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ELS Your Guide to the Summit

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ELSYour Guide to the Summit

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The key to success is EELLSS.

ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz kadar istekte bulunabilirsiniz.

Bunun için, telefonla ya da e-mail ile bize ulaþabileceðiniz gibi, adýnýzýsoyadýnýzý, adresinizi, telefon numaranýzý ve kaç adet broþür istediðinizi

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nolu faksýmýza da iletebilirsiniz.

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ELS çalýþanlarý olarak bizler, heyecanýyla, telaþýyla, yoðun ve yorucu bir öðretim yýlýný daha geride býraktýk. Öðrencilerimizin heyecaný biraz daha devam edecek.. Ama onlar, ELS ile hazýrlanmanýn sýnavda onlara yaratacaðý farkýn farkýndalar.

Bütün öðrencilerimize baþarýlar diliyoruz...

2008-2009 öðretim yýlýnda ELS, 15. yýlýna adým atacak. Bizler, en küçük ayrýntýyý bile önemseyen titizliðimizin farkýnda olan ve bizi bu alanýn “fark yaratan öznesi” olarak deðerlendiren dostlarýmýz sayesinde bu baþarý grafiðini yakaladýðýmýzýn bilincindeyiz. Gücümüzü, deðerli öðretmenlerimizden, yöneticilerimizden, öðrencilerimiz-den ve velilerimizden alarak bu günlere geldik. Bu nedenle her yýl daha iyi ve daha nitelikli ürünler vermeyi, yýllardýr siz dostlarýmýza olan vefa borcumuzu yerine getirmek olarak algýladýk. 15. yýlýmýzda da sizlere en iyiyi sunmak için kollarýmýzý þimdiden sývadýk.

15. yýlýnda ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergisi’ni sizlere yepyeni bir içerikle sunuyoruz. Öðretmen dostlarýmýzýn talep ve önerilerini de dikkate alarak dergilerimizin içeriðinde bazý deðiþiklikler yaptýk. Örneðin, genel olarak öðrencilerin en çok zorlandýklarý alan olan paragraf konusunda, 1. sayýdan itibaren çalýþmalara baþladýk. Yine sýnavýn bütününü etkileyen “vocabulary” konusunda 1. sayýdan itibaren çalýþmalara yer verdik.

Deðerli Öðretmenlerimiz ve Sevgili Öðrenciler,

2008-2009 dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 12 Eylül 2008 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 29 Mayýs 2009’da 35. sayýmýzýn daðýtýlmasýyla setimiz tamamlanacaktýr. Elinizdeki “Özel Tanýtým Sayýsý”nýn içindeki açýklamalarýn, önümüzdeki dönemi planlamanýz için sizlere yardýmcý olacaðýný umuyoruz. Ayrýca, sizlerin olumlu katký ve eleþtirilerinin bizler için çok deðerli olduðunu bilmenizi istiyor ve bu çabalarýnýz için þimdiden teþekkür ediyoruz.

Yeni dönemde görüþmek üzere, hepinize saðlýk, esenlik ve baþarýlar diliyoruz.

ELS Yayýncýlýk

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4 English Language Studies



ELS Yayýncýlýk olarak YDS-Ýngilizce hazýrlýk programýný üç aþamada gruplandýrdýk.

9. Sýnýf Seti10. Sýnýf SetiELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti

Bu setler düzey olarak birbirini takip eder niteliktedir ve belli bir sistem içerisindeizlendiðinde öðrenciye, YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnýn gerektirdiði düzeyde Ýngilizce ve edindiðibilgileri çoktan seçmeli bir testte kullanma becerisi kazandýrmaktadýr.

9. Sýnýflar için:9. sýnýf öðrencisi henüz ÖSS alan seçimi yapmadýðý için, 9. Sýnýf Seti, bütün

öðrencilere hitap etmektedir. Ancak, 10. sýnýfta dil bölümünü seçmeyi düþünen öðrenciler içinbu set, sistemli bir temel oluþturmayý amaçlamaktadýr.

4 yýllýk lise sisteminde, dil alanýný seçen düz lise öðrencisi eski sistemde olduðu gibidezavantajlý durumda deðildir çünkü sýnava hazýrlanmasý için önünde üç yýl vardýr. Öðrenci buüç yýlý doðru kaynaklarla iyi deðerlendirdiði takdirde, bir Anadolu lisesi mezunu ile eþit þansasahip olur.

10. Sýnýflar için:

YDS-Ýngilizce öðrencisi için bu setler, normal olarak, 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti, 10. sýnýfta10. Sýnýf Seti ve 11. ve 12. sýnýfta ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti biçiminde kullanýlabilir. Ancak,özellikle düz liselerde, eðer öðrenciler 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti’ni çalýþmamýþsa, 10. sýnýfta hem9. Sýnýf Seti hem de 10. Sýnýf Seti izlenebilir.

11. Sýnýflar için:10. Sýnýf Seti’ni tamamlamýþ olan YDS öðrencisi, 11. sýnýfta ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi

Seti’ne baþlayabilir. Dergi seti, hem 11. sýnýfta hem de 12. sýnýfta yeterli olacak materyaliiçermektedir. 11. sýnýfta gramer ve pasaj çalýþmalarýna aðýrlýk verilebilir. (Özellikle ENGLISHGRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT’un ve ENGLISH THROUGH READING’in Intermediate veUpper-Intermediate bölümlerindeki pasajlarýn yavaþ bir tempoyla sindire sindire çalýþýlmasý çokönemlidir.)

Ancak, öðrenci 10. sýnýfý okurken 10. Sýnýf Seti’ni izlememiþse, 11. sýnýfa bu set ilebaþlayabilir ve daha sonra ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle devam edebilir.

12. Sýnýflar için:Yukarýda belirttiðimiz biçimde, 12. sýnýfa kadar ELS yayýnlarýný izlemiþ olan öðrencilerle

12. sýnýfta dergiler, TEST YOUR VOCABULARY kitabý ve okuma kitabýnýn kalan bölümü(Advanced düzeydeki pasajlar) izlenerek program tamamlanabilir.

Ancak öðrenci, ELS yayýnlarýyla 12. sýnýfta tanýþýyorsa, programa doðrudan ELS-YDSHazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle baþlanabilir ve hýzlý bir programla set tamamlanabilir.

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5English Language Studies



9. Sýnýf Seti ELS-WORKSHEETS (1) Freshman Freshman's Pictorial Teacher's File (1) ELS-WORKSHEETS (2) Sophomore Teacher's File (2)

Dil öðreniminin ilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren “Freshman's Pictorial” ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETSSophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir.

Her iki kitabýmýz da, öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla, "Teacher's File"ile desteklenmiþtir. Her bir "Teacher's File", "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.

10. Sýnýf Seti ELS-WORKSHEETS (3) Junior ELS-WORKSHEETS (4) Senior Teacher's File (3) Teacher's File (4) 20 Konu Testi 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi

10 Deneme Sýnavý

ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerininihtiyaçlarý göz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler yineher iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior için hazýrlanmýþ “Teacher's File 3”ve “Teacher's File 4”, yine "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisini YDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamakamacýyla bu setlere, her ünite sonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragraf çalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli“comprehension” sorusu olan 4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu materyallerin yaný sýra“Teacher's File 4”, öðrencinin Ýngilizce düzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, YDS formatýnda100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir. Bu kitaplarýn “Contents” bölümlerini, busayýmýzýn 35, 36, 37 ve 38. sayfalarýnda bulabilirsiniz.

NOT: 9. Sýnýf ve 10. Sýnýf setleri için Teacher's File, 20 ve üzeri toplu alýmlarda gönderilecektir.

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6 English Language Studies



35 DergiHer biri belli baþlý gramer konularýna ve YDS soru tiplerininincelenmesine ayrýlmýþ dergi setimizdir. Birinci sayýdan itibaren, gramer bilgisini test eden "Test Yourself", okuma-anlamayý geliþtiren "Reading Comprehension Passages", son on yýlda ÖYS ve YDS'de çýkmýþ sözcüklerin kullanýldýðý "Test Your Vocabulary", "Test Your Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs" bölümlerini ve, her sayýda bir sýnav olmak üzere, 35 deneme sýnavý içerir. (Dergilerin içeriðiyle ilgili konu baþlýklarý için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn 10. sayfasýna bakabilirsiniz.)

English Grammar Inside and OutDergideki egzersiz, test ve deneme sýnavlarýnýn alt yapýsýný oluþturan, Ýngilizce dilbilgisini ayrýntýlý biçimde ele alan ve konu anlatýmý, egzersiz ve test içeren 720 sayfalýk gramer kitabýmýzdýr.

English Through Reading

75 Intermediate - 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere üçdüzeyde 200 okuma parçasý ve bunlarla ilgili egzersizler içermektedir.

Test Your Vocabulary168 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'ar soruluk 25 test içermektedir.

35 Konu Testi35-50 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk yaprak testlerimiz, her dergide ele alýnan konuyu pekiþtirmek amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

16 Ekstra Deneme SýnavýDerginin içinde yer alan 35 deneme sýnavýnýn dýþýnda, 15 günde bir sadece toplu abonelerimize gönderilen 16 ekstra deneme sýnavý, okul, dershane ve kurslarýn, öðrencilerine daha fazla deneme sýnavý sunabilmeleri amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

Not: Konu testleri ve ekstra deneme sýnavlarý, toplu abone sayýsý kadar basýlýr ve yalnýzcatoplu abonelere gönderilir. Ücret karþýlýðý satýlmaz.


35 Dergi English Grammar Inside and Out

ELS-YDS HAZIRLIK tek abone setimiz, 35 dergi ve "English Grammar Inside and Out" adlýgramer kitabýmýzý içermektedir.

Toplu abone olmanýn ayrýcalýklarýndan yararlanýnýz.

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7English Language Studies




Bir Türk öðrencinin Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþabileceði sýkýntýlarý dikkate alarakhazýrladýðýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT öðrencilerimizin, YDS-Ýngilizcesýnavýna hazýrlanýrken, üniversitede okurken ya da meslek yaþamlarýnda gerektikçebaþvurabilecekleri bir referans kitabýdýr.Kitabýn bütününde konularý kavramaya yönelik pekiþtirici egzersizlere ve öðrencilerimizindergide de karþýlaþacaðý çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan ve ÖSYM’nin soru mantýðýnýyansýtan "TEST YOURSELF" lere yer verilmiþtir.ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS'nin on yýllýk deneyim ve birikimiyle,dergiye destek amacýyla ELS aboneleri için hazýrlanmýþ olup tüm ELS abonelerineücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT yalnýzca gramer konularý ile sýnýrlýdýr. YDS-KPDS-ÜDS vb. sýnavlardaki diðer soru tipleri, kitabýn amacý dýþýnda olduðu için, dýþarýdabýrakýlmýþtýr. Bu nedenle, sýnavlarda bütünlüklü verim ve üst düzeyde baþarý, dergi ilebirlikte deðerlendirildiðinde saðlanabilir.720 sayfadan oluþan kitabýmýz I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþtýr.Kitabýn sýnýf içerisinde kullanýma uygun olmasý amacýyla, “ANSWER KEY” ayrý birkitapçýk biçiminde basýlmýþtýr.ELS aboneleri dýþýnda kitap satýþý, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma üzerindenyapýlmaktadýr.


