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GEN ED - ENGLISH A Review Material for 2015 Licensure Examination for Teachers By Dr. Augusto Rodriguez Dela Cruz

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Licensure Examination for Teachers



    A Review Material for

    2015 Licensure Examination for Teachers

    By Dr. Augusto Rodriguez Dela Cruz

  • Competencies:

    Arrive at meanings of words using context clues, structural analysis and other word formation techniquesNote details to discover the central theme of a passagePoint out the organization structure of a passage and determine how the parts are related to the whole Draw inferences and implications on reading textsDistinguish the different parts of speech in English their meanings, forms, order, and functionsAnalyze sentences in terms of their constituents elements Identify the rules of grammatical usage

    Vocabulary knowledge implies a rich understanding of the word. It means knowing a word by definition and associating experiences with that word.

    1.Structural Analysis. Words are made up of the smallest meaningful units called morphemes. The visual scrutiny of unfamiliar words to identify morphemes is called structural analysis. Knowing the roots, prefixes, and suffixes of words helps reveal the meaning of the total word form.a) Root words are words from which other words are formed by adding a beginning part (prefix) or an ending part (suffix)active (move)porter (carry)contradiction (to speak)b) Prefixes are word parts added to the beginning of a wordbenevolent (good)decline (from)nonsense (not)c) Suffixes are syllables added at the end of a word to form a new word with a different meaningBiology (study of)homeless (without)scientist (one who does)

    2.Word Formation. Words undergo changes. The following are five processes of word formation:

    a) Clipping means to cut off the beginning or the end of the word. It may mean cutting from both ends, leaving a part to stand for the whole.


    b) Blending is formed by fusing or putting two words together. Usually the first part of one word is blended or fused with the last part of another. The blended word then gets its meaning from the two words put together.


    c) Compounding uses two or three words put together to make a full form. Most often the meaning of the word is different from its parts. Sometimes it is the meaning of the two words put together.

    tightwadblackout first aidrunner-uptrigger-happy


    d) Acronymy is the use of initial letter or syllables of several words in succession.


    e) Reduplication- full or partial repetition of a free morpheme; sometimes with variation

    full with variation

    so-so zigzag

    bye-bye dilly-dally

    hotch potch

    hodge podge

    In Filipino

    Bili (BUY) bibili (WILL BUY)

    Kain (to eat) Kakain (WILL EAT)

    Pasok (to go) papasok (WILL GO)

    f) Coining (Coinage): Creating a completely new free morpheme, which is unrelated to any existing morphemes; a rare thing


    g) Folk or Popular Etymology results from changing a word in part or in whole to make it more like a familiar word.



    3. Context Clues. The meaning of a word may be determined by its environment the words that surround it, either coming before or after it in the sentence of in the paragraph.

    a) Definition is considered the simplest and most obvious way by which the meaning of a word is revealed. The be verb is used to equate the term to be defined to the familiar word in the sentence.

    Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders.

    b) Restatement may be in the form of synonyms, examples, elaboration by the use of modifiers, and pairing closely related words. It is usually introduced by signal words: that is, for example, such as, like, in the way, that, in other words, what this means, etc. It may also be signaled by the dash and the parentheses.

    He was a true peripatetic, like the walking philosophers who followed Aristotle and the wandering Jews of Israel.


    3. Context Clues. The meaning of a word may be determined by its environment the words that surround it, either coming before or after it in the sentence of in the paragraph.

    c) Synonym is a word that means essentially the same thing as another word. It is usually preceded by the function word or. Sometimes the synonym may be found in another sentence within the paragraph.

    God is omniscient, or all-knowing.

    d) Antonym is the opposite or contrasting word that may serve as a clue to the unfamiliar word.

    Julias remarks are generally not nebulous, but clear.

    e) Inference requires reading between lines to see connections and relationships not explicitly stated in a particular passage.

    The practicing physician as a rule is completely unskilled in obstetrics. His preliminary training contains little or nothing concerning the details of pregnancy and childbirth.


    3. Context Clues. The meaning of a word may be determined by its environment the words that surround it, either coming before or after it in the sentence of in the paragraph.

    f) Homophones & Words with Multiple Meanings indicate several meanings that a word has in English.

    Susan bought a bar of soap.

    The soldiers tried to bar the enemies.

    The brilliant student passed the bar examination.

    g) Words of Various Disciplines are the basic meaning of specialized vocabulary in a particular subject area.

    The capital of the Philippines is Metro Manila. (Social Science)

    His capital for the new business is one million pesos. (Math)

    h) Multiple Context make the meaning of unfamiliar words clearer and easily understood.

    Butterflies fly from flower to flower.

    How high did the boy fly his kite?

    Airplanes fly regularly from Manila to Hongkong.


    4. Idioms. An idiom is an expression peculiar to a language. It usually has several associated meanings which are not readily understandable from its grammatical construction and cannot be derived from the meaning of its separate elements.

    cross to bear endure a kind of burden

    close-fisted a miser

    cold-reception unfriendly

    broad daylight open, full daylight

    blackmail money extorted by threat of intimidation

    Argus-eyed jealously watchful

    what not -etcetera

    blue-blood noble blood

    chicken-hearted a timid, cowardly fellow

    absent-minded to be inattentive of what is going on

    fair weather friend a friend who deserts you in time of difficulties

    henpecked husband a submissive husband

    laughing stock object of ridicule

    greenhorn an inexperienced person

    by heart from memory

    burn the midnight oil study or work far into the night

    bundle from heaven new-born baby

    belle of the ball most popular girl

    blanket authority complete right or privilege

    behind the times unprogressive

    came to terms deal with misunderstanding


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    a) Simile a comparison between two unlike objects by using like or as

    His mind is like a sponge.

    b) Metaphor an indirect comparison of unlike objects

    She is a phantom of delight

    c)Personification the giving of human characteristics & capabilities to nonhuman things such as inanimate objects, abstract ideas, or animals

    The clouds cried a torrent of tears.


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.

    d) Apostrophe an address to the absent as if present or to the inanimate as if human

    O wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

    e) Allusion is a reference in a work of literature to another work of literature, or to a well-known person, place or event outside of literature

    i.Mythological Allusion: Magnus is the Adonis of the class.

    ii.Literary Allusion: Political Pied Pipers try everything.

    iii.Historical Allusion: Some call Marcos a modern day Hitler.

    iv.Biblical Allusion:

    I took my power in my hand

    And went against the world

    Twas not as much as David had,

    But I was twice as bold.

    I aimed my pebble, but myself

    Was all the one that fell

    Was it Goliath was too large,

    Or only I too small

    - The Duel by Emily Dickinson


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.

    f) Antonomasia is a special type of allusion which makes use of a title or an epithet (a descriptive word or phrase) instead of a proper name. It uses a proper name to convey an idea. Often these names are taken from history, myths, legends and the Bible.

    1. Abraham father of his people

    2. Achilles heel flaw or weakness

    3. Apollo manliness

    4.Cain murderer of his brother

    5.David and Jonathan friendship

    6. Juliet young, tragic love

    7. Napoleon strategy in war

    8. Penelope faithful wife

    9. Salome temptation

    10. Solomon wisdom

    11.Thomas doubt

    12. Waterloo cause of defeat/ weakness


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    g) Hyperbole the use of excessive exaggeration for effect

    Waves mountain high broke over the reef.

