eden's gate

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  • 7/31/2019 Eden's Gate


  • 7/31/2019 Eden's Gate


    This book is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in

    this novel are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Edens Gate Copyright 2012 Samantha PottsAll rights reserved.

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    I dedicate this book to all of the military families outthere and anyone who has ever loved a soldier. Thank

    you all for your daily sacrifices for our freedom.

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    Acknowledgments I

    Chapter 1 3

    Chapter 2 17

    Chapter 3 25

    Chapter 4 37

    Chapter 5 51

    Chapter 6 57

    Chapter 7 66

    Chapter 8 88

    Chapter 9 107

    Chapter 10 123

    Chapter 11 129

    Chapter 12 137

    Chapter 13 151

    Chapter 14 162

    Chapter 15 179

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    Chapter 17 200

    Chapter 18 212

    Chapter 19 222

    Chapter 20 229

    Chapter 21 241

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    First I would like to thank the generation thatlived through and served during World War II. Godhonestly broke the mold after you. The finest men Iever knew were soldiers of that terrible war.

    Many thanks to my Aunt Doris as always, forkeeping me out of the hole when I slip. There are notenough words I can say to you.

    I would also like to thank my friends Christy Lea

    Wilkerson for proof reading for me and Alisha Smithand Carmen Riggan for reading my stories first andloving them as much as I do. I really heart you.

    To my children Toni, Merlyn, Serenity, Liberty,and Arwen, thank you for putting up with my bookcrack binges and reminding me to bath when I am inthe editing process. You girls are my world.

    Finally, to my ex-husband and best friend RandyLee Potts: Thank you for pushing me on this one andbeing an inspiration to my creativity. The ups anddowns of life are what makes the story worthwhile.

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    You go around the building to the right, Kennedy.

    Call, you cover Edmonds. Edmonds, you take the left.

    It seemed that Sarge always put Chris and I right smack in the middle of harms way,

    but we wouldnt have wanted it any different.

    Chris used to say, Thank God for helmets, but they were like wearing bonnets on our

    heads when it came to mortar shells. One exploded twenty feet from us as Chris went left as I

    covered him. The ringing in my ears seemed to permeate the inside of my brain. It didnt

    matter, we had orders we had to follow through with and even if I was completely deaf, it

    would get done.

    The second we came around the side of the building, I saw the bullets ricochet off of the

    wall next to us. We both immediately ducked as low as possible while trying to run to our

    destination. At the moment it just so happened to be a building that was supposed to be a

    headquarters for some Nazi general. There was a small concentration camp on the premises. If

    we took over the generals quarters, they would have to surrender to us and then we could

    begin the process of freeing the prisoners.

    The bullets bounced off the ground causing dirt to fly up in the air. I turned with my

    rifle and shot in the direction of the gunfire. I didnt hit a single enemy, but it bought us some

    time. As we reached the door to the building, a Nazi soldier ran out with a knife right at us.

    Chris pulled back his rifle and shot him before he even made it ten feet. We moved on without

    so much as a second glance.

    The two of us maneuvered quickly down the corridor until we reached a set of stairs.

    Chris pointed his gun up the stairwell and started the climb. I put my back to him and walked

    backwards up the staircase while I pointed my rifle down. Once we reached the third floor,Chris rounded off some more shots and another Nazi fell down the stairwell and rolled right to

    us. I was careful as I stepped over his body. Chris had hit him at least once in the face. The shot

    had literally changed his features in a way that made them undistinguishable.

    When we finally reached the top floor, we quickly secured each room. Chris would kick

    open a door and I would watch his back as he went in. I would then follow behind him and

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    cover the door. For the most part they were all empty. We had checked three rooms when we

    heard a noise coming from behind one of the doors. He looked at me and I nodded. Chris

    kicked it open and what we found was not what we were expecting.

    A Nazi soldier had a young Jewish girl on a dirty mattress in the corner. She was

    completely naked. The girl couldnt have been a day over thirteen. I could hear more gunshots

    outside and the walls shook constantly from the blasts of the mortars.

    How could anyone in the midst of all of this even think about such a thing?

    He looked at us and Chris raised his rifle to fire. The girl peeked out from under the

    mans arm. When Chris saw her face, he froze and dropped his rifle back down. Kennedy was

    now covering me in the hallway as we entered the room. I watched Chris pull the knife from

    his side belt as he ran full force toward the soldier. He had the look of a completely deranged

    maniac. The soldier came at him in full defense mode. He also pulled a knife from somewhere

    as he ran at Chris head on.The two of them rolled around on the floor struggling. I watched the girl as she sat up.

    She looked as though she didnt know what to do. She covered her body as best as she could

    with her hands. I turned my attention back to Chris. He managed to knock the knife out of the

    soldiers hand and then struck. He plunged the knife deep into the mans throat. Blood spewed

    on him as he pulled the knife out and struck him again straight into the heart. With a quick

    twist, the soldier fell over. Chris turned to look at me. The rage that I had seen a few seconds

    before was gone. As the blood ran down his face and dripped off of his chin, he looked

    completely triumphant like a wild predator that had landed his prey. I walked over to the girl.