75 Intermediate, 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere 200 okumaparçasý ve bu parçalarla ilgili "comprehension" ve "vocabulary" çalýþmalarýnýiçermektedir.I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþ olup 432 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.“ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.


TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, çeþitli egzersizlerle, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýrmayý veeðlenceli kýlmayý amaçlamaktadýr.TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, egzersizlerin yaný sýra, geçmiþ yýllarda çýkansorularýmýzdan derlediðimiz 25 test içermektedir. Her bir test 60 sorudan oluþmaktadýr.Kitabýmýz 168 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.“ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.

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8 English Language Studies


Sevgili Öðrenciler,

2008-2009 yayýn dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 12 Eylül2008 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 29 Mayýs 2009 tarihinde 35. sayýmýzýn yayýmlanmasýyla birlikteset tamamlanacaktýr. 720 sayfadan oluþan gramer kitabýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDEand OUT birinci sayýmýzla birlikte sizlere ulaþacaktýr.

ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergisi neleri içermektedir?

VOCABULARY öðretimi, özellikle üzerinde durduðumuz bir konudur çünkü YDS Ýngilizcesýnavýnda 8-10 soruda doðrudan sözcük bilgisinin test edilmesinin yaný sýra, sözcükbilgisi sýnavýn bütününü etkilemektedir. O nedenle, bu konu aðýrlýklý olarak iki özelsayýda verilecek, ancak, sözcüklerin sindire sindire kavranmasýný saðlamak amacýylabirinci sayýdan baþlayarak sistemli bir þekilde bütün sayýlarda "Vocabulary" çalýþmalarýyapýlacaktýr.

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY bölümlerinin yaný sýra, bu yýl, son on yýlda ÖSS-YDS’dekullanýlmýþ sözcükleri kullanarak oluþturduðumuz YDS-VOCABULARY testlerimiz, 1.sayýdan itibaren dergilerde yer alacaktýr.

YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki soru yoðunluðunu dikkate alarak birinci sayýdan itibarenüzerinde özel olarak durulan diðer bir konu PHRASAL VERBS and PREPOSITIONSkonusudur.

YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda temel olarak test edilen, öðrencinin okuduðunu anlamasý veyorumlamasýdýr. Bunu saðlamak ve öðrencinin bu alandaki becerisini geliþtirmek içinbirinci sayýdan baþlayarak her sayýda READING COMPREHENSION çalýþmalarýna yerverilmiþtir. Böylelikle öðrencilerimiz edindikleri gramer bilgilerini bir bütün içerisindegörüp daha iyi kavrayabileceklerdir.

READING COMPREHENSION bölümünde yer alan pasajlar, uzunluk, gramer ve sözcükdüzeyi bakýmýndan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki format göz önüne alýnarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.Cloze test, paragrafýn eksik cümlesini bulma, paragrafýn uymayan cümlesini bulma gibi,YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda kullanýlan bazý soru tipleri, 1. sayýdan itibaren, pasajçalýþmalarýyla bütünleþtirilerek verilmiþtir.

Önceki yýllarda olduðu gibi, üzerinde çalýþýlan konudan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda çýkabile-cek çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan TEST YOURSELF bölümlerine, bu yýl da, herüniteden sonra, özgün ve konuyu kavramayý kolaylaþtýran örneklerle zenginleþtirilerekyer verilmiþtir.

Deneme sýnavlarý öðrencinin, edindiði bilgiler ýþýðýnda YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndasergileyeceði performansý en iyi gösteren çalýþmalardýr. Dergimiz, her hafta bir denemesýnavý uygulamasýyla, öðrencinin sistematik olarak baþarý grafiðini kontrol etmesinihedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla dergimizde, 1. sayýdan itibaren her sayýda bir denemesýnavý olmak üzere 35 PRACTICE EXAM yer almaktadýr.

Derginin konu akýþýna ve içeriðine, 2008 YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavý soru formatýndaki olasýdeðiþiklikler yansýtýlacaktýr.

ELS olarak amacýmýz, öðrencilerimize, sýnavda ne tür soruyla karþýlaþýrsa karþýlaþsýn,her türden soruyu çözebilecek bilgi ve beceriyi kazandýrmaktýr. Bu nedenle, soruformatýnda herhangi bir deðiþiklik ile karþýlaþtýklarýnda, öðrencilerimizin paniðekapýlmalarý için hiçbir neden yoktur.

Çünkü biz sadece sýnav kazandýrmayý amaçlamýyoruz; ÝNGÝLÝZCE ÖÐRETÝYORUZ.

ELS Yayýn Kurulu

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9English Language Studies



Sevgili Öðrenciler,

Bildiðiniz gibi, ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk dergisi sizlere bir gramer kitabý ile birlikte ulaþýyor:ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS-YDS dergilerini tamamlayýcý birkaynaktýr ve kitabýn içinde yer alan ünitelerin dergide karþýlýðý vardýr. Kitapla dergi arasýndakibu paralelliði, sayfa 10'daki Çalýþma Takvimi'nden yararlanarak saðlayabilirsiniz.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ayrýntýlý konu anlatýmý ve konuyu anlamanýzýkolaylaþtýracak egzersiz ve testlerle sizi, dergiyi çalýþmaya hazýr hale getirecektir. Dergide iseyoðunluk, çalýþtýðýnýz konuyu pekiþtirmeye, sözcük daðarcýðýnýzý zenginleþtirmeye ve genelolarak Reading Comprehension konusundaki becerinizi geliþtirmeye yönelik çoktan seçmelitestler üzerinde olacaktýr.

Bütün bu becerileri kazanýp YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýna eksiksiz bilgi ile girebilmeniz vesýnavda "fark" yaratabilmeniz için, kitabý ve dergiyi hiçbir bölüm atlamadan düzenli olarakçalýþmak çok önemlidir.

Kitapta ve dergide karþýlaþacaðýnýz egzersiz ve testlerle sizleri zaman zamanzorlayabiliriz. Bu gibi durumlarda hemen þu sözümüzü anýmsayýnýz:

"On ay sürecek bir zorlanma, güzel bir geleceðin kapýlarýný aralýyorsa, KESÝNLÝKLE BUNA DEÐER."


ELS’in daðýtýmý, geçen yýllarda olduðu gibi, yine abone sistemiyle yapýlacaktýr.ELS’den eksiksiz yararlanabilmeniz ve herhangi bir sorunla karþýlaþmamanýz için en güveniliryöntemin bu olduðuna inanýyoruz. ELS’in bayi ve kitapçýlardan edinilmesi mümkün deðildir.

Abone olabilmek için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda bulacaðýnýz abone formunueksiksiz doldurmanýz ve ödeme tablosundan size uygun ödeme seçeneðini iþaretleyip belirtilenbanka hesap numarasýna ödeme yapmanýz yeterlidir. Bankadan alacaðýnýz dekontun birfotokopisini ve abone formunu, aþaðýdaki adresimize elden teslim edebilir, postalayabilir ya da0 216 349 18 25 no’lu faksýmýza gönderebilirsiniz.

Caferaða Mah.Moda Cad. No: 30/4

34710 Kadýköy/ÝSTANBUL

Yukarýda belirttiðimiz yöntemlerin dýþýnda, artýk ONLINE olarak abone olmanýz damümkündür. Bunun için www.elsyayin.com.tr adresinden web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Abone iþleminiz gerçekleþtikten sonra, 12 Eylül 2008 - 29 Mayýs 2009 tarihleriarasýnda yayýnlanacak olan dergimiz haftalýk olarak elinize ulaþacaktýr.

NOT:1. Abone formunuzu bize postayla göndermek zorundaysanýz lütfen APS’yi tercih

ediniz.2. Dergilerinizin ulaþmasýný istediðiniz adresi özenle seçiniz ve mümkünse daðýtýcýnýn

doðrudan size veya tanýdýðýnýz kiþiye elden teslim edebileceði bir adres belirleyiniz ve abone formuna bu adresi yazýnýz.

3. Derginiz size ulaþmasý gereken sürede elinize geçmemiþse 5 gün daha bekleyiniz. Bu süre sonunda da derginiz gelmezse derhal bizi arayýnýz.

4. Abone formuna size en kolay ulaþabileceðimiz telefon numaranýzý mutlaka yazýnýz.

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10 English Language Studies

1. Sayý 12 EYLÜL 2008The English Verb Tenses (1)Practice Exam 1

2. Sayý 19 EYLÜL 2008The English Verb Tenses (2)Practice Exam 2

3. Sayý 26 EYLÜL 2008Modals and Similar ExpressionsPractice Exam 3

03 EKÝM 2008 TATÝL

4. Sayý 10 EKÝM 2008The PassivePractice Exam 4

5. Sayý 17 EKÝM 2008“If” and “Wish” Clauses Practice Exam 5

6. Sayý 24 EKÝM 2008Question Words and Noun ClausesPractice Exam 6

7. Sayý 31 EKÝM 2008Reported Speech Practice Exam 7

8. Sayý 07 KASIM 2008Gerunds and InfinitivesPractice Exam 8

9. Sayý 14 KASIM 2008Adjectives and Adverbs Practice Exam 9

10. Sayý 21 KASIM 2008Relative Clauses Practice Exam 10

11. Sayý 28 KASIM 2008Articles, Determiners and QuantifiersPractice Exam 11

05 ARALIK 2008 TATÝL12. Sayý 12 ARALIK 2008

Conjunctions and TransitionsPractice Exam 12

13. Sayý 19 ARALIK 2008General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (1)Practice Exam 13

14. Sayý 26 ARALIK 2008Prepositions and Prepositional PhrasesPractice Exam 14

15. Sayý 02 OCAK 2009Phrasal Verbs Practice Exam 15

16. Sayý 09 OCAK 2009Translation Studies Practice Exam 16

17. Sayý 16 OCAK 2009Practice Exam 17

18. Sayý 23 OCAK 2009Vocabulary (1) Practice Exam 18

30 OCAK 2009 TATÝL

19. Sayý 06 ÞUBAT 2009Vocabulary (2) Practice Exam 19

20. Sayý 13 ÞUBAT 2009General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (2)Practice Exam 20

21. Sayý 20 ÞUBAT 2009Paragraph Studies (1)Practice Exam 21

22. Sayý 27 ÞUBAT 2009Paragraph Studies (2)Practice Exam 22

23. Sayý 06 MART 2009Practice Exam 23

24. Sayý 13 MART 2009YDS soru tipleri (1) Practice Exam 24

25. Sayý 20 MART 2009YDS soru tipleri (2)Practice Exam 25

26. Sayý 27 MART 2009YDS soru tipleri (3) Practice Exam 26

27. Sayý 03 NÝSAN 2009General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (3)Practice Exam 27

28. Sayý 10 NÝSAN 2009Further Study on VocabularyPractice Exam 28

29. Sayý 17 NÝSAN 2009Practice Exam 29

30. Sayý 24 NÝSAN 2009Practice Exam 30

31. Sayý 01 MAYIS 2009General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (4)Practice Exam 31

32. Sayý 08 MAYIS 2009Practice Exam 32

33. Sayý 15 MAYIS 2009Practice Exam 33

34. Sayý 22 MAYIS 2009Practice Exam 34

35. Sayý 29 MAYIS 2009Practice Exam 35


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11English Language Studies


Sevgili Öðrenciler,

100 sorudan oluþan May / Level Exam 11th and 12th Grades, 11.sýnýflar için düzey belirleme, bu yýl sýnava girecek olan öðrenciler için ise,2008-YDS öncesi bir deneme sýnavý olacaktýr.