    I think of you every minute of the day.

    h) Litotes makes a deliberate understatement used to affirm by negating its opposite

    Regine Velasquez is not a bad singer.

    Edgar Allan Poe is no mean writer.

    i) Meiosis is a positive understatement intended to suggest a strong affirmative.

    I am a bit worried because I am falling in almost all of my subjects.

    We were a little disappointed to learn that the guest of honor could not come.

    j) Repetition is repeating words, phrases, or whole construction in order to intensify feeling or meaning.

    Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never yield to force.- Winston Churchill


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    k) Irony is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.

    Youre so beautiful; you look like a Christmas tree!

    You gave ma a good plan. Its only problem is that it can never be done.

    l) Antithesis a contrast of words or ideas

    She looks like an innocent flower but watch out for the serpent under it.

    m) Oxymoron the combining of contraries to portray a particular image or to produce a striking effect

    Parting is such sweet sorrow.

    He is an honest liar.


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    n) Paradox uses a phrase or statement that on surface seems contradictory, but makes some kind of emotional sense. It is a seemingly, contradictory but true example

    Let us go to war for peace.

    There is a grief in happiness.

    o) Chiasmus is parallelism in sentence element of similar or contrasting ideas, so arranged that the parallel elements of the second part of the structure are in inverted order.

    He was slow in resolution, in performance quick.


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    p) Metonymy substitutes a word that closely relates to a person or thing

    Have you no respect for gray hairs?

    The pen and plume can be used to represent a writer.

    q) Periphrasis is the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a name or vice-versa

    The sleeping giant has broken ties with its neighbors.

    r) Synecdoche uses a part to represent the whole

    Give us this day our daily bread.

    Life is so hard when you have eight hungry stomachs to feed.

    Ten brilliant minds instead of ten intelligent people


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    6. Climax is the arrangement of words or ideas according to their degree of importance; thus, the last set appears most valuable

    I came, I saw, I conquered. Julius Caesar

    7. Anti-climax is abruptly ending a climax build-up with an insignificant item.

    I die. I faint. I fail.


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    8. Onomatopoeia is a use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the object or actions they refer to

    The cat meows in the dark.

    9. Pun is a play on words with humorous, witty effects

    The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth.- An essay by Robert Benchley

    10. Euphemism is the substitution of an in offensive term for one considered offensively explicit.

    Senior citizens for old people / Passed away for dead

    Say He didnt make it. instead of He lost the game.

    11. Rhetorical Devices. These are sound devices used to convey meaning through rhyme and rhythm.

    a) Onomatopoeia uses a word having a sound that imitates what it denotes

    hiss, bang, buzz, hush , swoosh


    5. Figures of Speech. These forms of expressions are used to convey meaning or heighten effect, often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.


    11. Rhetorical Devices

    b) Alliteration involves the repetition of initial consonant sounds

    wicked and wan, threatening throngs

    c) Assonance uses repetition of vowels without repetition of consonants, also called a vowel rhyme

    alone, alone, all, all, alone

    d) Consonance repeats the final consonant sounds, also called a slant rhyme

    dreary and weary; odds and ends

    e) Rhyme employs identical sounds from the vowel of the accented syllables to the end

    hold, told, mold, gold; die, sky, my, fly, pie

    f) Anaphora repeats a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses or verses

    Cannons to the right of them/Cannons to the left of them


    A. Verb Errors

    1. Verb Tense. Check if the correct verb tense has been used in the sentence.

    When I came home, the children still didnt finish dinner.

    When I came home, the children still hadnt finished dinner.

    In reported speech, check that the rule of sequence of tenses has been observed.

    She promised she will come.

    She promised she would come.

    2.Tense Formation. Know the past participle of irregular verbs.

    He throwed it out the window.

    He threw it out the window.

    3. Subject-Verb Agreement. Check if the verb agrees with the subject in number.

    There is many reasons why I cant help you.

    There are many reasons why I cant help you.


    Present:I dance.

    Past:I danced.

    Future:I will dance.

    Present Progressive:I am dancing.

    Past Progressive:I was dancing all afternoon yesterday.

    Future Progressive:I will be dancing next week.

    Present Perfect:I have danced.

    Past Perfect:I had danced before I sang.

    Future Perfect:I will have danced before I sing.

    Present Perfect Progressive: I have been dancing since then.

    Past Perfect Progressive:I had been dancing when the bomb exploded.

    Future Perfect Progressive: I will have been dancing when the party ends.

  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    1. Subjects and verbs must agree in number. This is the cornerstone rule that forms the background of the concept.The dog growls when he is angry. The dogs growl when they are angry.2. Dont get confused by the words that come between the subject and verb; they do not affect agreement.The dog, who is chewing on my jeans, is usually very good.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    3. Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect agreement.The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.4. When sentences start with there or here, the subject will always be placed after the verb, so care needs to be taken to identify it correctly.There is a problem with the balance sheet.Here are the papers you requested.5. Subjects don't always come before verbs in questions. Make sure you accurately identify the subject before deciding on the proper verb form to use.Does Lefty usually eat grass? Where are the pieces of this puzzle.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    6. If two subjects are joined by and, they typically require a plural verb form.The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.7. The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by and refer to the same person or thing.Red beans and rice is my mom's favorite dish.8. If the words each, every, or no come before the subject, the verb is singular.No smoking and drinking is allowed.Every man and woman is required to check in.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    9. If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also the verb is singular.Jessica or Christian is to blame for the accident.10. The only time when the object of the preposition factors into the decision of plural or singular verb forms is when noun and pronoun subjects like some, half, none, more, all, etc. are followed by a prepositional phrase. In these sentences, the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb.All of the chicken is gone.All of the chickens are gone.11. The singular verb form is usually used for units of measurement.Four quarts of oil was required to get the car running.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    12. If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, the verb is plural.Dogs and cats are both available at the pound.13. If one subject is singular and one plural and the words are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, you use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the verb.Alvins sisters or his girlfriend wants pizza.14. Indefinite pronouns typically take singular verbs.Everybody wants to be loved.15. * Except for the pronouns (few, many, several, both) that always take the plural form.Few were left alive after the flood.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    16. If two infinitives are separated by and they take the plural form of the verb.To walk and to chew gum require great skill.17. When gerunds are used as the subject of a sentence they take the singular verb form of the verb, but when they are linked by and they take the plural form.Standing in the water was a bad idea.Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are my hobbies.18. Collective nouns like herd, senate, class, crowd, etc. usually take a singular verb form. The herd is stampeding.
  • Subject - Verb Agreement Rules

    19. Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated as singular and take a singular verb.The Burbs is a movie starring Tom Hanks.20. Final Rule Remember, only the subject affects the verb!

    A. Verb Errors

    4. Conditional Sentences. The word if will NEVER be followed by the words will or would. If I would have known, I wouldnt have gone.If I had known, I wouldnt have gone.5. Expressions of Desire. Unfulfilled desires are expressed by the form had hoped that ________ would (or could, or might) do ________.I wish I heard that story about him before I met him.I wish I had heard (or could have heard or would have heard) that story about him before I met him.6.Verbs Followed by Verb Words. A verb word is the infinitive without the to. She ignored the doctors recommendation that she stops smoking.She ignored the doctors recommendation that she stop smoking.

