animal with short legs

    e. shadow a hole or tunnel in the ground where a small animal lives

    2. Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

    a. Groundhog Day is a holiday in early January.

    b. Groundhogs hibernate in winter.

    c. On Groundhog Day, a groundhog predicts the weather for the rest of winter.

    d. If the groundhog sees its shadow, it means the end of winter.


    Living things3

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    Floral emblems

    Many countries have a flower or a plant as a national symbol. In some countries, there are alsofloral emblems for each region. Floral emblems are usually plants that grow in abundance inthe country. The four countries that make up Great Britain each have their own floral emblem.

    The national flower The national flowerof England is the rose. of Scotland is the thistle.

    The national flower The national flowerof Northern Ireland of Wales is the the shamrock.

    Find out the floral emblems of these countries and complete the table.

    What flower would you like as the floral emblem of your region?




    country floral emblem illustration





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    Impressive natural elements are found all over the world. Here are some of the most

    spectacular ones.

    natural element name dimensions location

    the largest mountain range the Andes 7,000 km long South America

    the highest mountain Mount Everest 8,850 m high Asia

    the largest archipelago Indonesia 17,500 islands Asia

    the highest volcano Ojos del Salado 6,890 m high South America

    the largest island Greenland 2,130,800 km2 Europe

    the largest lake Lake Superior 82,103 km2 North America

    the longest river the Nile 6,650 km long Africa

    Look at the table and answer the questions.

    a. Where is the largest mountain range located?

    b. Is the highest mountain found in the largest mountain range?

    c. Is the highest mountain higher than the highest volcano?

    d. Where is the largest archipelago in the world?

    e. Which is bigger, the largest island or the largest lake?

    f. How long is the longest river?

    Search the Internet and complete the table with three impressive natural

    elements in your country.

    natural element name dimensions location




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    A unique ‘sea’

    The Dead Sea is really a salt lake.It is located in the Middle East,between Jordan and Israel. It iscalled a ‘sea’ because the wateris so salty. And it is called ‘dead’because fish and plants cannot livein it due to its high salt and mineralcontent.

    The Dead Sea is 420 metres below

    sea level, and it is considered thelowest point on the planet. In fact,its salt content is due to its location.Being the lowest point on Earth,minerals have been flowing into itfor millions of years, making the Dead Sea nearly nine times saltier than the oceans.This high concentration of salt allows people to float in it without using a life jacket. You caneven read a book while you float on the water!

    Circle the correct words.

    a. The Dead Sea is a salt water / fresh water lake.

    b. Fish and plants can live / cannot live in the Dead Sea.

    c. The Dead Sea is located above / below sea level.

    d. Its high salt content is because of its temperature / location.

    e. Floating in the Dead Sea is easier / harder than floating in the ocean.

    Search the Internet for information about the Great Salt Lake in Utah, United States.Write some sentences about the lake.



    Water and landscapes8

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    Hurricanes, the power of wind

    Hurricanes are huge, swirling storms thatform over warm oceans, near the Equator.They bring extremely strong, rotating windsand heavy rain. In the strongest hurricanes,known as ‘category 5’ hurricanes, windscan reach more than 300 kilometres perhour. Hurricanes spin in an anticlockwisedirection around a central ‘eye’, which is thecalmest part of the storm. They can be up to800 kilometres in diameter.

    Hurricanes concentrate in the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Atlantichurricane season goes from the end of May to the end of November, but most hurricanesoccur during the autumn months.

    On the 29th of August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans in the United States.It was one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded in history. It caused many deaths,as well as catastrophic damage.

     Tick (✓) the true sentences and cross ( ✗) the false sentences.

    a. Hurricanes are huge storms that form over cold oceans.

    b. In ‘category 5‘ hurricanes, winds can reach 300 kilometres per hour.

    c. The calmest part of a hurricane is called the ‘eye’.

    d. Hurricanes are most common in the Indian Ocean.

    e Most hurricanes occur during the summer months.

    f. Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New York in the United States.

    Use the code and find the warning about hurricanes.

