engineer and surveyor sarmstrong machine

ENGINEER and SURVEYOR Successor to \. . 1. l'rent. jtion, Tramroads, Drafting ! and Blue Printing. Chavanne ' iTiilin,, SLAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA.O outheru I'lil 'ime ar. S EAST J11 ND. ` :40 a. inm. i due .. . l :. a. in. h 0, due ........ ... .... ': a. m . 4 due.. ... :: p. m. WEST i• I ui) la. 4due..' ' p. n. , 5 due............. . . p. In. 9 due............. l:l4 a. m. 47 due . 3due ................ l a. I. Nos. 7 and niht traius. ;hoe 3 for fIr:}. " i 1t~ f1 malton. . . ''!' T IBS, Agent. Fresh car Sutri Ii it .I *1e1s Iros. I. E. Smith w 'as :a .•,,!lhinisL visit- last Friday. sgearpet, and \i'. W .aving, l)y dlia Petersein. , Therriot of Nv\ t)rltt:ns. was Welsh last 1rit.l:;y. Dnyone wishing -. \t t Iani 'phone 52. no, Bolin~ v:s a 11u:itles visitor .Jennings Sat uri Lv. i-iss Nellie ()'1ollntrll i the guest Ifriends in .lennings. . H. Butler nmahle a Ilusiness trip jennings last !.'ri, hI V. J. H. Bowen w:ts ,:)tsenger on ~.10 to Jennings la•t Friday. .L E. Robinson left on No. 5 for Buston, Saturdy,. on business. %Fresh Fancy Cakes of all p1ds. rlodel Grocery. Irs. Chas. lRy ier and clhildlren re- aned Tuesday morning on No. 6. ~p7 SALE--One good mule, cheap ken soon. loquire of M1. B. Van- isses Alice and Pearl Miller were pping in Lake Charles last F'ri- land see me when you wish to irag carpst mnade. Lydia Peter- m. Gabbert was attending to es matters in Jennings Mon- -I will pay cash for your calves. Inquire at the Journal . Anderson and A. L. Clark Sunday with frLends in Jen- .Wesson returned Saturday a week's visit at vat us points exas. k your lawn mowers to the Tin Shop to have them visitor in Welsh last y. Eiiss Derouen and little boy _ from Crowley Saturday on W. B. anld M. S. Gab- Jennings shoppers last Hayes of Jenninga, was hands with friends in Welsh iE. Faught and daughter, were Lake Charles visit- y. jlorke of Jennings was the .Mrs. Singleton the latter week. machine for sharpening , at the Welsh Tin C. Kiplinger. Austin and r, drove to Roanoke oon. t your horse to travel Dan Keeley to shoe him o's shop. lton of Jennings was the . Chas. Lantz the latter *week. x, one of the prominent of lowa, was in Welsh busines Welsh Carriage ent Co. for pric- der 'Twine. Fresh car Nutriline at Jones Bros' Mrs. Knott of 'Lake Charles, came over last Friday for a short visit with friends in Welsh. Royaline Pills save Doctor's Bills. For sale by Cooper Drug Co., and Crescent Drug Store. Rev. Carruth spent Thursday and Friday attending the Camp meeting ar Ebenezer. Dr. Arceneanx went to Lake Charles last Friday to accompany his wife and baby home. See the Welsh Carriage & Implement Co. for pric- es on Binder Twine. \Mrs. llampto n retiurned froni La- fayette Thn'lrsd:iy, aecm inpanie• bI her daughlter. Miss Nettie. C(inderella Sliippers, the latest thing out in the wav of Leather I'ost (.'ard : :ntthe .lour1nal Itook Store. Simon Pure Lard-=best on the market. Model (rocery, Misses Ethel. Ruth and How- ar)'l \\eleth went to Houston Satur- (lay for a short visit with friendl s. (IoV andI Mlat)el Fundenlherer ,f IR(sedale, are visiting their ,rnild- parents, Mr. and I M s... B. Lee. We handle all kinds of fresh and salt meats, Model cleat Market. L. J. liourgeotis, who has h•,en in New ()rlea:ns for. smine line plast, returned homne last Sat'urday. Rev. Father ('tools returned front New Orleans last Thursday, where he had been for several days past. Mrs. 3McMillan and children of Monroe, arrivedl Saturda for a visit with Mrs. MeMilan's sister Mrs. I. N. (; r',v. Vegetables and fruits always on hand. flodel Grocery. Mrs. Ella lorse of ,Jennings ar- rived Fridayt morning for a short visit, with her daughter, Mrs. Jno. Miller. Mrs. Jose4'hine and baby lBour- geois an"d Miss Esther \errett were guests of Mrs. Jno. LeBlane at Iowa Saturday. Sid. Johnson, who has been out at the Mayville plant, was a p1as- senger on the Oriole for ('rowley last Friday. Eugene Hel)ert of Bell C'ity, stypped off at Welsh Thurstl'ly en route to Ebenezer, where he ,will attend camp meeting. I am prepared to do any and all kinds of blacksutthinr and wagon work Dromptly and satisfiactor.