
1 Кучма Марія Олександрівна АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА ТЕСТИ З ГРАМАТИКИ Частина 1 МОРФОЛОГІЯ CONTENTS TEST 1 NOUNS .............................................................................. 3 TEST 2 PRONOUNS ...................................................................... 5 TEST 3 ADVERBS AND ADJECTIVES .......................................... 7 TEST 4 ARTICLES ....................................................................... 11 TEST 5 TENSES AND ASPECTS ................................................ 13 TEST 6 VERBALS: GERUND, INFINITIVE, PARTICIPLE............ 16 TEST 7 MODAL VERBS ............................................................... 19 TEST 8 PASSIVE VOICE ............................................................. 21 TEST 9 MOODS ........................................................................... 22 ANSWER KEY

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Кучма Марія Олександрівна



Частина 1



TEST 1 NOUNS .............................................................................. 3

TEST 2 PRONOUNS ...................................................................... 5

TEST 3 ADVERBS AND ADJECTIVES .......................................... 7

TEST 4 ARTICLES ....................................................................... 11

TEST 5 TENSES AND ASPECTS ................................................ 13


TEST 7 MODAL VERBS ............................................................... 19

TEST 8 PASSIVE VOICE ............................................................. 21

TEST 9 MOODS ........................................................................... 22


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ББК81.2 Англ



кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов

Тернопільської академії народного господарства І.М. Гумовська,

вчитель-методист загальноосвітньої спеціалізованої школи №3 м. Тернополя С.І. Шумєлда

Охороняється законом про авторське право.

Жодна частина даного видання не може бути використана чи відтворена в будь якому

вигляді без дозволу автора чи видавництва

Рекомендовано до друку вченою радою Тернопільського експериментального інституту

педагогічної освіти (протокол №4 від 19 грудня 2001 року)

Кучма М.О. Англійська мова: Тести з граматики. Ч. І. Морфологія. —

Тернопіль: Навчальна книга - Богдан, 2003. — 36 с.

ISBN 966-692-080-8

Посібник містить тести (з ключами), які дають можливість перевірити знання з граматики

англійської мови в межах вузівської програми і підготуватися до складання TOEFL.

Розрахований на студентів вищих навчальних закладів, вчителів шкіл, та всіх тих, хто бажає

перевірити та вдосконалити свої знання з усього курсу граматики сучасної англійської мови.

ББК 81.2 Англ

ISBN 966-692-080-8

© Кучма М.О., 2003

© Навчальна книга - Богдан, макет, художнє оформлення, 2003

ПЕРЕДМОВА Це навчальне видання розраховане на абітурієнтів, слухачів мовних курсів та студентів І -

III курсів філологічних факультетів. Посібник також можна використати в старших класах

спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови та для самостійної роботи.

Основна мета посібника — допомогти визначити рівень знань основної і найскладнішої

частини англійської граматики та сприяти формуванню навичок правильного оформлення

висловлювання. Книга дає змогу перевірити засвоєння відомостей про часові форми

дієслова, модальні дієслова, неособові форми дієслова, умовний спосіб, а також про

іменник, займенник, прикметник, прислівник, артикль. У посібнику подано матеріал, що

становить певні труднощі для людей, які вивчають англійську мову, але є необхідним в

усній комунікації.

Тести можуть бути використані викладачами на аудиторних заняттях для визначення рівня

засвоєного граматичного матеріалу з відповідної теми.

Рекомендований час виконання завдань та максимальна кількість балів вказані перед

кожним тестом. Відповіді пропонуємо оцінювати в балах.

За кожне правильно виконане завдання в складі речення нараховується 1 бал.

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1. a) Tick the twelve nouns that have countable uses.

1 knowledge 8 experience 16 lightning

2 business 9 fuel 17 rock

3 job 10 gossip 18 underwear

4 silver 11 honey 19 time

5 cloth 13 ivory 20 scenery

6 crime 14 noise 21 trouble

7 equipment 15 pollution 22 wealth

23 youth

24 progress

b) Write five sentences using the plural form of the nouns you have ticked. Example: I run two businesses in Glasgow.

2. Choose the appropriate form for the blank in the second sentence.

Example: We took a tour that lasted two weeks. We took a two-week tour.

1. Our bus trip is ten miles to Florida.

We'll have a ....................... trip to Florida,

2. This road is ten miles long. This is a ....................... road.

3. He is a specialist at building houses made of bricks.

He is a specialist at building ....................... houses.

4. My friends have seen a play in three acts.

My friends have seen a ...................... play.

5. We teach English language. We are ............................ teachers.

6. On account of an accident, Louis Braille, who was three years old,

became blind.

On account of an accident, ………….…… Louis Braille became blind.

7. All extracurricular activities were cancelled during two weeks of the

examination period.

All extracurricular activities were cancelled during the ...........................

examination period.

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3. . Choose the correct sentence. Circle the letter a or b.

1. a) The cargoes of mercury were lost during hurricane in 1724.

b) The cargos of mercury were lost during hurricane in 1724.

2. a) The heroes should be awarded.

b) The heros should be awarded.

3. a) The echos оf cuckooes were heard in the forest.

b) The echoes of cuckoos were heard in the forest.

4. a) In the zoos children enjoy seeing a lot of funny animals, clowns and


b) In the zooes children enjoy seeing a lot of funny animals, clowns and


5. a) Let's take some photoes of the Grand Canyon,

b) Let's take some photos of the Grand Canyon.

