embo physical biology cancer workshop ofevents.embo.org/13-cancer/images/add/13-cancer.pdf ·...

ORGANIZERS Andrea GAMBA IRCC, Candiolo IT Silvia GIORDANO IRCC Candiolo IT Antonio CELANI Institut Pasteur, Paris FR SPEAKERS Steven Altschuler US Elisabetta Dejana IT Peter Friedl NL Günther Gerisch DE Matt Gibson US Nir Gov IL Stephan Grill DE Jean-François Joanny FR Frank Jülicher DE Lisa Manning US Martin Meier-Schellersheim US Keith Mostov US Carole Parent US Wouter-Jan Rappel US Pascal Silberzan FR Xavier Trepat ES Roland Wedlich-Söldner DE Orion Weiner US Denis Wirtz US Marino Zerial DE http://events.embo.org/13-cancer CONTACT Francesca Natale IRCC [email protected] +39.011.9933238 7 - 10 March, 2013 | Candiolo | Italy Physical Biology of Cancer EMBO Workshop The programme for this event was reviewed and approved by the EMBO Course Committee. Cell-cell and cell-microenvironment interactions are important factors in the process of tumorigenesis and cancer progression. Emerging evidence points at the pivotal role of physical and mechanical interactions in regulating growth, proliferation, and migration. We aim at bringing together physicists and biologists to exchange knowledge on this rapidly growing field of interdisciplinary research.

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Andrea GAMBAIRCC, CandioloIT


Antonio CELANIInstitut Pasteur, ParisFR


Steven Altschuler US

Elisabetta Dejana IT

Peter Friedl NL

Günther Gerisch DE

Matt Gibson US

Nir Gov IL

Stephan Grill DE

Jean-François Joanny FR

Frank Jülicher DE

Lisa Manning US

Martin Meier-Schellersheim US

Keith Mostov US

Carole Parent US

Wouter-Jan Rappel US

Pascal Silberzan FR

Xavier Trepat ES

Roland Wedlich-Söldner DE

Orion Weiner US

Denis Wirtz US

Marino Zerial DE



Francesca Natale IRCC [email protected] +39.011.9933238

7 - 10 March, 2013 | Candiolo | Italy

Physical Biology of CancerEMBO

WorkshopThe programme for this event

was reviewed and approved by the EMBO Course Committee.

Cell-cell and cell-microenvironment interactions are important factors in the process of tumorigenesis and cancer progression. Emerging evidence points at the pivotal role of physical and mechanical interactions in regulating growth, proliferation, and migration. We aim at bringing together physicists and biologists to exchange knowledge on this rapidly growing field of interdisciplinary research.