    A. Verb Errors

    7.Tag Endings. Check for three things in tag endings: a) Does the ending use the same person as the sentence verb? b) Does the ending use the same tense as the sentence verb? c) If the sentence verb is positive, is the ending negative; if the sentence verb is negative, is the ending positive?Shes been there before, isnt she?

    Shes been there before, hasnt she?

    8. Negative Imperatives. There are two forms for negative imperatives. Would you please dont smoke here.Please dont smoke here. orWould you please not smoke here.9. Affirmative and Negative Agreement of Verbs. There are two correct forms for both the affirmative and negative agreements. I havent seen the film and hasnt either.I havent seen the film and she hasnt either. orI havent seen the film and neither has she.

    A. Verb Errors

    10. Infinitives of Gerunds in the Complement of Verbs. Some verbs may be followed by either an infinitive or a gerund. Others may require either one or the other for idiomatic reasons.I intend learning French next semester.I intend to learn French next semester.11.Verbs Requiring How in the Complement. The verbs KNOW, TEACH, LEARN, and SHOW require the word how before an infinitive in the complement.She knows to drive. She knows how to drive.12. Idiomatic Verbs Expressions. There are a few commonly used idiomatic verb expressions.a.must have (done) it is a logical conclusionTheyre late. They must have missed the bus.b.had better (do) it is advisableIts getting cold. You had better take your coat.c.used to (do) was in the habit of doing in the pastI used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but I stopped.d.to be used to to be accustomed toThe noise doesnt bother me; Im used to studying with the radio on.e.make someone do force someone to doMy mother made me take my little sister with me to the movies.f.would rather would preferI would rather you didnt speak to her.

    B. Pronoun Errors

    1. Pronoun Subject-Object. Check if a pronoun is the SUBJECT or the OBJECT of a verb or preposition.

    All of us Fred, Jane, Alice, and me were late.

    All of us Fred, Jane, Alice, and I were late.

    2. Who and Whom. When in doubt about the correctness of WHO/WHOM, try substituting the subject/object of a simpler pronoun to clarify the meaning.

    I dont know who Sarah meant.

    I dont know whom Sarah meant.

    3. Pronoun Subject- Verb Agreement. Check if the pronoun and its verb agree in number.

    Jessa is absent, but a few of the class is here.

    Jessa is absent, but a few of the class are here.


    B. Pronoun Errors

    4. Possessive Pronoun Agreement. Check if possessive pronouns agree in person and number.

    If anyone calls, take their name.

    If anyone calls, take his name.

    5. Pronouns After the Verb To Be. TO BE is an intransitive verb and will always be followed by a subject pronoun.

    It must have been her at the door.

    It must have been she at the door.

    6. Position of Relative Pronouns. A relative pronoun refers to the word preceding it. If the meaning is unclear, the pronoun is in the wrong position.

    He could park right in front of the door, which was very convenient.

    His being allowed to park right in front of the door was very convenient.

    7. Parallelism of Impersonal Pronouns. In forms using impersonal pronouns, use either one ones/his or her or you your.

    One should take your duties seriously.

    One should take ones/his or her duties seriously.

    or You should take your duties seriously.


    C. Adjective and Adverb Errors

    1.Use of Adjectives and Adverbs. Check if a word modifier is an adjective or an adverb and make sure the correct form is used.

    I sure wish I were rich!I surely wish I were rich!

    2. Adjectives with Verbs of Sense. Intransitive verbs are described by adjectives while transitive verbs are modified with adverbs.

    She looked very well.She looked very good!

    3. Comparatives. In using adjectives of one or two syllables ending in y, add er. Other words of more than one syllable use more. Adverbs of one syllable add er; longer adverbs use more.

    This exercise is harder then the last one

    This exercise is harder than the last one.


    C. Adjective and Adverb Errors

    4. Parallel Comparisons. Check if the correct form is used in parallel comparisons.

    The more you practice, you will get better.

    The more you practice, the better you will get.

    5. Illogical Comparatives. Check comparisons to make sure they make sense.

    Texas is bigger than any state in the United States.

    Texas is bigger than any other state in the United States.

    6. Identical Comparisons. Something can be the same as or like something else. Do not mix up the two forms.

    Your dress is the same like mine.

    Your dress is like mine.or Your dress is the same as mine.


    C. Adjective and Adverb Errors

    7. Idioms Using Comparative Structures. Some idiomatic terms are formed like comparatives although they are not true comparisons.

    You may have to spend so much as two hours waiting.

    You may have to spend as much as two hours waiting.

    8. Noun Adjectives. When a noun is used as an adjective, treat it as an adjective. Do not pluralize or add s.

    Youre talking like a two-years-old child!

    Youre talking like a two-year-old child!

    9. Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers. Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) are preceded by the. Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are not.

    We missed first act. We missed the first act.

    10. Modifying Countable and Non-countable Nouns. If a noun can be preceded by a number, it is a countable noun; if not it is uncountable.

    I was surprised by the large amount of people who came.

    I was surprised by the large number of people who came.


    A. Errors in Usage

    1. Connectors. Do not mix different forms in connecting ideas.

    She speaks not only Spanish but French as well.

    She speaks Spanish and French.

    She speaks Spanish. She also speaks French.

    She speaks Spanish and French too.

    She speaks not only Spanish but also French.

    She speaks both Spanish and French.

    She speaks Spanish as well as French.

    2. Question Word Connectors. When a question word such as when or what is used as a connector, the clause that follows is not a question. Do not use the interrogative form.

    Do you know when does the movie start?

    Do you know when the movie starts?


    A. Errors in Usage

    3. Because. It is incorrect to say: The reason is because Use: The reason is that

    The reason he was rejected was because he was too young.

    The reason he was rejected was that he was too young.

    He was rejected because of his young age.

    He was rejected because he was too young.

    4. Dangling Modifier - absence of the word being modified

    Ex:Inside the store, shoes must be worn.

    (Who must wear shoes?)

    Customers must wear shoes inside the store.

    5. Misplaced modifier - the modifier modifies the wrong word.

    Ex:Turning green, I watched the lights.

    Correct:I watched the lights turning green.


    A. Errors in Usage

    6. Parallel Construction. In sentences containing a series of two or more items, check to see if the same form has been used for all the items in the series. Do not mix infinitives with gerunds, adjectives with participial phrases or verbs with nouns.

    The film was interesting, exciting, and it was made well.

    The film was interesting, exciting, and well-made.

    7. Unnecessary Modifiers. In general, the more simply an idea is stated, the better it is.

    That depends on the state of the general condition of the situation.

    That depends on the situation.

    8.Commonly Confused Words. Be aware of the commonly misused words in English.

    He was laying in bed all day yesterday.

    He was lying in bed all day yesterday.

    9.Misused Words and Prepositional Idioms. Take note of the prepositions in common idioms.

    They came despite of the rain.

    They came in spite of the rain or They came despite the rain.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    1.ACCEPT -to receive

    Example: He accepts defeat well.

    EXCEPT -to take or leave out

    Example: Please take all the books off the shelf except for the red one.

    2.ACCESS - availability

    Example: The lawyer was given access to the grand jury records.

    EXCESS - too much

    Example: His expenses are for the past three months are far in excess of income.

    3.ADAPT - to change

    Example: She adapted the piano piece to make it more appropriate for the childrens concert.