4. Complete the sentences. Use the plural forms of the words in the box.

roof thief chief leaf life safe half

1. The ……………………………..……… need repairing.

2. …………………………………..…… have broken in to the office.

3. It is autumn. The ………………..…… are falling from the trees.

4. We all have problems in our ………..…………………………

5. Some …………………………… are coming to stay at the week-end.

6. Do you think it's safe to keep cash in these ……………………………

7. Don't eat two …… of the apple yourself. Share one with your little sister.

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1. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Underline it.

1. Did anyone notify the principal or (they, them)?

2. The person (who, whom) I vote for must have experience.

3. It was Tony and (she, her) who made the arrangements.

4. John resented (George, George's) losing the paper.

5. Everybody left some food on (their, his, her) plate.

6. Mary and (I, me) would rather go to the movies.

7. John (he, himself) went to the meeting.

8. Yes, it was (I, me) who made that pumpkin pie.

9. You'll stick (you, your, yourself) with the pins if you are not careful.

10. All of us can play except Cindy and (she, her).

11. (Yours, your) record is scratched and (my, mine) is too.

12. Everyone knew (who, whom) the astronauts were.

13. Our family and (they, them) know each other for years.

14. Was it you or (she, her) who bought the tennis racket?

15. Everyone but (we, us) used a typewriter.

2. Put in a suitable pronoun.

1. My sister is older than .............. .

2. They like her more than .............. .

3. We ate more than .............. .

4. Can you speak French as well as .............. ?

5. Nothing happened while I was away, did .............. ?

6. I don't know .............. she's going out with now.

7. "Who greeted each child by name?"

"It was .............. — Santa Clause".

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3. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

Underline it.

1. If everyone comes to the party, it will be impossible to accommodate

(them, him).

2. The faculty argued among (itself, themselves) over the curriculum.

3. Either Joan or Karen will bring (her, their) microphone.

4. Both Bill and John made (his, their) own trout flies.

5. Each of the girls will finish (her, their) biology assignment.

6. The swarm of hornets has abandoned (its, their) nest.

7. The committee is discussing (its, their) report tomorrow.

8. Some of the girls have brought (their, her) own lunch.

9. Either the parents or your friend will give you (his, their) cardigan.

10. He never puts anything back in (its, his) place.

4. Add "a", "some" or "any", if needed, in the blank spaces.

1. Would you like .............. milk?

2. Ask your financial director for .............. information.

3. You need .............. sharp knife to cut .............. meat.

4. They gave him .............. good advice, but he didn't take .............. notice.

5. It's .............. bit stuffy in here. I feel like .............. fresh air.

6. I'll do .............. washing up tomorrow, but today there isn't ..............

moment to spare for .............. other business.

5. Add "it", "one", "ones", "a", "some" or "any" - or nothing.

1. Do you like cookies? Here are .............. nice fresh .............. .

2. The small .............. is tastier than those big ............. .

Please, taste .............. .

3. There are three yellow lemons and .............. green .............. .

4. Tim never drinks .............. wine, but Jean does.

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1. Choose the right word.

Underline it.

1. I will (sure, surely) have the answer tomorrow.

2. She felt (nervous, nervously) about the play.

3. All the students study really (good, well).

4. Her hair is so lovely and (soft, softly) ... like a baby's hair.

5. The crowd remained (calm, calmly).

6. Although the food tasted (good, well), it was not (good, well) for you.

7. This is very (bad, badly) cooked.

8. The corn grew (slow, slowly).

9. She looked (calm, calmly) around the room.

10. The car performed (bad, badly) on the trip.

11. When she did notice him, he cleared his throat (loud, loudly).

12. Great works of art seem to look (different, differently) every time one stands

before them.

13. That perfume smells (strong, strongly).

14. He dived (deep, deeply) into the lake.

2. Choose the correct word combination.

Underline it.

1. Do you know (the blind person /the blind) next door?

2. Let me tell you about (the rich / the rich people.)

They are different from you and me.

3. (The Welsh/ the Welshpeople) have a very old literary tradition.

4. Love, like youth, is wasted on (the young / the young people) (Sammy Cahn).

5. (The Chinese / the China people) were the first people to use paper money.

3. Rewrite each description in the right order. Example: books: old, terrible — terrible old books

1. dress: evening, red, silk ........................................................

2. furniture: old, lovely, wooden ........................................................

3. skirt: short, leather, smart ........................................................

4. street: long, narrow ........................................................

5. hair: long, fair, beautiful ........................................................

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4. Rewrite these sentences correcting misplaced adverbs. 1. Even good friends disagree sometimes.

2. All morning the barometer was rapidly dropping.

3. The intruders probably were looking for cash.

4. They thought they would go early to bed tonight.

5. Which of you goes on Sundays to church?

6. I tidied up the flat and cooked also the supper.

7. They even can't read.

8. I probably will not go there.

9. Take it easy. I am only joking.

10. Does ever the weather affect your mood?

11. I have often tried to find it.

12. We gave a five-minute talk each.

13. It's not raining definitely.

14. I often don't go to the theatre.

5. Put in still, yet or already.

1. Is he unemployed?

2. Has the plane landed?

3. I've done it!

4. Is the meat roasted?

5. Why is he in bed?

6. Have you had your breakfast?

7. 9 a.m., and it's dark!

8. Look — it's snowing!

9. 4 p.m., and it's dark!

