email marketing compass: a year in review - best practices for holiday campaign planning


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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Yesmail analyzed a variety of email metrics spanning the past five quarters to identify key industry trends and strategies to help marketers reach increasingly selective subscribers this holiday season. Download the report to learn revealing insights, including: -How the 9% increase in email volume contributes to contrasting trends in email opens and clicks -Why triggered campaigns achieve 2.5 times higher open rates than business-as-usual campaigns -How marketers should approach Android users since 1/3 of all mobile events now happen on Android devices


Page 1: Email Marketing Compass: A Year in Review - Best Practices for Holiday Campaign Planning

A Year in ReviewBest practices for holiday

campaign planning

Email Marketing CompassBenchmarks from Q2 2013 through Q2 2014

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Table of Contents

Introduction....................................... pg. 3

Meet your Audience......................... pg. 3

The Mobile Challenge...................... pg. 5

Mobile Conversion............................ pg. 8

Triggered Messages.......................... pg. 11

The Engaged Subscriber.................. pg. 12

Conclusion.......................................... pg. 14

Addendum........................................... pg. 15

Glossary................................................ pg. 16

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INTRO:With the holiday season fast approaching, marketers need to prepare by incorporating the lessons they have learned from their email program. By analyzing a variety of email metrics over the last five quarters - from Q2 2013 through Q2 2014 - Yesmail Interactive has identified key trends and outlined major implications to help marketers plan for the defining holiday season.

• Did you know that email volume has increased by 9% year-over-year, but clicks are down 14%?

• How are you planning to address your on-the-go audience, now that 65% of emails are opened on a mobile device?

• What can you do to boost the decreasing average order value for purchases made on mobile devices now bringing in only $55 per order vs $79 a year ago?

Read on for insights on what to consider in order to make your holiday season a success.

1. Meet your Audience: the Selective Email Reader Over the last year, the number of emails being sent to subscribers’ inboxes has grown by over 9% year-over-year (YoY). And as one would expect, as we get more emails, we tend to open fewer of them, so the overall email open rate is trending down by 3%. However, our figures also show that the number of opens for each active subscriber has increased by 6% YoY. So while the average inbox has grown, each active subscriber has – to a certain extent – kept up with the growing volume by opening more emails.

To recap: the inbox continues to fill up. Fewer people are opening. But the subscribers who are still engaged are opening more than ever. That’s quite the mixed message!

What this finding demonstrates is that there is a tipping point. Even if each person is opening more messages, the declining number of openers suggests that there comes a point when subscribers are no longer able to keep up, and become increasingly selective.

9% 6%YoY increase in # Emails per Opener

YoY increase in Average Opens per Opener

Meet your Audience


emails in subscribers’ inboxes have

grown by over 9%

Unique clicks have

decreased by 14%

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Implications: As demonstrated by the rise of email volume, marketers increasingly rely on this channel to reach out to and communicate with their audience. While most are doing a good job of getting their subscribers to open, many are struggling to turn those opens into clicks. This change in consumer behavior indicates that consumers are becoming exceedingly selective with their clicks. Your emails have to meet the needs of the subscriber better than ever before in order to earn a click. In the age of the selective email reader, content relevance and optimized user experience are ‘must-haves’ for conversion.

Voting with their SilenceNot listening carefully to your audience while striving to maximize short-term ROI can have grave long-term consequences. At first, it may just be lower clicks. But lower clicks, which implies low content relevance, leads to lower opens because subscribers eventually stop opening emails that never entice them to click. This way, they passively “opt out,” meaning that the emails continue to hit the inbox but they are either ignored or deleted without being opened. Ultimately, this trend results in an increasingly inactive list.

Best Practice Tips: Especially during the holidays, marketers should strive to increase the size of their active database by segmenting their subscribers based on activity (i.e. last opened/clicked) and tenure (i.e. how recently a subscriber has opted into a marketer’s email program). This practice can be very helpful in terms of email deliverability. Achieving 100% inboxing rate is often a major challenge during the holiday season when frequency of mailing can increase by up to 30% and passive opt-outs can contribute to higher bulking.

Another way for marketers to increase their active subscriber base, especially the number of openers, is to capitalize on the following best practices: • Test subject lines to determine best performers - sometimes subscribers are receptive

to holiday-themed subject lines, but sometimes those can be overused. Testing is a great way to determine where your subscriber base stands.

