entry task: what do you know about latin america? what do you want to know? goal: we will understand...

Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the world. We will understand how the region of Latin America affects the United States. Latin America

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Page 1: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to


Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the world.

We will understand how the region of Latin America affects the United States.

Latin America

Page 2: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the
Page 3: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the
Page 4: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What is this place?

Page 5: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Machu Picchu

Incan site in PeruMeans “Old Peak”8,000 feet above sea

levelBuilt around 1430 as a

site for the Incan rulers

Page 6: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Where is this?

Page 7: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Rio de Janeiro

Christ the RedeemerCorcovado Mountain

overlooking Rio de Janeiro

130 feet tallBuilt from 1922-1931

Page 8: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What is this?

Page 9: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Amazon River

Amazon River is the largest by volume of water – with more volume than the top 8 rivers in the world combined!

Off the coast where the Amazon drains you can still get potable water without being able to see the coastline!

The origin of the Amazon – Nevado Mismi

Page 10: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What is this?

Page 11: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Angel Falls

3,212 feet (three Empire State Buildings or six Space Needles!)

Highest waterfall in the world.Located in VenezuelaMist can be felt a mile away!

Page 12: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Where is this?

Page 13: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Lake Titicaca

Biggest lake in Latin America

Located on the border between Peru and Bolivia

Page 14: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Population of 532 million 20 Nations

French Guyana – France’s “department”The Land of Second Largest

Amazon RiverAndes Mountains

Page 15: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Entry Task:

Name the three major “ancient” empires in the area we now call Latin America

Page 16: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Native American Empires Conquistadors of Spain and PortugalTriangular TradeWars of IndependenceMonroe Doctrine and Roosevelt CorollaryEconomic Unity

Page 17: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Native American Empires

Millions of Natives across the continentInca Empire – largest in the Americas

controlled Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia 10 million inhabitants

Conquered by SpainFrancisco Pizzaro

Page 18: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

The Conquistadors

Pedro Alvares CabralPortugueseClaimed Brazil for Portugal

Ferdinand MagellanFound way around Latin America and goes around

the worldFrancisco Pizzaro

Conquers the Inca Empire and claims most of S. America for Spain

Page 19: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Triangular Trade

Spain and Portugal used their colonies…Sugar SlavesRum

Slaves taken from western Africa brought to the Caribbean and Latin America to work on the sugar plantations that was then traded to North America and processed into Rum that was sold in Europe and traded for more slaves…

Create a drawing of the Triangular Trade in your notes

Page 20: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Peninsulars vs. CreolesCreoles, influenced by the American Revolution,

led an uprising against the Peninsulars and their colonial masters.

The Monroe Doctrine aided in keeping European powers from reinstating their control in Latin America

Page 21: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

U.S. Intervention

Monroe DoctrineWarning from U.S. to European powers that no more

colonization would be toleratedRoosevelt Corollary

U.S. continuation of the Monroe Doctrine; it suggested that the U.S. would protect countries from being ruled by dictators.

Page 22: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

TR the Policeman

Page 23: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

U.S. Intervention

Monroe DoctrineWarning from U.S. to European powers that no more colonization would

be toleratedRoosevelt Corollary

U.S. continuation of the Monroe Doctrine; it suggested that the U.S. would protect countries from being ruled by dictators.

Dollar DiplomacyU.S. protects investments in Central & Latin America

Fear of Communist ruleSandinistas in Nicaragua

Page 24: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Entry Task

You learned a bit about Latin American history yesterday, review that information and create a cause and effect diagram for two different events in their history.





Page 25: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Based on agriculture and industrycoffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa

citrus, beef food items, consumer goods, or building materials -

larger countries also produce cars, trucks, and airplanes.

Mining employs relatively few, but is a major contributor to national economies

GDP = $9,000 a year, per capita (US = $45,800)

Page 26: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Economic Unity

LAFTALatin America Free Trade Agreement

Alliance for ProgressJFK’s efforts to aid in helping the economy of the


expand trade, improve transportation, and reduce tariffs among member countries

Latin American Community of Nations

Page 27: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

The People

Page 28: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What is this?

Page 29: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Rio’s Carnival

Developed from pagan traditions

Celebration before Catholic Lent

Samba Schools dance/march in parade

Page 30: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What are these?

Page 31: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Bred solely for their fiber

Not wildCommon in AndesNot a pack animal

Page 32: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

What is this gaucho doing?

Page 33: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Roping steers…

How do we rope steers?

Interesting how different continents solved the same problem.

Page 34: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

The People

420 Million People – 50% live in Brazil90% Roman CatholicSpanish is the official language of most states,

except Brazil (Portuguese)Mestizos are the most numerous ethnicity

people of Iberian and Native ancestry

Page 35: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


All 20 nations are some form of a REPUBLICwith constitutionsand freely “elected” presidents

Page 36: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the


Drug TraffickingIllegal Immigration

Page 37: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

8% of U.S. citizens – 12 and older – use drugs.

That is over 20 million people!That’s just the U.S.… there is a

HUGE world-wide market

Page 38: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking - Colombia

Colombia produces 80 percent of the world's cocaine and 60 percent of the heroin sold in the United States

Clinton’s Plan Colombia2001-2011 - $7 billion

Created more government presence in the 50% of territory without police presence

“Two Escobars”

Page 39: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking - Mexico

Drugs are profitable…We spend $19-29 billion yearly in U.S.

Corruption2010 - Calderon fired 10% of the police force

US pressureMerida Initiative – fight cartel’s influence

Political “assassinations”

Page 40: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

Where should the focus be…?Drug trafficking

orTreatment and Rehabilitation

Page 41: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

Get the people who make and transport the drugs?

ORTake away their market?

Page 42: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

Merida InitiativeSince 2008, the U.S. has spent $2.1 billion trying

to stem the tide of drugs coming into the U.S.Mexico received the bulk of this $ to train law

enforcement and create community support against the drug cartels

Focus on intelligence, judicial reform and institution building

Page 43: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

Punishment or Treatment?In 2008, 1.5 million citizens were arrested for

drug offenses – 500,000 were imprisonedIncarceration rates have steadily increasedDrug use in the U.S. has remained consistent

over 4 decades

Page 44: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Drug Trafficking

Page 45: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

The debate…We are a nation of immigrants… that doesn’t want any

more illegal immigrants.

Page 46: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the
Page 47: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

The debate…States’ Rights vs. FederalismPathway to CitizenshipBorder Control

Page 48: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

States’ Rights vs. FederalismArizona lawSupreme Court upheld only one provision… “show me your papers”

Page 49: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

Pathway to CitizenshipToo costly to deportFulfill jobs most don’t wantReward for breaking a lawEncourage more illegal immigrationDREAM Act

Page 50: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

Border ControlBuild the fence

By 2008, $2.4 billion for 700/2000 milesMore border patrol

In 2010, Obama sent 1,200 National Guard

Page 51: Entry Task: What do you know about Latin America? What do you want to know? Goal: We will understand how the region of Latin America interacts with the

Illegal Immigration

Most Recent… the flood of children coming without adults.October 2013-July 2014… 52,000!