10. Some of the "Beatles" old songs enjoy popularity today.

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6. Write the comparative / superlative of a word from the box for each blank.

quickly easy early close popular little late

1. Of all the snacks, I like the almonds ..................................... .

2. If you chop vegetables, they cook ......................................... .

3. We are now ...................................... to our goal than ever before.

4. Did you, he, or she arrive ....................................... ?

5. E-mail is the .......... form of electronic message exchange, and also the ........ to use.

6. For the 10.20 train, ............................. we can leave home is 10.

7. Put in like or as.

1. Today's teenagers want to be treated .............. adults, but they won't take adult


2. Would you prefer to have a lazy-bone .............. a husband?

3. He takes everything .............. an insult.

4. Being in love is .............. an illness.

5. I have a part-time job .............. a tourist guide.

6. I wish I could play the guitar .............. you.

7. Do .............. you like.

8. I can't stand people .............. him.

9. She works .............. a shop assistant, .............. most of her friends.

10. Though you are already an adult you behave .............. a child.

8. Complete the sentences, using expressions with such or so.

1. The situation was .............. that Air Traffic Control ordered to keep flying on

automatic pilot.

2. I was .............. that I could hardly speak.

3. The restaurant served .............. food that nobody could eat it.

4. We had .............. time in the Crimea that nobody wanted to leave.

5. The case was .............. that nobody could lift it.

6. They wish their car wasn't .............. .

7. The weather was .............. rainy that all tennis matches were cancelled.

8. The path is .............. that it's difficult for two people to pass each other.

9. It was .............. a good film that I went to see it three times.

10. And their daughter is .............. pretty!

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9. Choose the correct word combination.

Underline it.

1. Look over there. I'd love to have (a car like that/ such a car).

2. The basketball player is (very much admired / very admired) by his fans.

3. That's Bill's car, unless I'm (very much mistaken / very mistaken).

4. She was (very much excited / very excited) about the Venice sightseeings.

5. I was (very much annoyed / very annoyed) at his stupidity.

6. She's (very much respected / very respected by her colleagues).

7. I'm (very much concerned / very concerned) for your safety.

10. Select the correct form.

1. Of the five overcoats, she liked navy one (better / best).

2. This is the (creamier / creamiest) ice-cream I have had in a long time.

3. This is the (funnier / funniest) of the two get-wet cards.

4. Your colourful clothes are different (from / than) mine.

5. No sooner had she arrived in London (when / than) she called Nick.

6. A mink coat costs (twice more than / twice as much as) a sable coat.

7. Jim has as (much / many) opportunities to travel abroad as I.

8. The quality of his clothes design is (many / much) better than that of hers.

9. The art gallery is the (nearer / nearest) of the three buildings.

10. Miss Dike isn't a (better / best) actress than other actresses I've seen.

1 1 . This road is the (worse / worst) I've ever travelled over!

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1. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

1. ..... Statue of Liberty was ...... gift of friendship from France to ....... United States.

2. Will you treat me to ........ cup of ....... coffee with ........ cream and ........ sugar.

3. Go to ....... supermarket, please and buy ....... bottle of .... milk and ...... dozen eggs.

4. ........ Lake Erie is one of ........ five Great Lakes in ......... North America.

5. My Godfather bought me .............. present that I had wanted for my birthday.

6. David attended .............. Princeton University.

7. .............. cold weather and .............. gray walls under .............. gray sky gave

her .............. sense of .............. defeat.

8. My friend has been admitted to ........ School of Medicine at .............. mid western


9. It was .......... benign day, with ......... fine fleecy clouds suspended in .......... blue

sky, and ........... light wind ruffling .......... darkened foliage of ........... summer trees.

10. ........ Braille family lived in ....... village near Paris, France, in ......... early 1800-s.

11. At .............. age of two my mother taught my brother to count.

12. He is at .............. Smiths'.

13. ........ kiss as ......... form of social greeting is no longer reserved for women.

14. ........ I saw .............. film last night. .............. film was about .............. soldier and

.............. beautiful girl.

15. All .............. jokes were amusing.

16. Lomonosov was .............. son of .............. fisherman.

17. .............. dinner was .............. success.

18. .............. timid Tom could not say a word.

19. Robin Hood stole from .............. rich and gave to .............. poor.

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20. What .............. fine weather!

21. I've head it from .............. certain Mr. Brown.

22. .............. Lazy John was always in .............. debt.

23. We spent hours on .............. deck.

24. He is .............. student you have asked about.

25. .............. man is waiting for you downstairs.

26. Thank you. That was .............. very nice lunch.

27. .............. Roses are my favourite flowers.

28. .............. French are famous for their food.

29. .............. both banks of .............. Dnipro are so picturesque!

30. .............. river Seret flows through Ternopil region.

31. After .............. accident he was taken to .............. hospital.

32. .............. Baikal is .............. deepest lake.

33. ...... newspaper headline .......... "Forbes wins ........ tax case for ......... dad's estate"

attracted our attention.

34. ....... Abbey is ...... living church that enshrines ........ history of ...... British nation.

35. .............. Lady Chapel is .............. home of .............. Order of .............. Bath, one

of .............. Britan's order of .............. chivalry.

36. The workmen went to .............. church to repair .............. roof.

37. Mr. Brown reads .............. Daily Telegraph.

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1. Choose the correct form of the word from those in brackets.

Underline it. 1. He was travelling with a friend who (went out, had gone out) to buy a newspaper.

