email: [email protected] website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · sacred heart school 40 ovens rd,...

Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: [email protected] Website: FROM THE HEARTDear Parents It is hard to believe we are less than a month away from Christmas. The year is certainly well into the busy time with teachers writing reports, finalising class lists for 2020 and finishing last assessments with the children. Our AGM is an important event that is an opportunity to reflect and highlight some of the achievements of the year and also map out some aspects of the coming year, namely the staffing and the budget. I thank all who were able to attend the AGM. For those who were unable to attend, the book of tabled reports and the slide presen- tation will soon be available on our school website. Next Friday evening we will be hosting our Family Carols and Picnic night. During this evening the children will be performing Christmas songs and dances and we would love to see as many parents there on the night as possible. The P&F will have a raffle on the night and have also arranged for a coffee van to be present. I am looking forward to seeing the children per- form their Christmas items. On Wednesday 11 December we will be having our transition morning. On this day the children find out who their new teacher for 2020 will be and which class they are in. I would like to remind parents of the careful and exhaustive process that goes into designing the new class lists each year. Please trust that we have thought very carefully and made every at- tempt to ensure your childs class placement is the best it can be given the many factors that must be considered. I am sure all children will be well cared for in 2020. This weeks Parenting Ideas article is about how much time we need to be spending with our children. The interesting aspect is there is no easy answer as all children are different. I hope you enjoy the article. God Bless Steve Gibbs Principal 27 November 2019 Food for Thought Let parents then bequeath to their children not riches but the spirit of reverence. ” ~ Plato Reverence reduces hostility.” ~ Tony Beta Families Leaving at the end of 2019 If there are any families that are planning on leaving Sacred Heart at the end of the year can you please advise the school in writing (letter or email). This is imperative for organising class lists for 2020. REVERENCE having a deep respect for God, ourselves and the environment .

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Page 1: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: [email protected] Website:


Dear Parents

It is hard to believe we are less than a month away from Christmas. The year is certainly well

into the busy time with teachers writing reports, finalising class lists for 2020 and finishing

last assessments with the children. Our AGM is an important event that is an opportunity to

reflect and highlight some of the achievements of the year and also map out some aspects of

the coming year, namely the staffing and the budget. I thank all who were able to attend the

AGM. For those who were unable to attend, the book of tabled reports and the slide presen-

tation will soon be available on our school website.

Next Friday evening we will be hosting our Family Carols and Picnic night. During this evening

the children will be performing Christmas songs and dances and we would love to see as

many parents there on the night as possible. The P&F will have a raffle on the night and have

also arranged for a coffee van to be present. I am looking forward to seeing the children per-

form their Christmas items.

On Wednesday 11 December we will be having our transition morning. On this day the

children find out who their new teacher for 2020 will be and which class they are in. I would

like to remind parents of the careful and exhaustive process that goes into designing the new

class lists each year. Please trust that we have thought very carefully and made every at-

tempt to ensure your child’s class placement is the best it can be given the many factors that

must be considered. I am sure all children will be well cared for in 2020.

This week’s Parenting Ideas article is about how much time we need to be spending with our

children. The interesting aspect is there is no easy answer as all children are different. I hope

you enjoy the article.

God Bless

Steve Gibbs


27 November 2019

Food for Thought

“Let parents then bequeath to their children not riches but the spirit of reverence.” ~ Plato

“Reverence reduces hostility.” ~ Tony Beta

Families Leaving at the end of 2019

If there are any families that are planning on leaving Sacred Heart at the end of the year can you please advise the school in writing (letter or email). This is imperative for organising class lists for 2020. R


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Page 2: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

Spending time with kids: How much is enough?

The need to spend time with their parents differs for different kids. For some, there’s no end to the time they’d spend with you. However, other kids feel differently. There’s no right answer.

I’m fortunate to have the flexibility that allows me to spend a great deal of time with my children. However, my nine year old daughter wants to spend more time with me. My eleven year old son, on the other hand, is content either way.

Australia ranks first

According to a recent study Australian parents rank number one among OECD countries (including most of Europe, North America, the UK and Finland) when it comes to spending time with their kids. The lion's share of this time is still invested by mums, but Australian dads are ahead of those from many other countries, averaging around 70 minutes a day with their children.

The source of misplaced parental guilt

According to research published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, not spending enough time with children is the biggest source of parental guilt in Australia.

The researchers also found that it’s quality, not quantity of time children spend with parents that’s important for their emotional wellbeing, achievement and behaviour for kids aged 3-11 years. The researchers concluded that volume of time doesn’t matter. It’s much more important how time is spent with your children when you are together. This in no way advocates for absentee parenting. It’s about making the most of the family time you have and reducing feelings of stress for you if you can’t be around as much as you’d like to be.

