elearning introduction

eLearning Staff Grant Sherson • Team Leader - Education Technology Unit Kevin Brennan • eLearning Advisor & Developer Kay Lewis • Senior Lecturer, eLearning Advisor & Developer, Faculty of Humanities & Business

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Page 1: eLearning introduction

eLearning Staff

Grant Sherson• Team Leader - Education Technology Unit

Kevin Brennan• eLearning Advisor & Developer

Kay Lewis• Senior Lecturer, eLearning Advisor & Developer,

Faculty of Humanities & Business

Page 2: eLearning introduction

Session Overview

Date Topic31 October Choosing your approach to eLearning

7 November Analysis (students, content, resources, and objectives)

14 November Design (selecting appropriate approaches to match the analysis).

21 November Development (Tips and techniques for developing the content for the eLearning site and what support is available)

28 November Implementation (Tips and Techniques getting started with your students)

5 December Evaluation (Reviewing the academic effectiveness of your eLearning).

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Free & EasyFirst Line


Most UCOL Classes

Grad Cert in Applied


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High embedded instructional design

High student completion

Teacher managed pathway

Student needs to be self motivated

High advanced preparation

High teacher-student interaction

Asynchronous delivery

Small classesLow quality resources OK

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One view of levels of eLearning

Learning Objects – simulations and interactive multimedia

Two-Way Communications – bulletin boards and group pages, file transfer

Online Exercises – quizzes (multiple choice, matching questions, etc.), surveys

One-Way Communications – email, Web pages, student tracking

Information Repository - course outlines, content, learning materials, Web links


e v

e l s

Source: Nichols, M. (2001). Teaching for Learning: Designing RBL Courses for the Digital Age. TrainInc.co.nz/Books. Palmerston North, NZ.

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Development steps for building eLearning resources - ADDIE.

Source: http://www.epsilonlearning.com/focus.htm

See also Instructional Design: http://www.tds.holmesglen.vic.edu.au/idonline

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Existing ApproachWhat ‘works’?

What do students struggle with?What do students ‘get’ easily?

StudentsExisting Knowledge

MotivationLearning Characteristics

Learning NeedsResource access

Existing Content / AssessmentWhich bits are recall?

Which bits are demonstration?Which bits are comprehension?

Which bits are application?

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• Example of Process – Source:


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Gap analysis

• Essentially a gap is the space between where you are and where you want to be. A 'gap' can be thought of as a learning need.

• Can you identify any gaps in the courses that you are currently teaching!

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Source: http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/resources/Teaching/CourseDesign/Objectives/BloomsTaxonomyVerbs.pdf

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Category Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis higher order Synthesis higher order Evaluation higher order

Description Information Gathering Confirming Making use of knowledge Taking apart Putting Together Judging outcomes

The skillsdemonstratedat this levelare those of :

observation and recall of information; knowledge of dates, events, places; knowledge of major ideas; mastery of subject matter.

understanding information; grasping meaning; translating knowledge into a new context; interpreting facts, comparing, contrasting; inferring causes; predicting consequences.

using information; using methods, concepts, theories in new situations; solving problems using required skills or knowledge.

seeing patterns; organization of parts; recognition of hidden meanings; identification of components.

using old ideas to create new ones; generalising from given facts; relating knowledge from several areas; predicting, drawing conclusions.

comparing and discriminating between ideas; assessing value of presentations; making choices based on reasoned argument; verifying value of evidence; recognising subjectivity.

What thestudentdoes :

Student recalls orrecognizes information,ideas, and principles in the approximate form in which they were learned.

Student translates,comprehends, orinterprets informationbased on prior learning.

Student selects, transfers, and uses data and principles tocomplete a problem or task.

Student distinguishes,classifies, and relates the assumptions, hypotheses, evidence, or structure of astatement or question.

Student originates,integrates, and combines ideas into a product, plan or proposal that is new to him or her.

Student appraises, assesses, or critiques on a basis of specific standards and criteria.

Sampletriggerwords :

· define· list· label· name· identify· repeat· who· what· when· where· tell· describe· collect· examine· tabulate· quote

· predict· estimate· differentiate· extend· summarize· describe· interpret· discuss· extend· contrast· distinguish· discuss· explain· paraphrase· illustrate· compare

· apply· demonstrate· complete· illustrate· show· examine· modify· relate· change· classify· discover· use· compute· solve· construct· calculate

· separate· order· explain· connect· divide· compare· select· explain· infer· arrange· classify· analyse· categorize· compare· contrast· extract

· combine· integrate· rearrange· substitute· plan· create· design· prepare· compose· modify· create· design· hypothesize· develop· formulate· rewrite

· decide· test· measure· judge· explain· compare· summarize· assess· justify· discriminate· convince· conclude· select· rank· predict· argue

Extract from: http://www.enoreo.on.ca/schoolnet/grassroots/pdf/indbrubric.PDF : Education Network of Ontario

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The Problem

• Poorly-designed materials can fail to engage the learner, can be poorly understood, can overload the learner with unnecessary content and are often neither remembered nor applied back on-the-job.

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The Process

• When embarking on learning design, we suggest educators think first about what the learner has to be able to do. They should then devise some authentic activities and tasks to support the learning process. Finally, they should think about what content resources learners may need access to in order for them to accomplish those tasks.

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Repeating and sequencing activities

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Choosing priorities

• As designers of eLearning experiences, less is often more. Find the elusive 20% of the learner’s time that yields 80% of what is learned and put your energies there.

Source: Meaningful Metrics for e-Learning: Translating Learning Outcomes into Business Results eLearning Producer 2005 Conference & Expohttp://www.elearningguild.com/showfile.cfm?id=956

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Planning Activities

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Adding emotion

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Adding Relationship

• learning programs that engage the learner directly by using first and second person language yield better learning than the same programs that use more formal language.

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Group Activities

• “Including collaborative activity in an online course is probably the best way to tap into all learning styles present in the group” (Palloff & Pratt, 2003, p. 36). Learners complement one another and check out their assumptions and preconceived ideas. This is important for the development of the critical thinking skills so important to adult learners. In groups they can also co-create knowledge and meaning. There is typically more reflection when learners work in groups, which leads to deeper learning.

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Activities in context

• Whenever possible, we recommend that activities should be developed in contexts that refer to the intended purpose of the learning.

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Activities in context (cont)

• We recommend thinking about adding fun, drama or controversy to get your adult learners hooked.

• Not every course requires collaborative work or a social constructivist approach.

• We do not advocate including a discussion forum as an afterthought to content development.