2. There were few people on the platform. All who were travelling (took, had taken)

their seats.

3. Our water pipes (froze, have frozen) again.

4. I (have known / knew) her since 2000.

5. When the bell (rang / had rung ) the door burst open.

6. Anyone (has spoken / spoke) to you about the assembly program?

7. I regretted that I (chose / had chosen) such a broad topic.

8. The vegetables you can see (were probably treated / have probably been treated)

with pesticides — chemicals which kill the small animals and insects that (have lived /

live) on them.

9. I (have lived / lived) in England all my life.

10. Who's the boy I (have been dancing / was dancing) with most of the time?

2. Rewrite the incorrect sentences correctly. 1. He knew that Sirius had been the brightest star.

2. She wants to know where are ants and grasshoppers dipped in chocolate sold.

3. The boy asked how far did the dog run.

4. I wondered whether Roger has spoken to you about the meeting.

5. Our geography teacher said that between Las Vegas and Barstow lies a great desert.

6. Tom doubted that there are four basic taste sensations: sweet, bitter, sour, and salty.

7. I asked him did not order flowers from the florist.

8. Jack wondered where she had left the keys.

9. Ann replied that she would go there tomorrow.

10. I did not answer your letter because I don't like to write letters.

11. The mother told the daughter that she must not play in the street.

12. It was not so cold yesterday as it is today.

13. He said that he had been in London two years ago.

14. The foreigner asks if gambling is legal or illegal in Ukraine.

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3. Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct. 1. The

A manager went to play

B tennis after

C he has finished with the sitting


2. There wereA a time that he used to play

B golf five laps every week

C, but now he

does not have enough timeD.

3. They were cutA off the water

B and electricity, when

C the Housing officer came in


4. A lot of people in this areaA are living

B in sub-standard accommodation

C and so

does John's familyD.

5. Buying cars areA often a very time-consuming

B practice because those cars

C that a

person likes are rarely the onesD that he can afford.

6. The work performed by these programmersA are

B not worth our paying


them any longerD.

7. If the line engagedA, you

B must make another call

C in

D 3 or 4 minutes.

8. The news that the Alamo fellA was greeted

B with

C tears for

D its brave defenders.

4. Supply the Past Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences. 1. After she ......... (win) the beauty contest, she ......... (invite) to take part in many

TV shows.

2. The policeman ......... (read) the suspect his rights after he ............ (arrest) him.

3. George .............. (wait) for half an hour before they .............. (call) the flight.

4. After I ........ (do) some sightseeing in Santiago, I ........ (spend) a week in the jungle.

5. As long as she ........ (can) remember Pauline always ........ (want) to be a Film star.

6. The things on the table ......... (be) in order but not in the order I ........ (leave) them.

7. When the performance ............ (end), there ............ (be) six curtain calls.

8. When drivers ......... (discover) a wreck off the Dominican Republic, they ...... (think)

it ............ (be) the Tolosa.

9. .............. the ocean floor flat, or .............. it .............. (have) ridges?

5. Put the verbs in parentheses into correct form. Lucas Rosario, 8, of New York City has new clothes and some extra toys lent to him

by his best friend Harry. When he and his parents go out to dinner, which (be)1 almost

every night now, he (get)2 to pick the restaurant.

But if you (ask)3 Lucas, none of this (be)

4 lucky. He (witness)

5 the two planes crashing

into the World Trade Center, his ‘favourite buildings,’ and (see)6 people jumping to

their deaths. And the reason he freshly (be outfitted)7 and feat)

8 out be

9 that he and his

parents Julio Rosario and Joan Lader (live)10

a vagabond existence since Sept. 11.

They (move)11

four times since they (evacuate)12

from their Tribeca apartment two

blocks north of ground zero.

They (rely)13

on the kindness of friends, who (find)14

them vacant apartments or


them in. Lucas doubly (displace)16

— from his home and from Public School

234, which (move)17

twice since Sept. 11. And now bedtime (offer)18

little respite.

‘I (have)19

trouble sleeping because of the things that (happen)20

,’ he says.

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6. Complete the sentence with question tags.

1. No one is interested in the lyrics today, ..............

2. No one can possible keep up to date with all the new bands, ………….

3. I am to turn to the right, ..............

4. Pass me some bread, ..............

5. You haven't got a car, ..............

6. Let's go to the theatre, ..............

7. She has to fly to Spain, ..............

8. There's an exam tomorrow, ..............

9. You and he talked with the professor yesterday, ..............

10. Ann will be attending his lectures in September, ..............

7. Divide the sentences into five groups denoting:

a) an intention;

b) a decision taken at the moment of speaking;

c) a definite arrangement;

d) fixed time;

e) predicting the future / future hopes.

1. He's going to the USA.

2. I'll probably move abroad in five year's time.

3. Who knows, perhaps I'll borrow it from you one day.

4. I'm going to buy a guide book.

5. Well, I'll give you the money for it right now.

6. She's taking the train at eleven.

7. We open at 10 in the morning.

8. She train to Bristol arrives at seven at Platform 9.

9. Sorry, I can't go to the restaurant with you. I'm having an appointment with my boss.

10. If you have an itch on the inside of your nose, problems will follow.

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1. Supply the correct form of the Infinitive.

1. Glass and aluminium cans can .................. (recycle) and ................... (use) again.

2. One needs the ability ....................... (appreciate and share) the vision of artists,

lacking such ability one may ........................... (develop) it.