• Use pre-header text that complements your subject line and further emphasizes the value contained in the email

• Track and analyze the time of day when subscribers tend to open your emails and deploy campaigns during those peak hours

To convert openers into clickers and increase the likelihood of purchase, effective tactics vary but there are some basics that apply to every campaign; testing them before the holiday season may result in higher response rates and significant increase in ROI. Most of us respond well to things that are visually appealing; therefore, design is a key factor in a subscriber’s interaction with email – even the best offer can quickly be deleted if the basic visual cues are absent. Marketers should adhere to the following basics:








Open Rate YoY

Unique Click Rate Yoy

Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014

Naturally, as the open rate declines, the decision to click is becoming an even more selective act. Unique clicks saw a significant drop – a 14% decrease, YoY. This drop points to a changing pattern of consumer interaction with email where active subscribers are consistently (and increasingly) opening, but clicking a lot less frequently.

Meet your Audience

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2. The Mobile ChallengeMobile opens account for 64.5% of all email opens. Mobile clicks, however, make up only 35% of all email clicks

Based on the sheer number of mobile devices and the fact that email is the most popular smartphone activity according to a recent study by the International Data Corporation and Facebook, it should come as no surprise that opens on mobile trump desktop opens almost 2:1.

Before you tweet this to the universe, let us qualify this statement. As noted in past editions of the Email Marketing Compass reports, capturing all data associated with mobile devices has been a challenging exercise as Android devices have been gaining larger market share in the mobile space. Those devices often ship with a default “images off” setting. Because opens are tracked by an image download, this setting causes Android devices to report considerably lower opens than Apple devices. To normalize this deficit, and provide a more accurate account of the current state of mobile usage, we calculated an Adjusted Mobile Open rate. By applying the ratio of clicks to opens for Apple devices to Android clicks, we calculated an adjusted number for Android opens. This calculation allows for a more realistic measurement of mobile activity as a whole.

64.5% 53.3%

Adjusted Email Opens

Desktop: 35.5%

Adjusted Email Events(opens + clicks)

Desktop: 46.7%



Mobile clicks, however, tell a different story. The graph to the right shows the YoY growth of mobile clicks as a proportion of all email clicks. While they now make up 35% of all clicks, a 9% increase YoY, there is much room to grow.

The Mobile Challenge








31%Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014

Trend of Mobile Clicks YoY

Percent MobileClick (of all email clicks)

• Visually appealing design (good typography, large images, layout that follows vertical and horizontal margins)

• Clear call-to-action (large type font, bulletproof buttons) • Mobile-optimized email (scalable, responsive, or hybrid design)

Finally, be sure to consider the context and relevance of your message. Data is instrumental for achieving message relevance. It can range from demographic, psychographic, and preference center data, to email activity, purchase history, and browsing behavior. Using different types of subscriber data to develop email creative is one of the best ways to ensure recipients engage with your content. This can be especially effective during the holiday season when subscribers receive more promotional emails than usual and the ones that speak to their preferences, interests, and history with the brand, are more likely to be opened and clicked.

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What could be surprising is that, while consumers are opening email on mobile nearly twice as often as they are on desktop, they are still only half as likely to click via their mobile device. Though the average mobile click-to-open rate has been trending up over the last five quarters, reaching 9.3% in Q2 2014, it has yet to match the desktop click-to-open rate of 22.6%. While opens on mobile devices are growing, it does not necessarily mean that marketers are effectively reaching on-the-go consumers, especially since getting the selective email reader to click on a mobile device is becoming a bigger challenge.

Another useful finding coming out of the adjusted mobile events rate is a more realistic representation of the mobile market share by device. Post adjustment, the figures showed that Android accounts for about a third of mobile events, reducing Apple’s Q2 2014 reported share of mobile events by almost a quarter, to 66%. This finding has interesting implications in terms of design and specific by-device email strategies.

Implications: The adjusted mobile metrics further emphasize the need for marketers to cater to their mobile audience.

