energy smart

Energy Star and the Energy Star certification mark are registered US marks. Reflective Roofing With a Longer Life

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Energy Smart Roofing


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Reflect ive Roofing With a Longer Life

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As an industrial manufacturer, Sarnafil has along history of producing high-quality roofing materials that deliver superior performance. With over 40 years experi-ence, Sarnafil's roofing systems are recognized for their ability to withstand thetest of time. Sarnafil pioneered the fields offormulation, production, and application ofthermoplastic roofing and waterproofingmembranes. Our solutions are successfuland we service our partners by providingbeneficial support in the form of compre-hensive design review and technical adviceduring construction.


Among all modern building components,roofing systems have a particularly impor-tant function. With so much relying ondependable protection from harsh weather,there is no room for experimental roofingmaterials when designing projects. Sarnafilroofing systems are engineered to with-stand extreme environmental exposure andto have long-lasting service lives. Sarnafilprovides comprehensive warrantees on theperformance of our materials and systems.


At Sarnafil, we are committed to our responsibility to protectthe environment. Our ecological mission statement is based on sound principals; westrive to protect our natural resources, toreduce the risk of pollution, and to avoidirreversible impairment of the earth'scapacity for natural regeneration. In fact,national research has shown that Sarnafil'sEnergySmart Roof® can reduce energyconsumption, abate urban heat, and help toslow the reaction of smog forming pollutants.


As the industry leader inthermoplastic memb-rane technology,Sarnafil responds to the changing needs ofour industry and of our society throughadvanced product development andinnovation. In 1999, the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) and the Departmentof Energy (DOE) announced a formalcampaign to publicly promote the use ofhighly reflective roofing products. Thisenergy conservation campaign is also a

pre-emptive initiative designed to abate urbanheat and reduce air pollution. In light of thisenvironmental priority, Sarnafil's EnergySmartRoof is quickly gaining recognition as a majorbreakthrough. Sarnafil delivers the highestlevels of solar reflectance in a unique roofingmembrane that can point to a 40-year history ofproven durability.


Building owners, designers, and roofingcontractors alike can depend on Sarnafil toprovide the industry's best solutions to theirroofing needs. Sarnafil's hot air weldedthermoplastic membrane systems areadhered, mechanically attached, andballasted. These unrivaled membranes canprovide the right solution for specificapplications regardless of building usage,slope, configuration, height, wind exposure,or location. Sarnafil professionals areavailable to meet and discuss individualprojects, system design, and/or applicationas needed. Our success and reputation, aswell as that of the construction team dependupon a commitment to the proper designand installation of the roofing system.

Committed & Responsible

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Dark colored roofs absorb a tremendousamount of solar radiation and becomeextremely hot. These hot roof surfaces arebeing targeted because they are unnecessarysources of heat that contribute to elevatedair temperatures. In most geographic areas,an air temperature increase translates intoan air quality decrease. Highly reflectiveroofs diminish this condition and haverecently been identified as the environmen-tally preferable roofing solution.

Sarnafil's EnergySmart Roof is designed tohelp alleviate oppressive urban air tempera-tures, which will in turn slow the reaction ofsmog forming pollutants.

Sarnafil Inc. is a Charter Partner in the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGYSTAR® Roof Products Program. The Programis a voluntary partnership between EPA anda select group of roof product manufacturersand is focused on promoting the environ-mental and economic benefits of reflectiveroofing.

EPA and the U.S. Department of Energycreated ENERGY STAR label programs to helpconsumers quickly and easily identify productsthat can save them money and protect theenvironment by saving energy.

Sarnafil Inc. is also a Charter BusinessPartner in the U.S. Department of Energy'sRebuild America Program. RebuildAmerica is a network of more that 400community partnerships that align theinterests of local and state governments,schools, universities, housing agenciesand private businesses. As a BusinessPartner, Sarnafil provides technicalassistance and support to communitypartnerships that are interested in roofingprograms featuring the highly reflectiveEnergySmart Roof.

The EnergySmart Roof was analyzed byresearchers at the Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory. This highly reflective,white roofing membrane was found tohave an initial solar reflectance of 83% anda corresponding thermal emissivity of92%. In combination, the reflective andemissive performance values were used tocalculate a Solar Reflective Index (SRI).

Sarnafil's EnergySmart Roof has a SRIof 104. This is particularly significantbecause the SRI was designed to measurethe relative reflective and emissiveperformance properties of roofingsurfaces on a scale of 1-100.

A universal proliferation of highly reflectiveroofing surfaces is recommended by boththe scientific and environmental communi-ties. This is a practical course of actiondesigned to help mitigate systematicincreases in urban air temperature and tohelp improve air quality.

Graphic Courtesy of U. S. Department of Energy/LBNL

Air Quality

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About half of the U.S. population lives inmicro-environments called urban heatislands. While reflective roofing is particu-larly effective at reducing air conditioningexpenses in hotter cities like Atlanta,Houston, Los Angeles, and Phoenix, thisefficient technology can also yield net energysavings in northern climates such as NewYork City and Chicago.

According to scientists at the LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), thepotential for significant energy, comfort, andpollution savings from highly reflectiveroofing systems is not limited to southernstates.

Reducing Energy Costs...North and South

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In July of 1998, two NASA scientists, Dr. JeffLuvall and Dr. Dale Quattrochi, from MarshalSpace Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabamaarrived in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their missionwas to conduct research on surfaces thatexacerbate oppressive urban air tempera-tures and accelerate the formation of smog.

The NASA team used a specially equippedairplane to record photographic and thermalinfrared images in order to detect all the "hotspots" in the city. As predicted by earlierresearch at Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, an abundant supply of dark-colored roof surfaces was shown to beabsorbing solar radiation and inadvertentlyintensifying urban heat.

*High altitude photography and thermal imagery courtesy ofNASA's Global Hydrology and Climate Center. The whiterectangular object encircled above is the photographic image ofthe highly reflective Sarnafil roof on The R.C. Willey Building.

The RC Willey Intermountain DistributionCenter (pictured above) is protected by anindustrial single-ply roofing materialmanufactured by Sarnafil Inc. In contrast tobuildings with dark colored roofs, the largeRC Willey facility was almost undetectable toNASA's heat-sensing instrumentation due tothe characteristics of its light-colored roofingsystem. (See Images Below)

The physical and reflective properties of theroofing membrane on the RC Willey ware-house have become the focus of nationalattention. This roof illustrates the specificcooling impact that reflective roofs can havein reducing air temperatures within urbanheat islands.

Based on modern research and soundengineering practice, roofing productsshould now be selected on the dual basis oflife cycle performance and air quality impact.

For more than three decades, Sarnafil hasgained unparalleled expertise in manufactur-ing light-colored roofing membranes. Aunique manufacturing process and the basicmembrane formulation has remained thesame because Sarnafil's roofing solutionswork. Sarnafil roofs are now being recog-nized in the national media for their ability tohelp moderate energy demand, reduceurban air temperature and decelerate smogformation.

Sarnafil has the performance history tojustify the accolades directed toward thesuperior weatherproofing and surfacetemperature characteristics of its roofingsystems.

*The corresponding thermal image verifies that the roof onthe RC Willey building is not a source of excessive urbanheat.

NASA Research

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Sarnafil - World Class Roofing and Waterproofing

Sarnafil Inc.100 Dan RoadCanton, MA 02021781-828-5400 * 800-451-2504http://www.sarnafilus.comEmail: [email protected]


Our Commitment - Longer Life Cycle