    ADOPT - to take as ones own

    Example: The impressionable young man adopted his heros style of dress.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    4. ADVICE- a noun meaning opinion

    Example: I asked my guidance counselor for advice about what courses to take next semester.

    ADVISE- a verb meaning to give an opinion to

    Example: My guidance counselor advised me to take a science course and a foreign language.

    5.AFFECT-to influence

    Example: Lack of sleep affects the quality of your work.

    EFFECT -n., result, v., to accomplish

    Examples: The subtle effect of the lighting made the room look ominous.

    Can the university effect such a change without disrupting classes?

    6.AINT originally a contraction of am not. It is not considered standard English.

    Nonstandard:John aint ready yet.

    Correct:John isnt ready yet.

    7.ALLUSION-an indirect reference

    Example:The professor made an allusion to Virginia Woolf's work.

    ILLUSION -a false perception of reality

    Example:They saw a mirage: that is a type of illusion one sees in the desert.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    8.ALL READY-prepared

    Example: Dinner was all ready when the guests arrived.

    ALREADY -by this time

    Example: The turkey was already burned when the guests arrived.

    9.ALTERNATE- means every other one in a series or a substitute

    Example:When the experiment failed, they tried the alternate method.

    ALTERNATIVE- one of the two possibilities

    Example:She always reminds everyone that failing is not an alternative to passing.

    10. ALTOGETHER -entirely

    Example:Altogether, I thought that the student's presentation was well-planned.

    ALL TOGETHER -gathered, with everything in one place

    Example:We were all together at the family reunion last spring.

    11.AMONG - a preposition that implies three or more.

    Example:The dog sat down among the tulips.

    BETWEEN -is generally used with two.

    Example:Please sit between your mom and me.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    12.ANYONE- all or everyone

    Example:Anyone can do what I have done.

    ANY ONE- a particular person or thing

    Example:I do not like any one of the proposed programs.

    13.APART-to be separated

    Example:The chain-link fence kept the angry dogs apart. or My old car fell apart before we reached California.

    A PART-to be joined with

    Example:The new course was a part of the new field of study at the university. OR A part of this plan involves getting started at dawn.

    14.ASCENT- climb

    Example:The plane's ascent made my ears pop.


    Example:The martian assented to undergo experiments.

    15.AWHILE-an adverb which means for a while.

    Example:Lie down awhile and rest. (Adverb)

    A WHILE-an article and a noun usually used after the preposition for

    Example:For a while he lay still without moving. (Noun)


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    16.BESIDE-means at the side of or close to.

    Example:The garden is beside the house.

    BESIDES-means in addition to

    Example:Who is going to the concert besides me?

    17.BETTER-means recovering.

    Example:He is better now than he was a week ago.

    WELL- means completely recovered

    Example:In a few more weeks, he will be well.

    18.BIANNUAL- means twice a year

    Example:The organizers meet biannually.

    BIENNIAL-means done every two years or lasting for two years.

    Example:The members pay biennial institutional fee.

    19.BREATH-noun, air inhaled or exhaled

    Example:You could see his breath in the cold air.

    BREATHE-verb, to inhale or exhale

    Example:If you don't breathe, then you are dead.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    20.BRING- means to carry from a distant place to a nearer one

    Example:Bring those books here, please.

    TAKE- means to carry from a nearer place to a more distant one

    Example:Take these forms to the principals office.

    21.CANVAS- a kind of cloth

    Example:The actors need a canvas for their stage play.

    CANVASS- a survey of opinions

    Example:He canvassed the whole studentry re RH Bill.

    22.CAPITAL-seat of government. It also financial resources.

    Examples:The capital of Virginia is Richmond.

    The firm had enough capital to build the new plant.

    CAPITOL-the actual building in which the legislative body meets

    Example:The governor announced his resignation in a speech given at the capitol today.

    23.CITE-to quote or document

    Example:I cited ten quotes from the same author in my paper.


    Example:The sight of the American flag arouses different emotions in different parts of the world.

    SITE-position or place

    Example:The new office building was built on the site of a cemetery.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    24.COARSE- means vulgar or harsh

    Example:He was reprimanded because of his coarse behavior

    COURSE-a path or a study

    Example:What course are you taking?

    25.COMPLEMENT-noun, something that completes; verb, to complete

    Example:A nice dry white wine complements a seafood entree.

    COMPLIMENT-noun, praise; verb, to praise

    Example:The professor complimented Betty on her proper use of a comma.

    26.CONSCIENCE-sense of right and wrong

    Example:The student's conscience kept him from cheating on the exam.


    Example:I was conscious when the burglar entered the house.

    27.CONTINUAL- means close occurrence, with interval

    Example:Their class has continual discussion on moral issues.

    CONTINUOUS- uninterrupted occurrence

    Example:Continuous rains last week caused flashfloods.

    28.COUNCIL-a group that consults or advises

    Example:The men and women on the council voted in favor of an outdoor concert in their town.

    COUNSEL-to advise

    Example:The parole officer counseled the convict before he was released.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    29.ELICIT-to draw or bring out

    Example:The teacher elicited the correct response from the student.


    Example:The Columbian drug lord was arrested for his illicit activities.

    30.EMERGE- to rise out of

    Example:The swimmer emerged from the pool.

    IMMERGE- to plunge into

    Example:The student immerged himself in his studies.

    31.EMINENT-famous, respected

    Example:The eminent podiatrist won the Physician of the Year award.

    IMMANENT-inherent or intrinsic

    Example:The meaning of the poem was immanent, and not easily recognized.

    IMMINENT-ready to take place

    Example:A fight between my sister and me is imminent from the moment I enter my house.

    32.FARTHER- refers to distance

    Example:My house is farther away than yours.

    FURTHER- means additional or to a greater degree or extent

    Example:I need further advice


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    33.FEWER- is used for things that can be counted.

    Example:fewer calories, fewer assignments

    LESS- is used for quantities that can be counted.

    34.FORMER- the first of two

    Example:The former half of the book was in prose.

    LATTER- the second of two

    Example:The latter half of the book was in poetry.

    35.GRATEFUL- means thankful

    Example:We are all grateful for your support.

    GRATIFIED- means satisfied

    Example:The lady was gratified that her action was commended.

    36.HANGED- is used in reference to a person

    Example:The prisoner was hanged at dawn.

    HUNG- is used in reference to a thing

    Example:The picture was hung above the fireplace.

    37.HEALTHFUL-is used for things

    Example:Fresh green salads are healthful.

    HEALTHY-is used for people

    Example:She is fit and healthy.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    38.IN-refers to position

    Example:The plates are in the cabinet.

    INTO-suggests motion

    Example:Lets go into the next room.

    39.INGENIOUS- having special skill to discover

    Example:His ideas were all ingenious.

    INGENUOUS- means having a childhood simplicity

    Example:Her reaction to what was they said was ingenuous.

    40.ITS-of or belonging to it

    Example:The baby will scream as soon as its mother walks out of the room.

    IT'S-contraction for it is

    Example:It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

    41.LEAD-noun, a type of metal

    Example:Is that pipe made of lead?

    LED-verb, past tense of the verb "to lead"

    Example:She led the campers on an over-night hike.

    42.LEARN-means to receive knowledge

    Example:I learned a new word today.

    TEACH- means to give knowledge.