\. Give me a call.. Jos *'illien. JMiss Bonni Bell Doan returned( Thursday afternoon from Lake Charles, where she had been visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Welty. Model Grocery & Meat Market for good things to eat and at lowest prices. Mliss Katy Pulasky of Port Ar- thur, who has been the guest of MIr. and Mrs. F. C. Hart the past week, left Saturday morning for Crowley. Why do you scratch? Royaline Tetter Ointment will stop that Itching or your money back. 50 cents. For sale by Cooper Drug Co., and Cres- cent Drug Store. Mrs. J. C. diout and daughters, Misses Roxie and Amelia, came in on No. 6 Saturday morning for a short visit at the home of MIr. and Mrs. Wmin. Bridges. The best work for the least mon- ey, is what they all say about Jno. G. Ewing, at the New Shop.. Plow sharpening a specialty. Give him a call. Mrs. M. S. Gabbert resigned her position as assistant post mistress, Thursday and has accepted a po- sition at Daniels' department store. Mrs. Gabbert is a conscientious lady of ability and Mr. Daniels is fortun- ate in securing her services. The Welsh Machine Shops manufacture the best pump or heavy duty pulley on the market. Call and see us. liudnut's Grits! Hudnut's Grits! Model Grocery. Miss Mal)el Miller of Perry ar- rived in Welsh Satur(dav morning and after a short visit at the hoime of MIr. Routon, left for Lake Arthur. Mrs. J. C. Mlinnix of Roanoke, returne(d Saturdayl from an (extend- e(d visit with relatives andl friends in California. where she h:adl Ieen since A1)1)il. Mrs. ,Jeninggs of (O)pelois:ts. ainme in o1n No. 5 l' ridahy. J1r. J,,tings llal been klIkitg after 1 lusiness in- terests here last week. Saturday they left for lollustomn. AIrs. K. S. iiuhener is bluildiitz (luite a neat addtlition to her ho()te on South Elnl street. It c'otnsists fl) bath rt)ool a)bove antl klitchen 1 elhw ,ll tlihe east side of the buil d- A\ny young man1( I' V()i(llan wvi.hini tO take a ('(ur-+s in lu-ites-, .ulle , the( .J•u) 'tnat can sell him or' her a s,'iholar.,hip) ii 01n' of the hest ('I'n- nm'1 cial co'll'e es inll tlh' `luth ant| i('e a litheral dit~, )o t IIn the )rice. iles•'s. le('lix .\r('en<at', :au l .\. 11. 1):i!l( whe. hats 11('11n visitin,_, at the .\r ,mneaoux ihotn . \;elt t.) .1(11- ni gl s , N ,,'. ( O,(i .,,•l , a1 1 ti rI ,)t tict'e to Latke ('(arles lie sa: e ev- 'Thirty-in(ch tinu'esling o ,,it' W feor sale at $1.5t pert rank. also pine poles at 51 0 i)er hl:(ul. A. H. Clark. Seven and one-h:talf miles southwest of Welsh 31rs. ,inh. Lelanc andI Miss Ella iny of Iowa, were in VWeli AluIn- (lay. Mrs. Le,,llt h a . s l;eei n sufier- ing from()t a btne felon on her right hal(nd a mi t Ille o(ver to hl:ve it treated. l is lean nette SIatow caine over from ,len.llings S aturltv :tftern nll fun a, short visit at the An lerson home with Mrs. Po0 1 e (Jordan, bet- ter remenll)ered as Miss Lenore Andersotn. \liss (, ertru(le Alc'CIv arrived onl the ()ritle Frin i:t from V'inton, where she had been visiting her brother. Rev. ('. C. lMcCov and wife. She was the guest of Miss lHattie Lawson while here. Io ,it S.ulE-House and lot in VWelsh, on north side, close in. Will sell at a bargain for cash. or woul tirade for good, live stolk. If interested write or apiply to ,J. Ia. P irsons, ) 4t. ,Jennins, La. lMrts. L. ". Vincent, (nee Miss Kate Buckinoghami) of Lake Charles, visited her moither Thursday and ritdav of last week. ir. Vincent joined her here and they went to Galveston sight seeing. For Ache or Pain ,For Sprain or 1Bruise, ROYALINE