enbe fp online tutorial (lim joe onn)

ENBE Final Project –The x TOWN Online tutorial for Week 12 – FNBE APR 2014 1. Please use the PowerPoint template as a tutorial submission. 2. Once you have filled up the information, please upload as a Google doc. 3. Please submit that Google Doc link according to your tutor’s online link as follows; Ms Dee: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1I1FBmdY rHLR5yEJF3e1mQh9OevVw_HAk4kXBBXTfni4/ viewform Pn Has: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QMc- YVRToremSsDEkEA46qzXRyrURwSk7- 0LTi_AOCM/viewform Mr Cherng Yih: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EBMrCks koXF0nE4JsaT0odUl1q0Au_4XqUSn8z-OKeo/ To be submitted before 9PM on Friday 27th

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  • 1. ENBE Final Project The x TOWN Online tutorial for Week 12 FNBE APR 2014 1. Please use the PowerPoint template as a tutorial submission. 2. Once you have filled up the information, please upload as a Google doc. 3. Please submit that Google Doc link according to your tutors online link as follows; Ms Dee: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1I1FBmdYrHLR5yEJF3e1mQh9 OevVw_HAk4kXBBXTfni4/viewform Pn Has: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QMc- YVRToremSsDEkEA46qzXRyrURwSk7-0LTi_AOCM/viewform Mr Cherng Yih: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EBMrCkskoXF0nE4JsaT0odUl1 q0Au_4XqUSn8z-OKeo/viewform To be submitted before 9PM on Friday 27th of June 2014