    She looked frightened as she pulled herself tighter into a ball against the wall. Chris looked

    around the room and found an old shirt and gave it to her. He wiped his own face on his sleeve.

    He and Kennedy went to secure the rest of the building while I stayed with the girl. She was

    only a child. Her dark brown eyes looked ages older than she really was. Her innocence had

    long been removed from her soul because of the hardened conditions of living in the camp.

    War was a terrible monster that loved to pray on the souls of everyone; especially the young.

    Within minutes, the gunshots ceased and the fighting was over. We had taken the

    camp. We had also lost twelve in our company, but all in all it was still a victory. Chris and I

    walked the girl down the stairs and out onto the smoky battle field. Sarge already had the

    prisoners of the camp lined up and had them giving their names to the register so that they

    could be counted. As we walked with the girl over to where Sarge stood, a woman came

    running across the grounds towards us. The girl ran to her. They were both crying. I looked

    around me. The prisoners were starved. In the camp it was mostly women and children. Their

    thin pale faces were ghastly. Their skin hung off of their bones in a way that sickened me and

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    saddened me all at the same time.

    I watched as the bodies of my fellow soldiers were lined up. I also watched as the bodies

    of some of the prisoners were lined in a separate line. They looked like skeletons. Hitler in my

    mind was nothing short of the anti-Christ. These were people for Gods sake. The world had yet

    to know how bad he really was. I looked over at Chris. The two of us exchanged a look that said

    we must have been thinking the same thing. We went back to work sorting the dead and taking

    names of the living. Neither of us spoke to each other again until we were back at the


    As Chris polished his boots, I lay on my cot reading a chapter out of Proverbs. As far as I

    could tell about everything I had read out of the Bible, murder was murder whether a war was

    going on or not. It bothered me thinking about it, so I closed it and sat up.

    Chris, what were you thinking today when you killed that guy? He didnt even ask

    which guy. He knew exactly which one that I was talking about.I saw that girl and she reminded me of my little sister Ruthie. She was so young. Too

    young for what was happening to her, he said as he just shook his head.

    I would react the same way if anybody were to touch her like that.

    I thought about what he was saying for a moment. I had been an only child, but just

    imagining having a little sister, I would have probably reacted the same way.

    It must be nice to have someone to go home to. Im all by myself. My parents didnt

    have any more children after me, I said.

    Hell, if you were my kid Id called it quits too, he said as he laughed. I picked up the

    shoe polish and threw it at him. We both laughed again.

    Naw, Im just playin. Look man, youre not alone. Youre the closest thing to a brother I

    got. You got my back out here. When we get back to the States, you and me are going to do

    some serious fishin and then if youre interested, I want you to help me open up my own bait

    shop. My parents left me a little money and some land. Part of it sits on one of the biggest lakes

    in the south. Whatcha think?

    I think when we get out of here, I would be happy to help you do anything that doesnt

    require guns, tanks, and bombs. I mean, you have my back too. There isnt anything left for me

    in Charleston anymore anyway.

    My father had been a preacher in Charleston, South Carolina. My mother was the

    secretary of the church. One night when they were both in his study, a storm blew in and

    lightning hit the steeple. It caused a fire that trapped them inside. They both lost their lives and

    I was left alone. Two months after their funeral, I decided to enlist. I had wanted to just get out

    of Charleston. If I could serve my country in the process, that would be a plus. Chris had joined

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    up because his father had always wanted to be a soldier, but never was for some reason.

    From a distance, the two of us might have actually passed as brothers. We were both six

    foot. Up close there were major differences. Chris had straight brown hair and brown eyes. He

    was tan. I on the other hand had wavy brown hair and green eyes. I was pale in comparison.

    He was from a small town deep in the heart of Georgia. His parents had died during a

    bout with influenza. That made him the only living relative of his little sister. At age eighteen,

    he took over guardianship of her. She went to a private all girl school, so he being gone wasnt

    a real problem for the time being. Somehow he had made arrangements for her to stay there

    during the summer as well, because he knew he wouldnt be back by then. The two of us had

    ended up in the same training unit together. We had been bunkmates from the beginning, but

    we werent friends until one night when we were on leave and couple of troublemakers tried to

    pick a fight with him at the local bar. He bit off more than he could chew, so I intervened and

    took half the load off of his back. Between the two of us, we cleaned the place out in a matter ofminutes. Of course, it almost got us thrown in the brig, but somehow we managed to escape

    that together as well. We had been inseparable ever since.

    I got a good size house, said Chris.

    Theres more than enough room. You can stay with me when we get home. Ruthies never there

    except on holidays anyway.

    That sounds good to me.