3. We have all agreed ................. (take) a pay cut so that our company will survive.

4. The important thing when making out a money order is ................. (write) legibly.

5. When we got to the airport we found we needn't ........................ (hurry) because

take-off had been delayed for an hour.

6. A great deal of property is said .................................... (destroy) by hurricane.

7. I'm looking for him everywhere. He appears .......................... (repair) his car.

8. I was the first ................................ (learn) the poem by heart.

9. Just fancy! He pretended ................................. (read).

2. Use the correct form of the Participle suitable for the noun.

The first word combination is done for you.

1. (live and work) conditions — living and working conditions;

2. (hide) powers — ..............

3. (refine) music — ..............

4. (write) instructions — ..............

5. (wash) powder — ..............

6. (read) projects — ..............

7. (fill) stations — ..............

8. (drive) license — ..............

9. (devote) wives — ..............

10. (animate) cartoons — ..............

11. (sleep) pills — ..............

12. (expand) course of study — ..............

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3. Choose the correct form of the verb. Circle the letter А, В or C.

1. We've delayed .............. the date of the wedding to please everybody.

A fixing В fix С to fix

2. Tourists were asked .............. cameras into the museum.

A not carrying В not to carry С not to have been carrying

3. No one can forbid you .............. public transport.

A using В to use С use

4. It's hard to imagine .............. on the salaries that are paid in this country.

A living В to live С live

5. I suggest .............. a taxi if we don't want to miss the train.

A taking В to take С take

6. John Constable considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from

nature that is .............. in the open air.

A working В to work С work

7. The best thing is for him .............. saving.

A starting В to start С start

8. They made us .............. several courses.

A taking В to take С take

9. Paper money is obviously easier .............. and much more convenient in the

modern world.

A handling В to handle С handle

10. There are people .............. the land, the sea and the air.

A polluting В to pollute С pollute

11. It was starting .............. .

A raining В to rain С rain

4. Add the preposition where necessary.

1. He couldn't keep .............. telling them how to organize a banquet.

2. I congratulate you .............. getting your new job!

3. They accused him .............. committing a crime.

4. It's no use .............. buying this book.

5. I enjoyed .............. staying at home after such a tiring day.

6. My mother doesn't approve .............. my going out with him.

7. What prevented you .............. leaving for Canada.

8. My friends warned me .............. going to a fortune-teller.

9. I feel .............. travelling in great comfort.

10. I dream .............. having a room for fun, the door of which would be the entrance

to the world full of endless adventure.

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5. Choose the correct form of the participle used as adjectives in the following

sentences. Underline it.

1. The (bored / boring) students went to sleep during the (bored / boring) lecture.

2. The (frightened / frightening) child began to cry.

3. The child saw a (frightened / frightening) movie.

4. We saw the (advancing / advanced) army from across town.

5. The deputy presented the (approving / approved) programme to the public.

6. The (blowing / blown) wind of the hurricane damaged the roofs of many houses.

7. The police towed away the (parking / parked) car because it was blocking the


8. Can you smell something (burning / burnt)?

9. A ticket should always have its original face value clearly (displaying / displayed).

6. Refer each sentence to one of the four groups:

(A) Objective Infinitive / Participle Complex;

(B) Subjective Infinitive / Participle Complex;

(C) Absolute Participle Complex;

(D) Gerundial Complex.

Example: I want you to go there. — (A) you to go

1. I watched the plane taking off — .............. .

2. When sending a letter of particular value you should have it registered

3. The car being broken, we couldn't drive to L’viv — .............. .

4. The vessel is reported to stop unloading the containers after the accident — .......... .

5. If you want your letter to be delivered by special messenger without any delay,

you can use "Express Mail" service — .............. .

6. The weather being fine, he will take us on a picnic today— .............. .

7. I expected him to be a lawyer, but he is keen on building bridges —

8. Everyone seems to be reading this Murdock book— .............. .

9. We got our house painted last week — .............. .

10. The judge insisted on his telling the whole truth about the accident —

11. We will have to get the Dean to sing this form — .............. .

12. I enjoy my feeling safe when I walk the streets in London— .............. .

13. The little boy was seen eating the cookies before lunch — .............. .

14. We heard them telling the children some funny stories — .............. .

15. Their premises are said to have been completely destroyed by fire — …..

16. I am surprised at Jane's having spread gossips — ……

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1. Refer the following sentences to the future if possible.

1. He can tidy up the pile of newspapers.

2. You may not give the pilgrims a lift.

3. Nick must always save his plastic shopping bags.

4. People may not spray their plants with insecticides which can harm their eyes and skin.

5. It was raining so we couldn't go out.

6. You mustn't keep people suffering.

7. She might come and stay at Christmas or she may stay at home.

2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Невже Мона Ліза слухала музику, коли Леонардо да Вінчі малював?

2. Можливо, вони вже приїхали.

3. Ти міг би допомогти їй.

4. Не може бути, щоб я загубив квиток.

5. Невже ви вірите цьому?

6. Чому я маю завжди ловити рибу на вечерю?

7. Треба нам відвідувати його лекції?

8. Він, можливо, відвезе автомобіль у гараж.

9. Напевно, водій не відвезе мене в готель.

10. Не може бути, щоб він був таким зайнятим.

11. Заручники, напевно, сиділи в літаку без їжі та води.

12. Вам слід було заплатити штраф.

13. Невже мій син обманює?