OIL Is the thing to use. Try it and you will use nothin. else. That's the way they all do. 25 cents, 50 cents. For sale biy Cooper Drug Co., and Crescent Drue Store. Mir, and Mrs. .1.C. Kiplinger left Tuesday morning on No. 8 for Tre- mont City, Ohio, fort a three months visit with their daughter who lives there, and with relatives and friends throughout the state. LOsT--A lady's gold brooch, set with pearls, shape of four-leaf clov- er; bet'een Roanoke Rice AMill and rear entrance of W. R. Eiber's resi- dence. A liberal reward will be given for its return. Mrs. L. G. Flower. Rev. H. Al. Crain, Sydney Ht- bener and Elmer Goodreau returned last Wednesday evening from Alan- deville, where they had been at- tending the State B. Y. P. U. They camped AMhile there and report it an ideal spot on Lake P~nchertrain for a summer outing. Rev. Price returned to Crowley Monday morning after filling his usual appointments as pastor of the Presbyterian church. The services both morning and evening were es- pecially good and were appreciated bly good sized congregations, de- spite the hot weather and the fact. that a great many are away on their summer vacations. The Sun- day school showed an increased at- tendance and the vacant places have been filled in the various lines of the work. Fresh car Nutriline at Jones Btos. Foi SALE;:-Twenty-seven head of cattle, 'onsisting of eight head of inilhh cows, eight heIa(l of t wo- year-old heifers and eleven hendr f of yvcarlinigs. This is all gt1)1 stock in good co(ndition For further in- formation inquire of or write to .\. P. Brackney, lock box 55", layes, Louisiana .\ir. and Mrs. E. J. Miller carne in S:ltuirday m irning from the May- v'ille p)lant to take advantage of the excursion to (:alveston. Mr. Mill ter h:s 1,ecen sufferin for he )past 1iliithI, trolt I slre foot, c:IIusedl Iby a hlarge splinter running into tlhe joinit of a: toe. l"or awhile it was Ihou•u:ht lie would lose the foot. It is n•w much 1tl )better. .\lnout thlirty oledrh the special: S:tlii:tlv lorniiig it this pil•(, to t:Ike ad•,litage of thi excursi•on rat1s1 ,, ]l,,l-tit :ttl (an •]w t(-lon. I::((h of tIle (e'h'ln (',:;ht's 'er( pr:t'tien:l c il fi l when t h leu htft lhere. 1'ha(e eoi('lirsis ha:1 Ve met with 511( 11 Igoo, (lt r): on -(l: lt:t 1 Iitv are l okeI, f orw:ard to \Iy ltinrs,( s 'il i 1i :( shlotl y:( l t.i(t(i :ll 111 v lIasuui in iip t to the lliiesi t ( lil li le sIie ilh. .I . :ilil 1li rs..l i. .\rlisti'• i, ;aind lileh, sos iirit t inedl ll• iiav (e enliii vfroi "hr atowsaw :1(1 nutrll fiS po(ints si uite , elulv fia l to ht,' :e l lten , (1n ilhe Trinlell iit •'oncl:i 'e iof til I i r:lli ('o11tl:ll il rv (f I.nights I eTnll hiplrs. whileh th le s'ow Ina' titi all l uhies, and en'joy'ed their trip. they are re-I, joinedl to get ,a(]k to \Veish. h(,rc it is icool in the shadcle and wi e a l- wasv get thle s~a 1lreeze. \iWhere fristl atiinlh(1 n t (ccll"r its tiley do furthler inorthi. Two RIunaways Tuesdiay Morning. A. I.. Mel it rney •al e ia Mndl ay night from the Galveston excursion, and was just starting out home ' nues- day morniiig when one of his (diVi horses, in a playful mood, kicked one foot over the tongue of his lhniggy aind then began to run. They run againt a large pipe near the Armstrong Ma- chine Shops. turning over the bugy and throwing Mr. lMc'urnev out, biut, Ihe hold on to the lines and turned the horses into ma fence. No (amage was done exCe(t to one of the wheels. The other occurred on South streit , ailin started in tront of the i adket, store. Mrs. Hampton and daughler, Miss Nettie, were sitting in their bug- v' in front of the Racket store when their horse began to back, shoving the buggy against Mr. Mlorgan 's tealm of mules, whi•h were hitched to a wag- on full of watermelons. The buggy cramped in some way catching the liuggy wheel over the wagon trace