Here are some ideas to help make sure you optimise the time you spend with your kids:

• Create a tradition of one-on-one time with each of your kids around an activity that you both enjoy, such as a cafe catch up over a milkshake, shooting hoops or playing a favourite board game

• Read regularly to each other, as these are special times of connection, especially in bed at night

• Eat meals together as a family so you can all catch up and connect - this is worth its weight in gold when it comes to quality time

• Pay attention to your children, watching for cues that they’re in need of extra time with you

• Adolescents benefit from spending extra time with their parents. Through interactions with their par-ents teenagers can learn to make better decisions about their health, improve their academic achieve-ment and experience better wellbeing

• Take an interest in their interests. Connect with your children through the activities that they value such as music, sport or games, even if they aren't hobbies you don't normally enjoy. Your kids will ap-preciate you making the effort and will respond accordingly

• Be present when you’re with your kids. Research shows our minds can wander up to 47% of the time when we are with our loved ones. If you're present with our kids, you won ’t miss out on nearly half of that precious time.

Be mindful of the importance of unstructured time for kids. That is, time they spend playing alone or with siblings and friends. Play is essential for our kids’ wellbeing and development. Play changes as our kids grow up but as long as whatever they’re doing is child-led, it’s play. This is the time to leave them to it.

Dr Jodi Richardson

Jodi is a happiness and wellbeing speaker and writer, and is mum to two primary school aged kids who light her up. For more great ideas on flourishing mental health for the whole family, subscribe to her newsletter at and say hello on Enquiries to [email protected]

Page 3: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

SCHOOL FEE BILLER CODE AND BPAY DETAILS BPAY REFERENCE NUMBERS Due to the migration of our finance administration package to

the new CEWA AoS system, it is extremely important that those

parents using BPay to pay their school fees, have taken note of their new reference number that was

quoted on the trial run of the fees accounts (emailed to parents) last week. Please ensure your old

number is replaced by your new number on your online banking arrangements. Failing to do this may

result in your fees payment not going to your account as quickly.

We have been asked by the St Vincent De Paul Society of our parish to help them to make the Christmas of a lot of needy families a bit more spe-cial.

In our lives we have so many things to be grateful for, so the words of Christ “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me” are very relevant. Thank you to all families who have donated food items so

far, if you have not had a chance yet, there is still time. Thanks so much for being such a ‘giving’ community.

2019 SCHOOL FEES All 2019 School Fees should now have been finalized unless prior arrangements

have been made with the Principal, Mr Gibbs, or a Direct Debit authority

is in place.

HEALTH CARE CARD/PENSIONER CARD DISCOUNTS If you are the holder of a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, and that card has expired and you have received a new one, you will need to bring it to the office, so that we can take a new copy. If we do not have the new card details, you may find that the details have not migrated over to our new finance system. If you feel this may be the case for your family, please call into the school office immediately to complete a new form and provide us with a copy of your new card. Cards not nominated in the sys-tem, will not receive the discounts in 2020.


We are in need of a volunteer to do the student school bank-ing for 2020.

If you are at home and have some spare time, please give this some consideration.

Probably the maximum time involved would be one hour

per week, and our Mum, Nadene, would be will-ing to help show you what is involved.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please ring the office on 9251 3000 if you are in-terested or have more questions.






THEME: “LET THEM EAT CAKE” Outlining the sloth-like nature of Queen Marie Antoinette and her life of opulence and extravagance. Her famous words ‘let them eat cake’ caused the uprising and revolu-tion in France.

Page 4: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

This is the last week of MOVEMBER.

Can you please make a concerted effort to donate and support our male staff members who have been dealing with rough, itchy faces all of this month in the interests of raising funds for men’s health.

Important Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 27 November—Annual Community Meeting, school Hall

Friday 6 December—Family Carols and Picnic Night

Wednesday 11 December—Thanksgiving Mass 6pm

Friday 13 December—Last day of Term 4, 2019

As we are now on the home stretch for the end of the year, all library borrowing has con-cluded. Thank you to all that have re-turned your items quickly. For those last items that are still outstanding, I will be sending notes to class and via SeeSaw so if they could be re-turned as soon as possible it would be most appreciat-ed. If you have any queries about any items please don't hesitate to contact me via email on [email protected]

Even though we have concluded our library borrowing for school, don't forget our local public libraries of-fer a huge range of services from books, ebooks and audio books as well as a multitude of other resources and activities.

Happy reading!