    Would you like to see a picture of her? Chris asked as he reached into his wallet and

    pulled out a black and white picture and handed it to me. The girl in the picture was very

    pretty. She had shoulder length dark hair and coffee and cream brown eyes. I could see the

    resemblance between Chris and her. They both had the same eyes and lips. Her nose was

    smaller and straighter than his. I chalked it up to him having it broken in a fight before.

    Shes beautiful, I said as I looked at the picture.

    Watch yourself or youll end up like that bastard today, he said with a smile.

    Ok, ok. I was just merely stating her looks, thats all. Besides, who do you take me for a

    pervert? I mean come on shes what, fifteen?

    Thirteen actually.

    Even worse, although in that picture she could pass as fifteen.

    Dont say that. Thank God shes in an all girl school. I dont have to worry about killing

    any boys when I get back as long as shes there.

    I picked the Bible up and started back reading Proverbs.

    You believe that stuff in there? he asked.

    Dont you?

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    Yea mostly. On days like today though, I have to question a few things in it.

    This Bible is the only thing that didnt burn in the church when my parents died.

    Everything else was completely ruined, yet it survived. I think God protected it when he took

    my parents because he wanted me to know the truth about everything.

    Does it say in there how were supposed to defeat these Nazi bastards?

    Sure it does. Have faith, I said with a grin.

    I awoke with a grunt. It was one of the same dreams that I had dreamt over and over for

    years. It was way back in 1942 when Chris and I had actually had that conversation. I sat up

    and looked out the window of my room and thought about all those days long ago and all my

    adventures. There were many of them including my safari expeditions in Africa, the time I

    actually was allowed down on the arena floor in Spain with the Matador, and swimming with

    the rays in Australia. I touched my feet to the cold floor. The shock of the cold ran through my

    toes, up my legs, and seemed to radiate strait through my veins to my heart. That seemed about

    right; a cold heart for the heartless. I slipped my slippers on and started my morning routine.

    First was a trip to the bathroom, then I would go join the rest of the community for breakfast.

    Once I was there, I sat down at the table. The mess they fed us in this place was worse

    than anything I had ever put in my mouth. It was even worse than the food we had in the Army

    and that was saying something. I looked grumpily into my bowl of bran flakes. I decided the

    orange was the better option, so I bit into one of the slices. It was sweet and juicy. I looked

    around and quickly cleaned off my chin hoping no one saw me dribble.

    Now,Mr. Call, a voice said behind me, you need to eat that bran too. It was Nurse

    Beverly. She was one of my favorites for the time being. She was a black woman, probably in

    her mid thirties. She always slipped me candy in when she worked the night shift.

    It tastes like cardboard.

    Yea, I know, but its good for you.

    I grumbled a little and then took a bite.

    I came over here to tell you that youre going to have a visitor today. So when you get

    done with your breakfast you need to go put one of those spiffy suits on that you have.

    A visitor? Who is it? I asked. I hadnt had one single visitor since I had moved into thisplace nearly five years prior.

    I was told its a reporter coming to ask you some questions. Apparently your life story is

    somewhat interesting.

    A reporter? Well, ok then. Bring on the press.

    As soon as I finished my breakfast, I hurried off to my room. I decided to put on my

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    brown suit. I wore the hat that went with it. It was one of the best suits I owned. All of the

    widow women in the community always seemed to blush a little when I wore it. I had just put

    on my crocodile loafers when there was a knock on my door.

    Come in, I called out. In stepped Nurse Beverly.

    Why, Mr. Call you look absolutely handsome. Your visitor is here. I made yall some

    lemonade. I thought you could sit out in the garden to talk. She walked out with me. As we

    crossed the community room I noticed all those old biddies were staring me down. I just kept

    walking. We exited the building and into the garden where there were two rocking chairs

    under a gazebo with a small table. There was also a young lady there. She was probably no

    older than twenty. In my opinion, she looked too young to be a reporter, but maybe my old eyes

    didnt judge things the way they used too.

    Porter Call, this here is Rachel Beatty. The name Beatty had triggered a long lost

    memory way back in the back of my mind. I pushed it aside and then took her hand.Its nice to meet you, I said. She smiled at me. Something else about the girl touched

    my memory as well, yet I couldnt quite put my finger on it.

    Ladies first, I said as I motioned to the chairs. She sat down and I followed.

    Mr. Call, you have no idea how happy I am to finally meet you. I could hear a hin t of

    emotion in her voice. I wasnt quite sure why my story would be that intriguing to her.

    So what do you want to know? I guess you know I was in World War II. I was given

    the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. Maybe you would like to hear about the years I spent in

    Africa. She looked at me serenely.

    No, Mr. Call. Those things are all very interesting, but Im actually here to invite you to

    a birthday party and ask you a few personal questions.

    A birthday party? Whos inviting me to a party?