chain, Mrs. Hampton and daughter being thrown in a healp under the. buggy. The mnules started to run jerking all the harness off the horse a:d ceatching the buggy with them. Ni) one was hurt, not even being bruised. And Miss Hampton espe- cialily looked decidedly undishevelled. The team was stopped in front of the bauk, though they 'were going at a good speed. No damage was done the buggy except one wheel was bent soinewhat. FOR SALE What is known as the G(lick Farm, of 400 acres, two miles east of Welsh, including three sets of buildings, two good deep wells, pumps, engine and boiler, for $32.50 per acre. Parties buying can have five or more years time. This farm has laid out this season and is well pastured. Call on or write H. E. Heald, 6 tf Welsh, La. The Charming Weoman is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin, and that spri'hliness of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never at- tractive, not even Lo herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give str(og nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50 cents. Best and (hespest. Panol Liver Regulator keeps the Liver, Stomach and Bowels working just right. That means to be well and keel) well. And it makes your money go the furthest. Tin box, 15 cents. Money back if you want it. For sale by Cooper Drug Co., and Crescent h)rum Store. Cures Blood, maln Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, dis- eased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbun- cles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scahby, pmply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin dis- ease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by ex- press $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., At- lanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially ad- vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, it cures after all else fails. See the Welsh Carriage & Implement Co. for pric- es on Binder Twine. Stoeknien Read!-Insure Your Stock! Say Mr. Stock Owner, can you af- ford to carry the responsibility of your mules, horses and cattle, when there is a responsible concern who will shoulder it for you for only a small cost? Insure your mules, horses atd cattle now. Don't wait until disease strikes them an then apply, for it will be too late then. I will insure your stock against loss by death from dis- ease, tire, lightniuo, tornados, cy- clones and every other cawuality, al~o accidents. Think of it: Can you af- ford to tmiss the opportunity? For further particulnrs call on or addre., TJas. Glick, ILoanoak, La. P. S.:--I alo(, war.t .nod reliable a-entS in every t ,nn and parish in tha state. -- -TNE- - SArmstrong Machine & Well orks CoW Limited_ ()il and \ ater \ ell tia'tli 'Nrs .1\, ld,,,II o l,,ort Notic'e mo, kesta,'ks, lir lihilgs l nd J ,il, r le- ' Iiri .ng. I t hileis and 1l(•,l )i ., i i, rassa t i e \11allh . St l ittin., •, I l'hric utor,. Injte'to•., I;aun e 19 ll' uti ti t Ske'tch . :tim t? ;i ,ii, \ •ork i;utrant, e d. E NI I I MALt C INIsT, Tii: HE l:I \I s111N A ! W elsh, - - - - Louisiana. t is all a matter of habit whether yoiu save. or spend your money. Why not form the hab- V it that "will do you some good Xsi1a l will 1,i ;i pl cr it'ei d at the,' OF WELSH. If you want the ( A iKC AFRESH SALT . -MEATS, for the least mon- \ . eyyou will go to G LICK'S LI EAT MARKET, JAS. OLICK. Prop. Successor to A. L. Arceneaux. Farim and ('ountry Pi'oduce Bought and Sold. The Safst and Quickest Way to TRANSFER MONEY LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE FOR SATES APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. (INCORPORATED. ) HEBERT'5 ICE CREAM PARLOR Two Doors East of Cooper's Drug Store. A. L. liEBERT, Prop. All Kinds of Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, Candies and Fruits. WELSH, : : : : LOUISIANA. .4 .