14. А чому б мені не купити два квитки до Чикаго і назад?

15. Вони, напевно, зараз відсилають факс.

16. Ліки треба тримати в прохолодному темному місці.

17. Ми маємо поговорити з ним.

18. Комп'ютер не працює.

19. Як ти посміла так запитати?

20. Нам не треба брати таксі, ми не запізнюємося.

21. Мені не треба було туди йти. Я не знав, що вони скасували зустріч.

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3. Choose the correct modal verb. Circle the letter А, В or C.

1. We were told not to be late for check-in at the airport and we rush like mad.

A must В had to С should

2. "What shall I do with this application form?"

"You .............. fill it in and return it to the office by Friday."

A must В would С needn't

3. If you want to excite people you .............. know what makes them respond, what

makes them agitated.

A should В need С are to

4. " .............. we invite Liz and Tony to dinner tomorrow?"

"Yes. Let's ask Tom and Kate, too."

A would В will С shall

5. "If I .............. 1 imagine the entire man, the whole mind of the character, if I didn't

feel I am that man whom I am going to play, I wouldn't .............. 2 to play, I wouldn't

have made an actor" (Laurence Oliver). 1

A couldn't В cannot С might not 2

A have to В have had to С be able

6. "That woman is my German teacher."

"She .............. be a teacher. She looks too young."

A needn't В can't С mustn't

7. She .............. not get through the tiny skylight, but a child .............. do it.

A might В could С should

8. "Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?"

"Sorry, I .............. 1. My boss says I ..............

2 work late tonight."

1A mustn't В wouldn't С can't

2A have to В mustn't С might

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1. Use the correct tense form or the form of the Infinitive, Participle or Gerund.

1. Theatre history can .............. (trace) to Egyptian religious ritualistic drama as long

as 3200 B.C.

2. "If you .............. (sell) a ticket at more than its face value, and if that value is not

shown or made known to you, please let the Theatre administration .............. (know)."

3. The exhibits of Stary Skalat (Ternopil region) museum testify to how

much attention Les' Kurbas .............. (pay) to the theatrical art in Ukraine.

4. Some years ago audiences .............. (bewitch) by the virtuoso techniques and

dramatic talent of such Ukrainian ballerinas as O.Potapova, A.Havrylenko, N.Rudenko.

5. When ........................... (speak) of different forms of music the classical music is

worthy of ......................... (mention) first.

6. Pop may be said ............... (emerge) in the mid 1950s with the arrival of rock'n'roll.

7. Pop music always ........................... (influence) by other forms of music.

8. New non-government symphony and chamber orchestras, brass bands and choirs

................... (form) since Ukraine .................... (proclamation) independent in 1991.

9. In Ukraine portrait painting as a separate genre .................. (emerge) during the

Renaissance (16th century) and strongly ................ (influence) by the icon tradition.

10. Literary works should not be adapted for the screen as people simply stop .........

(read) fiction: .................. (see) a film is "easier" than ................... (read).

1 1 . Over the past several years research and technological cooperation treaties and

agreements .......................... (sign) with many countries.

12. The second part of the twentieth century ............... (bring) a number of technical

innovations which ............. (be) still very young but which ..................... (take) as if

have always existed.

13. If you are sitting in a train and looking out at the trees rushing, the trees seem

............... (move) backwards, but really it is the train that .............. (move) forwards.

14. "E-mail" enables any information .......... (send) within the shortest period of time.

15. The Day Letter .............. (send) off almost immediately and must ......... (deliver)

the day it is sent.

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1. Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. If only I .............. (can) speak to her.

2. What would you do if you .............. (meet) a lion?

3. If we go to the new restaurant, I'm sure you .............. (enjoy) yourself.

4. Had Bob not interfered in his sister's marital problems, there .............. (be) peace

between them.

5. I wish you .......... (stop) making so much noise so that I .......... (can) concentrate.

6. We hope that you .............. (enjoy) the party last night.

7. If the suit ........... (not to be) heavy, the diver could have been underwater longer.

8. If she wins the prize, it .............. (be) because she .............. (write) very well.

9. Joel wishes that he .............. (spend) his vacation on the Gulf Coast next year.

10. He wishes his skill .......... (enable) him to mystify audiences throughout the world.

11. Had the wife confessed to her husband, he .............. (tell) the inspector, and there

.............. (not to be) any murders.

12. What would you do if you .............. (trap) in a lift?

13. If you had a bank overdraft, how much interest .............. (have to) you pay?

14. If I stayed in a hotel I .............. (hide) my money in the pillow.

15. I wish .............. (to told) the truth then.

16. Unless we .............. (think) new research .............. (be) necessary, we wouldn't

be spending money on it.

17. Terrorists could hold the nation to ransom if they .............. (capture) a reactor.

18. If he hadn't noticed the error, they could .............. (lose) the order.

19. If I .............. (not to go) to the party, none of these things would have happened.

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2. Choose the correct answer. Circle the letter А, В or C.

1. I wonder if you .............. ready by 3 o'clock

A would be В are С will be

2. But for them we .............. in Madrid on time yesterday

A arrived В had arrived С should have arrived

3. She worries lest he .............. to mow the lawn

A have forgotten В should forget С would forret.

4. But for high tax theу .............. a very successful business

A had got В would have got С had had got.

