epiv 09ss solst k3 lattice vibrations

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  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Lattice vibrations

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Lattice vibrations

    ►The motion of atoms in a linear chain is coupled, giving rise to propagating waves 

    ►The frequency of oscillation depends on the wavelength (i.e.

    the wave vector) of the propagating wave 

    ►For an infinite chain, the possible frequency of oscillations is a


    ► For a finite chain of quantum oscillator, only a discrete set offrequencies is possible

    ►Each propagating wave with a certain frequency and hence acertain group velocity is called a  phonon phonon

    ►The frequency of atomic vibrations in a phonon depends on the

    phonon wave vector – k: This defines the dispersion relation.

    ►Phonon wave vectors for a 1D chain of length L are n·2 π  /L,

    where n is integer. Number of phonons is

    ►All phonon wave vectors lie between – π  /a and π  /a. Therefore 

    the number of phonons in a 1D chain is 2 π  /a / 2 π  /L = L/a 

    ►Each phonon can be treated itself as a quantum oscillation. Forlow temperatures every atom can be approximated by an

    harmonic oscillator, the energy of the oscillation is 

    RealReal spacespace: For a: For a chainchain withwith 1313 atomsatoms

    separatedseparated byby a;a; length length LL is is 12 a 12 a 

    ReciprocalReciprocal spacespace:: LargestLargest frecuencyfrecuency appearsappearsatat thethe largestlargest kk valuesvalues – –ππ/a and/a and ππ/a/a

    DiscreteDiscrete wavewave vectorvector valuesvalues nn··22ππ/L= n/L= n··ππ/6a/6a

    In total 12In total 12 modesmodes betweenbetween – –ππ/a and/a and ππ/a/a

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Lattice vibrations


    PropagatingPropagating wavewave

    withwith infiniteinfinite

    wavelengthwavelength ((allall

    atomsatoms inin phasephase))


    wavewave withwith

    wavelengthwavelength 2a2a

    ((allall atomsatoms inin


    ItIt isis onlyonly neededneeded toto knowknow thethe dispersiondispersion relationrelation inin thethe rangerange betweenbetween andand--ππ



  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Two atoms per unit cell

    equations of motion

    two linear equations, two unknowns

    (system of homogeneous linear equations)


  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Two atoms per unit cell

    this has only a solution when

    coefficient matrix

    two solutions for every value of k

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Two atoms per unit cell

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    M1 und M2 schwingen in Phase

    Akustische und optische Gitterschwingungen

    M1 und M2 schwingen gegenphasig

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Periodic boundary conditions

    Max Born and Theodore von Karman (1912)chain with N atoms:

    longest wavelength for wave solutions

    This restricts the possible k values

    So there are N possible different vibrations (m=0....N-1)

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Finite chain with 10 unit cells and one atom per unit cell

    • N atoms give N so-called normal modes of vibration.

    • For long but finite chains, the points are very dense.

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Long atomic chain: quantum model

    • The excitations of these oscillators are called phonons.

    • Strong analogy with photons: both bosonic excitations• Both described by quantum mechanical harmonic oscillators• Wave-particle duality

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Phonons in 3D crystals: Aluminium

    • Results from inelastic x-ray scattering / neutron scattering.

  • 8/19/2019 EPIV 09SS SolSt K3 Lattice Vibrations


    SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations

    Phonons in 3D crystals: diamond

    • Results from inelastic x-ray scattering / neutron scattering.

    • Acoustic and optical branches present.