    Im inviting you myself, but the party is for my grandmother. She actually doesnt

    know Im here. Ive been looking for you for a while. She will be eighty years old this Saturday

    and I think it would be wonderful if you could attend. Shes told me a great deal about you. She

    says you were the love of her life.

    The love of her life you say? I asked with a chuckle. Whats her name?

    Well, she was Ruthie Edmonds, sir. The coldness that I felt shoot through my feet that

    morning had returned and was penetrating my heart like an icicle.

    If its not too much to ask, can you tell me a little about that?

    I froze. I had tried so long not to think about her. Of course the dreams haunted me every

    night, but when I was awake I kept myself busy enough to keep my mind from going there.

    Now here was this girl in front of me making me think about the one thing I had tried so long

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    to forget. That was when I realized what had tickled my mind earlier. Her eyes. They were

    exactly like Ruthies. She had me then and Icouldnt say no.

    What exactly would you like to know about us? I asked her.

    Why didnt it last? Im afraid my grandmother has never spoken anything except good

    things about you Mr. Call. Yet, if you loved her as much as she seems to have loved you, I guess

    I just dont understand.

    She didnt tell you why I left?

    She said you went back into the Army to help with the search efforts. She told us about

    you and Uncle Chris being in the war together and she told us how you taught her how to

    dance. When I was a little girl, I used to sit while she told us those things. They were always

    important to me. The stories I mean. I just dont understand why you never wrote her or came


    I stared into those lovely eyes. They were the same eyes that had haunted my dreams foryears. Here they were now on a completely different person, yet somehow my heart still

    managed to hurt from looking at them. After a minute, I gathered myself and spoke.

    I guess then, I should start at the beginning. It seems that Ruthie only let you in on what

    she understood at the time. I on the other hand saw everything from a different point of view

    than she did. I was just trying to do what I thought was right. I thought in a way that she would

    see things differently when she was older. Honestly, I didnt really want to do it at all. When I

    first met Ruthie Edmonds she was a beautiful young lady on the verge of becoming a

    magnificent woman. I was lucky enough to be a part of that time in her life.

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    I was just a boy when Chris and I were in Germany. We were one hell of a team. While

    we were there, we helped out quite a few innocent people. We also had a hand in killing some

    of the most notorious bastards I have ever seen.

    The last mission we were on was just a simple routine overtake. We already had them

    surrounded and we were moving in quietly. Chris and I were in charge of getting the civiliansout. All we were supposed to have to do was walk down the path with the women and children.

    It was a night time mission and there was a chain link fence that surrounded the perimeter. We

    pushed them forward up a hill to it. Chris took a pair of wire cutters and cut a whole large

    enough for them to fit through. The firefight started behind us as we hurried them. I carried a

    little boy who was separated from his mother through the fence last. As we came through the

    fence, there was one round of gunshots coming from a hill in front of us. The women and

    children started screaming and ran quickly to get away from the shots. I grabbed up my rifle to

    cover Chris. I saw a little girl fall down and it put her in the direct line of fire. As I slung my

    weapon back over my shoulder, I quickly put her on her feet. The whole thing happened in less

    than six seconds. Those six seconds was all it took to forever change my life completely. Before I

    had a chance to pull my rifle back around, a man came out of nowhere with a knife and I

    watched in horror as he caught Chris in the back. Chris fell to his knees and flipped over. The

    man came down on him in the chest. I acted before I thought about it and pulled my own knife

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    from my side. I pulled the man around and plunged my blade deep into his chest. I felt the

    warm blood as it ran down my hand. I couldnt see anything but red. As t he man fell, I twisted

    the knife. He was dead before he even hit the ground. I quickly ran over to Chris and knelt

    down over him. He coughed and sputtered up blood as he tried to breathe. I tried to stop the

    bleeding, but it was no use.

    Hang on Chris, I said. He looked at me once, blinked, and then just like that he was

    gone. I lost my composure at that point. I pushed back through the fence and ran toward the

    gunfire. As I entered back into the village, I saw that we werent holding our on as well as I had

    thought we were. There were a lot of our boys on the ground. I saw which way the shots were

    coming from and I opened fire. I didnt count at the time. I just shot. I felt the bullet as it

    entered my shoulder, yet it didnt register at that moment exactly what it was. I yelled as I came

    into the building where the sniper was at. He never saw me coming.

    I spent four weeks in the medical unit. The Army said my total body count was fifteenincluding the sniper. They gave me credit for saving our company. The US felt I should receive

    a medal for my bravery. In all honesty it was just pure blind rage mixed with a little dumb luck.

    I was sent back to The States wounded and broken.

    I wasnt home even two weeks when I got a letter from a lawyer down in Georgia. Chris

    had a will and apparently there was something in it just for me. I took the train from

    Charleston. What I received when I arrived there was more than I had ever imagined.

    The lawyers name was Henry Dafton. Chris had told me that his parents had left him a

    house and some land. I was hoping that maybe he had decided to leave the lakefront property

    to me. The lawyer was a short portly man with a bald head. He looked up at me through his

    round glasses with one eyebrow arched.