    Example:Sir Ralph taught us that new word.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    43.LIE-to lie down (a person or animal. hint: people can tell lies)

    Example:I have a headache, so I'm going to lie down for a while.

    The dog has lain in the shade all day.

    Yesterday, the dog lay there for twelve hours.

    LAY-to lay an object down.

    Example:The town lay at the foot of the mountain.

    At that point, Pappy laid the shotgun on the ground.

    44.LOSE--verb, to misplace or not win

    Example:Mom glared at Mikey: "If you lose that new lunchbox, don't even think of coming home!"

    LOOSE--adjective, to not be tight; verb (rarely used)--to release

    Example:The burglar's pants were so loose that he was sure to lose the race with the cop chasing him.

    45.PASSED- verb, past tense of "to pass," to have moved

    Example:The tornado passed through the city quickly, but it caused great damage.

    PAST-belonging to a former time or place

    Example:Go past the fire station and turn right.

    46.PRECEDE-to come before

    Example:Pre-writing precedes the rough draft of good papers.

    PROCEED-to go forward

    Example:He proceeded to pass back the failing grades on the exam.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    47.PRINCIPAL-adjective, most important; noun, a person who has authority

    Examples:The principal ingredient in chocolate chip cookies is chocolate chips.

    The principal of the school does the announcements each morning.

    PRINCIPLE-a general or fundamental truth

    Example:The study was based on the principle of gravity.

    48.QUOTE-verb, to cite

    Example:I would like to quote Dickens in my next paper.

    QUOTATION-noun, the act of citing

    Example:The book of famous quotations inspired us all.

    49.RELUCTANT-to hesitate or feel unwilling

    Example:We became reluctant to drive further and eventually turned back when the road became icy.

    RETICENT- to be reluctant to speak; to be reserved in a manner. Note thatThe American Heritage Dictionarylists "reluctant" as a synonym for "reticent," as the third definition. For nuance and variety, we recommend "reticent" for reluctance when speaking or showing emotion (after all, even extroverts can become reluctant).

    Example:They called him reticent, because he rarely spoke. But he listened carefully and only spoke when he had something important to say.

    50.RAISE-usually takes a direct object

    Example:Our landlady raises the tent on our apartment every year at this time.

    RISE- never takes a direct object

    Example:The hot air balloons rise above the treetops.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    51.RESPECTIVELY- in the same order as the people or things already mentioned.

    Example:Lisa visited Paris and Vatican respectively.

    RESPECTFULLY- means in a respectful manner

    Example:She greets her teachers respectfully.

    52.SET- means to put something in a certain place

    Example:Set the plates on the table.

    SIT- means to be seated

    Example:I will sit in his placer tonight.

    53.STATIONARY-standing still

    Example:The accident was my fault because I ran into a stationary object.

    STATIONERY-writing paper

    Example:My mother bought me stationery that was on recycled paper.

    54.SOME TIME- a portion of time

    Example:I will need some time to make a decision.

    SOMETIME- at an indefinite time in the future

    Example:Let us meet sometime after 12 noon.

    SOMETIMES- adverb, means occasionally

    Example:Sometimes it is better to hesitate before signing a contract.

    55.THAN-use with comparisons

    Example:I would rather go out to eat than eat at the dining hall.

    THEN-at that time, or next

    Example:I studied for my exam for seven hours, and then I went to bed.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.

    56.THEIR-possessive form of they

    Example:Their house is at the end of the block.

    THERE-indicates location (hint: think of "here and there")

    Example:There goes my chance of winning the lottery!

    THEY'RE-contraction for "they are"

    Example:They're in Europe for the summer--again!

    57.THROUGH-by means of; finished; into or out of

    Example:He plowed right through the other team's defensive line.

    THREW-past tense of throw

    Example:She threw away his love letters.

    THOROUGH-careful or complete

    Example:John thoroughly cleaned his room; there was not even a speck of dust when he finished.

    THOUGH-however; nevertheless

    Example:He's really a sweetheart though he looks tough on the outside.

    THRU-abbreviated slang for through; not appropriate in standard writing

    Example:We're thru for the day.


    Words and Expressions Commonly Misused. Many words and expressions are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.


    Example:I went to the University of Richmond.

    TOO-also, or excessively

    Example:He drank too many screwdrivers and was unable to drive home.

    TWO-a number

    Example:Only two students did not turn in the assignment.

    59.WHO-pronoun, referring to a person or persons

    Example:Jane wondered how Jack, who is so smart, could be having difficulties in Calculus.

    WHICH-pronoun, replacing a singular or plural thing(s); not used to refer to persons

    Example:Which section of history did you get into?

    THAT-used to refer to things or a group or class of people

    Example:I lost the book that I bought last week.

    60.WHO-used as a subject or as a subject complement

    Example:John is the man who can get the job done.

    WHOM-used as an object

    Example:Whom did Sarah choose as her replacement?


    Reading comprehension questions usually fall into several general categories.

    1. Main Idea. This usually refers to the passage as a whole, not to some segment or part of the passage. Questions are usually about the main idea or theme of the passage, about a possible title, or about the authors primary objective. The main idea is typically (but not always) found in the first paragraph. It is the statement that gives the overall theme of the passage. In many cases, it is in the form of an argument, including a premise and conclusion.

    World War II brought new demands and needs to the nation in the 1940s. Financing the war meant additional taxes and changes to payroll processing. An armed force with millions of people produced new challenges in administration and record keeping. New weapons required countless calculations and tests. Defense research demanded the development of large-scale computing devices.


    Reading comprehension questions usually fall into several general categories.

    2. Supporting Ideas. This is about the idea expressed in one part of the passage rather than about the passage as a whole. This type of question is to distinguish between the main idea and those themes that support it, some of which may be implicit or implied rather than explicitly stated.

    Males and females are each associated with different kinds of behavior, and what is considered masculine and feminine differs from society to society. These concepts of masculinity and femininity extend to how people walk, sit, talk, and dress. In our society, as in all others, men walk and talk in certain ways and until very recently dressed very differently from women. In some societies, different spatial areas are associated with males and females women in many Middle Eastern societies are restricted to certain parts of the house and may only come into contact with the males who are members of their family. In such societies, the coffee house and the market are defined as male domains. In contrast, in some African societies, women predominate in the marketplace.


    Reading comprehension questions usually fall into several general categories.

    3. Drawing Inferences. This asks about ideas that are not explicitly stated in a passage. The question refers meanings implied by the author based on information given in the passage.

    The procedure is actually quite simple. First, you arrange the items into different groups. Of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step; otherwise, you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many. In the short run this may not seem important but complications can easily arise. A mistake can be expensive as well. At first, the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it will become just another facet of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this task in the immediate future, but then, one never can tell. After the procedure is completed one arranges the materials into different groups again. Then they can be put into their appropriate places. Eventually they will be used once more and the whole cycle will then have to be repeated. However, that is part of life.


    1. Skimming and Scanning. Skimming is the selective reading of material to survey the purpose and the general idea. Scanning, on the other hand, is a quick search for a specific information in the text.2. Finding the Topic Sentence. The topic sentence gives the key to an entire paragraph. It is usually found in the beginning of a paragraph. However, there is no absolute rule. Some paragraphs build up to a conclusion hence the key sentence is at the end.3. Finding the General Theme. A more advanced skill is the ability to read several paragraphs and relate them to one general theme or main idea. This involves careful reading of the entire passage and deciding which idea is the central or main one. The general theme is usually most frequent or most important and every sentence relates to it. In order to find the general theme:Read at normal speed.Locate the topic sentence in each paragraph.Note ideas that are frequent or emphasized.Find the idea to which most of the passage is related.