    • 5 A ≈ 5 C ∩ 5 D ∪ 5 E ∼ 5 F ♣ 5 G ◊ 5 H ⊃ 5 I ⊂ 5 L

    ♦5 M ∧ 5 N ∨ 5 O ♠ 5 R ∅ 5 S ∗ 5 T ♥ 5 U ≅ 5 V ∴ 5 W ∆ 5 Y

    • ⊂ ∴ • ∆ ∅  ∅ ∗ • ∆  ⊃ ∧ ∅ ⊃ ∩ ∪  ∩ ♥ ♠ ⊃ ∧ ♣  • ◊ ♥ ♠ ♠ ⊃ ≈ • ∧ ∪




    9 Air 

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    Where we live10

     The world’s largest metropolitan areas

    This table shows data about some of the largestmetropolitan areas in the world. A metropolitanarea includes the city and the immediatesurrounding area.

    city population country continent location

    Tokyo 36,500,000 Japan Asia on the coast / by a river

    Sao Paulo 20,000,000 Brazil South America on the coast / by a river

    Mumbai 19,700,000 India Asia on the coast / by a river

    New York City 19,300,000 United States North America on the coast / by a river

    London 8,600,000 United Kingdom Europe on the coast / by a river

    Look at the table and answer the questions.

    a. In which country is the world’s largest city located?


    b. Which two cities have a difference in population of 400,000 inhabitants?


    c. Which continent has two of the world’s largest cities?


    d. What do all these cities have in common?


    Search the Internet and find information about two more of the world’s largestmetropolitan areas.




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     The Olympic Games

    The Summer Olympic Games is the largest sporting event in theworld. It is held every four years, each time in a different country.The Olympic Games is a celebration of excellence, respect andfriendship. The symbol of the Olympics is five interlocking rings(black, blue, yellow, green and red) on a white background.They represent the five continents of the world.

    The Olympic Torch is lit in Olympia, in Greece, where the OlympicGames originated. The torch is then carried around the world byathletes, until it reaches the host city on the opening night of the

    Games. It is a great honour to run with the torch and pass it on tothe next runner. Over the years, the torch has also been carriedby boat, on an aeroplane, on a camel, and even by laser beam!

    The Olympic Games provides thousands of jobs from buildingor updating sports facilities and city infrastructures, to providingservices for the many visitors attending this major sports event.

    Answer the questions.

    a. What type of event is the Olympic Games?b. How often does it take place?

    c. Where did the Olympic Games originate?

    Look on the Internet and find six cities which have celebrated the Summer Olympic Games.Where will the next games be held? Tell your partner.

    Imagine you are attending the next Summer Olympic Games. Make a list of some

    of the services and jobs involved with your visit.

    services jobs





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    Saint Patrick’s Day

    Saint Patrick’s Day is a public holiday inthe Republic of Ireland and in NorthernIreland. It is celebrated on the 17th of Marchin honour of Saint Patrick, the patron Saintof Ireland.

    Originally, it was a religious holiday.However, it has now become aninternational cultural celebration. Peopleof Irish descent from all around the world

    participate in festivities with traditional Irishfood, drink and folk music. On St. Patrick’s Day, people wear green to represent the beautifulgreen countryside of Ireland. Some people wear a shamrock, a three leaf clover, which is anIrish symbol representing the rebirth of spring.

    Many cities organise Saint Patrick’s Day Parades. In Dublin, famous buildings are lit up greenduring the festivities. Other cities paint the yellow street lines green for the day. In Chicago,in the United States, the Chicago River is dyed green on Saint Patrick’s Day!

    Read and write True  or False .

    a. Saint Patrick’s Day is a Scottish holiday.

    b. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in the summer.

    c. It is celebrated in many parts of the world.

    d. People wear green because it represents hope.

    e. A shamrock is a type of plant.

    Do research on the Internet about the Republic of Ireland and complete the table.



    12  Time passes

    Republic of Ireland

    location capital flag symbols currency

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    2 Our body

    How much have you grown?