    Mr. Call, I presume you know why you are here? he asked.

    Yes Sir. I received a letter saying that I was invited to Chris Edmonds will reading.

    Mr. Call, it seems Mr. Edmonds thought mighty highly of you. I think you will see that

    he thought of you as family. If you dont mind, Ill go ahead and start.

    By all means.

    The last will and testament of Christopher Fenius Edmonds: I Christopher Fenius

    Edmunds do hereby bequeath my entire estate except the items listed below to my sister Ruthie

    Pearl Edmonds. This estate includes the house and the land it sits upon as well as the five

    hundred acres of lakefront property out on Williams Road. I appoint Porter Mitchell Call as her

    guardian and overseer of my estate until she reaches the legal age of eighteen, in which she can

    take legal possession of said estate. I leave to Porter Mitchell Call, the 1940 Ford Pickup truck as

    well as any money that has accrued in my own personal savings account. All debts owed shall

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    be paid henceforth from the established trust fund. So shall it be.

    I was completely dumbstruck.

    What was I supposed to do with his little sister?I knew nothing about girls. I knew

    nothing about kids in general. Chris had made a terrible mistake.

    I understand Mr. Call that this is an unusual circumstance, said Dafton.

    The original will was completed before Chris left for the Army. I received a letter from

    him while he was in Germany asking for some changes. The two of you must have been very


    All I could do was nod.

    The truck and the three hundred dollars that was in his account are yours. He handed

    me a key ring with some keys and an envelope full of cash.

    As far as Ruthie Edmonds, shes away at school. She wont be home until Christmas

    break. If you feel that its too much of a burden to handle, you may sign your guardianshipover and she will be placed in the custody of the state.

    Chris wouldnt want that. No matter how much I disliked the idea, I would have to do it.

    Chris had been my best friend and I had already let him down in the worst way a person could.

    I would not do that again. I thought long and hard for a minute before I spoke.

    Does she know that Im going to be her guardian? I asked him.

    Shes been informed. Shes looking forward to meeting you Mr. Call. From what shes

    told me, Chris sent her letters all of the time and you were mentioned quite often in them. My

    secretary has all of the paperwork you need. I will drive you out to the main house. You can

    then go look at the rest of the property in your new truck.

    As I rode on the passenger side of Daftons car, I looked out the window thinking about

    what I had gotten myself into.As we passed each house, I thought that the town was quite

    elegant. Some of the old houses were civil war era, some were more modern. As we turned onto

    the street the house was on, I noticed that only one other house was on the street. The street sat

    close to a tree line and not on a block. When Dafton stopped in front of the house, the first

    thing I saw was the wraparound porch. The house itself was big. It was wooden and painted

    white. As we walked in, I noticed how modern the inside was. It had five large bedrooms and a

    bathroom with running water. There was a parlor room, a dining room, and the kitchen.

    Well thats everything. I wish you the best of luck, said Dafton.

    If you need anything let me know.

    Thank you, I said as he walked out the door. I looked around and could see the place

    needed a little work on the outside, but all in all it was a nice house. Christopher had not

    mentioned how well off his parents had been. I was raised on well water from a pump outside

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    that we had to bring in for baths and such. I went down the hall to stake claim on a bedroom. I

    first came to Ruthies. I knew it was hers by the vanity and the doll on the bed. The next room I

    came to was Chris old room. There was a toy horse and some tin sol diers on the window sill.

    Looking at them made me think about the man he had become and I knew that deep down he

    had always been a brave soldier, even in his youth. Their parents room was next. It was nice

    and tidy with a patchwork quilt over the bed and a black and white picture of the two of them

    on the night stand. After some deliberation with myself, I decided to take the one across from

    Ruthies room. My room was on the right and the bathroom was at the end of the hall. I came

    out of the room I had chosen for myself and went outside to look at the truck.

    When I crank it, it sputtered at first and then roared to life. I couldnt wait to see this

    wonderful fishing spot that Chris had worshippedso dearly. I followed the directions that

    Daftons secretary had been so gracious to write down for me. As I turned onto the red dirt

    road, I understood Chris love for the place. Trees of all sorts grew tall on either side. Thedriveway to the cabin was on the left. I crept down it slowly. I wasnt sure how cur vy it might


    The log cabin sat maybe one hundred feet from the water. I could see a wooden boat

    turned over on the bank. As I parked the truck, I looked at the screened in porch. There was a

    bed there. When I walked through the door, I found myself feeling like I was in some type of

    magical world. The cabin was only one room with the exception of the porch. There was a bed

    in each corner, a sink, a small wood stove, and a fireplace. It was the perfect habitat for a man.

    I sat down at the edge of the bed on the porch. I looked out over the water. I wished that I had

    seen the cabin for the first time with Chris. I knew right then what I wanted to do. Chris dream

    was to open a bait shop out on the road leading to the lake. I would get a job here and make

    that dream come true.

