el colegio de méxico_essay

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  • 8/16/2019 El Colegio de México_essay


    Why is El Colegio de México (COLMEX) relevant to México?

    Rafael Herrera Jiménez

     As a result of the rise to power of Francisco Franco and the end of the Republic,

    numerous Spanish citizens were forced to flee their country of origin and search for 

    asylum in another place. e!ico was one of the nations that opened their borders

    to those refugees, among whom were se"eral distinguished intellectuals such as

     Adolfo S#nchez $#z%uez, José &aos and Joa%u'n (irau. Alfonso Reyes proposed

    the creation of an organization where the Spanish e!patriates could carry out their 

    research) the product of Reye*s suggestion was +a asa de -spaa en é!ico,

    which in /012 changed its name to -l olegio de é!ico. 3oday, -l olegio de

    é!ico 4a.5.a. 6+-(7 is one of e!ico*s best8ran5ed uni"ersities. 3hroughout

    its se"enty8fi"e years of history, the 6+-( has been an institution de"oted to

    prepare the professionals that e!ico re%uire in many areas and fields. At the

    same time, the different research centers that integrate 6+-( ha"e committed

    themsel"es to the study of the e!ican reality and therefore they ha"e contributed

    to the analysis and solution of the se"eral issues that affect this country.

    9hen the 6+-( was founded in the forties, the country was e!periencing the

    first decades of peace and stability following the end of the e!ican Re"olution. :n

    those years, the go"ernment of +#zaro #rdenas created a group of academic

    institutions; among them were the -

  • 8/16/2019 El Colegio de México_essay


    fields such as philology and history) as a matter of fact, all the distinguished

    researchers related to these areas wor5ed or studied at -l olegio.

    3o illustrate this point, let us consider the case of the Nueva Revista de Filología

    Hispánica 4

  • 8/16/2019 El Colegio de México_essay



    +ida, . -., G atesanz, J. A. 4/00=7. El Colegio de México: una haaña cultural 

    !"#$%!"&' . -l olegio de é!ico.

    CHistoria del entro in http;cell.colme!.m!inde!.phpcellhistoria