Testin hazýrlanmasýnda, YDS'de bugüne kadar uygulanmýþ sorumantýðý ve soru daðýlýmý temel alýnmýþtýr. Gerek dilbilgisini, gerekse dilikullanma yeteneðini ölçen sorularýn aðýrlýðý ve kullanýlan sözcükler YDSdüzeyine uygun olarak seçilmiþtir. Bu nedenle, doðal olarak, 11. sýnýföðrencileri bu testten düþük bir net sayýsý elde edebilir. Ancak bu siziumutsuzluða sürüklememelidir. Çünkü bu netler size, programýn baþýndabulunduðunuz düzey hakkýnda bilgi verecektir. Gerçek sonucu, programýnsonunda geleceðiniz nokta belirleyecektir.

Bizler, size Ýngilizce'yi öðreteceðimize inanýyoruz. Planlý vedisiplinli bir çalýþmayla bundan sonrasýnýn, yani sýnavda baþarýlý olmanýn,ne kadar kolay olduðunu göreceksiniz.

40 sorudan oluþan May / Level Exam 10th Grade, 10. sýnýflar içinYDS formatýnda, ancak 10. sýnýf öðrencisinin Ýngilizce düzeyi temelalýnarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.

Baþarý dileklerimizle….

ELS Yayýn Kurulu

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12 English Language Studies


1-22. sorularda, cümlede boþ býrakýlanyerlere uygun düþen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Christopher McCandless’ …… in goingto Alaska was to live on his own in thewild.

A) travel B) replacementC) purpose D) access

E) distance

2. The minimum ……. in New Zealand is$12 an hour, so employers cannot paytheir workers less than that.

A) discount B) lossC) cost D) effort

E) wage

3. In The Three Musketeers, d’Artagnan is…… to a duel by three great swordsmen.

A) rescued B) expressedC) defeated D) attacked

E) challenged

4. When a plant dies, it begins to ……,and soon it gets mixed with the soil.

A) decay B) surrenderC) remove D) abandon

E) reply

5. Arnold wants everyone to think that heis a very sensitive person, but actuallyhe is very …… .

A) permanent B) invalidC) emotional D) shallow

E) unlike

6. One …… plan to protect rainforests isto get developed countries to paymoney for not cutting them down.

A) accidental B) satisfiedC) innovative D) obedient

E) overgrown

7. The play started very ……, but it soonbecame incredibly boring, andcontinued to be so till the end.

A) dramatically B) absolutelyC) willingly D) initially

E) mainly

8. The reason for the change has notbeen …… explained to the public, sothey should be told about it again.

A) hardly B) adequately C) slightly D) randomly

E) vaguely

9. Jason ate a lot of cake and ice creamat the party, and he …… suffering froma terrible stomachache all night.

A) made of B) turned downC) caught on D) picked off

E) ended up

10. The main character in Kafka on theShore doesn’t …… his father, so hedecides to run away from home.

A) come back to B) run out ofC) get along with D) look down on

E) come down with

Bu testte 100 soru vardýr. Cevaplama süreniz 150 dakikadýr.

2008-2009May / Level Exam

( 11th & 12th Grades)

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11. The balloon …… with water from thetap when it …… in Wade’s hands.

A) was filled / had burstB) had been filled / burstsC) has been filled / is burstingD) was being filled / burst E) is being filled / has burst

12. One of the security guards …… themask, because nobody else …… thatroom within the last three hours.

A) must have stolen / has enteredB) has been stealing / had enteredC) has stolen / is enteringD) used to steal / enteredE) may have stolen / will be entering

13. Melanie ……. dance lessons for quite awhile, but I don’t know exactly whenshe …… her first lesson.

A) has taken / has takenB) has been taking / took C) is taking / was takingD) takes / could takeE) was taking / should take

14. It is predicted that, by the time the firstmarathon runners …… the bridge overthe river, the storm …… .

A) have reached / is beginningB) will reach / will beginC) reached / had begunD) are going to reach / beginsE) reach / will have begun

15. The 1997 film Titanic …… LeonardoDiCaprio very famous, but he nowwishes that he …… the role.

A) made / hadn’t acceptedB) would make / wasn’t acceptingC) has made / hasn’t acceptedD) had made / wouldn’t acceptE) was making / didn’t accept

16. Anna is …… favour …… the proposalto recycle more of the region’s trash.

A) with / from B) on / toC) in / of D) of / by

E) for / on

17. The professor was mistaken …… thesmall statue …… the top shelf: it is, infact, not a Toltec statue.

A) by / at B) with / toC) of / over D) about / on

E) from / in

18. …… Jules Massenet’s operas werevery popular in his lifetime, his stylefell out of favour after his death.

A) Despite B) In order thatC) Even though D) However

E) Whenever

19. Language experts argue over ……Korean is related to any other languageor not.

A) which B) whateverC) if D) how

E) whether

20. …… Vietnam improves its sea defences,a lot of the country will be at risk fromrising sea levels.

A) Unless B) For fear thatC) In case D) Without

E) Providing that

21. William Faulkner was …… inefficient inrunning the university post office inOxford that he was forced to resign.

A) such B) veryC) the most D) much

E) so

22. The philosopher …… Charles Péguystudied with in Paris in the 1890s wasHenri Bergson.

A) when B) whomC) whose D) whoever

E) whomever

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14 English Language Studies


23-27. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

(23) …… the fact that soft tissues such as skinare (24) …… preserved in fossils, there hasbeen great debate over dinosaurs’appearance. But now, a newly discoveredfossil of a plant-eating Psittacosaurus hasgiven scientists their first chance to examine adinosaur’s skin. The skins of these dinosaurswere apparently (25) …… to give (26) ……great protection (27) …… they were attackedby other dinosaurs.


A) Because B) BesidesC) Due to D) Whereas

E) So as


A) cruelly B) eternallyC) carefully D) ignorantly

E) rarely


A) thicker than B) thick enough C) as thick D) such thick

E) too thick


A) themselves B) their own C) its own D) them

E) theirs


A) if only B) no soonerC) whenever D) anything

E) whichever

28-32. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

After he (28) …… Frederick Leighton’spainting Perseus and Andromeda in a gallery,Christopher Williams decided to become anartist. He went on to study at two prestigiousart schools. His fame today comes (29) ……from his portraits of famous people, ……from the landscapes (30) …… he painted inSpain, Morocco and, of course, his nativeWales. In addition to these paintings, he isremembered (31) …… having (32) …… aninterest in art in his homeland.


A) had seen B) would seeC) was seeing D) has seen

E) had been seeing


A) neither / norB) whether / orC) the same / asD) not only / but also E) much / than


A) where B) whomC) whose D) that

E) how


A) at B) downC) for D) of

E) on


A) delighted B) matteredC) committed D) pretended

E) encouraged

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33-42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygunþekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

33. ……, she was made one of its principaldancers.

A) As soon as Maya Plisetskaya joined theBolshoi Ballet

B) Pastora Imperio has had such animpact in Spanish cinema

C) By the time Margarida Xirgu firstappeared on stage

D) Because Leona Kvasnicová founded anumber of dance groups

E) If Gret Palucca hadn’t seen MaryWigman perform

34. The sooner we leave, …… to spend inthe mall.

A) as I need extra timeB) the more time we will have C) although there are many hours leftD) the slower lines are alwaysE) so we can keep our cash

35. ……, in case you’ve made an error inyour calculations?

A) Please do not hesitate to ask for theaccountant’s help

B) Who did you give the survey results toin the end

C) Why don’t you check those figuresagain

D) I’d be happy to fix your calculator foryou

E) Won’t you tell me why you added upthe bill

36. Gustave Flaubert read a draft of one ofhis novels to some friends, who toldhim …… .

A) to throw the manuscript into the fireB) they are very impressed with itC) take it immediately to a publisherD) rewrote some of the chapters in itE) that it cannot be improved upon

37. Jed always boasts about the articles hehas sent to the local newspaper, …… .

A) whereas the rest of the family is veryproud of him

B) that one is delivered to the whole ofour city

C) who generally doesn’t like to show offD) so he was surprised to see one on the

front pageE) yet not one of them has ever been

printed in it

38. Japan has lowered its tariffs onMexican imports ……. .

A) while Japan’s economy wascontinuing its decline

B) as long as Mexico had promised to dothe same in return

C) the moment an economic agreementwas signed

D) in order to increase its volume of tradewith that country

E) that it has made the latter nation’sexporters angry

39. Every finished novel by Jane Austen…… .

A) contain rich landowning charactersB) has been made either into a movie or

a TV series C) whose readers are sometimes known

as “Janeites”D) are read by the character of the poem

“It Did Not Matter”E) known to have been written within six


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40. ……, so she never takes the elevator toher tenth-floor flat.

A) Canan is terrified of being trapped insmall enclosed spaces

B) Eda has always been terribly afraid ofheights

C) Reyhan can’t stand walking up anddown so many stairs

D) Aylin took a long time to get home theother evening

E) Sevda hopes to have enough money tomove eventually

41. Having lain under the ground for 5,000years, …… .

A) people are still searching for the lostpyramid in China’s Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region

B) archaeologists have uncovered anancient industrial centre in Iran

C) it was after years of searching thatTutankhamun’s tomb was found

D) a piece of chewing gum has beendiscovered by a British student

E) there has been surprise at another golditem found in Bulgaria

42. …… if it weren’t on the same day as hissister’s wedding.

A) The basketball team will have Paul asits captain

B) Ulrich would have come to my birthdayparty last Sunday

C) Edmund would definitely attend theconference next week

D) Oswald has been thinking of proposingto his girlfriend

E) Tuesday wasn’t really a suitable day forSimon’s promotion

43-46. sorularda, verilen cümleninhangi sorunun cevabý olduðunubulunuz.

43. Not since I last saw you.

A) Can you still remember why I had toleave?

B) How much weight have you lost onyour diet?

C) When do you think we’ll see eachother again?

D) Why on earth don’t you miss me?E) Have you put any new music on your

MP3 player?

44. The one on your head at the moment.

A) Whose hair did Naomi want to havehers cut like?

B) Do you think this top looks better withthe hood up or down?

C) Where exactly did that spider go?D) Did anyone know I was wearing a

wig?E) Which hat are you going to wear?

45. Probably, but I haven’t looked inside ityet.

A) Are you impressed by the designs onthese antique vases?

B) Where on the building have thepainters done a bad job?

C) Does the book contain any pictures ofthe mountain?

D) You’re not sure how much money isleft in our bank account, are you?

E) Why do you think this passage goesunder the river?

46. Before I manage to get to it.

A) How long will Zoë be waiting at thecinema?

B) Has the mouse escaped from youagain?

C) Does the store always open after youarrive?

D) When do you think the post office willclose?

E) Can you reach the emergency room intime?

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47-50. sorularda, verilen Ýngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakýn Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

47. Despite its environmental impact, coal,cheap and abundant, will remain acrucial source of energy for many years.

A) Çevre üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olankömür, uzun yýllardýr oldukça ucuz vebol bulunan önemli bir enerji kaynaðýdýr.