5. Mother asked me if I .............. the room and .............. the floor.

A should clean ... and wash

В shall clean ... and wash

С clean ... and wash

6. He was afraid lest they .............. him the job

A had offered В should offer С would offer

7. He behaves as if he .............. a license to drive a taxi in Kyiv.

A obtained В had obtained С obtain

8. It is natural that the general's car ..............

A should be polished

В have been polished

С would be polished

9. He spoke to the police as if he .............. the child.

A hadn't kidnapped

В didn't kidnap

С wouldn't have kidnapped

10. If you .............. your cousin give him my best wishes.

A will see В saw С see

3. Complete the sentences with if or when.

1. .............. he is really enjoying himself, he sometimes forgets where he is.

2. .............. it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll have a barbecue.

3. I am going to be an actress .............. I grow up.

4. What a pity I haven't got my car. ........... I had, I should take you to the airport.

5. .............. you adopt the local lifestyle, you'll enjoy yourself much more.

6. .............. you aren't careful about taking photos in some places, people will be


7. What would happen .............. there were a serious nuclear accident?

8. I'll call for you at 7 a.m. tomorrow .............. that isn't too early.

9. .............. it rains heavily, the river floods.

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Навчальне видання

Кучма Марія Олександрівна



Частина 1


Головний редактор Б.Є. Будний

Редактор О.О. Мазур

Художник В.А Басалига

Технічний редактор/.О. Козуб

Комп'ютерна верстка О.В. Побережник

Підписано до друку 20.05.2003. Формат 60x84/16. Папір офсетний.

Гарнітура Pragmatica. Умови, друк. арк. 2.09. Умови, фарбо-відб. 2,09.


Видавництво «Навчальна книга - Богдан»

Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реестру видавців

Л К №370 від 21.03.2001 p.

46008, М.Тернопіль, вул. Танцорова, 14. А/с 529.

тел./факс (0352) 43-00-46; 25-18-09; 25-37-53

E-mail: [email protected]

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1. a) 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23.


1) a twelve-hour trip;

2) a ten-mile-long road;

3) brick houses;

4) three-act play;

5) English teachers;

6) three-year-old Louis Braille;

7) the two-week examination period.

3. 1 a; 2 a; 3 b; 4 a; 5 b.

4. 1) roots; 2) thieves; 3) leaves; 4) lives; 5) chiefs; 6) safes; 7) halves.


1. 1. them; 2. whom; 3. she; 4. George's; 5. his or her; 6. I; 7. himself; 8.1;

9. yourself; 10. her; 11. your, mine; 12. who; 13. they; 14. she; 15 us.

2. Examples of possible answers

1- I

2- me

3- they

4- he

5 - it 6 - whom

7- he

3. 1. them; 2. themselves; 3. her; 4. their; 5. her; 6. its; 7. its; 8. their; 9. his; 10. its.

4. 1. some; 2. some; 3. a, -; 4. some, any; 5. a, some; 6. some, a, any.

5. 1. some, ones; 2. one, ones, it; 3. a, one; 4. any, some.

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1. 1 . surely; 2. nervous; 3. well; 4. soft; 5. calm; 6. good, good; 7. badly;

8. slowly; 9. calmly; 10. badly; 11. loudly; 12. different; 13. strong; 14. deep.

2. 1. the blind person; 2. the rich; 3. the Welsh; 4. the young; 5. the Chinese.

3. 1. red silk evening dress; 2. lovely old wooden furniture;

3. smart short leather skirt; 4. long narrow street; 5. beautiful long fair hair.

4. 1. Even good friends sometimes disagree.

2. All morning the barometer was dropping rapidly.

3. The intruders were probably looking for cash.

4. They thought they would go to bed early tonight.

5. Which of you goes to church on Sundays?

6. I tidied up my flat and also cooked the supper.

7. They can't even read.

8. I will probably not go there.

9. Take it easy. I am only joking.

10. Does the weather ever affect your mood?

11. I have often tried to find it.

12. We each gave a five-minute talk.

13. It's definitely not raining.

14. I don't often go to the theatre.

5. 1. Is he still unemployed? 2. Has the plane landed yet? 3. I've already done it!

4. Is the meat roasted yet? 5. Why is he still / already in bed?

6. Have you had your breakfast yet? / Have you already had your breakfast?

7. 9 a.m., and it's still dark! 8. Look — it's still snowing! 9. 4 p.m., and it's already dark!

10. Some of the "Beatles" old songs still enjoy popularity today.

6. 1. least; 2. more quickly; 3. closer; 4. earliest;

5. the most popular, the easiest; 6. the latest.

7. 1. like; 2. as; 3. as; 4. like; 5. as; 6. like; 7. as; 8. like; 9. as, like; 10. like.

8. Examples of possible answers.

1. so serious 6. car wasn't so old

2. so tired 7. so

3. such 8. so narrow

4. such a nice time 9. such

5. so heavy 10. so

9. 1. a car like that; 2. is very much admired; 3. I'm very much mistaken;

4. very excited; 5. very annoyed; 6. very much respected; 7. very concerned.

10. 1. best; 2. creamiest; 3. funnier; 4. from; 5. than; 6. twice as mush as;

7. many; 8. much; 9. nearest; 10. better; 11. worst.