    4. Finding Logical Relationships. The best way to fully understand the meaning of a passage is to look for the general theme and then relate the ideas and opinions found in the passage to this general theme. It is important to determine not only what is important in the passage but also how the ideas interrelate to form the whole. 5.Making Inferences. An inference is not stated. It is assumed by the reader from something said by the writer. An inference is the likely or probable conclusion rather than the direct, logical one. It usually involves an opinion or viewpoint that the writer wants the reader to follow or assume.

    LITERATURELiterature is derived from the Latin word litera which means letter.It refers to any printed matter written within a book or magazine.It is a reproduction of mans manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression.It relates to mans love, griefs, dreams, and aspirations coached in a beautiful language.It is a story of man. Reasons for Studying literatureTo better appreciate our literary heritageTo trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us by our forefathersTo understand the great and noble tradition of the different races of the worldAs Filipinos, to take pride in our own culture and manifest deep concern for our own literature.

    TYPES OF LITERATUREThe proseThe NOVEL is a long narrative divided into chapters. The events are taken from the true-to-life stories and spans a long period of time.SHORT STORY is a narrative involving one or more chapters, one plot and one single impression.PLAYS are presented on stage divided into acts and each act has many scenes.LEGENDS are fictions, narratives and usually about origins.FABLES are stories about animals and inanimate things that speak and act like people and their purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to events that can mold their ways and attitudes.ANECDOTES are products of the writers imagination and the main aim is to bring out lessons to the reader.ESSAY expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a particular problem or event. Best example is an editorial.BIOGRAPHY deals with the life of a person which may be about himself or that of others.

    TYPES OF LITERATUREThe poetryNarrativeEPIC is an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural control.Examples:Biag ni Lam-ang of Ilocos, PhlBeowulf of EnglandIliad and Odyssey of GreeceRamayana and Mahabarata of IndiaTALES are stories about supernatural beings.BALLADS are short poems, adapted for singing, simple in plot and metrical structure.

    TYPES OF LITERATUREThe poetryLyric poetry expresses emotions and feelings of the poet. It is usually short, simple and easy to understand.Folksongs/Awiting Bayan are intended to be sung poems about love, despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and sorrow.Example: Chit-Chirit-ChitSonnet is a 14-line poem dealing with emotions, feelings or ideasExample: Sonnets of ShakespeareElegy is a poem for the dead. Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan PoeOde is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity on a certain thing/object.Example: Ode to the West Wind Psalms are songs praising God and containing a philosophy of God.Example: Psalm of DavidAwit is a realistic poem sung with 12 syllables per line.Example: Florante at LauraCorrido is an 8-syllable recital with element of fantasy. Example: Ibong Adarna

    TYPES OF LITERATUREThe poetryDramatic ComedyTragedy involves the hero who struggles mighty against dynamic forces until he meets death.Example: HamletComedy comes from the Greek word komos meaning festivity. Its purpose is to give amusement through s happy ending.Melodrama arouses immediate and intense emotion and is usually sad but there is a happy ending for the principal character.Force is an exaggerated comedy where the situations are too ridiculous to be true.

    Famous WorksTHE ILIAD by HomerThis consists of 24 books covering the last 49 days of the 10th year of the Trojan War. Most books give detailed accounts of the fierce battles waged on the plains of Troy.THE ODYSSEY by HomerThis consists of 24 books that represents the 10-year struggle of the Greek Ulysses (Odysseus) to reach and save his own kingdom, Ithaca, after the fall of Troy.BEOWULF by HomerThis is the Englands oldest epic. It is about the heroic deeds Beowulf who helps save the Kingdom of Heorot.The SHAH NAMAH by FirdausiA great epic of Persia meaning Singer of Paradise- the story tells about the struggle of Persia to overthrow her enemies.

    Famous WorksThe SONG OF ROLAND A great epic of France depicts the great struggle of Christian knights of France under Charlemagne against the Moors of MohammedansThe CID A great folk-epic of Spain- tells the deeds of the great Cid or lord Rodrigo in his wars with the Moors.The DIVINE COMEDY A great folk-epic of Italy written by Dante- has three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, great purpose was the salvation of the soul.SIR GAWAIN and the GREEN KNIGHTA story of courage, loyalty and faith in God THE CANTERBURY TALES by Geoffrey Chaucer- a large collection of isolated stories. It features the different people of Medieval EnglandThe DECAMERON by Giovanni Boccaccio- a collection of tales told by a group of young people escaping the black death from the CityA DOLLS HOUSE by Henrik Ibsen- the husband in the story treats Nora, the wife, as a doll, a plaything, a pet, instead as a person

    Teaching Philippine Literature in English The Pre-Spanish eraOwn literature that reflects our own raceShows our customs and tradition in everyday lifeOwn alphabet known as alibataRecords were written on leaves and bamboo cylinder, bark of trees and caves.Beginning of legends, folktales, epics, folk songs, riddles, chants, proverbs and sayings The Spanish PeriodAlibata was replaced by the Roman alphabetTeachings of Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.Spanish language gave many of its words to our language.European legends and traditions were assimilated in our songs, corridos and moro moro.Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog and other dialects.Grammar books were printed in FilipinosPeriodicals gained a religious tone.

    Teaching Philippine Literature in English FIRST BOOKS WRITTENDOCTRINA CHRISTIANA was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593. It was written by Fr. Juan de Placencia & Fr. Domingo Nieva.BARLAAN at JOSEPHAT was the first Tagalog novel published in the Philippines. PASION is about life and sufferings of Jesus ChristURBANA at FELISA was written by Modesto de Castro (Father of Classic Prose in Tagalog) about the letters of two sisters dealing with good behavior.VOCABULARIO DELA LENGUA TAGALA was the first Tagalog dictionary by Fr. Pedro de San Buenaventura.NINAY was the first social novel in Spanish by Jose Panganiban.Recreational playsTibag was a search of St. Helena for the cross on which Jesus died.Cenaculo was a dramatic performance commemorating the passion and death of Jesus Christ.Panunuluyan was a presentation of the search of Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an inn to deliver the baby Jesus.Salubong is an Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of the risen Lord and His mother.Zarzuela is the father of drama musical comedy/melodrama dealing with mans passion and emotion.Moro-moro is a play about the fighting between Moros and ChristiansDuplo/Karagatan is played during wakes for the dead. The princess who dropped her ring into the middle of the sea.BalagtasanAwit/Corrido

    Teaching Philippine Literature in English PERIOD OF ENLIGHTENMENT (NATIONALISM)The period where the Filipinos demanded changes in the government and in the church.The Rise of Propaganda MovementLeaders:Jose Rizal Laong Laan & DimasalangWrote: Noli and FiliMarcelo H. Del Pilar Plaridel, Pupdoh, Piping Dilat, Dolores ManapatWrote: Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa, Dasalan at TuksuhanGraciano Lopez Jaena Wrote: La Solidaridad (first magazine), Fray Botod