    Ill do it Chris. Ill make it happen, I said aloud. I immediately turned and walked back

    to the truck. It was the perfect night to make building plans and brainstorm.

    I made my way back down the road to the house without as much as a wrong turn.

    When I arrived back at the house I searched through the drawers in the kitchen until I found a

    pencil and paper. I sat down at the table and started drawing blueprints for the shop. Flashes of

    Chris ran through my mind. I tried to shake them off, but every since the night of his death, I

    had trouble sleeping. I pushed the thoughts of Chris far back in my head as I concentrated on

    the blueprints. I finished them just as dawn was approaching. I finally started to yawn just as

    the sun was peeking through the trees. I decided to try to lie down just for a little while. I

    drifted off peacefully with the thoughts of a bait shop and fishing in my head.

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    Two months passed before I knew it and I found it was time to pick Ruthie up from the

    school she attended in Atlanta. During those months I had started to build the bait shop, but

    the weather had slowed me down. It rained through the rest of October and most of November

    and December had been too cold to do anything.

    As I walked up to the office of the school, I wondered how Ruthie would react. It had to

    be a strange thing going back to her own home with someone she had never met. As I entered

    the office, an older grey haired woman stopped me at the door.

    May I help you? she asked.

    Yes maam. Im Porter Call. Im here to pick up Ruthie Edmonds.

    Youre her guardian?

    Yes maam, I am.

    I was very sad to hear of your loss with Chris. Ruthie has been through so much. She is

    an excellent student with a promising future ahead of her. Ive never once had a problem with

    her. Im Ms. Bernstein, the director of the school.

    Its nice to havemetyour acquaintance. May I ask you some questions about her? I


    By all means Mr. Call. Step into my office and Ill send one of the girls to get her.

    Once I sat down in her office, she sent a student that seemed to be working with her to

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    fetch Ruthie. When she sat down behind the desk, I started to ask her the things I needed to

    know, but before I could, she spoke first.

    Mr. Call, what is it you would like to know about Ruthie?

    Well, everything. I dont know anything about her other thanshe was Chris sister. I

    have her birth certificate, thats about it.

    Mr. Dafton has informed me of the situation. I must say that I am not so sure that its in

    Ruthies best interests, but since she spends most of her time here at the school, I suppose a few

    months out of the year wont hurt. I hope youre intentions are noble.

    Maam, if you are implying what I think you are. I want you to know that my only

    concern for her is whats best for her. Nothing will happen to her while shes in my care. I

    served for the U.S. Army and I treat the situation as a mission. My mission is to make sure she

    makes it to eighteen unharmed.

    I think thats a good way to look at things Mr. Call. Perhaps if there is anything else youwould like to know about Ruthie, you should ask her yourself, she said as she motioned toward

    the door. As the door opened, Ruthie stepped inside. She was taller than I had expected. The top

    of her head was level with my chin. Her brown eyes sparkled in the light. As I looked at her, I

    could see a glimmer of Chris. I could also see that she wasnt exactly the little girl I had

    pictured in my mind. She held onto a doll tightly against her chest with one hand and held her

    suitcase in the other.

    Miss Edmonds, this here is your guardian, Mr.Call. Ruthie sat her suitcase down and

    held out her hand for me to give her a friendly shake. She didnt speak. Her face was sad. It was

    almost as if she didnt know how to smile. I walked over to her and took the suitcase.

    Are you ready to go home? I asked her. She just nodded. She waved to the director and

    we started out the door.

    Um, Mr. Call, if you need anything please feel free to contact us.

    I will, I said as I turned and left. Ruthie was already halfway down the hall. I caught

    up to her rather quickly. She didnt say a word until we were out of the building and in the


    I know this is awkward. Believe me. Im just doing this because Chris left me in charge

    of your care. I honestly dont know if Im really cut out for this job at all, I said. She looked at

    me for a minute and then spoke.

    Can you fish? she asked. I was shocked that the first thing she would think to say to

    me just so happened to be the first thing Chris had asked me after our fight at the bar. I thought

    about how I had answered him.

    Yes, Im actually pretty good at it.

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    Well see, she said with the first faintest glimmer of a smile. I smiled back. It was

    exactly like I had hoped she would say.

    On the way home, she opened up to me a little. We talked about fishing and Chris. We

    avoided the obvious subject of his death. Talking to her made me feel good. She had his

    enthusiasm. It reminded me of him a whole lot. I took her suitcase from the back of the truck

    and followed her into the house. When she walked through the door, she stopped. She looked

    around and wrapped her arms around herself.

    Are you cold, I asked her.

    No, its just that walking in here is almost like walking into a tomb. Every memory I

    have in this place is with someone thats dead. I felt myheart ache for her just a little. I had

    seen a lot in my life, but she had literally lost everyone that mattered to her. At her age it had to

    be a hard thing to grasp. I decided to try lightening the mood.