B) Yýllardýr ucuz bir enerji kaynaðý olarakbol miktarda kullanýlan kömür, çevreyiolumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.

C) Ucuz ve bol olan kömür, çevre üzerin-deki etkisine raðmen, uzun yýllar önemlibir enerji kaynaðý olarak kalacaktýr.

D) Yýllardýr çevre üzerindeki etkisibilinmekle birlikte kömür, ucuz ve kolaybulunur olmasý nedeniyle, önemli birenerji kaynaðýdýr.

E) Ucuz ve bol bulunmasý nedeniyle çokönemli bir enerji kaynaðý olan kömür,çevre üzerindeki etkisine raðmen, buözelliðini uzun yýllar koruyacaktýr.

48. The view of the cosmos in Dante’smasterpiece, The Divine Comedy, issaid to have been taken from Farghani,a 9th-century astronomer.

A) Söylentiye göre, 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcile-rinden Fergânî’nin evren imajý, Dante’nin baþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya’da yeralmýþtýr.

B) Ýlahi Komedya’yý yazarken Dante’nin, 9.yüzyýlda yaþamýþ bir gökbilimci olanFergânî’nin evren imajýndan yararlan-dýðý bilinmektedir.

C) Dante’nin baþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya’dakievren imajýnýn 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcisiFergânî’den alýndýðý söylenmektedir.

D) Dante, baþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya’da 9.yüzyýlda yaþamýþ bir gökbilimci olanFergânî’nin evren imajýna dadeðinmiþtir.

E) Dante, ünlü eseri Ýlahi Komedya’yýyazarken 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcilerindenolan Fergânî’nin evren imajýndanetkilendiðini söylemiþtir.

49. Food science has contributed to thedevelopment of culinary art ever sinceit arose in the 20th century.

A) 20. yüzyýlda mutfak sanatýnýngeliþmesinde gýda bilimi büyük roloynamýþtýr.

B) Gýda bilimi, 20. yüzyýlda ortaya çýkma-sýndan bu yana, mutfak sanatýnýngeliþmesine katkýda bulunmuþtur.

C) Mutfak sanatý, 20. yüzyýlda gýda bilimiortaya çýktýktan sonra geliþmeyebaþlamýþtýr.

D) 20. yüzyýlda gýda biliminin ortayaçýkmasýyla birlikte mutfak sanatýgeliþmeye baþlamýþtýr.

E) Mutfak sanatýnýn geliþmesine enbüyük katkýyý, 20. yüzyýlda ortayaçýkýp geliþen gýda bilimi saðlamýþtýr.

50. The Tigris Valley is the best exampleof a river ecosystem that has survivedto this day without losing its naturalcharacteristics.

A) Dicle Vadisi’nin bugüne dek var olma-sýnda en büyük etken, doðal özellikle-rini yitirmeyen bir nehir ekosistemiolmasýdýr.

B) Doðal özelliklerini bugüne dekkorumayý baþarmýþ olan Dicle Vadisi,günümüzde var olan en iyi nehirekosistemidir.

C) Doðal özelliklerini koruyarak bugünedek ulaþmayý baþardýðý için Dicle Vadisi,iyi bir nehir ekosistemi örneðidir.

D) Dicle Vadisi, günümüze dek doðalözelliklerini yitirmeden gelen nehirekosistemlerinin tipik bir örneðidir.

E) Dicle Vadisi, doðal özellikleriniyitirmeden günümüze ulaþan bir nehirekosisteminin en iyi örneðidir.

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51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçecümleye anlamca en yakýn Ýngilizcecümleyi bulunuz.

51. Düþük hacim ve erken bayatlama gibidezavantajlarýna raðmen organikekmek, vitamin ve mineraller açýsýndanzengindir.

A) Organic bread contains essentialvitamins and minerals, though it hassome disadvantages, such as lowervolume and going stale early.

B) In spite of disadvantages like lowervolume and going stale early, organicbread is rich in vitamins and minerals.

C) Lower volume and going stale early aresome of the disadvantages of organicbread, which has a high vitamin andmineral content.

D) Even though there are many vitaminsand minerals in organic bread, it haslow volume and quickly goes stale.

E) The high content of vitamins andminerals in organic bread greatlyoutweighs its disadvantages, such aslower volume and going stale early.

52. Ýpek Yolu üzerinde bulunduðundan,gezgin tüccarlarýn konaklamasý içingeçmiþte Kastamonu’da birçokkervansaray inþa edilmiþtir.

A) The caravanserais built in Kastamonuin ancient times once accommodatedmerchants travelling on the Silk Road.

B) Kastamonu, where many caravanseraiswere built long ago, was visited bymerchants travelling along the Silk Road.

C) Because it was on the Silk Road, manycaravanserais were built in Kastamonuin the past for the accommodation oftravelling merchants.

D) Since ancient times, travelling merchantshad stayed at the caravanserais in Kas-tamonu, which was on the Silk Road.

E) In the past, merchants travelling alongthe Silk Road often stayed in thecaravanserais of Kastamonu.

53. Uyku bozukluklarý küçük çocuklardadüþük kavramsal performans ve hiper-aktivite sorunlarýna neden olmaktadýr.

A) Some hyperactive children suffer fromsleep disorders, so they have lowcognitive performance.

B) Low cognitive performance andhyperactivity problems lead to sleepdisorders in young children.

C) The reason why young children havelow cognitive performance andhyperactivity problems is lack of sleep.

D) Sleep disorders result in low cognitiveperformance and hyperactivityproblems in young children.

E) Lack of sleep is one of the reasons forlow cognitive performance and hyper-activity problems in young children.

54. Bazý yazarlar New York’u tüm dünyainsanlarýnýn buluþtuðu ancak hiçkimsenin kendini yabancý hissetmediðibir adaya benzetir.

A) New York is sometimes associatedwith an island where writers fromdifferent countries live but never feellike strangers.

B) According to many writers, nobody feelslike a stranger in New York, which islike an island with people from all overthe world.

C) Writers around the world think thatNew York is an island which makes noone feel like a stranger there.

D) Some writers compare New York to anisland where all the world’s peoplemeet but nobody feels like a stranger.

E) Nobody feels like a stranger in NewYork, which some writers describe asan island with people from all over theworld.

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55-57. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Sarah Orne Jewett’s early life was much likethe life of the heroine of her novel A CountryDoctor. She was often taken by her physicianfather on visits to the fishermen and farmers ofher native Maine, and she developed a lastinglove of their way of life and of the local sights.She went to Berwick Academy, but herschooling was not as important as the learningshe gained through her observations and thereading she did in the library in her house.Many of her short stories are set in the fictionaltown Deephaven, which strongly resemblesher hometown. She wrote many collections ofstories. She also wrote three novels, but herreal skill wasn’t in the novel. The author WillaCather was deeply influenced by Jewett’swriting on local people.

55. It is clear from the passage that SarahOrne Jewett …… .

A) partly educated herself from books athome

B) did not go to a good schoolC) fell in love with several fishermenD) missed many classes at Berwick

AcademyE) loved Maine much more than her father


56. The author of the passage implies thatA Country Doctor …… .

A) was written by Sarah Orne Jewett forher father

B) is not one of Sarah Orne Jewett’s bestworks

C) takes place in the fictional town ofDeephaven

D) started out as an autobiographyE) contains a character named Sarah

Orne Jewett

57. It can be concluded from the passagethat Willa Cather …… .

A) also attended Berwick AcademyB) was a friend of Sarah Orne JewettC) read and admired Sarah Orne Jewett’s

work D) helped create the fictional town of

DeephavenE) considered A Country Doctor her

favourite book

58-60. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

There is a new pharmacy robot at LoyolaUniversity Hospital. It has been designed toeliminate potentially fatal human medicationerrors, such as that which last year affectedDennis Quaid’s newborn twins. The twinswere supposed to receive 10 units permillimeter of a blood thinner. Instead, theyreceived 10,000 units, because the 10-unitand 10,000-unit containers look similar.Another common mistake is to mix up drugswith similar spellings. A report in 2006estimated that hospital medication errors inthe US harm 400,000 people a year, causing$3.5 billion in extra medical costs. Loyolalooked at five robots and chose PillPick. Itdoes its job with no breaks at all. Thehospital says that the robot will not eliminatejobs.

58. We can understand from the passagethat Loyola University Hospital …… .

A) caused a lot of deaths by medicationerrors

B) is the place where Dennis Quaid worksC) does not keep drugs with similar

spellingsD) is changing some medicines’ namesE) will not fire anyone because of PillPick

59. It is clear from the passage thatDennis Quaid’s babies …… .

A) received 10 units of blood eachB) were accidentally killed at Loyola

University Hospital last yearC) were given an overdose of medication D) are being looked after by a robotE) were given a drug with a name similar

to another one

60. It is stated in the passage that the robotat Loyola University Hospital …… .

A) carries out its duties without a breakB) saved Dennis Quaid’s newbornsC) was given to the hospital by Dennis

QuaidD) has advanced spelling abilitiesE) cannot break because of overwork

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61-63. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The Orsay Museum in Paris holds mostlyFrench art from 1848 to 1915, and is bestknown for its many Impressionist master-pieces. It was originally a train station built onthe site of the ruined Orsay Palace by theOrléans railroad company. It served trains forsouthwestern France, but by 1939 its platformswere not long enough for the new trains thatwere being used. By the 1970s, the stationwas being threatened with destruction andreplacement by a modern hotel, but it benefitedinstead from the revival of interest in 19th-century architecture. In 1977, the governmentdecided to make it into a museum. In 1900,the painter Edouard Detaille had praised thestation for looking like a palace of fine arts,and 86 years later, it was one.

61. It is stated in the passage that theOrsay train station …… .

A) was once at risk of being torn downB) was painted by Edouard DetailleC) caused the destruction of the Orsay

PalaceD) had platforms which were very longE) was designed by an ImpressionistE) was located in the southwest of Paris

62. It is implied in the passage thatEdouard Detaille …… .

A) played a major role in turning the OrsayStation into a museum

B) has works on display in the OrsayMuseum

C) predicted the creation of the OrsayMuseum

D) painted in an Impressionist styleE) liked the appearance of the Orsay train


63. It is suggested in the passage that theOrsay train station …… .

A) used to be in better condition than it isnow

B) had relatively short platforms C) ruined the Orléans railroad companyD) is now 86 years oldE) was built despite government


64-66. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

When Ann Kahn was growing up, her familytook a summer vacation to the same place inthe US every year. She couldn’t even havedreamed of taking an overseas vacation oran overseas job. But her daughter Ashley isonly 19, and has already set foot on everycontinent. She has travelled abroad withother teenagers. Before she got into travel,she had wanted to be a nurse, but now she isstudying French at university and hopes towork in an embassy. Many US high schoolsnow organize student trips abroad. Typically,they cost thousands of dollars, but suchprices seem more acceptable now that manytrips within the US aren’t any cheaper. Oftenparents pay for the trips, but some studentsraise their own money. Sometimes travelorganizations give scholarships to low-income students.