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Post on 25-Dec-2021




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Page 1: ENGINEER and SURVEYOR SArmstrong Machine

ENGINEER and SURVEYORSuccessor to \. . 1. l'rent.

jtion, Tramroads, Drafting

! and Blue Printing.

Chavanne ' iTiilin,,


outheru I'lil 'ime ar.


` :40 a. inm.i due .. . l :. a. in.h 0, due ........ ... .... ': a. m .

4 due.. ... :: p. m.

WEST i• I ui)

la. 4due..' ' p. n., 5 due............. . . p. In.9 due............. l:l4 a. m.47 due .

3due ................ l a. I.

Nos. 7 and niht traius.;hoe 3 for fIr:}. " i 1t~ f1 malton.

. . ''!' T IBS, Agent.

Fresh car Sutri Ii it .I *1e1s Iros.

I. E. Smith w 'as :a .•,,!lhinisL visit-

last Friday.

sgearpet, and \i'. W .aving, l)ydlia Petersein.

, Therriot of Nv\ t)rltt:ns. was

Welsh last 1rit.l:;y.

Dnyone wishing -. \t t Iani 'phone


no, Bolin~ v:s a 11u:itles visitor

.Jennings Sat uri Lv.

i-iss Nellie ()'1ollntrll i the guest

Ifriends in .lennings.

. H. Butler nmahle a Ilusiness tripjennings last !.'ri, hI V.

J. H. Bowen w:ts ,:)tsenger on

~.10 to Jennings la•t Friday.

.L E. Robinson left on No. 5 for

Buston, Saturdy,. on business.

%Fresh Fancy Cakes of allp1ds. rlodel Grocery.

Irs. Chas. lRy ier and clhildlren re-

aned Tuesday morning on No. 6.

~p7 SALE--One good mule, cheap

ken soon. loquire of M1. B. Van-

isses Alice and Pearl Miller werepping in Lake Charles last F'ri-

land see me when you wish to

irag carpst mnade. Lydia Peter-

m. Gabbert was attending to

es matters in Jennings Mon-

-I will pay cash for yourcalves. Inquire at the Journal

. Anderson and A. L. ClarkSunday with frLends in Jen-

.Wesson returned Saturdaya week's visit at vat us points


k your lawn mowers to theTin Shop to have them

visitor in Welsh last


Eiiss Derouen and little boy

_ from Crowley Saturday on

W. B. anld M. S. Gab-Jennings shoppers last

Hayes of Jenninga, washands with friends in Welsh

iE. Faught and daughter,were Lake Charles visit-

y.jlorke of Jennings was the.Mrs. Singleton the latter


machine for sharpening, at the Welsh Tin

C. Kiplinger. Austin andr, drove to Roanokeoon.

t your horse to travelDan Keeley to shoe himo's shop.

lton of Jennings was the. Chas. Lantz the latter


x, one of the prominentof lowa, was in Welsh


Welsh Carriageent Co. for pric-

der 'Twine.

Fresh car Nutriline at Jones Bros'Mrs. Knott of 'Lake Charles, came

over last Friday for a short visitwith friends in Welsh.

Royaline Pills save Doctor's Bills.For sale by Cooper Drug Co., andCrescent Drug Store.

Rev. Carruth spent Thursdayand Friday attending the Campmeeting ar Ebenezer.

Dr. Arceneanx went to LakeCharles last Friday to accompanyhis wife and baby home.

See the Welsh Carriage& Implement Co. for pric-es on Binder Twine.

\Mrs. llampto n retiurned froni La-fayette Thn'lrsd:iy, aecm inpanie• bIher daughlter. Miss Nettie.

C(inderella Sliippers, the latest thingout in the wav of Leather I'ost (.'ard ::ntthe .lour1nal Itook Store.

Simon Pure Lard-=beston the market.

Model (rocery,Misses Ethel. Ruth and How-

ar)'l \\eleth went to Houston Satur-(lay for a short visit with friendl s.

(IoV andI Mlat)el Fundenlherer ,fIR(sedale, are visiting their ,rnild-parents, Mr. and I M s... B. Lee.

We handle all kinds offresh and salt meats,

Model cleat Market.L. J. liourgeotis, who has h•,en in

New ()rlea:ns for. smine line plast,returned homne last Sat'urday.

Rev. Father ('tools returned frontNew Orleans last Thursday, wherehe had been for several days past.

Mrs. 3McMillan and children ofMonroe, arrivedl Saturda for a visitwith Mrs. MeMilan's sister Mrs. I.N. (; r',v.

Vegetables and fruitsalways on hand.

flodel Grocery.Mrs. Ella lorse of ,Jennings ar-

rived Fridayt morning for a shortvisit, with her daughter, Mrs. Jno.Miller.

Mrs. Jose4'hine and baby lBour-geois an"d Miss Esther \errett wereguests of Mrs. Jno. LeBlane at IowaSaturday.

Sid. Johnson, who has been outat the Mayville plant, was a p1as-senger on the Oriole for ('rowleylast Friday.

