effective time management 0107 20ghgfb14


Upload: jason-west

Post on 07-Oct-2015




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Task 2

Please define with an example -


What according to you is effective time management?3

So what is Effective Time Management? Effective Time Management (ETM) refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity44

Why ETM?

To save timeTo reduce stressTo function effectivelyTo increase our work outputTo have more control over our job responsibilities55

How?Effective PlanningSetting goals and objectivesSetting deadlinesDelegation of responsibilitiesPrioritizing activities as per their importanceSpending the right time on the right activity66

Increase EffectivenessAfter organizing and categorizing tasks, prioritize tasksDevelop new skillsTime SenseGoal SettingTime PlanningRecognize ProcrastinationCelebrate your accomplishments


Organize and PrioritizePlan your work, then work your planThe to-do listAssess your tasksPlan for the unplanned



Planning and Prioritization


Organize and PrioritizePrioritize your tasksWhere do the majority of your tasks fall on the chart?

10UrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant ,but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not Important10

Organize and PrioritizeQuadrant IImmediate Attention Required

11UrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant, but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not Important11

Organize and PrioritizeQuadrant IIRequires attention, but not yet critical

12UrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant, but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not Important12

Organize and PrioritizeQuadrant IIINice to do

13UrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant, but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not Important13

Organize and PrioritizeQuadrant IVThese activities are time eaters

14UrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant, but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not Important14

Task 3 Round 1

Round 2


Round 3



Kill procrastination Get Started Break the task down Use your time gaps Important tasks first1.Get started- beginning is usually the hardest part. Once you have formed the 30-day habit youre destined to succeed.2.Break the task downinto manageable chunks. If the problem seems to be a big one and you dont know where to begin, start with the easiest chunk to give you confidence, then take it one bite at a time.3.Use your time gaps- even in five minutes you can accomplish a lot. You can often make your C tasks disappear during these quieter moments.4.Important tasks first- routine seems easy - so we waste time on it by tackling it first. Schedule the difficult tasks first and then reward yourself with the easy tasks.



Kill procrastination Reward yourself Break the task down Give yourself more time Simplify it5.Reward yourself- if you really dont want to do it, give yourself something to look forward to. When Ive done this, I will have a coffee / go for a walk.6.Start in the middle. If the first step seems the hardest, try starting in the middle and work your way outwards.7.Give yourself more time. Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier.8.Simplify it. Ask yourself if you could do it differently. Maybe you are making it more complicated than it needs to be.17


Kill procrastination Do nothing! Delegate it Involve someone Use your time for leisure9.Do nothing! Tell yourself that for fifteen minutes you are going to sit with the tasks and not do anything. Generally people become bored and start.10.Delegate it.11.Involve someone else.Tell them what you intend to do, and ask them to check on your progress!12.Use your leisure time for leisure. If you stop procrastinating then your leisure time will be guilt free.


Time management skills = stress and anxiety levels and productivity


As time management skills develop, your stress and anxiety levels will go down and productivity will go up.

Time management tools which include day planners, to-do lists, weekly and long-term calendars will increase organization and help eliminate procrastination