64. We understand from the passage thatUS students …… .

A) find their parents’ lives unexcitingB) like Ashley are the majority of students

in the countryC) from poor families occasionally get

financial aid for foreign travel D) who want to work in an embassy must

travel a lotE) no longer vacation with their parents

65. It is implied in the passage that Ashleyhas …… .

A) never been on holiday with herparents

B) parents who do not like foreignersC) spent most of her time abroad in FranceD) a high chance of getting a job in the

French embassyE) changed her career preference because

of her travel abroad

66. This passage is mainly about …… .

A) a change in the life of US youthscompared to a generation ago

B) the increasing poverty among UScitizens

C) how much more expensive trips withinthe US are than in the past

D) the growing popularity of foreignholidays among US citizens

E) recent improvements in the educationalsystem in the US

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67-69. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The period from the late 17th to the early 19thcenturies was not a good one for traditionaltragedies. Reasons for this include theincreasing importance of science in Europe,the rise of the novel, and the popularity ofsatires. The spirit of the age was rational, andevil came to be seen as something which couldbe solved. The old sense of uncertainty at thecentre of human nature and of dark forcesworking against people in the universe werereplaced by new and confident beliefs. Thus,Shakespeare’s tragedies were often rewritten,including the happy ending for a certainproduction of King Lear. It was not until the endof the 19th century that some of the originalvision returned to inspire the tragic theatre.

67. It is stated in the passage that, betweenthe 17th and early 19th centuries, …… .

A) science was on the rise in EuropeB) Shakespeare was not seen as a good

writerC) novels frequently included tragic endsD) no tragedies were written in EuropeE) evil was no longer considered real

68. It is implied in the passage that in …… .

A) King Lear, a happy ending was notappreciated at all

B) a traditional tragedy, evil is not solved C) Europe, tragedies are still out of fashionD) the late 19th century, people made

satires of scienceE) 18th-century novels, science is the

main theme

69. It can be concluded from the passagethat King Lear …… .

A) was the favourite play at the end of the19th century

B) was not performed in its original formfor over 200 years

C) was originally written as a satireD) did not originally have a happy ending E) had its ending changed by Shakespeare

several times

70-72. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Piptells his story years after the events in it. Sothere are really two Pips in the novel: Pip thenarrator and Pip the character. Pip the narratorviews his own past actions too harshly, as heseldom gives himself credit for his gooddeeds. Early in the novel, Pip’s desire forsocial advancement largely overshadows hisbasic goodness. And when Pip finally rises tothe status of a gentleman, he acts as he thinkshe is supposed to, so he treats his uncle Joe,who loves him, snobbishly and coldly. Butlater, a shocking revelation forces Pip torealize that a person’s social position is nothis most important quality. Once he haslearned this, Pip becomes the man whonarrates the novel.

70. It is clear from the passage that thecharacter Pip …… .

A) has no feelings for his uncle JoeB) correctly understands the role of a

gentlemanC) wants to leave his original social class D) learns something surprising from his

uncle JoeE) performs good actions very rarely

71. We learn from the passage that Pip thenarrator …… .

A) no longer has any position in societyB) no longer loves his uncle JoeC) acquires a great deal of moneyD) does not judge Pip the character fairly E) takes many years to tell his life story

72. We understand from the passage thatthe character Pip …… .

A) does not deserve uncle Joe’s loveB) dislikes the narrator PipC) is at first so poor that he does not

have enough to eatD) discovers that he has been looking at

things in the wrong way E) does not hurt uncle Joe with his


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73-75. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Research suggests that failure doesn’t alwayscome from a lack of ability: sometimes, stereo-types can cause poor performance in a person.For instance, a woman who has always beentold that women do worse than men in mathswill tend to perform less well on tests as aresult. Interestingly, Asian women in Britainperformed better on maths tests if they thoughtof themselves as “Asian” rather than as“woman”. One researcher has pointed out thatstereotypes are not always necessarily harmful,and can even aid progress. This is becausethey can be altered. He noted that people whohave changed stereotypes, such as Steve Bikoand Emmeline Pankhurst, helped to achieveequality for the groups which they fought for.

73. We can conclude from the passage thata stereotype …… .

A) on women’s ability in maths waschanged by Emmeline Pankhurst

B) that affected Steve Biko was foughtagainst by Emmeline Pankhurst

C) is something which causes little harmD) is the main reason for people’s failuresE) can make people perform worse than

they would otherwise do

74. It is implied in the passage that SteveBiko worked …… .

A) together with Emmeline PankhurstB) for a disadvantaged group of people C) on improving himself at mathsD) to get rid of all kinds of stereotypesE) as a researcher in the field of


75. It is stated in the passage thatstereotypes …… .

A) have the greatest impact on peoplewho are already unsuccessful

B) do not exist for British Asian women C) affect women more than menD) have made men perform better in

maths testsE) are not unchangeable

76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakýn olan seçeneðibulunuz.

76. Erdem has no intention of eating fastfood any more.

A) Erdem does not plan to consume fastfood from now on.

B) Erdem is deliberately eating a largeramount of fast food.

C) Erdem had planned to have some fastfood, but in the end he didn’t.

D) Erdem doesn’t want to eat any moreof this fast food.

E) Erdem didn’t use to eat such a largeamount of fast food.

77. No one in the office has denied takingMonday afternoon off to watch thematch.

A) The whole office refuses to saywhether or not they saw the matchwhen they missed work on Mondayafternoon.

B) The office staff who claim they didn’tleave on Monday to watch the matchare not in the office.

C) All of the office staff admit to leavingon Monday afternoon, but not to watchthe match.

D) The whole office has admitted missingwork on Monday afternoon andwatching the match instead.

E) It is unacceptable that everyone wholeft the office on Monday afternoonfailed to see the match.

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78. It is impossible for the organizers tocancel the race now that it has started.

A) Once the race has started, it will not bepossible for it to be called off by theorganizers.

B) Currently, the race is being organized insuch a way that it will not be possible tocancel it.

C) There is no way that the race can becancelled by the organizers, as it isalready taking place.

D) Although the race is going on at themoment, it can be cancelled, but not bythose who organized it.

E) As the race is just about to begin, it isunlikely that the organizers are going tocall it off.

79. Sonia has been out of work for as longas we have known her.

A) Sonia has been refusing to get a jobsince we first got to know her.

B) Sonia has been working outside eversince we first met her.

C) In all the time that we’ve known Sonia,she has not had a job.

D) Sonia had lost her job just before wemet her for the first time.

E) We have known Sonia for a long time,and she is unemployed, just like us.

80. Justin blames the machine’s breakingdown on its having been overly used.

A) The machine is still being usedfrequently, but Justin believes it willbreak down soon.

B) The machine’s breaking down issomething Justin is used to, but hewonders who is to blame.

C) The machine has been used too oftenby Justin, and that is why it has brokendown.

D) Justin believes that his breakdown wascaused by his having used the machinetoo much.

E) Justin feels that the machine stoppedfunctioning because it was used toomuch.

81-85. sorularda, boþ býrakýlan yereparçanýn anlam bütünlüðünü saðlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

81. When he was a young man, Olaf Bullwas already writing poems. …… . Thisbecame an instant success and clearlyshowed his great skill. Ever sincethen, he has been seen as one ofmodern Norway’s leading literaryfigures.

A) He also worked in the newspaperbusiness for a number of years

B) Then, in 1909, he managed to publishhis first collection of them

C) Meanwhile, he was also trying tograduate from university

D) He wrote in a number of other literarygenres as well

E) Many of the poems were built aroundcentral themes like love and death

82. The Battle of the Ice was a battlebetween a medieval Russian republicand the Germanic Teutonic Knights in1242. The latter were beaten, andRussian territories were not invadedfrom the west for many years after-wards. …… . Nevertheless, thehistorian John Fennell thinks that thisopinion is a greatly exaggerated one.

A) It was fought at Lake Peipus, which isnow on the border between Estoniaand Russia

B) However, Russian lands were invadedand taken over by Mongol forces fromthe east

C) Large numbers of warriors from bothsides were killed in the battle

D) The details of this battle can be seenin the Russian-language filmAlexander Nevsky

E) Because of this, the battle has beendescribed as an event of majorsignificance

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83. Mirror for Magistrates is a collection ofEnglish poems which focus on variousimportant historical figures. The figuresfeatured in it are represented as ghosts.…… . However, they do this not onlyfiguratively, but literally, too, becauseeach figure stands in front of a mirror.

A) The poems were written by differentauthors

B) Several editions of the book werepublished over a period of 50 years

C) The book is believed to mirror works byBoccaccio and Chaucer

D) These ghosts reflect upon their livesand actions

E) Not all of the figures are real, however:a few are only legendary

84. Pizza is extremely popular in Brazil. Thebases of pizzas there are made in thesame way as those made in Italy. …… .Or, alternatively, they may be morelocal: guava jam and cheese; bananaand cinnamon; even chocolate.

A) Italy is the origin of pizza, but the foodhas now become international

B) Of course, Brazilians do not eat onlydishes that come from abroad

C) However, that is where the similaritiesend

D) The food items placed on top of thepizzas may also be the same

E) Originally, pizza was covered with justtomato and cheese

85. Meteors are a wonderful sight, and infact they appear all the time. …… .And the chance of seeing meteorsincreases enormously by going outduring meteor showers, which takeplace on roughly the same dates everyyear.

A) But even very small meteoroids canseriously damage spacecraft

B) Still, amateur astronomers can tell youhow to do it

C) So, you’re likely to see one if you justspend a few hours looking at the sky

D) On a cloudy night, therefore, you canforget about seeing anything

E) But “meteor”, “meteoroid”, and“meteorite” all mean different things

86-90. sorularda, verilen durumauygun düþen cümleyi bulunuz.

86. You walk out to cross the road and arealmost hit by a cyclist. The rider stopsto check if you are okay, and, becauseyou walked out into the road withouthaving looked, you explain to her:

A) Why don’t you watch where you’regoing, you madwoman?

B) You ought to ride more carefully in thefuture.

C) Don’t think I’m going to let you getaway with this.

D) You needn’t worry, as my injuries arenot very serious.

E) It’s not your fault: I was the one whowasn’t paying attention.

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87. You have gone to a local shop to buy aspecial cable, but the shopkeeper tellsyou that he will not have any of that kindin for a couple of weeks. You understandthis, but, because you need it today,you ask:

A) Can you tell me of any place whichmight have one?

B) What are those other cables doing inyour window, then?

C) Do they always take such a long time toarrive?

D) Why do you demand that I delay theelectrical job I need to do?

E) Thinking you had a decent shop was amistake on my part, wasn’t it?

88. You are very tired, as you have been atwork all day. You arrive home and findthat your flatmate has gone out and hasleft all of his washing-up for you to do.When he returns home, you are stillangry, so you say to him:

A) I’ll wash those dishes later on; I’mexhausted at the moment.

B) It is wrong of you to think of me as yourpersonal servant.

C) What time do you think you’ll get back?D) Let’s do these dishes together and get

them out of the way.E) I’m in a bad mood today because I

hardly got any work done.

89. You have been invited by some friendsto go skiing. It is your first time. You areat the top of the mountain in your skisand want to start, but do not want tostart with anything too difficult, so yousay to your friends:

A) Are you going to make we wait formuch longer?

B) Why didn’t you let me know howdangerous this was?

C) Should I just close my eyes and hopefor the best?

D) What in the world did you bring mehere for?

E) Which is the easiest slope for me tobegin on?