    Teaching Philippine Literature in English PERIOD OF ACTIVE REVOLUTIONReforms demanded by propagandists were not given attention.There was no other way except to revolt.Leaders:Andres Bonifacio - the Father of Democracy, Father of KKK, and Emilio Jacinto Brain of the Katipunan, wrote Liwanag at Dilim Apolinario Mabini- Sublime Paralytic, Brains of the RevolutionJapanese literatureEnglish newspapers were stopped by the Japanese.LIWAYWAY was placed under strict surveillance.Beginning of HAIKU and TANAGAMovie houses showing American Films were closedWriters:Jose Ma. Hernandez, Francisco Rodrigo, Liwayway Arceo, Carlos Romulo, Carlos Bulosan

    Teaching Philippine Literature in English Rebirth of freedomAmerican returned in 1945.Proliferation of newspapers such as FREE PRESS, MORNING SUN, MANILA TIMES, PHIL. HERALD, CHRONICLE, BULLETINFamous work:Kwento ni Mabuti by Genoveva Edroza- her first Palanca AwardPERIOD OF ACTIVISMBecause of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms.Martial LawWritings were rebellious.Period of terror and wrathAge of Ninoys martyrdomPeople PowerRebirth of newspapers and books

    American LiteratureColonial Period:1.William Bradford wrote Of Plymouth Plantation2.Anne Bradstreet wrote The Tenth Muse lately Sprung Up in America3.Edward Taylor4.Jonathan Edwards wrote the powerful sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry GodPeriod of Enlightenment 1.Benjamin Franklin Wrote the Autobiography, a self-help book written to share pieces of advice to his sonAn important figure in the 1787 Convention which drafted the US ConstitutionWas President of the Anti-slavery Association2.Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet The Common Sense in which he wrote, The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind.3.Philip Freneau the poet of the American Revolution4.Washington Irving wrote Legend of the Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle5.James Fennimore Cooper wrote The Leatherstocking Tales that feature the life of frontiersman Natty Bumpo. His masterpiece is the Last of the Mohicans6.Phyllis Wheatley was the second published African American poet whose writings helped create the genre of African American literature

    Chinese literatureChinese literature is one of the major cultural heritage of the world.Poetry was characterized by compactness and brevity.Confucius or Kung Fu-tze was the first sage of China who wanted to make education available to all men. He was the great teacher who founded Chinese literature.SHIH CHING was the first anthology of Chinese poetryFive Books of ConfuciusYIKING (Book of Changes) divinationLIKING (Book of Ceremonies) etiquetteSHUKING (Book of Historical Documents) political ideals and good governance.SHIKING (Book of Poetry) best poemsCHUN CHIU (Spring and Autumn) history of Confuciuss native province.Teachings of ConfuciusPrinciples of Courage and PrudenceFilial DutySelecting friendsGood human relations, good government, values education and self-criticismANALECTS are selections or parts of literary works.Examples:I am not concerned that I am not known but I seek to be worthy to be known.Give man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach man to fish and you feed him for a life.

    Arabic literatureA Thousand and One Night was a collection of stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic.Example:Alladin, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sinbad, The SailorKahlil Gibran great poetIndian literatureThe oldest sacred literature found in four VEDAS (knowledge)Rigveda Veda of Praise (oldest)Brahmanas rituals and prayersUpanishads discourses between teachers and pupilsPuranas history of the Aryan raceMahabharata Hindu epic the longest poem in the world about the bitter quarrel of two brothers- Pandu and Kuru Ramayana defects the duties of relationship portraying ideal characters like the ideal servant, ideal brother, ideal wife and ideal king.Kalidasa poet known for Sakantula/greatest Sanskrit playwright and poetsRabindranath Tagore best known of all writers in India

    Hebrew literatureBible- book of all books with 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testaments. This is a literature that provokes another literature.Japanese LiteratureNOH DRAMA a dramatic dance with lyrical poetic texts and masked actors.HAIKU a 7-syllable poetic form usually about nature.WAKA a 31-syllable classical poetryKABUKIKOJOKI (Record of Ancient Matters) earliest surviving work in Japan.

    The Early Period (1900-1930)coincided with the American occupationEnglish became the medium of instruction in 1900 in all public schoolsfirst teachers were American soldiersin 1901 the Thomasites arrivednumerous newspapers in English were publishedPNS was founded in 1901; UP was founded in 1910first Filipino novel in English was written by Zoilo Galang A Child of Sorrow (1921)Characteristics of the Literatureformal and imitativefiction is structurally simplelanguage is easy to understandmoralistic and quite didacticsense of nationalism is evident verbose and rhetoricalromantic and melancholicgrammatically uneventendency towards melodrama

    Writers of the Early PeriodPOETSMarcelo de Gracia ConcepcionAurelio S. AlveroRafael Zulueta da CostaAngela Manalang GloriaTrinidad Tarrosa SubidoVicente del FierroLuis DatoJose Garcia VillaFICTIONISTSZoilo M. GalangPaz Marquez BenitezTarcila Malabanan KatigbakArturo B. RotorAmador T. DaguioPaz LatorenaLoreto Paras SulitSinai Hamada

    Writers of the Early PeriodESSAYISTSZoilo M. GalangFrancisco BenitezJorge BocoboAmador DaguioFernando Ma. GuerreroI.V. MallariClaro M. RectoCarlos P. RomuloCamilo Osias

    The Middle Period (1930-1960)continued influence of romanticism and later realism from the United Statesliterary organizations were formed, e.g. Philippine Book Guild (1936), Philippine Writers League (1939), The Veronicansthe Philippine Commonwealth Government was established on July 4, 1935writers began to explore the idea of searching for a national identity S.P. Lopez and J.G. Villa clashed over the social function of art and art for arts sake function of artthe short story flourishedjournalistic writing and literary criticism emergedthe first Commonwealth Literary Awards were given in 1940Philippine Independence was proclaimed on July 4, 1946the 1950s were a time of political unrest the govt vs. the HukbalahapPhilippine literature in English greatly improved

    The Middle Period (1930-1960)Characteristics of the Literaturerecurrent subject matter/themes rural life, love, self-sacrifice and suffering, novelty of city life, value of education, struggle against povertyrecurrent setting the province, the barrio, the small townuse of local colorrecurrent characters the barrio lass/lad, the first schooled/educated person in the barrio, the teacher, hardworking farmer/fisherman, ardent lovers, the Filipino expatriate educated in America World War II/Japanese occupation stylistic characteristics simple structure, simple plots, mild climaxes, explicit symbols, slow pace or movement, abundant description of people and placesreflected Filipino customs, traditions, practices, traitsculture clashes American vs. Filipinothe first Palanca Memorial Awards were given in 1950; for English and the Tagalog one-act play in 1954

    The Contemporary Period (1970 to present)

    Martial Law was lifted in 1981Filipino novelists in English have come of agethemes have changed from sentimentalized romanticism to a more realistic and naturalistic delineation excellent mastery of the English language and literary forms is evident1986 EDSA Revolution occurred gay and lesbian literature came outstrong feminist tendencies are evident more social problems are tackledTV and films have become more popularyounger writers have entered the literary scenemore literary criticisms have been writtenmore writing workshops are held for budding writersmore writing contests (some with big prize money) are helduniversity presses have published collections and anthologies

    The Contemporary Period (1970 to present)

    Characteristics of the Literaturedaring or controversial choice of subject mattervery innovative in structure and styleinfluence of different isms and literary trends from the Westcharacters have become more three-dimensionalcharacters, plot structure and narrative techniques are more complex

    The Contemporary Period (1970 to present)

    Writers of the Contemporary PeriodFatima LimMerlinda BobisAlfredo Navarra SalangaGemino AbadBenilda SantosOphelia DimalantaMa. Luisa IgloriaDanton RemotoPaulino Lim, Jr.Cristina Pantoja HidalgoJessica ZafraIsagani R. CruzAlfred YusonCharlson OngArlene ChaiCristina Manguerra BrainardRosario Cruz LuceroConnie Jan Maraan


    Development of English Literature

    The Renaissance

    The Golden Age of English literature 1485- 1660

    Poets took up more secular views and writers wrote in praise of peace, of springtime, and of heavenly and earthly love. The sonnet, a 14-line iambic pentameter poem, became the most favorite poetic form.

