erin rasmussen biochar talk from ignite portland 12

No char Poor soil (Biochar +) Terra preta great soil! Terra Preta of the Amazon Charcoal in Soils is 3500 year old technology, still in use today Terra Preta photos from Peru, where it is found in ancient soils, and in modern gardens.

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Can Biochar Save the Planet? well, maybe not, but it is a really cool old/new technology with great applications - some of which can be carbon negative! all the detail you may have missed from the Ignite Portland Talk.


Page 1: Erin Rasmussen Biochar talk from Ignite Portland 12

No char Poor soil

(Biochar +) Terra preta great soil!

Terra Preta of the Amazon

Charcoal in Soils is 3500 year old technology, still in use today

Terra Preta photos from Peru, where it is found in ancient soils, and in modern gardens.

Presentation Notes
Top left are the traditional pictures of the TerraPreta Soils of the Amazon the other pictures are from a recent picture to Peru by Josiah Hunt, that show the same practice of charcoal plus pottery shards and fish and shell remains not only in ancient Peruvian sites, but also in modern gardens. Charcoal is added to garden soils today for the same reasons that it has been more than 1000 years ago – to grow better food. Photos: Josiah Hunt, Hawaii Biochar, and Johanes Lehman and the International Biochar Initiative.
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Biochar Biochar is Charcoal (Biochar is defined by the IBI as stable charcoal for use in soils).

Presentation Notes
International Biochar Initiative defines Biochar as Charcoal made to the same high quality standards you would expect for use in agriculture. With the same safety and stringency you expect from other parts of the modern food supply chain. Photos: Tom Miles and Jock Gill
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Biochar is made from

Sustainable Feedstocks (sustainably sourced materials)

Forest fuel reduction tree thinning

straw & stover

manure switchgrass & post consumer paper

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that are Pyrolized - (heated in a low oxygen environment) 1. generating heat and/or power, 2. with low emissions (clean air is important) 3. and high quality char = stable char

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Biochar is mostly stable carbon (1000+ years)

Biochar is mostly composted of stable graphene sheets

Stable Carbon

With SEM see structure from the original material.

60% or more

Small fraction of Labile (changable) Organics. + Ash

Biochars pass rigorous Carbon stability testing!

Presentation Notes
Credit graphene model : wiki AlexanderAlUS SEM The Biochar Project – Dolphe Cook, Stability of biochar: Johnas Lehman – Cornell University
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Biochar’s structure makes it great for soils!

Biochar is porous. It absorbs water, soil nutrients & fertilizers The surface adsorbs (sticks to) metals, micronutrients and toxins. It’s charcoal; it filters the soil and provides a good home for beneficial micro-organisms.

Farmers using biochar report their plants do better during droughts!

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and plants LOVE composted char!

control | biochar+ Peru kitchen garden New England Small Farm Institute

New England Small Farm Institute Biochar Supreme Hawaii Biochar

happy worms

Presentation Notes
All of these plants were grown in Biochar + Compost and other nutrients – except the short green onions. they were the control Photo credits: Safflower study, Peru Garden and green onions Josiah Hunt – Peonies Renel Anderson (of course) – giant bok choi: Murukesan Krishnapillai – NEFSI garden Karen Rebiero
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Give biochar to farmers, and they get results! Hawaii Biochar, Composted Trial with Pacific Biodiesel’s Project on Oahu

Control (no char) Composted biochar

Control: 1.4 lbs Biochar: 9 lbs (6.4x control)

There are over 1140 articles in scientific journals studying plants and Biochar.

Presentation Notes
Science Direct lists more than 1048 studies on Biochar’s effect on Plants.
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Biochar is stable carbon returned to the soil.

biochar projects can be carbon negative


Carbon cycle graphics U.S. Department of Energy Genomic Science program and the website

Presentation Notes
Carbon cycle graphics U.S. Department of Energy Genomic Science program and the website
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and a transparent and reliable method for carbon accounting for biochar projects is close to completion, after years of hard work by

International Biochar Initiative already provides trusted 3rd party biochar certification.