2. Name: Lim Joe Onn Group members: Tan Sheau Hui Ng Yi Yang Mok Po Yi Lim Pui San Tutorial group: Pn Hasmanira Email: [email protected] Hp Number: 0146385396 Type of town: Town On An Island Grid: Radial 3. Name of the city; ancient, present and future city. What was the significant information about the city? What information that you will consider for your better town? (Or what did you learn from it? Thera, Greece Located in a busy trading route Became prosperous despite there are no natural resources Organised street grid Destroyed by a volcanic eruption My town should be situated at the Straits of Malacca (busiest trading route in Malaysia) for bustling trading economical activities to boost the towns income Street grids should be well organized to enhance efficiency Disaster relief plans should be implemented Tyre, Lebanon Wealthy due to production of a rare purple dye Always invaded by foreign forces Security and military are important in defending the town. Natural resources should be used wisely Your refined research on townsancient city/town 4. Name of the town; ancient, present and future city. What was the significant information about the town? What information that you will consider for your better town? (Or what did you learn from it? Male, Maldives Heavily urbanized due to its small size Has an artificial beach Centre of all administration and bureaucracy Tourism and fishing are the main economic activities Tourism can provide my town income even if there are no natural resources Activities such as fishing and exchange of goods can provide income and job opportunities for my citizens Trogir, Croatia Buildings have strong Greek, Roman and Venetian architecture Has many churches, towers and palaces Architecture of structures in the town should show local elements Religious buildings should be provided for the citizens Your refined research on town present town 5. Name of the town; ancient, present and future city. What was the significant information about the city? What information that you will consider for your future city? (Or what did you learn from it? Lusail, Qatar Promises a life of relaxation, with facilities such as spa treatment centres, swimming pools,, green gardens and tennis courts. Has an entertainment city with a theme park Has an iconic shopping street Has an Energy City that is totally based on research and technology A theme park and entertainment centre should be added in my town A sector specialized on shopping and daily necessities should be built A place for facilities based on research and technology should be planned near the main energy sources of the town. Your refined research on town future/better city 6. Name of the town; ancient, present and future city. What was the significant information about the city? What information that you will consider for your future city? (Or what did you learn from it? Masdar City, UAE A wind tower sucks air from above and pushes a cooling breeze through Masdars streets. The site is raised above the surrounding land to create a slight cooling effect. Buildings are clustered close together in order to create streets and walkways shielded from the sun. Has massive solar panels to harvest solar energy As a tropical town in the middle of the sea, I should implement systems that utilize sea breeze to cool down the town. The town should have massive solar panels to harvest solar energy. 7. What are the important information or guideline and consideration when planning for a better town? List it down this will be your guideline when creating the town. I used plant cells as my inspiration for planning the town. Zoning: Central Government Nucleolus: Government buildings, law and administration Education Nuclear Matrix: Schools, Universities Business and Commercial Matrix: Central hub for business and commercial activities Mitochondria I: Solar panels, Industrial area, Technology hub, Wind harvesting Mitochondria II: Agriculture, Product processing, Waste management, Fertiliser production, Biomas production, Recycling, Solar panels, Wind harvesting Residential Cytoplasm: Religious centres, Mamak stalls, Residential buildings, Entertainment places, Vertical parking, Bike trails, Walkways Chloroplast: Large green garden, Forest reserve, Sports and recreation, Theme park Lysozyme: Landfill, Parks built on top of landfill, Extension of the Chloroplast Plasma Membrane: Port, Site of exchange of materials, Shopping malls 8. What are the elements will you include in your better town? Please list it out as your check list. Examples infrastructures, schools, hospitals, bicycle path etc Stadium Sports and Recreation centre Schools Universities Museums Performing arts centre Plazas Police stations Fire stations Emergency relief centres Food hub Vertical farms Mosques Temples Churches Docks Shopping malls Mamak stalls Recycling centres Hospitals Sewerage systems Water irrigation Power grid Gardens Forest reserves Theme park Water drainage Flood and Fire prevention Pasar Security patrol booths Shops 9. What are the sustainable or green approaches of your town? Rainwater collection system Grey water reusing system Pocket gardens Forest reserves Roof gardens Usage of renewable energy resources Central Rotating Nucleus for maximum transportation efficiency Using sewer water to water plants (Fertiliser) Anti-Clog drainage system with two layers (Flood prevention) Vertical farming Seawater treatment system Wind harvesting system Building parks on landfills 10. What is the aim of your town? As an education hub? Tourism? Business? Give explanations and examples. Tourism: Theme park at the Chloroplast Zone attracts tourists from many places. Sports events attract sports fans too. Port: Long Plasma Membrane zones that runs along the circumference of the island serve as sites of exchange of goods. Education: Most of the Nucleus Zone is dedicated towards education. University attracts international students. 11. What is the transportation and transportation links? Why do you choose it? LRT systems run along the radial grid. The Red Line is a ring line that runs around the Central Rotating Nucleus while the Blue Line is a ring line that runs along with the circumference of the town. The Central Rotating Disc rotates for 2 revolutions per day. Each revolution lasts 6 hours. Residents must know when their destination in the disc is aligned with their current position. (Etc: the primary school sector is aligned with the Residential Cytoplasm at 6 am. Hence, the resident who wants to go to that particular sector will take the LRT line to the Red Line and walk into the disc at 6 am). If the resident is late or early, he or she can always take the Red Line that runs around the disc. This system reduces the amount of congested traffic as there will be no rush hour due to this system. Residents of different categories will hop onto the disc on different hours to their destinations. (Etc: University students hop onto the disc from the Residential Cytoplasm at 12pm while workers at the Business and Commercial Matrix hop onto the disc at 9 am. 12. Bike sharing systems will be implemented throughout the town. People can just take a random bike at the Bike Sharing Centre and cycle to their destination for free. If the bike is private, the cyclist can park his or her bike in a Vertical Bike Parking System. Bridges will be built between buildings to increase walkability. It also plays a role in evacuating people in case of a fire. There will be solar-powered hovercrafts that transport people in and out of the island. This service is provided at the Plasma Membrane zones 13. Any other extra added quality about your city? Social? Jobs? Food? Gardens and greenery cools down this tropical town. This increases its walkability. Job opportunities are abundant. People can work in the tourism industry, industrial industry, agricultural industry, education industry, administrative industry and maritime industry. The food of the town is produced at Mitochondria II. Sewer water is transported from the neighbouring Residential Cytoplasm. The water is then processed and used for agricultural purposes in vertical farms. Food is grown in these farms and harvested. The food is then processed and transported to the Food Sector (where people in the Central Rotating Nucleus hop off the disc for their lunch break) and the Plasma Membrane (where the ports and shopping malls are). The food is organic and spent less time being transported to consumers, which makes the food more healthy. 14. Which one are you doing? And why? How will this benefit the residents? A town with a lake A town with a river flowing right through the town A town on a small island A town next to the sea or estuary I am doing A town on a small island. This is due to the fact that it s more logical to build new towns on artificial islands in Malaysia as Malaysia is a small country and there is not much land available for new development unless we sacrifice our precious rainforests. 15. Which grid are you doing? And WHY? How will it be effective or appealing? Square grid Triangle grid Hexagon grid Radial grid A mix grid *with approval of lecturers I am doing the Radial grid because my town is circular in shape. It is also easier for people to navigate themselves in the town as the grid goes accordingly to the shape of the artificial island where the city is built on. 16. Please show your rough draft of your town. The Master Plan drawn on the selected grid. Do indicate where things are. 17. Please show your rough draft of your town zonings. Use the master plan and over lay with the zonings. 18. Please show your rough draft of your town transportation links and to include pedestrian path and bicycle path etc. 19. DO NOT submit as a pdf.. As we will write our opinions and feed back on the slide. Thank you. 20. Feedback from Ms Delliya: It should not be an artificial island. Thanks.