elements and compounds 1

Elements and Compounds Foundation Science 4 Class Code SC22102

Upload: teacherandrew

Post on 03-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Elements and CompoundsFoundation Science 4 Class Code SC22102

2. Matter Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space Is this matter? Is this?Is gas matter? 3. The Atom Atom the basic unit of matter Atom is made of a nucleus and electrons Nucleus is made of protons and neutrons Helium Atom 4. The Atom Helium AtomIs this Helium atom matter? YES! Atoms have mass and take up space 5. How Small is an Atom?? 6. Elements Elements substances that cant be broken down further Examples of elements: Gold and Oxygen Gold is an element because it cant be broken down into simpler parts.Gold Atoms Is water an element?NO, water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 7. Periodic Table of Elements There are 118 elements 98 of the elements are natural, the others man-made 8. Creation of the Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who created the first periodic table in 1869 9. How to use a Periodic TableweightAtomic Number is the number of protons Atomic symbol is a short way to write the element Atomic weight is the average mass of the element (protons + neutrons) 10. Answer Questions in Notebook 1.2. 3. 4.Complete the table using a periodic tableIn your own words, tell me the difference between matter and an atom Is oxygen matter? Is oxygen an element? What is the atomic number of oxygen? How many protons does an atom of Oxygen have? 5. What is the atomic weight of aluminum? 6. What is an element? 7. Who created the first periodic table? What year did he create it? 8. What is the atomic symbol for gold? 9. What is the atomic symbol for iron? 10. If an atom has 16 protons, what type of atom must that be? 11. Are atoms mostly empty space?