    Do you want to help me go get a Christmas tree? I asked her. She turned and looked atme.


    Well, the way I look at it, Ive got about three weeks to get to know you. Im pretty sure

    you would like to know a little about me as well. We can stay cooped up in here and make this

    an awkward time together or we can try, just a little,to be friendly. Its up to you. She stared at

    me for a minute before she spoke.

    I can see why Chris thought so much of you. Even in the darkest spots, you have a

    bright side, she said as she smiled. Ok, when do you want to go get one?

    In the morning, I thought we might go down to the lake and cut one. Ill let you pick it

    out, I said. She smiled again. I was happy that I was beginning to befriend her just a little.

    Im going to go to my room, she said, Good night Mr. Call.

    Please call me Porter. I might be your guardian, but Im not an old man. Hell, Im barely

    a man at all, I said with a chuckle. She smiled again.

    Well, good night then, Porter.

    Good night, I answered. As I watched her walkaway, I realized exactly what type of

    inheritance that I had been left. I was no guardian.

    Why in the hell had Chris laid this responsibility on me? I sat down at the kitchen table

    where all of the blue prints were scattered; as well as list after list of all the items I needed to

    order for the bait shop. I stuck my nose in and went to work. I was trying to figure out a design

    for a minnow trough. I never knew when sleep overtook me.

    Psst. Psst, Porter, I heard a girls voice whisper. As I opened myeyes, Ruthie stood

    within inches of my face. As I jumped, I screamed. She had scared the dickens out of me. She

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    jumped back with shock as well.

    Jesus, Ruthie you almost scared me to death.

    Im sorry. Its just that its dawn. I thought you looked uncomfortable, so I decided to

    wake you. Sure enough, as I looked out the window the sun was rising. Even in the state I had

    been sleeping in, I realized I did not have any dreams. It was the first time since I had been

    home from Germany that I had not dreamt something to do with Chris. For the first time, I

    looked at her closely. She was wearing a pair of overalls and a long shirt under it. Over that she

    wore what looked like one of Chris old jackets. She had braided her hair on either side into

    pigtails. She would have been downright cute if it wasnt for the fact that her face was

    breathtakingly beautiful. She had a complexion as smooth as a china doll with just a hint of a

    kiss from the sun stretched across her nose and over her cheeks. It gave her a naturally rosy

    hue that any movie star of the day would have killed for. I stood up and walked over to the

    icebox. Inside of it was a loaf of bread and some cheese. I made us a couple of sandwiches andwalked out onto the porch. The milkman had run early, so the milk jars were already sitting by

    the front door. I grabbed them up and took them to the icebox. I handed her a bottle and a


    Come on lets go, I said. She looked down at the sandwich and the bottle and then back

    at me with a puzzled look.

    Whats wrong? I asked her. She looked back down at the sandwich and hesitated.

    Nothing, she said as she walked over to the door. I followed behind her.

    The cold December air hit me like a slap in the face. Georgia was normally mild in the

    winter, but the wind was blowing and I could sense an icy chill in the air.

    It looks like it might snow, I said as I tried to just make small talk with her.

    Ice is more like it. It never snows here and if it does its barely enough to do anything

    with. Down here we get ice storms. I knew what she meant. Back in Charleston we had

    suffered a few of those ourselves, but somehow we always managed to get some snow in the


    The truck was slow to crank. It took me seven tries to get it to even turn over. Finally,

    the engine roared to life and the two of us were on our way. I could feel my own teeth

    chattering because it was so cold in the truck. I looked over at Ruthie half expecting her to be a

    human icicle. She didnt seem to be cold at all. She looked downright thrilled. She was smiling

    as she stared out the window. Most of the trip was silent. I was entertained at watching her out

    of the corner of my eye by looking at her curly smile. Once we turned onto the road that led to

    the lake, I noticed Ruthie perk up and move to the edge of her seat. She was looking like a kid

    in a candy store. It made me smile to see her anticipation.

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    Edens Gate


    We had almost made it to the cabin when she said, Stop right here.

    Why? I asked as I pulled the truck over. I had barely gotten the truck stopped when

    she jumped out and started to run down a path that lead into the woods.

    Ruthie! Stop! Where are you going? I called as I ran after her. She was fast. I could

    barely keep up with her. Finally, deep in the woods, she stopped. There was a brook running

    swiftly. Beside the brook was a large tree. Beside the tree was a little house made of sticks and

    twigs. The roof looked like it was made of trees that beavers had cut down. Nailed to the tree

    were planks that lead up to a wooden tree house that was perfectly wedged in between the

    forks of two large limbs. She started to climb the planks.

    Ruthie, what are you doing exactly? I asked her.

