email marketing for event marketers - adestra and ppa webinar

36 Email Marketing for Event Marketers

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Email Marketing forEvent Marketers

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1. Housekeeping2. A very short message from our sponsors3. Intros

4. Five excellent tips for improving your email results

5. Q&A

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Matt GrayAs a Key Account Manager at Adestra, Matt is responsible for the retention, growth and success of email marketing programmes for some of Adestra’s biggest clients, from publishers to event organisers to retailers.

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Email Marketing for Events Marketers

1. Practical tips to shape your email strategy2. Insight into the subject line keywords that drive

open rates3. The secret power of Geo Tracking4. Optimisation and design for all devices5. Using the broader marketing mix to boost your

email campaign’s effectiveness

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Practical tips to shape your email strategy

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5 things you should always considerPage 9

• Data• Templates• Content• Testing• Analysis

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DataPage 10

Don’t underestimate the importance of good data

• Better segmentation of customers• Highly personalised• More relevant

• Have a growth strategy• ‘Progressive profiling’• Remember H2H• Use the data you obtain!

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TemplatesPage 11

Look at what email clients your customers use

• Is there a high proportion of smartphone opens?• Are they mainly viewing in Outlook on desktop?• Think about how YOU read and interact with emails

Use this knowledge to spend your valuable time effectively when designing and building your templates

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ContentPage 12

When thinking about content, your event emails should:

• Inform and Educate your recipient about your event• Entertain them - don't be too 'stuffy‘• Convince the person that they need to attend• Inspire by using previous years feedback

In B2B, remember that for most people, it's their job to be at industry events - give them a justification letter!

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TestingPage 13

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”Sir Winston Churchill

• Nothing stays the same

• Content, design, subject lines etc

• New design techniques

• The world (current affairs)

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AnalysisPage 14

Always go back and look at your results:

• What can you learn?• Quickly identify problems and rectify them• Shout about the good things

Measuring your results is invaluable in building a suitable testing strategy. If you're not looking at your results, how do you:

• Tell a good campaign from a bad one?• Attribute revenue? • Understand your audience?

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Subject Lines to Drive Open Rates

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What is it about subject lines?Page 16

• Aside from your 'From Name' it's the only thing a recipient sees

• Often the last thing to be thought about - yet it's the one thing that can create a desire for someone to open your email

• Possibly the easiest thing you can test

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Case StudyPage 17

They tried three different subject lines, trading on exclusivity, price, and technology:

A: Your Exclusive Offer to WIREDB: Get WIRED in print and on the iPad for just £9C: Get WIRED on the iPad with your special offer

"Your Exclusive Offer to WIRED" saw 35% higher opens than the next-best-performing subject line

With a high uptake on tablet subscriptions for Condé Nast subscribers, and the technical focus of WIRED, the team did think that perhaps the iPad subject lines would drive higher engagement - be careful of making assumptions!

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The Secret Power of Geotracking

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Location, location, locationPage 19

When it comes to events, location is a key piece of data that can be used to leverage more conversions - How?

• Personalise content for each recipient...we saw this earlier with Internet Retailing

• Segment for better targeting of bespoke offers e.g. last minute offers for those contacts you know live in the locality of the venue

• Be smart - use it with other data to create something valuable

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Don’t have location data?Page 20

Where possible always use data given to you by your customer... When that fails - use the secret weapon... Geotracking!

• Visualises where your contacts are located based on an open

• Normally can't track mobile geolocation... but that means more likely their place of work or home – advantageous

• Always up to date based on the last campaign they opened - can collate and look at the most popular 'open' location to remove anomalies

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Internet RetailingPage 22

Used geotracking and location data to personalise the train fares displayed

• 50% open rate of delivered due to location personalised subject line:

• "13 predictions facing the multichannel industry & SAVE up to 40% on train fares from XXXXX”

• 33% click through rate to book train tickets

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Optimisation and Design for all Devices

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The Problem With EmailPage 24

• Significant amount of different email clients - both desktop and webmail - and then throw in browser versions too!

• Requires a certain level of HTML knowledge to become proficient in building campaigns

• Added complexity of mobile devices - more challenges

• Optimised...? Responsive...? Fixed...? Fluid...? Adaptive...?


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Before you jump ahead…Page 25

Investigate how your audience are reading your emails:

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Mobile ‘responsive’Page 26

• A design that 'responds' or changes when read on a modern smartphone or tablet that supports CSS styling

• All desktop / webmail clients strip out CSS, hence why we have one email that looks different when viewed on a mobile

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Mobile ‘optimised’Page 27

• A design that simply takes into consideration how an email will look on a mobile without being responsive

• Can be just as effective and less resource intensive

• More thought given to the amount of copy and content used

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Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)Page 28

• RIBA were experiencing low click-through rates (CTR) in their emails

• RIBA adopted a simplified and responsive design with sections differentiated by color blocks, and clearer CTA buttons in contrasting colors.

• Old campaign: 7.8% open rate and 10% CTR

• New campaign: 26% open rate and 20% CTR

• A fantastic improvement of 233% and 100%, respectively.

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Using the Broader Marketing Mix

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Why should I use email?Page 30

• Email is super sexy... oh wait... no it isn't! However...

• "68% of companies rated email as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ for ROI… companies are attributing 23% of their total sales to the email marketing channel." - Email Marketing Industry Census 2014

• Nothing more intrusive than email - it's in your personal space

• Like SMS, it's almost impossible to ignore or 'miss' an email

• You can't ignore something if you don't know what it is you're ignoring!

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Speaking of ROI…Page 31

• If you're going to attribute sales to email, put in place some form of conversion tracking

• Provides you with useful insight into which campaigns produced the most conversions - doesn't have to be monetary

• Comes back to analysing results, learning and testing

• Don't forget the 'nudge effect‘

• Remember the influence of inbox branding / familiarity on ROI

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Utilise your other marketing channelsPage 32

• You're producing great content and buzz about your event - so make sure this is reflected across all your touch points

• Incentivise people to sign up for your emails - early bird offers etc. Remember how exclusivity is key to driving engagement!

• Don't regurgitate your website or social channels into your emails, however remember that people may 'miss' tweets/posts

• Ensure all your touch points have a clear and easy way to sign up for emails

• No-one is more engaged than when they sign up for emails - they're WANTING to hear more from you - they're inviting you in to their personal space

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Video In EmailPage 33

• Creating great video content of your events? Putting it on your YouTube channel? Are you also showing this in email?

• Platforms such as VideoInEmail by Liveclicker can serve full video + audio and static fallbacks directly in emails

• Remember! Check your email client detection - great for smartphones, no real reward for Outlook on desktop

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Make your list work elsewhere…Page 34

• Email = Digital Passport

• Start and target your email subscribers through other channels by using a 'hashed' (encrypted) version of your subscriber list

Custom / Tailored Audiences

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Don’t forget SMSPage 35

• Look to combine your email activity with SMS to provide timely messages to attendees in advance of the event

• An email to registered attendees prior to the event is great, but utilise other channels like SMS to trigger suitable messages to non-openers

• Event address reminder• Timings of the day• Other operational messages

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Thank youAdestra:+44 (0)1865 24 24 25 [email protected] @adestra

PPA Connect: +44 (0) 20 7404 @PPAConnect