    1. Work in small groups.

    2. Find out how long you were when you were born.

    3. Take turns and measure your height today.

    4. Make two bar charts.

    • At birth: Write these measurements on the vertical axis: 10 cms, 20 cms, 30 cms, 40 cms,50 cms, 60 cms and 70 cms. Write your names on the horizontal axis.

      • Today: Use the same format. Increase the measurements to 170 cms.

    5. Compare your bar charts with other groups. Who was the longest baby? Who is the talleststudent? Is it the same classmate? Who has grown the most?


    I can / cannot calculate how much I have grown.

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    Which animals and plants share the same habitat?


    1. Work in groups.

    2. Choose one of these habitats: rainforest, desert, savannah, Arctic or forest.

    3. Research on the Internet plants and animals that live in your habitat. Find out what they

    eat and how they reproduce. Print out or draw pictures.4. Make a poster with your pictures. Write the names of the animals, what they eat (carnivore,

    herbivore or omnivore) and how they reproduce (viviparous or viviparous).

    5. Show your poster to your classmates and explain how the animals and plants adapt to theirhabitat.


    Living things3

    Animals and plants adapt / do not adapt to their habitat.

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    How can you classify animals? Make an index card.


    1. Work in groups of four.

    2. Search the Internet for information about an exotic animal. Draw the animal or print outphotographs and glue them onto separate pieces of card.

    3. On the back of each card, write about your animal.


    Vertebrate / Invertebrate



    Body covering:


    Animal name:

    4. Play Guess the animal  with a partner, using the information on the back of your cards.



    I can / cannot make my own animal index card.

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    5 Plants

    What types of plants grow near your school?


    1. Take a walk around your school and lookfor plants near your school.

    2. Use a magnifying glass to examinethe different parts of each plant.

    3. Complete the table with your observations.Use words and drawings.

    4. Share your observations with the class.


     tree, bushor grass

    deciduousor evergreen

    stem leaves flowers fruits

    plant 1

    plant 2

    plant 3

    I can / cannot classify different plants.

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


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    Water 6

    How long does water take to evaporate? Do this experiment.


    1. Work with a partner.

    2. Pour 250 ml of water into a narrow glass, and pour another 250 ml of water into a shallowbowl. Mark the water levels on each container.


    3. Place the glass and the bowl in a sunny place.

    4. Every two days, observe and mark the water level in each container.

    5. Make drawings of your observations in the table.

    6. Compare your results. In which container does the water evaporate more quickly?


     today in two days in four days in six days

    narrow glass

    shallow bowl

    Water evaporates more slowly / faster from a narrow glass than from a shallow bowl.

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    What makes your region special?


    1. Do research about natural elements, for example, mountains, lakes, rivers or beaches, andman-made elements, for example, bridges, airports, railway lines or factories in your region.Use books, magazines and the Internet.

    2. Complete the table.

    natural elements man-made elements

    3. Make a poster entitled Our region with two sections: Natural elements  and Man-madeelements. Include information from the table. Add pictures to illustrate the poster.



    I know / don’t know about natural and man-made elements in my region.

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    How can you describe the location of places in your school? Make a compass.


    1. Work with a partner.

    2. With the help of an adult, cut a slice of cork about 1 cm thick.

    3. Tape a needle to the cork.

    4. Carefully stroke the end of the needle with a magnet, always in the same direction,about 50 times.

    5. Fill a plastic cup with water and float the cork on the surface.

    6. The end of the needle should point north.

    7. Check for accuracy with a real compass and label north (N) on the edge of the cup.

    8. Use your compass to locate these places in your school and complete the table.


    staffroom cafeteria library playground






    Water and landscapes8

    I can / cannot make and use a compass.

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    Air 9

    Does air really take up space? Try two experiments.


    You need a tank or large bowl of water, a dry sponge and an empty plastic bottle.Work with a partner. Do the following easy experiments.

