enterprise structure configurational document

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  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document




    Enterprise Structure

    The enterprise structure describes the way in which an enterprise is organized. It consists of the

    company code, personnel area, and personnel subarea. Company codes are created in FI and

    represent the enterprise structure from a financial accounting perspective

    In the first structure the company consists of a main Headquarters group, two product lines.

    This structure is primarily for those companies who wish to group employees for reporting

    purposes based on function within the company.

    The second structure is for those companies who wish to group employees based on

    location. The example below represents the Personnel Area as a Region and the Personnel

    Subarea as the sites location.

    Configuration of Personnel Area:

    The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise and is

    organized according to aspects of personnel, time management, and payroll. A personnel area is

    divided into several personnel subareas. Note that the personnel subareas contain the businesscharacteristics

    Configuration path:

    SAP Custom izing Implementat ion Guide Enterprise Structu re Definit ion HumanResourc es Management Personn el Areas Personn el Areas

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Execute Personnel Area

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    Click the New Entries to create Personnel Areas or Copy any existing ones and maintain them.

    In this screen you maintain Personnel Area characteristics

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    In this screen you maintain Personnel Area characteristics

    Click Continue button

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Click Save button

    Configuration of Personnel Subarea:

    The personnel subarea is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the company

    organized according to certain aspects of personnel, time management, and payroll.

    The following business subtasks belong to the personnel subarea:

    Defining pay scale and wage type structure

    Defining planned working hours

    Defining appraisal criteria

    Configuration path:

    SAP Custom izing Implementat ion Guide Enterprise Structu re Definit ion HumanResourc es Management Personn el Areas Personn el Subarea

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Execute Personnel Subarea

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Enter the Personnel Area in the Personnel Area field.

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    Enter Personnel Subareas that belongs to the Personnel Area youve enter above.

    Click Save button

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Personnel Structure

    The Personnel Structure represents an employees position in a company from the individual

    employees view and contains the employee group and employee subgroup. The employee group is

    the primary subdivision of personnel and allows groupings that are required for Payroll, Benefits,

    and Time processing.

    Configuration of Employee Group

    The employee group allows you to divide your employees into groups and allows you to define their

    relationship to the enterprise. The following essential organizational functions can be carried out

    using the employee group:

    Generating default values when entering data; for example, for the payroll accounting area

    or for the basic pay of the employee

    Generating a selection criterion for evaluations

    Generating a unit for the authorization check

    Conf igurat ion path:

    SAP Custom izing Implementat ion Guide Enterprise Structu re Definit ion HumanResourc es Management Employee Groups

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Execute Employee Groups

    Click New Entries to create new EG or Copy an existing EGs and maintain it.

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    Press Enter but ton

    Cl ick Save Button

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Employee Subgroups

    The employee subgroup represents a subdivision of the employee group. When you define

    employee subgroups, you set up your personnel structure. Features are allocated to this in later

    steps. These steps are dealt with at the spot where they are established in a business sense.

    The following business subtasks are provided among other things :

    specification of processing in payroll accounting

    specification of validity of primary wage types

    specification of validity of work schedules

    specification of validity of pay scale groups

    Specification of validity of time quota

    Conf igurat ion path:

    SAP Custom izing Implementat ion Guide Enterprise Structu re Definit ion HumanResourc es Management Employee Subgrou ps

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Execute Employee Group option

    Double click on the Define employee subgroup

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Click New Entries to create new EG or Copy an existing EGs.

    Enter Employee Subgroup identifier and its description and press Enter button.

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    Click Save button


    Assignment of Personnel Area to Company Code

    In this step, you allocate each of your personnel areas to one company code. When you create apersonnel number, the corresponding company code is allocated to it in the infotype Organizational

    Assignment (IT0001), depending on the enterprise structure in which the employee is situated.

    Configuration path:

    SPRO SAP Custom izing Implementat ion Guide Enterpr ise Structure Ass ignmentHuman Resources Management Assignm ent of Personnel Area to Company Code

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Execute Assignment of Personnel Are to Company Code option

  • 7/27/2019 Enterprise Structure Configurational Document


    Locate the Personnel Area youve configured by either the vertical scrollbar or by using the

    Position button

    Assign the Personnel Area youve created to the Company code used by your organisation by

    entering the Company Code in the Company Code column and enter the Country grouping; in

    this case we entered Country Grouping 16, which is South Africa.

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    Press Enter button

    Click Yes button

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    Click Save button

    Assignment Employee Group to Employee Subgroup

    In this step, you assign your employee subgroups to their respective employee groups. In addition to

    this, you determine whether the employee group/employee subgroup combinations are allowed for

    the country groupings. Place a check-mark in the field next to each country where this Employee

    Group/Subgroup combination is valid.

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    Execute the Assign employee subgroup to employee group

    Click New Entries to create assignment or Copy an existing ones and maintain the


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    Assign the EE group to EE subgroup and checked the Allowed field for the Country allowed.

    Press Enter button

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    Click Save button