    Humanism was the predominant philosophical thought in 16th century England

    CHISTOPHER MARLOWE - Wrote Dr. Faustus

    EDMUND SPENSER - The Faerie Queen - an elaborate allegory built on the story of a 12-day feast honoring the Queen of Fairyland, Queen Elizabeth I.

    BEN JONSON - Song to Celia

    Drink to me, only with thine eyes

    And I will pledge with mine;

    Or leave a kiss but in the cup,

    And I'll not look for wine.

    The thirst that from the soul doth rise

    Doth ask a drink divine:

    But might I of Jove's nectar sup

    I would not change for thine.




    1.wrote more than 35 plays as well as 154 sonnets and 2 narrative poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece

    2.His sonnets, also known as the Elizabethan sonnet, are composed of three quatrains and one heroic couplet with the rhyme scheme - abab-cdcd-efef-gg.

    SONNET 18

    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? a

    Thou art more lovely and more temperate: b

    Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, a

    And summer's lease hath all too short a date: b

    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, c

    And often is his gold complexion dimmed, d

    And every fair from fair sometime declines, c

    By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: d

    But thy eternal summer shall not fade, e

    Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, f

    Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, e

    When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, f

    So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, g

    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. G



    The 17th Century


    He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.

    Of Marriage and Single Life


    Christian writer and preacher famous for his Christian allegory Pilgrims Progress


    Famous for his epic poem Paradise Lost and its sequel Paradise Regained.

    On His Blindness

    John Milton

    When I consider how my light is spent a

    Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, b

    And that one talent which is death to hide, b

    Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent a

    To serve therewith my Maker, and present a

    My true account, lest He returning chide, b

    'Doth God exact day labor, light denied? b

    I fondly ask. But Patience to prevent a

    That murmur soon replies, 'God doth not need c

    Either man's work or his own gifts. Who best d

    Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state e

    Is kingly: thousands at his bidding speed, c

    And post o'er land and ocean without rest; d

    They also serve who only stand and wait.' e



    The 18th Century



    Romantic Movement


    The Sick Rose

    ROSE, thou art sick!

    The invisible worm,

    That flies in the night,

    In the howling storm,

    Has found out thy bed

    Of crimson joy;

    And his dark secret love

    Does thy life destroy.

    SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE - Rime of the Ancient Mariner

    William Wordsworth (1770-1850), British poet, credited with ushering in the English Romantic Movement with the publication of Lyrical Ballads (1798) in collaboration with Samuel Taylor Coleridge.




    A thing of beauty is a joy forever:

    Its loveliness increases; it will never

    Pass into nothingness;


    Shelley wrote the 'Adonais' elegy immediately after hearing about Keats's death. It was composed during the spring of 1821 and first published in July 1821.

    How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

    I love thee to the level of every day's

    Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

    I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

    I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

    I love thee with a passion put to use

    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

    With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,

    Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,

    I shall but love thee better after death.

  • Famous Literary Personalities (Summary)

    Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury TalesDante Alighieri : The Divine ComedyVictor Hugo: Hunchback of Notre Dame/Les MiserablesCharles Dickens: Tale of Two CitiesVirginia Wolf: Mrs. DallowayGrabrile Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of SolitudeWilliam Shakespeare: Romeo and JulietEdith Wharton: The Age of InnocenceRobert Frost: The Road Not TakenJane Austen: EmmaFyodor Dostoyevsky: Crime and PunishmentRudyard Kipling: The Jungle BookWilliam Golding: Lord of the FliesGoerge Orwell: Animal FarmEdgar Allan Poe: Annabel LeeHomer: Iliad and OdysseyPlato: The RepublicLeo Tolstoy: God Sees the Truth but WaitsJohn Milton: The Paradise LostJose Rizal: Noli Me Tangere


    ALLEGORY is a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning-literary level one or more symbolic levels

    ANECDOTE is a brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event

    ANTAGONIST is a character or force in conflict with a main character.

    BALLAD is a songlike poem that tells a story

    CHARACTER is a person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work.

    CHARACTERIZATION is the act of creating and developing a character

    CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER refers to the way that events follow each other as they happen in time.

    CONFLICT is a struggle between opposing forces.

    CONNOTATION refers to the emotions and associations that a particular word or phrase brings forth.

    DENOTATION is the literal or dictionary definition of a word.

    DRAMA is a story written to be performed by actors

    ELEGY is a solemn and formal lyric poem about death



    EPIGRAM is a brief, pointed statement, in prose or in verse, often characterized by use of some rhetorical device or figure of speech.

    FANTASY is a form of writing that is highly imaginative

    FICTION is writing in which characters, plots, and settings are invented by the writer.

    FLASHBACK is a section of literary work that interrupts the chronological presentation of events to relate an event from an earlier.

    FORESHADOWING is a writers use of hints and clues to indicate action that will occur later in the narrative. It creates suspense and makes the reader eager to find out what is going to happen next.

    FREE VERSE is poetry that lacks a regular rhythmical pattern or meter

    HERO/HEROINE is a character whose actions are inspiring or noble.

    An IMAGE is a word or phrase that appeals to one or more of the five senses-sight, sound, hearing, touch, taste, or smell.

    IMAGERY is the descriptive or figurative language used in literature to create word pictures for the reader.

    INFERENCE is a reasonable conclusion drawn from clues provided by the writer.

    LYRIC POEM is a melodic poem that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker.



    METER is the rhythmical pattern of a poem

    MOTIVATION is a reason that explains a characters thoughts, feelings, actions or speech

    NARRATIVE is a story in fiction, nonfiction, poetry or drama.

    NARRATIVE POETRY tells a story.

    NONFICTION is prose writing about real people, real places, real happenings.

    PARODY is a humorous imitation of a literary work, one that exaggerates or distorts the characteristic features of the original.

    PLOT is the sequence of events in the story.

    POINT OF VIEW is the perspective from which a story is told.

    PROTAGONIST is the main character in a literary work.

    REFRAIN is the repetition of a word, phrase, or line in a poem.

    RHYME is a poetic technique that repeats syllable sounds at the end of the lines in a poetry stanza.

    SETTING is the time and place of the action of a story.

    SATIRE is writing that ridicules or criticizes individuals, ideas, institutions, or other works of art or literature.

    SURPRISE ENDING is a conclusion that violates the expectations of the reader.

    SUSPENSE is the excitement a reader feels about the outcome, or solution to the problem the writer has posed.

    TONE is the attitude the writer takes toward a subject.