Judging from the discrepancy between mobile and desktop click-to-open (CTO) rates, conversion in the form of a click is the biggest challenge for mobile email marketing. While the rise of the selective email reader is definitely a factor in the drop of overall clicks, converting on mobile introduces additional challenges. Due to screen size, divided attention span while on-the-go, and varied user experience, mobile email viewers are less likely to click on a message than their counterparts sitting at their desks. Unless the email speaks to consumers’ needs in the right context and requires an immediate action, mobile clicks will not improve significantly enough to match desktop clicks.

iPhone: 44.1%iPad: 21.6%Android: 33.6%

Adjusted % Adjusted Industry Mobile Events Mobile CTO Desktop CTO

B2B 50% 5% 14% Consumer Services 59% 15% 28% CPG 53% 8% 26% Entertainment 47% 7% 38% Financial Services 51% 2% 12% Healthcare 41% 14% 34% Hospitality/Travel 57% 8% 19% Insurance 59% 21% 32% Marketing/Advertising 38% 5% 17% Publishing 42% 13% 26% Retail/Wholesale 56% 8% 18% Technology 43% 4% 30%

Consumer Services and Insurance lead the way with nearly 60% of their email interactions occurring on a mobile device. Mobile CTO for those two industries is also highest. For the retail sector, 56% of email activity comes from mobile devices, but CTO is relatively low compared to the industry leaders in this metric. This could be partly because the Consumer Services sector, comprised of brands like Groupon, Yelp,, employs a business model that relies entirely on online revenue and requires fast adoption of mobile best practices to accommodate the fast-growing mobile audience.

Currently, consumers are still in the early-to-mid stages of adopting the mobile path-to-purchase. The slower adoption also translates into a slow increase of the average order size, something we’ll discuss in the next section of the report. In addition, some retailers have yet to fully optimize their email content and design to allow their subscribers to react to their offers on-the-go, anytime, anywhere.

Check This Out

The Mobile Challenge

Mobile CTOAdjusted Q2 2014

Desktop CTOQ2 2014









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Naturally, designing for the small screen is one of the key ways to earn the mobile click. While mobile design does not necessarily mean responsive design, marketers who go the extra mile and use responsive definitely have a leg up over those who do not – in Q2 of 2014, responsive emails garnered 13% higher click-to-open rate than their non-responsive counterparts.

CTO for Responsive Emails

12.5%CTO for

Non-responsive Emails













Best Practice Tips: While most marketers know that mobile email design is a requirement for well-performing holiday campaigns, whether scalable, responsive, or both, many may not be aware of the importance of accommodating Android users who make up a third of the mobile email viewers.

Addressing the Android Audience

1. Designing for the images-off settingSince Android devices account for a third of mobile activity, marketers can do themselves a favor by designing their holiday campaigns with the images-off setting in mind. While they can’t control which devices or apps will display their email images, they can control how their messages will render in an images-off mode. Having background color and stylized alt tags that are visible even when the images are not loaded can ensure that the message is readable no matter what.

The Mobile Challenge

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2. Educate Your Android SubscribersPrior to the holidays, marketers can tailor messaging to Android users and encourage them to select the “always download images” option or to set “images on” as a default setting. This will improve the accuracy of Android device reporting and can be helpful if brands implement device-specific holiday campaigns.

3. Mobile Conversion = the Marketer’s Holy Grail Since getting mobile subscribers to click is harder for marketers than enticing desktop users to click, it is not surprising this challenge applies to mobile purchasing as well. The good news is that the number of mobile purchases has grown considerably year-over-year. In Q2 2014, purchases completed on-the-go comprised 22% of all purchases, accounting for a 40% increase YoY.

Curiously, while the number of mobile orders is growing year-over-year, the revenue associated with them only increased by a modest 10%.

Q2 2014 Percent of MOBILE PURCHASES


Q2 2014 Percent of MOBILE REVENUE

78%84% Mobile



Mobile Conversion

One possible explanation for this discrepancy is the decline of average order value on mobile (AOV). In Q3 2013, the mobile AOV was only $9 lower than desktop - $79 vs. $88, respectively. In Q2 2014, the AOV for mobile was $28 lower than that of desktop, $55 vs. $83.









