environmental progress in the eu

Environmental Progress in the EU Indicators: a communication tool

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Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Environmental Progress in the EU

Environmental Progress in the EUIndicators: a communication tool

Page 2: Environmental Progress in the EU

Outline• Policy relevance & targets• ‘Definition’ of indicator• Examples• Nutrient enrichment• Floods• Water Framework Directive

The numbers given are illustrative

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Policy Focus• Adoption of legislation• Answering questions (for example)• Are nitrates in rivers decreasing?• Are bathing waters acceptable?• Is water demand increasing or decreasing?

• Aimed at:• Decision makers• Policy makers• Public• Water managers

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Indicators in policy • To provide simple information on complex environmental problems

for policy makers to evaluate seriousness • To support policy development and priority setting• To monitor effects and effectiveness of policy responses• To raise public awareness

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What makes a good indicator?• Interest to target audience• Accessible /easy to interpret• Invites action• Representative of the issue• Shows progress with time• Comparable to reference values• Links to causes• Scientifically/statistically well-founded• Etc…..

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Definition of the Indicator• What policy is being answered?• Why is the indicator being selected?• Specifically:• Policy context and targets• Legislation, agreements etc.• Scientific references to the indicator• Analytical method (if this defines the indicator) / units• Methodology for indicator calculations• Presentation of indicator• Uncertainties

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An indicator for pollution?

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Frequency diagram of average nitrate concentrations in fresh surface water classes (annual average nitrate concentrations).

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Surface fresh water (rivers) eutrophication classification during the 2004-2007 and 2008-2011 (Flanders)

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Phosphorous in Lakes

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Public Awareness on water resources

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Overview of the EU WFD• expanding the scope of water protection to all waters, surface waters

and groundwater • achieving "good status" for all waters by a set deadline • water management based on river basins • "combined approach" of emission limit values and quality standards • getting the prices right • getting the citizen involved more closely • streamlining legislation

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To define “good ecological status”, the intercalibration exercise defines the upper and lower boundaries of good ecological status.

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EU WFD Deadline

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Achievement of milestones

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Danube - Analysis

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Achievements towards WFD objective (in 2015)

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Caution…..• The misuse of indicators……