english twelfth night essay

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  • 7/31/2019 English Twelfth Night Essay


    29/2/2012 English Essay Greg Frey

    Malvolios function and contribution to Twelfth Nightby William


    Malvolio is an unlikable and seemingly irrelevant character in Shakespeares

    Twelfth Night. It isnt obvious how at first, but he contributes to the play in a

    variety of different and subtle ways, he adds to the lightheartedness even though

    we never once see him happy. Malvolio acts as an authoritarian figure

    throughout Twelfth Night, this contrasts with the other characters highlighting

    their humorous qualities and creating tension and conflict which initiates the sub

    plot; its in this subplot that Malvolios authoritarian symbol is deconstructed

    using Shakespeares theme of madness.

    Malvolios opinion of himself and position within the household causes him to

    contrast strongly with the other characters; this helps to highlight their comedic

    roles in the play. Throughout twelfth night we see examples of this contrast

    between Malvolio and the other characters. In act three Malvolio quite bluntly

    states I am/ not of your element (III. iv. 105 106), this is Malvolios admission

    of the difference between them in the households hierarchy. This is a clear

    example of the contrast between them thats so blatant Malvolio can state it

    aloud. In fiction an actor that contrasts with another to highlight a specific

    quality is known as a foil. Malvolio quite clearly emphasizes and highlights the

    humorous qualities of the other characters, for example when Malvolio

    comments on the loud singing and enjoyment of Feste, Sir Andrew and Sir Toby

    he says Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you? (II. iii. 79) this is

    a similar example of contrast, coming from an authoritarian stance, yet we can

    see in Sir Tobys response We did keep time, sir, in our catches. Sneck up! (II. iii.

    80) that the purpose of Malvolios speech was simply highlight the humor in Sir

    Tobys comment. Shakespeares technique worked and Sir Toby appears much

    funnier than he wouldve without Malvolios subtle contribution.

    Malvolio spends most of the play in conflict by creating tension between the

    characters and himself causing them to react initiating the subplot. Very early on

    in the play Malvolio refers to Feste as a barren rascal (I. v. 67). This

    introductory comment sets up the atmosphere of condescension from Malvolio

  • 7/31/2019 English Twelfth Night Essay


    29/2/2012 English Essay Greg Frey

    to the rest of the cast. Malvolio then goes on to threaten Sir Toby, Feste and Sir

    Andrew with eviction. He says Sir Toby, I must be round with you If you can

    separate yourself and your/ misdemeanours, you are welcome to the house; if

    not, and it would please you to take leave of her, she is very willing to bid youfarewell. (II. iii. 81-85). From this the audience can perceive a sense of tension

    and aggravation that Malvolio has caused. His comment also reinforces the

    authoritarian image that Malvolio portrays; he almost acts as a parental figure,

    telling the characters to stop having fun and to stop enjoying themselves. This

    contributes to the idea that the symbol of authority is a negative one. This

    agitation of the other characters initiates the subplot; we know this to be true as

    Fabian, when explaining the reasons for his actions against Malvolio says, Upon

    some stubborn and uncourteous parts/ We had conceived against him (V. i.

    340-341). Essentially this means that because we thought him stiff-necked and

    uncivil we played a trick on him. This shows how Malvolios authoritarian

    attitudes affected the characters in such a way that they retorted to making him

    look like a fool, initiating the sub plot.

    Once the subplot is in action, themes become a very large part of it, specifically

    madness. Shakespeare uses the theme of madness to deconstruct Malvolio and

    the authoritarian image he represents. Malvolio, after reading the fraudulent

    letter, acts as he thinks Olivia wants him to. Whereas in reality shes questioning

    whether this is very midsummer madness (III. iv. 50),this is the first sign of

    madness in the play, brought to light singlehandedly by Malvolio. When

    Shakespeare wrote the play society had a very different idea of madness, it was

    much more socially unacceptable to be insane and cases of which where taken

    far more seriously. This puts Malvolio, when locked up, in a much lower and

    more desperate position than we perceive it to be in the present. He goes on to

    say I am not mad, Sir Topas; I say to you this house is dark. (IV. ii. 33)in this

    scenario Malvolio thinks he is addressing Sir Topas, whereas in fact he is talking

    to Feste. This is just another subtle joke that Malvolio brought upon himself. It is

    also another example of the uncomfortable and demeaning position that

    Malvolio has been put in. Shakespeare chose to put Malvolio in this situation for

  • 7/31/2019 English Twelfth Night Essay


    29/2/2012 English Essay Greg Frey

    a reason, Malvolios position in the household no longer holds any significance,

    the hierarchy has been broken and a sense of equality and freedom is created.

    In Elizabethan times the twelfth days after Christmas were a time for celebrationand revelry, the traditional hierarchical roles were forgotten and for a brief time

    servants could treat there masters as they wished. Up until the 6thof January a

    sense of real equality was instilled. Malvolio has an extremely important function

    in Twelfth Night; Shakespeare uses Malvolio as a symbol of authority and control.

    This authority contrasts with the other characters making Malvolio a foil and

    contributing to the comedy in the play. Shakespeare then goes on to break down

    and deconstruct this symbol using the idea of madness, creating conflict, and

    making Malvolio the butt of the other characters large-scale practical joke

    contributing to the ideals of the twelfth days after Christmas. It is likely that

    Shakespeare did this for a specific purpose. It helps add to the lightheartedness

    of the play, authority is something most people resent making it all the more

    enjoyable and entertaining to watch it be broken down and ridiculed.