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It has been in the news….

but, can biochar REALLY save the Planet?

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Realistically, biomass and biochar is a small part of our total US energy picture

but it can still be part of a carbon negative solution.

Carbon Positive

Carbon Neutral

Presentation Notes
Chart from Technology Review, Graphiti chart May/June 2010
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We should use biochar technology strategically,

take advantage of its strengths, and get the best possible value out of carbon negative solutions.

Presentation Notes
This is Cal Forest’s Tom Jopsen and Doug Williams, with a test-gasifier used to heat a greenhouse for trees, and use biochar as a replacement for vermiculite. (Vermiculite is toxic to manufacture must be shipped across the planet, and is basically inert). Photo Tom Miles
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Use biochar with high value crops and get better drought tolerance, germination,

quality, and yield.

2013 field test of Blueberries with biochar showed improved sugar (brix), plant health, and yield.

Extra value: Clean Water Biochar traps fertilizers, urea, and micronutrients, in the root zone of plants, away from river systems, resulting in healthier fish and riparian ecosystems.

Presentation Notes
Blueberry photo by Gordana Adamovic-Mladenovic from Windsor, Canada, Willamette river photo is part of the OSU Archive, with no known use restrictions.
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Use Biochar to adsorb Metals: Cu, Zn

Most rain gardens and improved storm systems clear the water, but don’t have a way to filter metals that hurt fish, like Copper and Zinc. Biochar sticks to the metals, dramatically improving the rain filter.

Biochar in improved rain filters, is an easy way to comply w/ water regulations.

Presentation Notes
Photos of the Rain Clear, and Storm Guard water systems are used with permission of Permamatrix and Sunmark Environmental, who requested that I should include the product logo along with any photos. Incidentally, both systems use biochar in their matrix to improve capture of both Copper (from car brake pads and other sources) and Zinc (usually from galvanized steel roofs).
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Do something great with Manure (CAFOs)

Combined heat and biochar systems convert manure into useful biochar, and use burning manure to fuel the process.

Presentation Notes
Manure gasifier that makes biochar by Coaltec, picture used with permission (logo required). Chicken Photo: Jody Rose, Manure Photo: Tom Miles at Wilcox Farms.
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Biochar + Compost turns Rock into Soil.

Hope Mine Restoration biochar + turns mine tailings into healthy re-growth.

In the Northwest, native plant communities are re-established using a blend of biochar + compost to restore road cuts and other disturbed areas.

Presentation Notes
Photo from The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Project by Biochar Solutions. PermaMatrix photos by Robin Cook, used with permission.
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Combined Heat and Biochar Systems

turn forest fire reduction slash piles into heat for schools, hospitals, and businesses. Combining the value of Heat & Biochar can make renewable energy systems feasible for remote communities. Extra value: healthier soils and rural jobs. Existing & Planned Biomass Thermal

Source: Oregon Dept of Forestry

Presentation Notes
Photos top, Tom Miles Whitfield Biochar machine, Top Left Forest slash pile and map, Marcus Kauffmann and Oregon Department of Forestry.
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Combined Heat and Biochar for Greenhouses

What do you grow in a greenhouse heated with sustainable forest products? Baby trees!

Forest seedlings trials in compost plus biochar.

Doug Williams and Tom Jopsen and the Shasta Class gasifier at Cal Forest, N. California

Presentation Notes
Doug Williams and Tom Jopsen at the CalForest Greenhouse. They grow trees for forest re-seeding projects, and they’ve been trying out composted biochar as a replacement for vermiculite and pearlite. Photos Doug Williams and Tom Miles
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There’s always room for more biochar…

US Biochar Initiative International Biochar Initiative Biochar Mailing lists PNW Biochar Working Group (for NW Biochar Producers)

Science Direct keyword biochar

Erin Rasmussen & Tom Miles TR Miles Technical Consultants Inc.

Presentation Notes
Photos Power Pallet – Tom Miles, Estufa Finca – Art Donnelly, Char – Carbon Cultures, Erin Rasmussen, Tom Miles in Terra Preta from his personal collection