eip on active and healthy ageing (aha) · roessingh research and development, enschede, the...

EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) A3: prevent functional decline and frailty Prof Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten

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EIP on Active and Healthy

Ageing (AHA)A3: prevent functional decline and frailty

Prof Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten

Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands


Older adults with healthy behavior, take advantage of clinical

preventive services, continue to engage with family and


Remain healthier, live independent and incure fewer health

and social care related costs

Frailty and functional decline is however a growing

multidisciplinary health problem (physical, cognitive and

functional impairments, malnutrition) and needs a

multidisciplinary, international approach2

Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands


To identify and remove persisting barriers to

innovation for active and healthy ageing,

through interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial



Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands

Way of working

• Different institutes/networks wrote their

commitment to the European commission

– Universities

– Health care institutes

– Industry

– Advocy groups

– Networks


Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands



Innovative Medical

Devices Initiative in

the Netherlands

Extramural diagnosis

Intelligent monitoring of


Training/therapy in

daily life context

High level architecture for extramural care systems

End to end solutions for extramural diagnoses,

monitoring, coaching and treatment

Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands

Way of working

• Different institutes wrote their commitment to the

European commission.

• Two workshops were organised to come to an

overall strategy and action plan

• Result sofar:

– Draft action plan general objectives agreed

– Start has been made with defining activities with

deliverables and time frame

– Start was made with the governance

– Input is delivered for the monitoring framework6

Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands

Action plan EIP-AHA

Developing and implementing sustainable multimodal interventions for

the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty and functional


• Contribute to research on frailty and mechanisms for active and

healthy ageing

• Contribute to strategies for– prevention, screening, integrated pathways for cognitive decline, physical

and functional decline, programs for malnutrition.

– In line with the chronic care model meaning a strong focus on

empowerment of the elderly

- Contribute to managing demand and increasing the sustainability of

health and social care by its focus on proper evaluation,

implementation, education, use of ICT technology

- Promote cooperation, including cross-sector international collaboration7

Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands

Key succes factors

• Translating objectives into more concrete activities

and deliverables within but especially across

commitments (who exactly will do what and when)

• Start working on the commitments

– Find/concretize mutual interest between commitments

– Get organized and facilitated for a cooperation at a

European level

– Develop and get funding for new projects to multiply the

output of the commitments