    I have to see something, she called back. I wasnt sure if the planks would hold her,

    much less me, but I started the climb after her. She reached the top in no time and was inside

    the tree house before I even made it to the fourth board. When I finally did reach the top, Iducked down through the small door and found Ruthie sitting on the floor holding a letter and

    sobbing like a baby. I bent down over her and put my arm on her shoulder. She turned to look

    at me and those big brown eyes almost brought me to my knees. She grabbed hold of me as the

    tears kept falling. I reached out for the letter and she handed it to me without any objections. I

    held her as I read the letter over her head and she continued to sob uncontrollably into my

    chest. The letter read:

    Dearest Ruthie,

    I know I promised you that I would always make sure you were safe. This is me fulfilling that

    promise. Tomorrow, I leave for Germany. I wish I could promise that Ill be back, but it is war

    andwith war, there are no guarantees. I have a friend that I met at the training camp. His

    name is Porter Call. I have plans to ask him to look after you if anything happens to me.Hes

    alone in the world as well and if something happens, he will need someone and so will you.

    Hes a real nice fella. He will make sure you stay safe. Ruthie, I know all of this is hard on you.

    You are strong. I love you Ruthie Roo. If I make it back here, I promise I will spend every single

    day fishing by the lake with you. I want you to take care of yourself while Im gone. Hopefully I

    will see you soon. If not, I will see you again eventually.



    I couldnt control myself. The tears filled my own eyes before I could stop them. He had

    known before Germany that I would be the one looking after her . Why hadnt he told me? We

    had been in training for weeks before we were sent out. He never asked me like he had

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    planned. The tears spilled over and ran down my face as the two of us sat there in that little

    house in a tree overlooking a brook. We sat there like that for what seemed like eternity. We

    were two people who had known each other less than twenty four hours with a common hurt.

    We had both lost our parents, a brother, and our best friend. Later, after we had cried ourselves

    dry, Ruthie spoke.

    Were you there? she asked.

    Was I where?

    Were you there when Chris died?

    She had the softest expression as she asked it. I was taken aback. I wasnt sure if I was prepared

    to answer any questions she had about it.

    Did he suffer? she asked. I shook my head.

    It all happened really fast, I said as I looked down at my hands. I wasnt comfortable

    talking to her about it. I hadnt talked to anyone about it. I didnt even want to think about whathad happened, much less discuss it.

    Tell me something brave that he did while he was over there.

    Like what?

    Tell me something he did that made his life worth dying for. What was something he

    did to better someone elses? I thought for a minute. I decided to tell her about the

    concentration camp and the girl Chris had saved. When I was finished, she looked much better.

    I felt better as well. It felt good to be able to talk to someone about it.

    The fact that he didnt die over nothing makes my heart lighter. I am so proud of him,

    she said with a small smile. I smiled back at her. I barely know you, but I want you to know

    that Im proud of you too. It must be so hard for you. I mean, you fought those same battles and

    you have to think about them every day.

    She was right. It was hard. It didnt matter. I was the one who lived. I wasnt sure why

    and I had questioned God more than once over the last few months. The truth of the matter was

    that I had to be spared for a reason. I walked with a clear faith in God and that was the only

    answer I could come up with. She asked me next how I came to be in the Army. That led to

    talking about the death of my parents and the death of hers. We discussed war, politics, her

    favorite things, and my own. After a while, we were laughing. For a little while it was like being

    with Chris. We shared so much in common. We had both lost a lot of the same people. We also

    both loved to fish and she had a better understanding of God than her brother did. Before long,

    I realized it was late in the afternoon. We had spent almost the entire day up in a tree house.

    Wow, we need to be going. We still have to find the perfect tree, I said.

    I know where one is. Come on. I followed her down the tree and back down the path

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    to the truck.

    Take me to the cabin, she said.

    Yes maam, I answered. As we pulled into the yard, I saw the sun growing lower in the

    sky. We walked behind the cabin about thirty feet. There, right before the edge of the wood line

    was a row of cedar trees. They ranged in height from one foot to fifteen feet. They were perfect

    all the way around as if groomed just for the occasion. Altogether I counted twenty one trees.

    Every year since Chris was born, Daddy planted a new tree. When our parents died, me

    and Chris kept them up. We planted that little one on the end on his birthday right before he

    left for the Army.

    You want to cut one of these down? I asked.

    Not these, she said as she pointed to the other end of the line. That one.

    Sure enough, there on the end, sitting all alone by itself was a perfect Christmas tree. It stood

    out from the rest. It was a fir tree.Why was that one planted? I asked.

    Actually, it was a mishap. It just grew there, so we groomed it with the rest. Chris said

    we would use it this year for Christmas. He had that planned as well.

    In a way I hated to cut it down, but Chris had planned to use it anyway, so we cut it and

    put it in the back of the truck. I could check one thing off of my holiday to do list. I had cut a

    Christmas tree. Next, I had to figure out how to cook Christmas dinner. That was definitely

    going to be a challenge for me. All I knew how to cook was potatoes.