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1. the, a, -, the; 2. a, -, -, -; 3. the, a, -, a; 4. -, the, -; 5. the; 6. -; 7. the, the, a, a, -;

8. the, a; 9. a, -, a, a, the, -; 10. the, a, the; 11. the; 12. the; 13. the, a; 14. a, the, a, a;

15. the; 16. the, a; 17. the, a; 18. the; 19. the, the; 20. -; 21. a; 22. -, -; 23. -; 24. the;

25 a; 26 a; 27 -; 28. the; 29. -, the; 30. the; 31. the, -; 32. the, the; 33. the, -, -, -;

34. the, a, the, the; 35. the, the, the, the, -, -; 36. the, the; 37. the.


1. 1. had gone out; 2. had taken; 3. have frozen; 4. have known; 5. rang;

6. Has anyone spoken; 7. had chosen; 8. have probably been treated, live; 9. have lived;

10. have been dancing; 11. have always valued; 12. have not been, began, ran.

2. 1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8 a; 9. b; 10. a; 11. a; 12. a; 13. b; 14. a; 15 b.

1. He knew that Sirius is / was the brightest star.

2. She wants to know where ants and grass-hoppers dipped in chocolate are sold.

3. The boy asked how far the dog had run.

4. I wondered whether Roger had spoken to you about the meeting.

7. I asked him not to order flowers from the florist.

9. Ann replied that she would go there the next day.

13. He said that he was in London two years ago.

3. 1. D (had finished); 2. A (was); 3. A (were cutting); 4. D (is); 5. A (is);

6. В (is); 7. A (is); 8. A (had fallen).

4. 1. had won, was invited; 2. read, had arrested; 3. had waited; called;

4. had done; spent; 5. could; had always wanted; 6. were; had left; 7. ended,

were; 8. discovered, thought, was; 9. was, did it have.

5. 1 is; 2 gets; 3 ask; 4 is.

6. 1. are they; 2. can they; 3. aren't I; 4. will you; 5. have you; 6. shall we;

7. doesn't she; 8. isn't there; 9. didn't you; 10. won't she.

7. 1 a; 2 e; 3 b; 4 a; 5 b; 6 c; 7 d; 8 d; 9 c; 10 e.

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1. be recycled and used; 2. to appreciate and share; develop; 3. to take; 4. to write;

5. have hurried; 6. to have been destroyed; 7. to be repairing; 8. to learn; 9. to be reading.

2. 1. living and working conditions; 2. hidden powers; 3. refined music;

4. written instructions; 5. washing powder; 6. reading projects; 7. filling stations;

8. driving license; 9. devoted wives; 10. animated cartoons; 11. sleeping pills;

12. expanded course of study.

3. 1 A; 2 В; 3 B; 4 A; 5 A; 6 A; 7 B; 8 C; 9 B; 10 A; 11 B.

4. 1. from; 2. on; 3. of; 4. -; 5. -; 6. of; 7. from; 8. against; 9. like; 10. of.

5. 1. bored, boring; 2. brightened; 3. brightening; 4. advancing; 5. approved;

6. blowing; 7. parked; 8. burning; 9. displayed.



2. it registered; 5. your letter to be delivered; 7. him to be; 9. our house painted;

11. the Dean to sign; 14. them telling;


4. the vessel., to stop; 8. everyone... to be reading; 13. the little boy... eating;

15. their premises ... to have been destroyed;


3. the car being broken; 6. the weather being fine;


10. his telling; 12. my feeling; 16. Jane's having spread.

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1. He will be able to tidy up...

2. You will not be allowed / permitted to give...

3. Nick will always have to save...

4. Will not be allowed / permitted to spray ... which can harm...

5. It will be raining so we won't be able to go out.

6. - .

7. - .


1. Can Mona Lisa have been listening to music while Leonardo da Vinchi painted?

2. They may have already arrived.

3. You might have helped her.

4. I can't have lost the ticket.

5. Can you believe it?

6. Why should I always catch fish for supper?

7. Do we have to attend his lectures?

8. He may take the car to the garage.

9. Evidently the driver will not take me to the hotel.

10. He can't be so busy.

11. The hostages must have been sitting in the plane without food and water.

12. You should have paid the fine.

13. Can my son be telling lies?

14. Why shouldn't I buy two round trip tickets to Chicago?

15. They must be sending a fax.

16. The medicine is to be kept in a cool dark place.

17. We are to talk to with him.

18. The computer won't work.

19. How dare you ask such a question?

20. We don't need to take a taxi, we aren't late.

21. I needn't have gone there. I didn't know they had cancelled the meeting.

3. 1. B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. C; 5. 1 A; 2. C; 6. B; 7. B; 8. 1 C, 2 A.

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1. can be traced; 2. are cold, know; 3. paid; 4. were bewitched;

5. speaking; being mentioned; 6. to have emerged; 7. has always been influenced;

8. have been formed, was proclaimed; 9. emerged; was strongly influenced;

10. reading, seeing, reading; 11. have been signed;

12. has brought, are still, are taken; 13. to be moving, is moving;

14. to be sent; 15. is sent; must be delivered.



1. could; 2. met; 3. will enjoy; 4. would have been; 5. would stop, could;

6. enjoyed; 7. hadn't been; 8. will be, writes; 9. could spend; 10. enabled;

11. would have told, wouldn't have been; 12. were trapped;

13. interest would you have to pay? 14. would hide; 15. had been told;

16. thought, was; 17. captured;

18. have lost; 19. hadn't gone.

2. 1.C; 2. C; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. B; 7. B; 8. A; 9. A; 10. C.

3. 1. when; 2. if; 3. when; 4. if; 5. if; 6. if; 7. if; 8. if; 9. when / if.

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