educational programmes for primary school children

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Education has limited its realm till the reading and mugging up of books that are prescribed to students by schools before the beginning of every academic year. But educational programmes can range from a lot subjects like; Physical Fitness- Fitness is something many parents are worried about of their children, because children don’t prefer to eat the right nutritious food that will benefit their body and also assist in the growth and development of these tiny tots. Most children prefer to sit inside their homes, rather than come out and play with kids in their neighbourhood, or colony or in parks. Such is the addiction of television, video games, etc. Schools usually have a physical fitness class atleast once in a week, but it should be increased to atleast twice in a week and the kinds of games that are played should be made more interactive and energetic and valuation of marks should be made compulsory for this subject in school because, even after endless attempts children understand no other language better than the language of marks. Listening to Interactive Radio Programmes- Meena’s world is a famous radio programme that has been incorporated by several schools all over India . The idea is to promote sense of cleanliness, hygiene and other important matters within the students through this project Meena. Meena is an animated character, a girl who is wise and goes to school despite many problems in her house. She tries to teach her parents and her neighbours and other kids that education is necessary and it will help people in times of need. Through small small incidents she gives out a moral at the end of each radio segment, which is useful for every child as they tend to carry these notions with themselves to their homes. This programme has brought about changes in the society, in the lives of people, especially those living in the villages. Educational programmes can only help a student to strive harder for things they wish to do in school as part of their educational curriculum , but it cannot do everything, the rest lies in the hands of the students and their hardwork. There are several other programmes that schools can adopt and implement to give the children knowledge about things other than bookish education. There are certain things which only real life, or practical life experience can teach and those are the things which will come in

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Education has limited its realm till the reading and mugging up of books that are prescribed to students by schools before the beginning of every academic year. But educational programmes can range from a lot subjects like


Page 1: Educational programmes for primary school children


Education has limited its realm till the reading and mugging up of books that are prescribed to students by schools before the beginning of every academic year. But educational programmes can range from a lot subjects like;

Physical Fitness- Fitness is something many parents are worried about of their children, because children don’t prefer to eat the right nutritious food that will benefit their body and also assist in the growth and development of these tiny tots. Most children prefer to sit inside their homes, rather than come out and play with kids in their neighbourhood, or colony or in parks. Such is the addiction of television, video games, etc. Schools usually have a physical fitness class atleast once in a week, but it should be increased to atleast twice in a week and the kinds of games that are played should be made more interactive and energetic and valuation of marks should be made compulsory for this subject in school because, even after endless attempts children understand no other language better than the language of marks.

Listening to Interactive Radio Programmes- Meena’s world is a famous radio programme that has been incorporated by several schools all over India. The idea is to promote sense of cleanliness, hygiene and other important matters within the students through this project Meena. Meena is an animated character, a girl who is wise and goes to school despite many problems in her house. She tries to teach her parents and her neighbours and other kids that education is necessary and it will help people in times of need. Through small small incidents she gives out a moral at the end of each radio segment, which is useful for every child as they tend to carry these notions with themselves to their homes. This programme has brought about changes in the society, in the lives of people, especially those living in the villages.

Educational programmes can only help a student to strive harder for things they wish to do in school as part of their educational curriculum, but it cannot do everything, the rest lies in the hands of the students and their hardwork. There are several other programmes that schools can adopt and implement to give the children knowledge about things other than bookish education. There are certain things which only real life, or practical life experience can teach and those are the things which will come in handy for many young adults as they stand in the world to face more challenges.