Mrs Stilwell

Page 5: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

WA Young Salesian - Summer Camp 6-10 January 2020

Are you between 12-15 yrs or starting Year 7 in 2020? Come and join us for this 5 day fun filled camp at

Nanga Bush Camp, Dwellingup. From only $200 ($40 a day) Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Mr Maher on

6350 2500 for more info or to pick up a form. Places are filling fast! Register now at:




Arrive any time from 5.00pm with own picnic and BYO chairs/rugs

Concert starts at 7.00pm Children MUST be here for 6.45pm



Year Three

Year Two


Year Four

Year 1B & 5B

School Choir

Year 6

Year 1W & 5W

Teacher’s Dance

Feliz Navidad (finale)

Conclusion approx. 8.30pm

Page 6: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:


On Thursday 14 November a small

group of 8 Year 6 students took part

in the Primary School Regional Finals

Cricket Carnival held at Yokine Re-

serve. It was an early morning with

the bus leaving before school had

started to make sure we arrived on

time. We took our mixed team who had won their division way back in

Term 1. Unfortunately, there was no mixed division at Regionals, so

we were place in the boy’s division. There was a total of 38 mixed/

boys teams split over 7 pools. We were part of the Sri Lankan pool

which consisted of Parkwood, Notre Dame, Comet Bay, River-

ton, Kewdale as well as ourselves. We played a total of 4

games with Kewdale being the only school from our pool that

we did not verse.

Morale was high heading into the tournament but sadly we

were unable to pick up a win, coming home with the 4 loses. It

was great to see the improvement within the playing group

over the 4 matches and we were in with a real opportunity to

win our last game, but we just couldn’t hold on. Well done to

the students who participated and gave it a red-hot crack on

such a scorching day in the sun. Hopefully next year we will be

back bigger and stronger!


Throughout Term 4 some of our Year 4, 5 and 6 students have been participating in a lunch time dodgeball

tournament. The tournament came to a close on Friday 15 November with the grand final being played. As a

curtain raiser to the grand finale, two Year 5 teams played off for 3rd place. Congratulations to the Princesses

who won that game. The grand final saw a year 6 team, Fabalicious, consisting of Hayden, Isaiah, Chase,

Luca and Raphael verse the staff team, consisting of Mr Landers, Mr Milne, Mr Bouffler, Mrs Brunt and Mrs

Williams in a best of 3 game contest. The staff team took out the first game with the loss of only 1 person.

Needing to win the second game to stay in the contest Fabalicious came out firing but the catching skills of

the staff team were their undoing, with the staff team winning the second game and ultimately the match.

Congratulations to Fabalicious for making the grand final and well done to all teams that participated.


On 21 November a small group of students from Year 5 and 6 were invited to an NRL development day held

at George Burnett Reserve in Karawara. This day was a reward for teams who had won their Flag Belt Rugby

Carnivals back in Term 3. The day started off with the students splitting up into groups and rotating through

some drills that the NRL staff had set up and were running. The

students loved joining in on the different drills and meeting stu-

dents from other schools in the process. Once each group had

completed each drill, we had a break for lunch before we got

into playing some games. We played 4 different schools with

only 1 of those schools being a school we had versed earlier in

the year. The games were for fun with no trophy on offer, how-

ever, we still managed to win 3 games and losing just the 1.

The children were presented with a hat, drink bottle and ball for

their participation on the day. Well done to all students who rep-

resented their school magnificently.

Page 7: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:


On Thursday 14 November, Sacred Heart Primary School

had a visit from a former student, Maddison Inglis. Maddi-

son is now a professional tennis player, ranked #134 in

the world! Maddison found time in her overly busy sched-

ule to come in and hand out some brand-new tennis rac-

quets to our Pre-Primary students. We had a little assem-

bly where Mr Gibbs introduced Maddy before she told all

the staff and students her story, from growing up and at-

tending Sacred Heart to becoming a professional tennis

player. The students loved listening to her story and were

very thankful to have an elite athlete visit their school.

Perth teenager Thomas Rogers had his first taste of international competition recently at the IWAS wheelchair fencing world cup in Amster-dam, The Netherlands.

The 14-year-old trains with coach and nationally accredited assessor Tuko Maia, who travelled with Thomas to Europe for the tournament.

Tuko said Thomas was “amazing”.

“He won a poule bout at an open event and he’s only been fencing for one year,” Tuko said.

The Australian was the youngest fencer in a 59-strong field and finished in 51st place.

Thomas was classified as A3 (the second high-est division) and competed using a chair loaned by the Dutch Wheelchair Fencing Foundation.

In addition to coaching Thomas at the tourna-ment, Tuko was selected to participate in ath-lete classification.