90. You are in your friend’s car and he isplaying music which you really do notlike. It is irritating you, and you wantto have a peaceful trip. You also knowthat he dislikes your taste in music,and you want to be fair, so you say tohim:

A) I think it’ll be better if we just travelwith the radio off.

B) Tell me as soon as we arrive.C) Take out that CD immediately and put

in one of mine.D) I really wish you would try to drive a

bit more carefully.E) Next time, I’ll drive myself and play

whatever song I like.

91-95. sorularda, karþýlýklý konuþmanýnboþ býrakýlan kýsmýnýtamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

91. Elaine:- Are the cakes ready yet?

Kerry:- I haven’t even started making them.

Elaine:- ……

Kerry:- Oh, don’t panic: we still have plentyof time before that.

A) Didn’t I tell you they had to be readybefore I went out?

B) Weren’t you supposed to have startedthem by now?

C) They’ll take ages to make, so startthem this minute!

D) But look at the time—it’s already sixo’clock.

E) Are you going to do the toppingsbefore or after baking them?

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92. Clive:- Don’t you think the films King Arthurand The Last Legion are rather similar?

Colin:- What do you mean?

Clive:- ……

Colin:- Actually, you’re right—and neither oneis very good, either.

A) The former has an actor who hasappeared in some similar films.

B) Well, if you ask me, they are bothexcellently made films.

C) I’m not sure where you can get eitherone of them, though, unfortunately.

D) They both make a connection betweenRoman history and Celtic legend.

E) Moreover, the characters in them don’tseem very realistic at all.

93. Ramón:- I found a $20 bill back behind the sofa.

Phil:- It’s mine.

Ramón:- ……

Phil:- No, but you should trust me.

A) What’s the serial number on it?B) How do I know you’re not lying?C) Can you prove that it’s yours? D) But didn’t Aidan lose $20?E) Why do you think you can fool me?

94. Dilek:- Why are you deleting those photosfrom your mobile phone?

Sam:- ……

Dilek:- I could transfer them to my computer,and you could keep them.

Sam:- Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that.

A) That’s a very good idea; I’m glad youthought of it.

B) They’re really embarrassing and Iwant to get rid of them.

C) They’re of such poor quality that Idon’t want to keep them.

D) I was too shy to ask you if I could putthem on your computer.

E) There’s no room in its memory for anynew ones.

95. Damien:- Do you know how to fix the brokentap in the bathroom?

Reece:- I should be able to.

Damien:- ……

Reece:- In that case, you’ll need to call aplumber.

A) What will I do if you can’t manage it?B) Don’t you have the number for a

plumber?C) You know what’s wrong with it, right?D) Were it an easy job, I wouldn’t ask

you, would I?E) Why won’t you accept that you’re

useless at mending things?

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96-100. sorularda, cümleler sýrasýylaokunduðunda parçanýn anlambütünlüðünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

96. (I) The Hay Festival is a literature festivalheld annually in the Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye. (II) But this year a sister festival alsotook place in Granada in Spain. (III) Thiscity is close to the Arab world, and wasonce the capital of an Arabic-speakingkingdom. (IV) The Nasrid kingdom ofGranada fell in the year 1492. (V) Thefestival was held there to give attendees achance to learn about literature in thatlanguage.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

97. (I) In Macedonia, a trial was held for asuspected criminal and resulted in aconviction for theft. (II) But there were tworather unusual things about this particulartrial. (III) The first was that the accusedwas not present in the court. (IV) Thesecond was that the accused was a bear.(V) In many areas of the world, however,laws have been passed to protect bearsfrom hunters or habitat destruction.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98. (I) In 1965, Peter Jennings was a reporterfor the television network ABC. (II) ABCalso has a radio division. (III) At the time,ABC was less popular than its main rivals,so it was trying to attract viewers from alower age group. (IV) That’s why it broughtthis handsome young journalist into thestudio and gave him a 15-minute nightlynewscast. (V) Jennings thus became theyoungest-ever US network news presenter.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

99. (I) Children’s feet grow by about twosizes every year when they are over theage of four. (II) They therefore often needto be bought new shoes. (III) This can beexpensive for parents, especially forthose with large families. (IV) This hasn’tstopped the average family size fromshrinking, though. (V) However, now, anew type of extendable footwear for kidsmight ease this financial burden a bit.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

100. (I) Bran Castle is in Romania. (II) It issituated on the border of two historicalregions, Transylvania and Wallachia. (III)On the other hand, today’s Romania isdivided into 41 counties and 1 municipality.(IV) It is commonly associated with VladTepeþ, whom the literary character Draculawas partly based on. (V) Nonetheless, itis doubtful that the real Vlad Tepeþ everset foot in the place.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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1-11. sorularda, cümlede boþ býrakýlanyerlere uygun düþen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

1. The Russian composer Anatoly Lyadovhad the …… to study music with hisfather from an early age.

A) volume B) opportunity C) composition D) destination

E) compliment

2. The African black mamba is ……considered the world’s deadliest snake.

A) punctually B) dangerouslyC) widely D) previously

E) lately

3. We often have lunch at a smallrestaurant in Beykoz because it offersgood food at a/an …… price.

A) reasonable B) awkwardC) deliberate D) occasional

E) accurate

4. Sound is …… on the piano by smallhammers that strike the strings.

A) sung B) heardC) produced D) pressed

E) declared

5. A baby giraffe at the Franklin Park Zooin Boston has been …… the city’sbaseball team, the Red Sox.

A) looked for B) brought upC) lived on D) given in

E) named after

6. Its location …… the crossroads ofEurope and Asia has made Turkey abridge …… the two continents.

A) in / behind B) at / between C) from / among D) to / across

E) for / towards

7. Until the Spanish …… in the 1500s,Peru …… the centre of the great Incanempire.

A) had arrived / has beenB) arrive / will beC) have arrived / would beD) would have arrived / wasE) arrived / had been

8. I …… for you at the bus station whenyou …… from Samsun.

A) was waiting / have arrivedB) will be waiting / arrive C) wait / will have arrivedD) am waiting / arrivedE) have been waiting / had arrived

9. Panama is the only place in the world…… one can see the sun rise on thePacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic.

A) where B) whichC) when D) whom

E) whose

10. Astrologers are so popular because itis believed that they …… future bylooking at the position of the planetsand stars.

A) had to predictB) must be predictedC) should be predicted D) can predict E) could have predicted

11. In the Middle Ages, some library bookswere chained to the tables …… peoplecouldn’t steal them.

A) in order to B) because ofC) so that D) despite

E) after

2008-2009May / Level Exam

( 10th Grade)

Bu testte 40 soru vardýr. Cevaplama süreniz 60 dakikadýr.

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29English Language Studies


12-16. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Lake Uluabat is a large freshwater lake nearBursa. It is about ten metres deep at its (12)…… point. The shallow waters offer a richsource of nutrition for water birds. The lake lieson one of the world’s most important routes formigratory birds, (13) …… it forms a uniqueecosystem for wildlife. Lake Uluabat is animportant natural area (14) …… for rare birdspecies, …… for fishes and (15) …… aquaticcreatures. Recently, it (16) …… a “living lake”by the World Wildlife Fund.


A) deepest B) too deepC) deeper than D) so deep that

E) as deep as


A) so B) howC) yet D) while

E) such


A) either / but alsoB) no sooner / thanC) whether / or notD) not only / orE) both / and


A) others B) otherC) another D) each other

E) the others


A) is declared B) declaredC) has been declared D) will be declared E) had declared

17-18. sorularda, verilen cümleyiuygun þekilde tamamlayan ifadeyibulunuz.

17. Ever since he found it in the street ona winter night, …… .

A) Jack must take the kitten to the vetB) my nephew is fond of his dog AresC) the cat has been living with Leopold D) my father has fed pigeons all his lifeE) Steve bought the gloves for his


18. Isaac Asimov was about 11 years old…… .

A) when he began to write storiesB) if he had become a famous writerC) that explains scientific concepts in a

historical wayD) while he writes popular works on

science E) who is the author of nearly five

hundred books

19-20. sorularda, verilen cümleninhangi sorunun cevabý olduðunubulunuz.

19. Actually, I don’t think anybody does.

A) What do your kids eat in the morning?B) Who lives in that old house? C) Where does your brother work?D) Has everyone had lunch already?E) Did Burcu talk to anyone about the


20. I would if I weren’t so busy.

A) Why are you always so tired?B) Were you in the office yesterday?C) Did you study hard when you were at

school?D) Will you be busy at work tomorrow?E) Are you going to attend the


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30 English Language Studies



21-22. sorularda, verilen Ýngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakýn Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

21. Goldfinches face the danger of goingextinct because they are hunted alongtheir migration routes.

A) Göç sýrasýnda avlanan saka kuþlarýnýnsayýsý tehlikeli bir boyutta azalmýþtýr.

B) Yok olma tehdidi altýnda olduklarý haldesaka kuþlarý göç yollarý boyuncaavlanmaktadýrlar.

C) Göç yollarý boyunca avlandýklarý içinsaka kuþlarý yok olma tehlikesiyle karþýkarþýyadýr.

D) Nesli tükenmekte olan saka kuþlarý göçyollarý boyunca avlanmaktadýr.

E) Göç yollarý boyunca avlanmasalardý,saka kuþlarý yok olma tehlikesiyle karþýkarþýya olmazdý.

22. Volcanic ash has been known to remainhot for a period of nearly one hundredyears.

A) Volkanik külün sýcaklýðýný yitirmesi içinyüz yýl geçmesi gerekmektedir.

B) Volkanik külün yüz yýl sonra bile sýcakolduðu bilinen bir gerçektir.

C) Bilindiði gibi, volkanik kül asýrlar boyusýcaklýðýný muhafaza etmektedir.

D) Volkanik külün yaklaþýk yüz yýl süreylesýcak kaldýðý bilinmektedir.

E) Volkanik külün sýcaklýðýný ancak yüz yýlsonra yitirdiði söylenmektedir.

23-24. sorularda, verilen Türkçecümleye anlamca en yakýn Ýngilizcecümleyi bulunuz.

23. Bir fosil dikkatli toplanmazsa deðerlibilimsel bilgiler kaybolabilir.

A) Valuable scientific information will beobtained if a fossil is properly collected.

B) A fossil should be collected with greatcare; otherwise, useful scientificinformation will be lost.

C) Great care must be taken whilecollecting fossils, because they havescientific value.

D) Valuable scientific information may belost if a fossil is not carefully collected.

E) Fossils need to be well-preserved soas not to lose valuable scientificinformation.

24. “Meksikalý Balzac” olarak bilinen CarlosFuentes dünyanýn en saygýn edebiyatödüllerinden bazýlarýný kazanmýþtýr.

A) Carlos Fuentes, known as “the Balzacof Mexico”, has received some of themost prestigious literary awards in theworld.

B) Carlos Fuentes, who has been thewinner of some of the most prestigiousliterary awards in the world, is called“the Balzac of Mexico”.

C) Called “the Balzac of Mexico”, CarlosFuentes is the owner of manyprestigious literary awards fromaround the world.

D) “The Balzac of Mexico” is the titlegiven to Carlos Fuentes, who hasbeen the winner of many of theworld’s most prestigious literaryawards.

E) Carlos Fuentes became known as “theBalzac of Mexico” after he receivedsome of the world’s most prestigiousliterary awards.