    Experiment A

    1. Squeeze a dry sponge insidea tank or bowl of water. What do you see?

    Experiment B

    2. Put an empty water bottle sideways insidea tank or bowl of water. What do you see?

    3.  Complete the table with your observations. Include drawings.

    First minute After a few minutes

    Experiment A

    Experiment B


    Air takes up / does not take up space.

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    10 Where we live

    How can you design a park

     for your community?


    1. In groups of four, choosea location to build a parkin your neighbourhood.

    2. Next, decide how you will use each area in the park, for example, as a playground,a swimming area, flower beds and gardens, toilets, etc.

    3. Create a key. Locate the areas on the grid and draw their corresponding symbols.

    A B C D E






    4. Give your park a name. Write rules about how to behave in your park.


    I can / cannot design a park for my community.

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    11 Work

    What jobs are the most popular?

    Do a survey.


    1. Ask your classmates: What do you want to be when you grow up?  

    2. Record your results in a table like this one. Add columns for other jobs.

    doctor teacher fisherman TV presenter singer farmer fireman

    3. Make a bar chart like this one with the class results.

    4. Interpret the results and answer the questions.

      a. What is the most popular job in your class?

      b. Which job is the most popular with girls? Which job is the most popular with boys?

      c. Which sector is the most popular, the primary, the secondary or the tertiary?


    I can / cannot carry out and interpret a survey about jobs.

    doctor teacher fisherman TV presenter singer farmer fireman









       n   u   m    b   e   r   o    f   c    h   i    l    d   r   e   n

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    12  Time passes

    What is your favourite Spanish meal? Do a survey.


    1. Ask your classmates: What is your favourite Spanish meal?  

    2. Record your results in a table like this one. Add different foods.

    paella fabada cocido   croquettes Spanish omelette meatballs gazpacho 

    4 2 1 5 5 6 4

    3. Make a bar chart like this one, with the class results.

    4. Interpret the results and complete the sentences.

      a. The most popular Spanish meal is .

      b. The least popular Spanish meal is .


    I can / cannot do a survey and represent the results in a bar chart.

    paella fabada cocido   croquettes Spanish omelette meatballs gazpacho 








    favourite Spanish meal

       n   u   m    b   e   r   o    f   c    h   i    l    d   r   e   n

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


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    1 Our senses




    Complete the table.1

    Use the colour key and circle the words.


     green   hearing→

     red   smell→

     blue   taste→

     purple   touch→



    Complete the parts of the eye and match them to the definitions.

    a. r We use it to focus.

    b. t a It takes the image we see to the brain.

    c. o n It is the coloured part of the eye.

    d. o t e v It captures the light.

    e. u l It is transparent and light passes through it.

    f. n Light enters the eye through it.


    pain eyelashes retina cochlea cornea texture temperature nostrils

    inner ear olfactory nerve taste buds flavour eardrum nasal cavity

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    6Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    How do we hear? Match and number the sentences in order.

      The eardrum takes the information to the brain.

      The outer ear make the sound louder.

      The cochlea vibrates when the sound reaches it.

      The auditory nerve receives the sound.

      The ear canal transmits the sound vibrations to the auditory nerve

      The three small bones carries the sound to the middle ear.

    Circle the correct words in each sentence.

    a. Smells enter our nose through the nostrils / nasal cavity.

    b. The eyelid / cornea protects the eye.

    c. Our taste buds help us to distinguish different flavours / smells.

    d. Different areas of the tongue / mouth detect different tastes.

    e. Through our skin we feel pain / colour.

    Complete the crossword about how these things feel.













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    2 Our body

    Match the word segments and write the bones.

    Use the colour key and circle the words.

    bones → green 

    muscles → red 

    joints → blue

    abdominal fibula hip humerus trapezius skull shoulder

    radius deltoid spine ankle masseter tibia knee

    ribs biceps pectoral ulna elbow calf muscle










    fib dius








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    Read and tick (✓) the correct answers.

    a. Your bones protect your...

      organs. joints.

    b. The wrist and the elbow are...

      flexible joints. fixed joints.

    c. The quadriceps are in your...

      arms. legs.

    d. Reflex actions are...

      involuntary movements. voluntary movements.