Q3 2013 Q2 2014



$83Mobile Order Value

Desktop Order Value

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On the upside, over the last year, mobile conversion has grown as a proportion of desktop conversion. In Q3 2013, the mobile conversion rate was three times lower than the desktop one, standing at 1.3% vs 3.7%, restrictively. In Q2 2014, mobile conversion rate grew to 1.8%, only a third lower than desktop conversion rate which decreased to 2.7%

It’s important to note that even though the ratio of mobile to desktop conversion is improving, overall conversion rate is trending down partially due to the lower number of clicks.

A year ago, desktop and mobile repeat purchasers used to buy at a comparable pace. In Q2 2014, mobile repeat purchasers were 40% less likely than desktop repeat ones to complete multiple orders on their devices. The reverse trend of mobile conversion rate and mobile repeat purchaser rate points to an interesting paradox – consumers are purchasing on mobile at a higher rate than before, but at the same time, they are less likely to make a repeat purchase via their on-the-go device. This finding has interesting implications in terms of user experience on mobile because it may suggest that even if a subscriber has previously purchased on mobile, they are reluctant to go back and buy again.

Implications: What these numbers are telling us is that, due to the smaller pool of openers and especially clickers, converting consumers along the mobile path-to-purchase seems to be the biggest challenge marketers are facing in preparation for the holiday season. The data also points to the hurdles that remain in the mobile commerce space, such as lower mobile conversion rate and average order value. One explanation is that non-optimized sites lacking a user-friendly experience continue to prevent consumers from making purchases above a certain dollar amount on their mobile devices. Poor mobile experiences can lead to lost opportunities with loyal customers (i.e. repeat purchasers) and a lot of revenue left on the table. For the holiday season, marketers need to think of what they can do to encourage higher mobile conversion. At first glance, conversion rates aren’t all that different between mobile and desktop (1.8% vs. 2.7%). However, when you apply these proportions to the overall revenue, the difference is significant.

Mobile Conversion Mobile


Q2 2014 Conversion RateQ3 2013 Conversion Rate

3.7% 1.3% 2.7% 1.8%

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ACME Company Mobile Desktop Q2 Results Conversion Rate Conversion Rate

Email Sent 15,000,000 15,000,000 Emails Clicked* 255,000 255,000 Number of Orders 4,590 6,885 Mobile AOV $55 $55 $252,450 $378,675 Money Left on table $126,225

*clicks are calculated using the average Q2 2014 unique click rate of 1.7%

The Trouble with AcmeConversion rate, a metric calculated by dividing the number of email-driven orders by the number of email clicks, indicates the likelihood of a subscriber to make a purchase as a result of a marketing email. The Q2 2014 conversion rate for mobile is 1.8% and the desktop rate is 2.7%. While both percentages may appear low, the difference between them is substantial in terms of revenue. Here is how:

Acme has a mobile conversion rate of 1.8%, has sent 15 million emails throughout the quarter, and has an average mobile order value of $55.  Based on the mobile conversion rate for Q2 2014, they generated $252K through sales on mobile devices– a respectable figure.  However, by applying the desktop conversion rate to the same figures, we see that they would have earned $378K, which is a 50% difference.  If Acme can improve the mobile purchase experience enough to rival that of the desktop, they would stand to see a significant return on investment.

Best Practice Tips: Increasing mobile conversion rate and average order value should clearly be a priority for marketers during the holiday season. The third quarter is a great time to try out some best practices for improving the entire consumer experience along the mobile purchase path, starting with email but certainly not stopping there.

Some of the tactics marketers should test before the defining fourth quarter include: • Optimize customer experience along the entire mobile path-to-purchase. From the

email, to the product pages, to the order check-out pages, the mobile path-to-purchase should employ scalable and/or responsive design, have big calls-to-action, and incorporate a minimum number of required steps to complete

• Incorporate cookies that store customer information and enable quick order check-out both as an existing user and as a guest

• Send out discount codes that prompt in-store redemption to better integrate online and offline customer experience

• Simplify the check-out process by offering alternative payment methods that only require the use of an already set up app such as Paypal, Venmo, etc.

Those practices can greatly contribute to higher conversion and repeat purchase rates.

Mobile Conversion

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4. Relevant Content + Perfect Timing = Triggered MessagesDespite the rise of the selective email reader there is light at the end of the tunnel. Triggered campaigns – messages prompted by subscriber behavior, events or milestones relevant to the subscriber– can be a strong component of your email marketing program. To illustrate this point, below are some telling metrics that speak to the impact of triggered messaging.