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31English Language Studies



25-27. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Thomas Austin released 24 rabbits onto hisAustralian farm in 1859. He never knew theywould cause great damage to the ecosystem.Within 35 years, the rabbits spread rapidlyacross the country and destroyed millions ofacres of farmland. They ate native plants,which caused soil erosion. It was the fastestspread ever recorded of any mammalanywhere in the world. By 1908, three fenceshad been built, but they failed to control therabbit population: before the fences were evencompleted, rabbits had managed to passthrough them. Today, there are more rabbitsthan people in Australia.

25. It is stated in the passage that ThomasAustin didn’t know that …… .

A) he would set up a farm businessB) rabbits could survive in AustraliaC) rabbits would badly damage the

environment D) rabbits would only live in Australia for

35 yearsE) Australia had a complex ecosystem

26. We understand from the passage that,in Australia, rabbits …… .

A) cannot climb over fencesB) live longer than those elsewhereC) only eat plants that are on farmsD) were responsible for soil erosion E) usually live for about three decades

27. According to the passage, in Australia,…… .

A) the rabbit population was controlled byfences

B) there are fewer people than rabbits C) it is forbidden to keep rabbits as petsD) rabbits have been extinct since 1908E) most farmers hate rabbits

28-30. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Jane Austen’s books are sold worldwide, andher works have been successfully adaptedfor film. But if she were writing today, shewouldn’t be able to find a publisher easily.David Lassman, director of Britain’s JaneAusten Festival, changed just the titles andthe names of the characters from Austennovels. He called himself Alison Laydee, afterAusten’s early pen name: “A Lady”. He sentthe opening chapters and plot summaries tosome of the biggest publishers in Britain. Theyeither rejected them or didn’t respond.Lassman was surprised that almost none ofthe publishers recognized Austen’s work.

28. It is clear from the passage that DavidLassman …… .

A) attends Jane Austen festivals aroundthe world

B) has read all of Jane Austen’s booksC) played a trick on some book

publishers D) thinks modern readers do not like

Jane AustenE) dreams of becoming a novelist himself

29. It is stated in the passage that, in herfirst years of writing, Jane Austen …… .

A) named one of her characters “AlisonLaydee”

B) had difficulty getting her books publishedC) was never very popular in BritainD) worked hard to be successfulE) used “A Lady” instead of her real


30. According to the passage, DavidLassman was surprised because …… .

A) the publishers did not recognizeAusten’s work

B) all the publishers managed tounderstand his trick

C) he found a publisher for his own booksD) people were interested in classic

literatureE) he found a lot of readers for his novels

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32 English Language Studies


31-32. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakýn olan seçeneðibulunuz.

31. Everybody had left the office by thetime Esra finished her work.

A) Esra finished her work on time, so shedidn’t stay late at the office.

B) Esra had done all her work before theothers left the office.

C) Everyone else was also busy whileEsra was trying to finish her work.

D) Because no one helped her, Esra hadto stay in the office to finish her work.

E) When Esra was done with her work,there was no one else in the office.

32. I haven’t met a more interesting personthan Selim.

A) Selim is different from most of the otherpeople I have met so far.

B) I know many interesting people, andSelim is one of them.

C) I would like to meet Selim, because heis said to be an interesting person.

D) Selim is the most interesting person Ihave ever met.

E) I like Selim, who is a very interestingperson.

33-34. sorularda, boþ býrakýlan yereparçanýn anlam bütünlüðünü saðlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

33. When Mark Twain was born, Halley’sComet was visible in the sky. …… . Hewas right. When Twain died on 21 April1910, Halley’s Comet was once againvisible in the sky.

A) William Faulkner called him “the fatherof American literature”

B) He always blamed himself for hisbrother’s death

C) These stories were actually based onhis childhood

D) Some of his books were published byhis own publishing company

E) Later he predicted that he would diewhen it returned

34. Two hunters were in the forest whenone of them fell down. He didn’t seemto be breathing. His friend called theemergency services and said hisfriend was dead. He asked them whathe could do. …… . After a briefsilence, a shot was heard. Then thehunter said, “OK, what should I donow?”

A) They always went hunting in the foresttogether

B) The operator calmly told him to makesure he was dead

C) He should have been more carefulwith the gun

D) It was a very cold winter’s dayE) An ambulance should take him to the

nearest hospital

35-36. sorularda, verilen durumauygun düþen cümleyi bulunuz.

35. Your friend has got two tickets to theopera and she asks you if you want togo. You hate opera, but you know thatshe absolutely loves it, and so yourefuse by telling a polite lie:

A) Sorry, but I’ve already got plans forthat night.

B) Certainly not, because I don’t likeopera at all.

C) Alright, because you can’t find anyoneelse to go along.

D) First tell me why you like something asbad as opera.

E) Unfortunately, I can’t stand opera, so Idon’t want to come.

36. You and a friend are studying for yourchemistry exam at the library together.You have been studying for severalhours, and you are both feeling tired,but there are still a lot of things tostudy. In order to refresh yourselves alittle bit, you suggest to your friend:

A) Aren’t you feeling as tired as I am? B) You don’t like chemistry either, do you?C) Come on, let’s study for just one more

hour.D) We could skip school tomorrow and

avoid the test.E) Why don’t we take a break and get

something to eat?

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33English Language Studies



37-38. sorularda, karþýlýklý konuþmanýnboþ býrakýlan kýsmýný tamamlayabilecekifadeyi bulunuz.

37. Teacher:– ……

Student:– I don’t know, but they’re not mine.

Teacher:– Can you ask some of your classmatesabout them, then?

Student:– Sure, no problem.

A) How many teachers have you hadbefore me?

B) Are those your glasses over there?C) Whose headphones are these on the

desk? D) Have you got a lot of classes this term?E) They’re not upset about the exam, are


38. Earl:– So, Tom, when are you going tograduate from college?

Tom:– ……

Earl:– Really? I didn’t know that!Congratulations! What are you going todo now?

Tom:– Actually, I’m still trying to decide.

A) But Uncle Earl, I haven’t even startedyet.

B) Well, Uncle Earl, I’m thinking of quitting.C) Not for at least three years, Uncle Earl.D) I graduated three months ago, Uncle

Earl. E) I don’t know, Uncle Earl, but I hope I’ll

find a job.

39-40. sorularda, cümleler sýrasýylaokunduðunda parçanýn anlambütünlüðünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

39. (I) Blaine Harling was visiting his grand-parents in Alaska when he heard a noiselate at night. (II) He investigated andfound a large black bear in the kitchen.(III) It was a large kitchen at the back ofthe house and opened to the backyard.(IV) Blaine then ran upstairs and calledthe police. (V) Scared of the loud noise ofthe sirens, the bear soon escaped backinto the forest.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

40. (I) The Pareshnath Jain Temple in Calcuttais a monument of exceptional beauty. (II)The city served as the capital of Indiaduring the British Raj until 1911. (III) Thetemple walls are decorated with fancymirrors, stained glass, and marble. (IV)One of its most popular features is alamp. (V) It has been burning ever sincethe temple was built in 1867.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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34 English Language Studies

ELS-WORKSHEETS ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört kitaptan oluþan bir seridir. Bu dört kitap öðrenciyi

Baþlangýç Düzeyi'nden alýp Orta Düzey'e taþýmaktadýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört yýllýk lise sisteminde hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnýn kaldýrýlmasý dikkate alýnarak, yeni sistemin müfredatýna göre revize edilmiþ ve sayfa sayýsý artýrýlmýþtýr. Yapýlan revizyonlarla ELS-WORKSHEETS, düz liselerin yaný sýra, Anadolu liselerinde, özel okullarda ve üniversite ve yüksekokullarýn hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnda izlenmeye uygun hale getirilmiþtir.

Yayýnýn hazýrlanmasýnda ve revizyonunda, M.E.B'nýn bu okullar için öngördüðü müfredat programý ve okullarda yaygýn olarak izlenen kitaplarýn içerikleri temel alýnmýþtýr.

Grammar-Reading-Vocabulary alanlarýnda çok çeþitli ve bol alýþtýrma verilerek öðrencilerin edindikleri bilgileri pekiþtirmeleri, Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþtýklarý güçlüklerin daha kolay üstesinden gelmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

Dil öðreniminde görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak kitaplardaki egzersiz ve aktiviteler, kuþe kaðýda basýlmýþ renkli, ilgi çekici ve öðretici resimlerle desteklenmiþtir.

ELS-WORKSHEETS'i toplu olarak sýnýfýyla birlikte izleyecek öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz için, içinde çeþitli aktivitelerin, "worksheet"lerin, "quiz"lerin vetestlerin yer aldýðý "Teacher's File" hazýrlanmýþtýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS'in okullarda daha rahat izlenebilmesi için, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baþkanlýðý'nýn 13.11.1998 tarih, 13577 sayýlý kararý ile onay alýnmýþtýr.

ELS Yayýncýlýk

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35English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS FreshmanELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, dört kitaptan oluþan ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin birincikitabýdýr. Kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren Freshman's Pictorial ile bir takýmdýr.

Unit 1 To be: am, is, arePersonal Pronouns and Possessive AdjectivesQuestion Types and Question Words(who/what/where/how old) Numbers/Colours/Occupations/HobbiesCountries/NationalitiesGiving addresses and Phone Numbersin/from/at (place)

Unit 2 Singular/Plural this, these/that, thosePrepositions of place

Unit 3 Possessive ('s) have got/has gotQuestions with whoHow manyPossessive Pronouns Talking about appearances

Unit 4 Telling the timeOrdinal numbers (first, second, etc.) Days of the week/Months Telling datesPrepositions of time and place

Unit 5 There is/there areExpressing the positions of buildings in relationto each otherPrepositions: opposite, next to, behind, in frontof, etc.Talking about the plan of a housePieces of furniturea, an, some, any, how manyREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 Imperatives Giving directionsObject Pronouns a, an, the

Unit 7 can/can't (ability) Linking words: because, so, and, but can (permission)can't/be not allowed to (prohibition) must/mustn't

Unit 8 Nouns: countable/uncountable some, any, a lot of, much, many How many/How muchcan (request)/would likeone/ones (substitute words)

Unit 9 Present Continuous Seasons/Items of clothingtoo/either

Unit 10 Simple Present Expressions of sequence: first, then, next, afterthat, finallyFrequency adverbs Habits/likes/dislikes Neither do I/So do I, etc.


