editing in premier analysis

When I started the editing process I realised that a lot of my film was dark lighting, I had no ambient light in my film but whilst shooting I didn’t really want lighting. I don’t think I spent enough time looking at how the light is in the footage. When I uploaded it too premier pro i tried adjusting the lighting but the quality decreased and also it had a greeny/yellow hint to it. So instead, I decided to edit the end part of my film first and make it look as much like a flashback as I could. Up to this point I still had no sound in it as I was still editing my music in Garageband… The part where the girl pops out of the bath I will be looking for a sound effect that can come in at that point which will add suspence as a lot of the viewers are not expecting this to happen. I adjusted the brightness and contrast when the flashbacks come up of the daughter in the bath. My favourite part of the edit so far was the underwater shot, it took me a lot of time to make sure it was on the character and you could see some hand holding her under the water. I asked her to breathe out as she was in the bath so there was a lot of bubbles. But I really feel that by decreasing the brightness to -9.0 and the contrast to -38.0 this helped the video look foggy and dreamy, which adds to the fact that it is a flashback.

Upload: charchamberlainnn

Post on 11-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Editing in premier analysis

When I started the editing process I realised that a lot of my film was dark lighting, I had no ambient light in my film but whilst shooting I didn’t really want lighting. I don’t think I spent enough time looking at how the light is in the footage. When I uploaded it too premier pro i tried adjusting the lighting but the quality decreased and also it had a greeny/yellow hint to it. So instead, I decided to edit the end part of my film first and make it look as much like a flashback as I could. Up to this point I still had no sound in it as I was still editing my music in Garageband… The part where the girl pops out of the bath I will be looking for a sound effect that can come in at that point which will add suspence as a lot of the viewers are not expecting this to happen. I adjusted the brightness and contrast when the flashbacks come up of the daughter in the bath. My favourite part of the edit so far was the underwater shot, it took me a lot of time to make sure it was on the character and you could see some hand holding her under the water. I asked her to breathe out as she was in the bath so there was a lot of bubbles. But I really feel that by decreasing the brightness to -9.0 and the contrast to -38.0 this helped the video look foggy and dreamy, which adds to the fact that it is a flashback.