For the purposes of this report, ‘triggered campaigns’ include transactional, abandoned shopping cart, and welcome emails deployed from Yesmail’s marketing platform in Q2 2014. The open rates for triggered campaigns are 2.5 times higher than those of general campaigns, while unique click rates are double those of general campaigns.

Implications: The performance of triggered campaigns compared to standard marketing messages can largely be attributed to their relevance and timeliness. Triggered emails often mirror or complement a subscriber’s behavior – a welcome campaign follows an email signup; a transactional message follows a purchase; an abandoned shopping cart email follows a demonstrated intention to buy a product. The degree of personal relevance improves the response rate and the lift is often carried through to revenue. By reaching subscribers at the right time in their lifecycle, triggered messaging helps increase the average order value and improve the repeat purchaser rate.

Best Practice Tips: Triggered messaging can be particularly successful during the holidays when consumers may need an extra nudge to select your product, as opposed to a competitor’s. To effectively implement triggered campaigns, marketers need to use different sources of subscriber information, such as: • Email activity (to identify the type of offers and content their subscribers prefer in the

holiday context) • Browsing history (to identify the type of products consumers are interested in)

Q2 2014 Open Rate

All CampaignsTriggered Campaigns

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%



Triggered Messages

Q2 2014 Unique Click Rate

All CampaignsTriggered Campaigns

0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%



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5. The Engaged Subscriber – the Importance of a Lasting Relationship Taking an in-depth look at the composition of your active subscriber base can provide a good understanding of overall consumer engagement. For the purposes of this report, active subscribers are defined as having opened or clicked in the last 90 days. It is a common assumption that new opt-ins (those who have joined in the last 90 days) make up a significant portion of active subscribers. However, for most marketers, new opt-ins represent, on average, less than 10% of their total mailable database. In reality, the majority of active subscribers have been in a marketer’s database for a lot longer than 90 days. Our Q2 2014 data shows that 53% of those who have opened or clicked within the last 90 days have been subscribed to a marketer’s mailing program for more than a year.

It is important to consider the composition of a marketer’s active subscriber base in combination with the overall trend of higher email volume, slightly decreasing opens and rapidly declining clicks.

Implications: What these trends highlight year-over-year, is the importance of meeting the expectations of active subscribers. Marketers need to dedicate special attention to this segment and invest in keeping them engaged along each lifecycle stage. If subscribers are making the effort to open your emails, the content must deliver something of value in order to garner the click. Since the majority of active subscribers have opted-in more than a year ago, they clearly did not just ‘subscribe and forget.’ Instead, they continue to demonstrate long-term brand loyalty if there’s a benefit. The tipping point occurs when the engaged subscriber realizes that, no matter how many times they open your message, their expectation of benefit is not met.

Best Practice Tips: The frequent openers segment may be a great way to identify winning components of a marketer’s mailing program – it can be used to test content, call-to-actions, and design options in an attempt to convert openers into clickers. This could be a well-timed practice right before the holiday season as brands are striving to expand their active subscriber base and capitalize on every open. In order to deliver on subscribers’ expectations, marketers must know their audience based on preference, lifecycle stage, past behavior, and timing.

Opted-in within last 90 Days: 21.3%

Opted-in in the 3-12 months: 26.0%

Opted-in over 12 months ago: 52.8%

Composition of Active Subscribers

The Engaged Subscriber

• Purchase behavior (to effectively time offers and up-sell products related to a subscriber’s purchase)

• Profile/preference center information (to develop a more meaningful connection by acknowledging personally relevant occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)

Since triggered campaigns are both relevant and well-timed because they complement each action a subscriber takes and each milestone in a subscriber’s history, they may provide the edge most marketers need to outperform their competitors during the holiday season.

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While the buying cycle for clothing is a lot shorter than that for high-end cookware, Madewell has chosen to develop this campaign with the intention to educate their subscribers on how to make better use of a product. Their subject line “Our 3 favorite ways to do a tunic (+ a sale)” does this effectively right off the bat. The creative itself is clear, instructive, and demonstrates the versatility of the product.