Eugene Hel)ert of Bell C'ity,stypped off at Welsh Thurstl'ly enroute to Ebenezer, where he ,willattend camp meeting.

I am prepared to do any and allkinds of blacksutthinr and wagonwork Dromptly and satisfiactor.\. Giveme a call.. Jos *'illien.

JMiss Bonni Bell Doan returned(Thursday afternoon from LakeCharles, where she had been visitingat the home of her aunt, Mrs.Welty.

Model Grocery & MeatMarket for good things toeat and at lowest prices.

Mliss Katy Pulasky of Port Ar-thur, who has been the guest ofMIr. and Mrs. F. C. Hart the pastweek, left Saturday morning forCrowley.

Why do you scratch? RoyalineTetter Ointment will stop that Itchingor your money back. 50 cents. For

sale by Cooper Drug Co., and Cres-cent Drug Store.

Mrs. J. C. diout and daughters,Misses Roxie and Amelia, came inon No. 6 Saturday morning for ashort visit at the home of MIr. andMrs. Wmin. Bridges.

The best work for the least mon-ey, is what they all say about Jno.G. Ewing, at the New Shop.. Plowsharpening a specialty. Give hima call.

Mrs. M. S. Gabbert resigned her

position as assistant post mistress,Thursday and has accepted a po-sition at Daniels' department store.

Mrs. Gabbert is a conscientious ladyof ability and Mr. Daniels is fortun-ate in securing her services.

The Welsh MachineShops manufacture thebest pump or heavy dutypulley on the market.Call and see us.

liudnut's Grits!Hudnut's Grits!

Model Grocery.Miss Mal)el Miller of Perry ar-

rived in Welsh Satur(dav morningand after a short visit at the hoimeof MIr. Routon, left for Lake Arthur.

Mrs. J. C. Mlinnix of Roanoke,returne(d Saturdayl from an (extend-e(d visit with relatives andl friendsin California. where she h:adl Ieensince A1)1)il.

Mrs. ,Jeninggs of (O)pelois:ts. ainmein o1n No. 5 l' ridahy. J1r. J,,tingsllal been klIkitg after 1 lusiness in-terests here last week. Saturdaythey left for lollustomn.

AIrs. K. S. iiuhener is bluildiitz

(luite a neat addtlition to her ho()teon South Elnl street. It c'otnsists

fl) bath rt)ool a)bove antl klitchen1 elhw ,ll tlihe east side of the buil d-

A\ny young man1( I' V()i(llan wvi.hini

tO take a ('(ur-+s in lu-ites-, .ulle ,the( .J•u) 'tnat can sell him or' her as,'iholar.,hip) ii 01n' of the hest ('I'n-

nm'1 cial co'll'e es inll tlh' `luth ant|i('e a litheral dit~, )o t IIn the )rice.

iles•'s. le('lix .\r('en<at', :au l .\.

11. 1):i!l( whe. hats 11('11n visitin,_, atthe .\r ,mneaoux ihotn . \;elt t.) .1(11-

ni gl s , N ,,'. ( O,(i .,,•l , a1 1 ti rI ,)t

tict'e to Latke ('(arles lie sa: e ev-

'Thirty-in(ch tinu'esling o ,,it' W feorsale at $1.5t pert rank. also pinepoles at 51 0 i)er hl:(ul.

A. H. Clark.Seven and one-h:talf miles southwestof Welsh

31rs. ,inh. Lelanc andI Miss Ellainy of Iowa, were in VWeli AluIn-

(lay. Mrs. Le,,llt ha. s l;eei n sufier-

ing from()t a btne felon on her righthal(nd a mi t Ille o(ver to hl:ve ittreated.

l is lean nette SIatow caine over

from ,len.llings S aturltv :tftern nllfun a, short visit at the An lersonhome with Mrs. Po01 e (Jordan, bet-ter remenll)ered as Miss LenoreAndersotn.

\liss (, ertru(le Alc'CIv arrived onl

the ()ritle Frin i:t from V'inton,where she had been visiting herbrother. Rev. ('. C. lMcCov and wife.

She was the guest of Miss lHattieLawson while here.

Io ,it S.ulE-House and lot inVWelsh, on north side, close in.Will sell at a bargain for cash. orwoul tirade for good, live stolk. Ifinterested write or apiply to

,J. Ia. P irsons,) 4t. ,Jennins, La.

lMrts. L. ". Vincent, (nee MissKate Buckinoghami) of Lake Charles,visited her moither Thursday and

ritdav of last week. ir. Vincent

joined her here and they went toGalveston sight seeing.