For more information on parafencing in Austral-ia visit the parafencing page on the AFF web-site.

And whilst talking about ‘PAST STUDENTS”

Australia represented at Parafencing world cup

Page 8: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

We would like to encourage all Sacred Heart parents to consider joining the 2020 P&F Committee. We have

been so fortunate for a long period of time to have the support of dedicated Executive Members to lead the

P&F. Now it’s time for the next generation of parents to take the lead and bring new and fresh ideas to the

P&F. We have a fabulous Committee, that work great together and enjoy doing what they can to make the

most out of each fundraiser.

During our meeting on Monday evening we were able to fill the positions of President, Vice-President, and

Treasurer. Thank you very much to the ladies who have stepped up and taken these roles on. We are now

just looking for a Secretary, so if you see yourself in this position, talk to a Committee Member today or e

-mail the P&F at [email protected]. We can guide you through what the role entails and will give

you as much support as you need to fulfill this postion.

Upcoming Fundraisers

LED Candles for Sale – Candles will be available to pre-order for the Family Christmas Carols

evening. These look fabulous as the sun sets and the candles light up. Order forms are due back

on Wednesday 4 December.

Christmas Raffle – We have been very fortunate to have been donated, a $300 BIKE VOUCHER

and cash for some fabulous Raffle Prizes from local member Chris Tallentire. Raffle Tickets were due back

today (27 November) however tickets will be available to purchase at the Family Carols evening between

5.30pm and 6.30pm—look out for the P & F table set up on the evening. What a fabulous Christmas gift

one of these would make. Good luck!

1st Prize - $300 Bike Voucher from Jet Cycles, Gosnells

2nd Prize - $200 Coles Myer Voucher

3rd Prize – Hamper

That’s Mine Labels

The P&F have set up an arrangement with ‘That’s Mine Labels’ where every or-

der placed through them, the school will receive 25% of the sale order. To or-

der your labels now, head to and when checking out put the School’s Unique Code

- 2122 or the School’s name - Sacred Heart Primary School in the Order’s Comment Box. That’s Mine

offer Free Standard Shipping within Australia.

Page 9: Email: Website: … · 2019. 11. 27. · Sacred Heart School 40 Ovens Rd, THORNLIE 6108 Phone: 9251 3000 Fax: 9251 3090 Email: Website:

Free Healthy Holiday Activity!


Register here by entering the following link into your internet browser:

Alternatively you can search for the event on Event Brite (

All primary school children year 3 to year 6 are invited for an introduction to the healthiest sport in the world, SQUASH!

It will be hosted by the Maddington Gosnells Squash Club on 20 December 2019 from 10am - 1pm. The event is a free of charge introduction to squash.

Included are:

• Top qualified coaches!

• Morning tea and lunch!

Equipment hire (rackets, balls and protective eyewear)!

Just wear sport shoes which do not mark the floor, shorts and t-shirt, and, bring a water bottle.

Please register now - numbers are limited and past events have filled quickly.

Early in 2020, Mercedes College will com-mence interviewing Year 4 & Year 5 students who are due to start Year 7 in 2022 & 2023 respectively. If you are considering enrol-ling your daughter and have not yet request-ed a Prospectus, please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340 as soon as possible.

Enquiries are also welcome for places in Year 7 for 2020 and 2021. For more infor-mation please refer to the College website,

Welcome Back to School – Evening on the Green Friday 21 February – 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Free entry, Family Event

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Term One Term Two Term Three Term Four





School Hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am to 2.45pm Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00am to 4.00pm

APPOINTMENTS Parents are reminded to contact the office in order to set up an appointment with staff members.

Principal: By appointment only. Loreto Child Care Centre: 9251 3014 Outside School Hours Care: 9251 3015 0417 091 296 ELC MOBILE 0477 385 104


WEEKEND MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil 6.00pm

Sunday 8.00am and 10.00am

WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8.45am

Wednesday 8.45am Parish or School Mass Saturday—8.45am


Sat 5.00-5.30pm before Mass or anytime by Appointment.

PH: 9459 4459 Website:

Monday S. WEALE


Wednesday J.GARVEY

Thursday P Elder

Friday A Foster S Chester



Mon 2 Dec to 6 December


Nell Gray

30 Kembla Way


9270 4669





ABSENTEES/SICKNESS In order for the school to reconcile attend-ance it is a requirement that a message is left on the Absentee Line

9251 3005 as emails to teachers are often not opened at the start of the day. Your co-operation in this regard is appreciated

Monday 9– 5

Tuesday 9-5

Wednesday 9-5

Thursday 9-6

Friday 9-5

Saturday 9-1