Le Creuset: While Le Creuset sells high-end cookware, the brand seems to be well aware of the interests of their target audience. They frequently complement their promotional messages with value-added content like this campaign featuring a video. Its content is entertaining and educational, but still shows the value of their product. Le Creuset earns extra points for using different content formats and providing that little extra something to keep the audience entertained and therefore engaged.

The Engaged Subscriber


Before the holiday season marketers should also focus on nurturing campaigns that stray from status quo promotional messaging, especially for those subscribers who have remained active despite never having purchased or for those who have bought recently and are back at the beginning of the purchase cycle. In those cases, to make sure they have their audience’s undivided attention come the holidays, marketers should develop value-added content to further educate them about the brand, encourage them to keep in touch, and inspire them to find new use for the brand’s products. If marketers invest in building these relationships before the holiday season, they will be rewarded come Q4.

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Check This Out

What about domains?

The year-over-year domain trends in terms of overall, new, and active subscribers tell an interesting story about everybody’s favorite mover and shaker, Gmail. Gmail subscribers now comprise 16% of marketers’ subscriber bases, an impressive 24% YoY increase.

ConclusionListening to what email data is telling you can significantly improve your holiday campaigns and result in better subscriber engagement, shorter purchase cycle, larger active database segment, and higher revenue. Each of those outcomes is instrumental for a successful holiday season.

To be on the path toward a record-setting fourth quarter, marketers need to be thinking of how to effectively address the selective email reader. They must address the disconnect between mobile opens and mobile clicks – two thirds of opens happen on mobile devices, but mobile accounts for only a third of clicks. They must ensure their content is relevant to the subscriber and inspires continued engagement with a focus on getting the precious click. With these insights in mind, and with the right strategies in place, holiday season success is within reach for any marketer.

% Most active Q2 YoY % subscribers by domain 2014 Difference 5% -17% 24% 34% hotmail 12% -5% other 37% -8% yahoo 22% -4%


Gmail subscribers are also most engaged – they make up for 24% of a marketer’s active subscriber base which is a 34% YoY increase. This finding suggests that the changes that Gmail introduced within the last year have not had a negative effect on email engagement. The same applies for Gmail mobile app users - though the app disables the functionality of responsive design, it loads images by default, thus not significantly compromising the user experience.

Q3 2013 Q3 2013 Q3 2013 Q3 2013






23.2% 23.2% 23.2%21.9%

14.7% 14.5% 14.3%

14.2% 14.8% 16.0%

8.2% 7.9% 6.4%

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ADDENDUM:Database Metrics by Industry – Q2 2014

Subscriber Tenure & Activity by Industry – Q2 2014


% Active Avg # Emails Avg Opens Avg Clicks Industry Subscribers per Opener per Opener per Clicker

B2B 1.3% 8 1 1 Consumer Services 6.5% 142 17 6 CPG 6.8% 30 5 2 Entertainment 7.2% 25 4 2 Financial Services 5.6% 11 3 2 Healthcare 17.3% 17 3 2 Hospitality/Travel 13.7% 24 4 2 Insurance 2.7% 6 2 1 Marketing/Advertising 5.4% 48 4 2 Publishing 14.8% 53 9 3 Retail/Wholesale 12.7% 57 8 3 Technology 3.5% 19 4 2

Standard Metrics by Industry – Q2 2014

*Yesmail does not count multiple opens when calculating overall email open rate. Only unique opens are factored in.

Delivery Bounce Open Unique Total Click to Unsubscribe Industry Rate Rate Rate* Click Rate Click Rate Open Rate Rate