Unit 11 Simple Present or Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs Present Continuous with a future meaning Questions with who, Wh- questions

Unit 12 Simple Past: to be: was/wereQuestions with wherethere was/there wereused to/didn't use to ago /in

Unit 13 Simple Past (regular verbs)

Unit 14 Simple Past (irregular verbs) Revision of expressions of sequence: first, then,next, after that, finally

Unit 15 Simple Past (Question forms)

Unit 16 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Wh- questions


Unit 17 Making suggestions: Let's, Why don't we...?,How/What about...?, Shall we...?, I/We could...Agreeing/disagreeing with suggestions: I'd ratherPermission/possibility: can/can'tAsking/giving/refusing permission Asking for and explaining reasons Why/because/so

Unit 18 Expressing obligation/Lack of obligationhave to (had to)/don't have to (didn't have to)not allowed to/can't (couldn't)/must/mustn'tTalking about rules and lawsGiving directions

Unit 19 Order of AdjectivesComparative and Superlative forms ofadjectives as...as/so...as/the same...asHow and What (How wide is...?/What's thewidth...?)Comparative and Superlative forms withQuantifiers



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36 English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin ikinci kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

Unit 1 going to Future (plans/intentions) for + time phrase/How long?Expressing purpose

Unit 2 going to Future (Future predictions with strong evidence inthe present)

Unit 3 Simple Future: will/won't

Unit 4 going to Future or Simple Future (will/won't)

Unit 5 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Future (going to/will) Questions with how oftenExpressing frequency of actions Question Tags


Unit 6 Indefinite pronouns Prepositions -ing Constructions

Unit 7 Simple Past and Past Continuous When/While sentencesAs/Just as

Unit 8 Present Perfect Simple Talking about previous experiences Simple Past (with a definite time in the past)Present Perfect Simple Talking about past actions with results in thepresent

Unit 9 Present Perfect Simple (with for/since) Simple Past (with ago) Questions with when/how long

Unit 10 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Present Perfect


Unit 11 Describing people and places Comparing and contrasting climates ofdifferent places quite, very

Unit 12 Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Unit 13 The Passive Simple Present/Simple Past

Unit 14 The Passive Present Continuous/Past Continuous

Unit 15 The Passive Present PerfectFuture (going to/will)


Unit 16 Modals Ability: can/could/be able toObligation: have to/must/mustn't/needn'tAdvisability: shouldPossibility: must/may (not)/can'tPreference: would rather/would preferPassive with Modals

Unit 17 Question Tags too and eitherso and nor/neitherI think so, I hope not, etc.

Unit 18 Quantifiersa few, a little, too many, too much, etc.

Unit 19 Present Perfect Continuous since, for, how longPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous

Unit 20 Gerunds and Infinitives REVISION TEST 4 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 4


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37English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorELS-WORKSHEETS Junior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin üçüncü kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonuna, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler eklenmiþtir.

Unit 1 Time Clauses for future actions (until, when, as soon as, after, before)

Unit 2 Conditionals (Type 1-2) Unless

Unit 3 I wish/If only

Unit 4 Relative Clauses (defining) Relative pronouns: which/who/that/where/whose

Unit 5 used to/wouldno longer/any longer/any more


Unit 6 both/neither/either/but both...and neither...nor either...or

Unit 7 Past Perfect Tense

Unit 8 Past Perfect in Time Clauses

Unit 9 Past Perfect or Present Perfect

Unit 10 Time Clauses (present/future/past)


Unit 11 Reported Speech (Statements)

Unit 12 Reported Speech (Questions)

Unit 13 Reported Speech (Imperatives)

Unit 14 Reported Speech (Mixed forms)

Unit 15 Prepositions


Unit 16 Prepositional Verbs (look at, listen to etc.)

Unit 17 Phrasal Verbs (put out, take off, etc.)

Unit 18 Pronouns (mine, yours, myself, himself, etc.)Indefinite pronouns (something, nobody, etc.)

Unit 19 Articles (a/an/the) Determiners (all of them/none of it, etc.) other/another/the otherSubject-Verb Agreement

Unit 20 Grammar Revision




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38 English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS SeniorELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin dördüncü ve son kitabýdýr.Kitabýn sonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkliolarak basýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

Unit 1 Grammar Revision

Unit 2 PRESENT TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs


Unit 4 PAST TENSES Simple Past Past Continuous

Unit 5 PERFECT TENSES Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous


Unit 6 Simple and Perfect Modals

Unit 7 Present and past participles as adjectives

Unit 8 Adjective and adverb structures too/enoughso...that/such...that

Unit 9 Gerunds and Infinitives Infinitive with or without "to" Infinitive after adjectives Gerund after prepositions

Unit 10 Causatives


Unit 11 Relative Clauses (defining) that/which/who/whose/whereContact clauses

Unit 12 Relative Clauses (Non-defining)

Unit 13 Noun Clauses (as objects)

Unit 14 Conditionals (Type 1-2-3) Wish Clauses (I wish/If only)

Unit 15 Connectors and Conjunctions but, and, or, so, because, after, before,etc.


Unit 16 Prepositional Phrases on time, in a hurry, by mistake, etc. Phrasal Verbs

Unit 17 Vocabulary Building

Unit 18 Synonyms and Antonyms Prefixes of Negation (un-, dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-) Negatives with -less

Unit 19 Confusing Verbs Confusing Word Pairs




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39English Language Studies

ELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman + Freshman’s PictorialTek alým ....................................................................... 30.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreTek alým ....................................................................... 30.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorTek alým ....................................................................... 30.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS SeniorTek alým ....................................................................... 30.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22.-YTL

English Grammar Inside and Out

Ýngilizce dilbilgisini kapsamlý ve ayrýntýlý anlatan, çok sayýda egzersiz ve "Test Yourself"ile zenginleþtirilmiþ, 720 sayfadan oluþan bir kitaptýr.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 58.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 43.-YTL

English Through Reading "Reading Comprehension Passages" bölümlerimizden derlediðimiz 200 okuma parçasýve bu parçalarla ilgili egzersizleri içeren “English Through Reading” 432 sayfadanoluþmaktadýr.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 37.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 27.-YTL

Test Your Vocabulary 168 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'arsoruluk 25 test içermektedir.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 18.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 14.-YTL



Page 40: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

40 English Language Studies


9. Sýnýf Seti iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr: ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore. Dil öðrenimininilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerlebütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ 18 resimiçeren Freshman's Pictorial ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir. Her iki kitabýmýz da,öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla,

"Teacher's File" ile desteklenmiþtir. Teacher's File 1 ve Teacher’sFile 2, "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.



Bonus Card

40.- YTL

42.- YTL14.- YTL x 3 Taksit

SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


E-POSTA: ....................................................@.......................................TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,ELS 9. Sýnýf Seti’nizi öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu olarak almak istiyoruz. Setinizin ücretini

............... öðrenci x .............................. = ........................................... YTL olarak ........../........./2008tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. Setlerimizin adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2008Ýmza : ..............................

Not:1. Toplu alým koþullarýmýz 20 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu alým yapan kuruma her 20 alým için ücretsiz bir set gönderilecektir.3. Her 20 alýmda öðretmen için 1 adet Teacher’s File gönderilir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý

gerekmektedir.5. Lütfen sipariþ formunu ve banka dekontunu 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)


Freshman's Pictorial Teacher's File (1) ELS-WORKSHEETS (2)

Sophomore Teacher's File (2)

Page 41: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

41English Language Studies

10. Sýnýf Seti, ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior olmak üzere iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr.Her iki kitap da özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ihtiyaçlarýgöz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yine her iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senioriçin hazýrlanmýþ Teacher's File 3 ve Teacher's File 4, yine"worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisiniYDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamak amacýyla bu setlere, her ünitesonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragrafçalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli “comprehension” sorusu olan4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu

materyallerin yaný sýra Teacher's File 4, öðrencinin Ýngilizcedüzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir.



Bonus Card

40.- YTL

42.- YTL14.- YTL x 3 Taksit


SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


E-POSTA: ...................................................@.......................................TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,ELS 10. Sýnýf Seti’nizi öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu olarak almak istiyoruz. Setinizin ücretini

............... öðrenci x ............................... = ........................................... YTL olarak ........./......../2008tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. Setlerimizin adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2008Ýmza : ..............................

Not:1. Toplu alým koþullarýmýz 20 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu alým yapan kuruma her 20 alým için ücretsiz bir set gönderilecektir.3. Her 20 alýmda öðretmen için 1 adet Teacher’s File gönderilir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Lütfen sipariþ formunu ve banka dekontunu 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz.


Teacher's File 3 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi ELS-WORKSHEETS (4)

Senior Teacher's File 4 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi 10 Deneme Sýnavý

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

Page 42: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

42 English Language Studies


Peþin 360.- YTL

4 Taksit (Banka Havalesi) 384.- YTL96.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 360.- YTL90.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 408.- YTL68.- YTL x 6 Taksit

Bonus Card 440.- YTL55.- YTL x 8 Taksit


ADI SOYADI: .......................................................................................................ADRESÝ: .......................................................................................................


E-POSTA: ............................................................@.......................................

TELEFON: .................................... POSTA KODU: ...............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,

ELS-YDS dergisine abone olmak istiyorum. Derginizin abone bedelini peþin / taksitle ödemeseçeneðine göre ............................... YTL olarak ......./....../2008 tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým.2008-2009 dönemi abone kaydýmýn yapýlmasýný, bugüne kadar çýkmýþ ve çýkacak olan sayýlarýnýzýnadresime posta ile gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih: ........../........../2008Ýmza: ..............................

NOT:1. Taksitle ödeme seçeneði 30 KASIM 2008 tarihine kadar geçerlidir. 01 ARALIK 2008 tarihinden

itibaren dergi aboneliði sadece peþin ödemeyle mümkün olacaktýr.2. ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT (720 sayfa) kitabýmýz tüm abonelerimize ücretsiz olarak

gönderilecektir.3. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. III. ve IV. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30, 60

ve 90 gün sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.4. Abone bedelinin abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda, taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin

adresinize postalanma iþlemi durdurulacaktýr. Böyle üzücü durumlarla karþýlaþmamak içinödemelerinizde titiz olmanýz gerekmektedir.

6. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VEBANKA DEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek içinlütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

Page 43: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

43English Language Studies


Peþin 264.- YTL

4 Taksit (Banka Havalesi) 288.- YTL72.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 264.- YTL66.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 288.- YTL48.- YTL x 6 Taksit

Bonus Card 320.- YTL40.- YTL x 8 Taksit


KURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: .......................................................................................KURUM ADI: .......................................................................................KURUM ADRESÝ: .......................................................................................


TELEFON: ................................. FAKS: ....................................E-POSTA: .......................................@............................................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,

ELS-YDS dergisine öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu abone olmak istiyoruz. Derginizin abonebedelinin I. taksitini ............... öðrenci x ............................ = ......................................... YTL olarak......./....../2008 tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. 2008-2009 dönemi abone kaydýmýzýn yapýlmasýný,bugüne kadar çýkmýþ ve çýkacak olan sayýlarýnýzýn adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2008Ýmza : ..............................

NOT:1. Toplu abone koþullarýmýz 10 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu abone yapan kurum ücret ödemeksizin dergimize abone olacaktýr.3. Dergimize toplu abone olunmasý durumunda; her abonemize ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT (720

sayfa), ENGLISH THROUGH READING (432 sayfa) ve TEST YOUR VOCABULARY (168 sayfa) kitaplarýmýzücretsiz olarak gönderilecektir.

4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. III. ve IV. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30, 60 ve 90 gün

sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.6. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda, taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin adresinize gönderilme

iþlemi durdurulacaktýr. Kargo ücreti þirketimiz tarafýndan ödenecektir.7. Toplu abonelerde dergiler kargo ile toplu olarak kurum adresine gönderilecektir.8. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VE BANKA

DEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek için lütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

Page 44: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

44 English Language Studies

There’s light... at the end of this journey...

Page 45: ELS · z 10 Deneme Sýnav ý ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ... YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir

ELS 22000088/20099 MMaayy LLeevveell EExxaamm ((1111tthh && 1122tthh GGrraaddeess))












ELS 22000088/20099 MMaayy LLeevveell EExxaamm ((1100tthh GGrraaddee))