    Look at the diagram and write the names of the muscles.

    a. The muscle that contracts when you bend your arm.

    b. The muscle that contracts when you extend your arm.

    Complete the sentences about healthy habits.






    a. Get enough .

    b. Drink six to eight glasses of a day.

    c. Keep your body .

    d. Do regular .

    e. Eat a healthy and balanced .





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    Complete the sentences with living things or non-living things .

    a. need air, water, food and shelter to survive.

    b. Rocks are natural .

    c. People, plants and animals are all .

    d. Some are man-made.

    Unscramble the names of the life processes. Then, label the pictures.

    p d o r n i t u e c r o 

    n r a t n i o e c t i 

    t o r t u n i i n

    Use the clues to complete the words. Then, write one example of each type of animal.

    a. Animals with sharp teeth. a n o

    b. Animals that lay eggs. o p o

    c. Animals with flat teeth. r i r

    d. Animals with sharp teeth and flat teeth. m v e

    e. Animals that drink their mother’s milk. i a s




    Living things3

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    7Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Circle six habitats. Then, write each word next to the correct picture.

    r x p r d s z b

    s a v a n n a ha r b i x l w t

    p c w n e t p t

    f t o f x y o e

    o i p o a e n r

    r c x r w p d f  

    e o r e s t d z

    s d e s e r t m

    t q k t x w y s

    Use the key and colour the words. Then, write V (viviparous) or O (oviparous).

    carnivores → red 

    herbivores → green 

    omnivores → blue










      giraffe  pig




    Complete the sentences with the correct word.

    fly produce swim move walk adapt

    a. Animals can from place to place.

    b. Plants seeds to make new plants.

    c. Animals and plants to their habitats.

    d. Animals with fins can .

    e. Most animals with wings can .

    f. Animals with legs can .




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    Find and circle the animals. Then, classify.

    l  e o p a r dan t e a  t e r c

     r a b d uc ksp ide r d o l p h i n f  l y b a t  j e l ly f i sh

    g i  r a f  f e bee t l e c r o c o

     d  i l e m uss

    e lsa l a m a n d  e r w o r mdr agon f l y

     vertebrates invertebrates

    Complete the sentences with mammals, birds, fish, reptiles or amphibians .

    a. Most , and have four legs.

    b. have webbed feet.

    c. are viviparous.

    d. can be terrestrial or aquatic.

    e. and young breathe through gills.

    Match the words to the definitions.


    hard, strong protective covering


    breathing organs of some aquatic animals


    animals that have a backbone 





  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    7Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Write T (true) or F (false).

    a. All vertebrates have a backbone.

    b. All mammals have hair or fur.

    c. Birds breathe air through their gills.

    d. Fish live in rivers or seas.

    e. Reptiles and amphibians are viviparous.

    f. Mussels are invertebrates with shells.

    Complete the text about invertebrates.

    plants segments crabs shell worms backbone exoskeleton beetles ground

    Invertebrates do not have a . Some invertebrates have a

    or an . For example, have thick exoskeletons,

    and have thin exoskeletons. Other invertebrates, like , 

    do not have a protective covering. Their bodies are divided into . They live

    under the and eat dead in the soil.

    Unscramble the letters. Then, label the parts of the insect.

    y e e d m e o a n b g e l t n a n e n a i w g n d e h a h x o t a r




  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


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    Name Date

    Circle and write eight parts of plants.

    s a l g m u s l l

    e e s f l o w e r

    e u a r r i c a p

    d y h u s c a f e

    q i f i d s t e m

    r o o t e p r w t

    g x c o b s u u o

    u l k b r a n c h

    z a b d o m k n a

    Read, then write the correct word.

    a. Plants to their environment.

      move grow adapt reproduce

    b. Deciduous trees grow new leaves in .

      winter spring summer autumn

    c. make food for the plant.