B2B 90.9% 9.1% 18.8% 1.4% 2.1% 7.4% 0.4%

Consumer Services 97.1% 2.9% 12.0% 1.9% 2.9% 16.2% 0.0%

CPG 97.4% 2.6% 17.6% 2.1% 3.3% 11.7% 0.1%

Entertainment 95.2% 4.8% 16.5% 1.6% 4.1% 9.8% 0.1%

Financial Services 94.8% 5.2% 27.9% 1.0% 2.1% 3.5% 0.0%

Healthcare 91.6% 8.4% 20.1% 3.9% 5.7% 19.4% 0.1%

Hospitality/Travel 98.8% 1.2% 18.3% 1.7% 2.7% 9.5% 0.0%

Insurance 97.8% 2.2% 31.3% 7.7% 10.8% 24.5% 0.2%

Marketing/Advertising 88.7% 11.3% 9.9% 0.7% 1.3% 6.7% 0.1%

Publishing 96.8% 3.2% 17.4% 2.7% 4.1% 15.6% 0.0%

Retail/Wholesale 97.5% 2.5% 14.3% 1.3% 2.0% 9.3% 0.1%

Technology 95.9% 4.1% 20.6% 2.1% 4.8% 10.0% 0.1%

Opted in within Opted in 3-12 Opted in over Never opened/ Opened/ Opened/clicked Opened/clicked Industry last 90 days months ago 1 year ago clicked clicked w/in 3-12 months ago over 1 year ago

B2B 5.1% 25.3% 69.9% 85.7% 1.3% 3.3% 9.7%

Consumer Services 2.4% 9.3% 88.4% 78.8% 6.6% 5.3% 9.3%

CPG 4.0% 10.6% 85.4% 73.1% 6.8% 5.3% 14.9%

Entertainment 2.9% 28.2% 68.9% 72.2% 8.7% 6.7% 7.4%

Financial Services 3.5% 29.5% 67.0% 77.0% 2.7% 6.9% 13.5%

Healthcare 6.4% 19.5% 74.1% 50.3% 17.8% 11.1% 20.8%

Hospitality/Travel 15.2% 40.9% 43.9% 67.3% 13.5% 12.4% 6.8%

Insurance 6.6% 24.3% 69.1% 71.6% 2.7% 6.5% 19.1%

Marketing/Advertising 1.5% 15.3% 83.1% 75.7% 7.9% 6.1% 10.4%

Publishing 3.2% 14.6% 82.2% 56.6% 15.1% 10.2% 18.1%

Retail/Wholesale 19.6% 18.8% 61.7% 64.4% 11.3% 9.6% 14.7%

Technology 2.0% 9.6% 88.4% 67.8% 1.6% 9.4% 21.2%

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GLOSSARY:Purchase Behavior: % Desktop Revenue = $ Desktop Revenue/$ Total Revenue

% Mobile Revenue = $ Mobile Revenue/$ Total Revenue

% Desktop Orders = Number of Desktop Orders/Total Number of Orders

% Mobile Orders = Number of Mobile Orders/Total Number of Orders

Desktop Conversion Rate = Number of Desktop Orders/Number of Clicks on Desktop

Mobile Conversion Rate = Number of Mobile Orders/Number of Clicks on Mobile

Repeat Purchaser Rate Desktop = (Number of Desktop Orders-Number of Desktop Purchasers)/Number of Desktop Purchasers

Repeat Purchaser Rate Mobile = (Number of Mobile Orders-Number of Mobile Purchasers)/Number of Mobile Purchasers

Desktop Avg Order Value = $ Desktop Revenue/Number of Desktop Orders

Mobile Avg Order Value = $ Mobile Revenue/Number of Mobile Orders

% Orders Smartphone = Number of Smartphone Orders/Number of Mobile Orders

% Orders Tablet = Number of Tablet Orders/Number of Mobile Orders

Mobile: % Mobile Opens = Mobile Opens/Total Opens

% CTO Desktop = Unique Clicked Desktop/Opened Desktop

% CTO Mobile = Unique Clicked Mobile/Opened Mobile

% Desktop Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used desktop to interact with email

% Mobile Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used mobile to interact with email

% Hybrid = Proportion of email viewers who switched between mobile and desktop to interact with email

Subscriber Activity: % Mailable Database = Total Mailable Users/Total Users

% Active Subscribers = Proportion of database subscribers with opens clicks in the last 90 days

Avg # Emails per Opener = Number of emails an active subscriber received in the last 90 days

Opens per Opener = Number of opens per active subscriber in the last 90 days

Clicks per Clicker = Number of clicks per active subscriber in the last 90 days

Standard: Open Rate = Opened/Delivered

Total Click Rate = Total Clicks/Delivered

Click-to-Open Rate = Unique Clicks/Opened

Unsubscribe Rate = Unsubscribe/Delivered


Page 17: Email Marketing Compass: A Year in Review - Best Practices for Holiday Campaign Planning

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