For Ache or Pain,For Sprain or 1Bruise,


Is the thing to use.Try it and you will use nothin. else.

That's the way they all do. 25 cents,50 cents. For sale biy Cooper DrugCo., and Crescent Drue Store.

Mir, and Mrs. .1. C. Kiplinger leftTuesday morning on No. 8 for Tre-mont City, Ohio, fort a three monthsvisit with their daughter who livesthere, and with relatives and friendsthroughout the state.

LOsT--A lady's gold brooch, setwith pearls, shape of four-leaf clov-er; bet'een Roanoke Rice AMill andrear entrance of W. R. Eiber's resi-dence. A liberal reward will begiven for its return.

Mrs. L. G. Flower.

Rev. H. Al. Crain, Sydney Ht-bener and Elmer Goodreau returnedlast Wednesday evening from Alan-deville, where they had been at-tending the State B. Y. P. U. Theycamped AMhile there and report itan ideal spot on Lake P~nchertrainfor a summer outing.

Rev. Price returned to CrowleyMonday morning after filling hisusual appointments as pastor of thePresbyterian church. The servicesboth morning and evening were es-pecially good and were appreciatedbly good sized congregations, de-spite the hot weather and the fact.that a great many are away ontheir summer vacations. The Sun-day school showed an increased at-tendance and the vacant placeshave been filled in the various linesof the work.

Fresh car Nutriline at Jones Btos.

Foi SALE;:-Twenty-seven headof cattle, 'onsisting of eight headof inilhh cows, eight heIa(l of t wo-year-old heifers and eleven hendr f of

yvcarlinigs. This is all gt1)1 stock ingood co(ndition For further in-formation inquire of or write to .\.P. Brackney, lock box 55", layes,Louisiana

.\ir. and Mrs. E. J. Miller carne in

S:ltuirday m irning from the May-v'ille p)lant to take advantage of theexcursion to (:alveston. Mr. Mill terh:s 1,ecen sufferin for he )past1iliithI, trolt I slre foot, c:IIusedl Ibya hlarge splinter running into tlhejoinit of a: toe. l"or awhile it was

Ihou•u:ht lie would lose the foot. Itis n•w much 1tl )better.

.\lnout thlirty oledrh the special:S:tlii:tlv lorniiig it this pil•(, to

t:Ike ad•,litage of thi excursi•onrat1s1 ,, ]l,,l-tit :ttl (an •]w t(-lon.I::((h of tIle (e'h'ln (',:;ht's 'er(

pr:t'tien:l c il fi l when t h leu htftlhere. 1'ha(e eoi('lirsis ha:1 Ve met

with 511( 11 Igoo, (lt r): on -(l: lt:t 1 Iitvare l okeI, f orw:ard to \Iy ltinrs,( s 'il

i 1i :( shlotl y:( l t. i(t(i :ll 111 v lIasuui in

iip t to the lliiesi t ( lil li le sIie ilh.

.I . :ilil 1li rs..l i. .\rlisti'• i, ;aind

lileh, sos iirit t inedl ll• iiav (e enliii

vfroi "hr atowsaw :1(1 nutrll fiS po(ints

si uite , elulv fia l to ht,' :e l lten , (1nilhe Trinlell iit •'oncl:i 'e iof til I i r:lli('o11tl:ll il rv (f I.nights I eTnll hiplrs.whileh th le s'ow Ina' titi all l uhies,and en'joy'ed their trip. they are re-I,joinedl to get ,a(]k to \Veish. h(,rcit is icool in the shadcle and wi e a l-wasv get thle s~a 1lreeze. \iWhere

fristl atiinlh(1 n t (ccll"r its tiley

do furthler inorthi.

Two RIunaways Tuesdiay Morning.

A. I.. Mel it rney •al e ia Mndl aynight from the Galveston excursion,and was just starting out home ' nues-day morniiig when one of his (diVihorses, in a playful mood, kicked onefoot over the tongue of his lhniggy aindthen began to run. They run againta large pipe near the Armstrong Ma-chine Shops. turning over the bugyand throwing Mr. lMc'urnev out, biut,Ihe hold on to the lines and turned thehorses into ma fence. No (amage wasdone exCe(t to one of the wheels.