      Leaves Seeds Roots Fruits

    d. Bees make honey with from flowers.

      pollen petals nectar stamens

    e. Some fruits, like , have a stone inside.

      grapes peaches kiwis watermelons

    f. Dry fruits, such as contain very little water.

      rhododendrons acorns apples melons

    Look at this plant. Read and circle.

    a. This is a grass / a tree / a bush.

    b. Its stem / trunk is thick / thin / short and woody / soft.

    c. It grows tall / close to the ground.





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    7Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Cross out the wrong words and write correct sentences.

    a. Evergreen trees lose their leaves in autumn.

    b. Leaves absorb water and minerals from the soil.c. The carpel is the male reproductive organ.

    d. Sepals are coloured to attract insects.

    e. Leaves germinate and grow a root and a stem.

    Look at the pictures and classify the fruits.

     fleshy fruit dry fruit 

    Match the words to their definitions. Then, put the sentences in order to show the life cycle of plants.

      Seeds makes its own food and grows into an adult tree.

      Flowers fall to the ground and release seeds.

      The seeds form inside the carpels.

      The carpels germinate and grow a root and a stem.

      The baby plant grow on the adult tree.

      The ripe fruits grow into fruits.




    acorn peanut banana peach pear walnut


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    What kind of water can you find in these places? Tick (✓) the correct boxes.

    salt water fresh water  







    Look at the picture and match. Then, write S (solid) or L (liquid) next to each word.







    Write examples.

    Water in a solid state:

    Water in a liquid state:

    Water in a gaseous state:











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    7Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Read and tick (✓) the correct answers.

    a. Most of our planet’s fresh water is contained in...

      lakes. glaciers.

    b. Evaporation happens when liquid water changes into...

      ice. water vapour.

    c. In the water cycle, water is constantly...

      stopping. moving.

    d. People can survive without water for...

      a few weeks. a few days.

    e. Artificial lakes to store water are called...

      reservoirs. ponds.

    Unscramble the stages of the water cycle. Then, write the correct stage for each definition

    t o a r p n o v a e i 

    o l o t i c e c n l 

    i c p i p t o t r e a n i 

    d a n o n c i n o t e s

    a. Water vapour rises and condenses forming clouds.

    b. Water collects in lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and underground.

    c. The Sun heats up water and the water evaporates.

    d. Water in clouds falls back to Earth as rain or snow.

    Circle six uses of water and write the words.

    r x d d d s z b x k c

    a o u r l a d i p d l

    a g r i c u l t u r e

    g s w n e t g t l z a

    c o o k i n g e w m n

    y b p i a w q r t p i

    k x i n d u s t r y n

    x h y g i e n e r t g




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    Label the elements in the picture. Then, classify them.







    natural elements man-made elements

    Use the colour key and circle the words.

    mountain landscape → green 

    flat landscape → orange 

    coastal landscape → blue

    slope cliff hill valley peninsula plain plateau island

    archipelago beach mountain range summit bay



    7 Landscapes

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


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    Circle five coastal elements and label the picture.

    q z f e t y a n l

    r b p r d i z c b

    p e n i n s u l a

    a a b i x l w i x

    p c w n b a y f s

    f h o f x n o f a

    o i p o a d n r r

    r c g r d p d h w

    Natural change or man-made change? Write.



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    Read and tick (✓) the correct answers.

    a. Rivers start in...

      the mountains. flat areas.

    b. Water in the upper course of a river flows...

      slowly. quickly.

    c. Lakes and reservoirs are large areas of...

      moving water. still water.

    d. Our planet has five...

      oceans. seas.e. A compass has a magnetic needle that always points...

      south. north.

    Label the courses of the river.

    Write a characteristic for each course of the river.




    Water and landscapes8

  • 8/18/2019 Essencial Sciencie Plus 3


    8Essential Science Plus 3 Photocopiable Material © 2012 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S. L.

    Complete the sentences and match them to the correct pictures.

    a. We can use river water to generate .

    b. Some animals use ocean to travel.c. The land next to rivers is good for .

    d. form naturally.

    Cross out the wrong words and write correct sentences.

    a. As rivers flow across mountainous areas,