The other occurred on South streit ,ailin started in tront of the i adket,store. Mrs. Hampton and daughler,Miss Nettie, were sitting in their bug-v' in front of the Racket store when

their horse began to back, shovingthe buggy against Mr. Mlorgan 's tealmof mules, whi•h were hitched to a wag-on full of watermelons. The buggycramped in some way catching theliuggy wheel over the wagon tracechain, Mrs. Hampton and daughterbeing thrown in a healp under the.buggy. The mnules started to runjerking all the harness off the horsea:d ceatching the buggy with them.

Ni) one was hurt, not even beingbruised. And Miss Hampton espe-cialily looked decidedly undishevelled.

The team was stopped in front ofthe bauk, though they 'were going ata good speed. No damage was donethe buggy except one wheel was bentsoinewhat.

FOR SALEWhat is known as the

G(lick Farm, of 400 acres,two miles east of Welsh,including three sets ofbuildings, two good deepwells, pumps, engine andboiler, for $32.50 per acre.Parties buying can havefive or more years time.This farm has laid outthis season and is wellpastured. Call on orwrite

H. E. Heald,6 tf Welsh, La.

The Charming Weomanis not necessarily one of perfect formand features. Many a plain womanwho could never serve as an artist'smodel, possesses those rare qualitiesthat all the world admires: neatness,clear eyes, clean smooth skin, andthat spri'hliness of step and actionthat accompany good health. Aphysically weak woman is never at-tractive, not even Lo herself. ElectricBitters restore weak women, givestr(og nerves, bright eyes, smooth,velvety skin, beautiful complexion.Guaranteed by all druggists. 50cents.

Best and (hespest.Panol Liver Regulator keeps the

Liver, Stomach and Bowels workingjust right. That means to be well andkeel) well. And it makes your moneygo the furthest. Tin box, 15 cents.Money back if you want it. For saleby Cooper Drug Co., and Crescenth)rum Store.

Cures Blood, maln Diseases, Cancer,Greatest Blood Purifier Free.

If your blood is impure, thin, dis-eased, hot or full of humors, if youhave blood poison, cancer, carbun-

cles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema,itching, risings and bumps, scahby,pmply skin, bone pains, catarrh,rheumatism, or any blood or skin dis-ease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B. B.) Soon all sores heal, achesand pains stop and the blood is madepure and rich. Druggists or by ex-press $1 per large bottle. Samplefree by writing Blood Balm Co., At-lanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially ad-vised for chronic, deep-seated cases,it cures after all else fails.

See the Welsh Carriage& Implement Co. for pric-es on Binder Twine.

Stoeknien Read!-Insure Your Stock!

Say Mr. Stock Owner, can you af-ford to carry the responsibility of yourmules, horses and cattle, when thereis a responsible concern who willshoulder it for you for only a smallcost? Insure your mules, horses atdcattle now. Don't wait until diseasestrikes them an then apply, for it willbe too late then. I will insure yourstock against loss by death from dis-ease, tire, lightniuo, tornados, cy-clones and every other cawuality, al~oaccidents. Think of it: Can you af-ford to tmiss the opportunity? Forfurther particulnrs call on or addre.,

TJas. Glick,ILoanoak, La.

P. S.:--I alo(, war.t .nod reliablea-entS in every t ,nn and parish intha state.


-TNE- -SArmstrong Machine & Well orks CoW,Limited_

()il and \ ater \ ell tia'tli 'Nrs .1\, ld,,,II o l,,ort Notic'emo, kesta,'ks, lir lihilgs l nd J ,il, r le- '

Iiri .ng. I t hileis and 1l(•,l )i .,

i i, rassa t i e \11allh . St l ittin., •, I l'hric utor,. Injte'to•., I;aun e

19 ll' uti ti t Ske'tch . :tim t? ;i ,ii, \ •ork i;utrant, e d.

E NI I I MALt C INIsT, Tii: HE l:I \I s111N A !

W elsh, - - - - Louisiana.

t is all a matter of habitwhether yoiu save. or

spend your money.Why not form the hab- V

it that "will doyou some


Xsi1a l will 1,i ;i pl cr it'ei d at the,'


If you want the


. -MEATS,for the least mon-

\ • . eyyou will go to


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The Safst and Quickest Way to



Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co.(INCORPORATED. )


ICE CREAM PARLORTwo Doors East of Cooper's Drug Store.

A. L. liEBERT, Prop.

All Kinds of Soft Drinks, Ice Cream,Candies and Fruits.


.4 .