ecowas executive summary

Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Page 1 of 26 ECOWAS DEVELOPMENT PLAN A comprehensive plan for the development of the Western region of Sub-Saharan Africa known as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and how the economic activity can support the African Diaspora and Indigenous Populations of other land masses.

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Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure

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A comprehensive plan for the development of the Western region of

Sub-Saharan Africa known as the Economic Community of West

African States (ECOWAS) and how the economic activity can

support the African Diaspora and Indigenous Populations of other

land masses.

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Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure

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This document contains proprietary and confidential information. All data is the confidential

property of :Perkins, Thlton-Ray Global Agricultural Development Pure Contract Trust and its

subsidiaries - Courteous Success, Inc. And Partner Companies (The Group), Help Africa

Develop Africa (HADA), the World Trade Development Partners (WTDP), and Global Trade

Development Partners of Africa (GTDP), Thelton Perkins Ministries, Inc (TPM), and Sure Power

Ministries International (collectively referred to as “The Group”). This document is provided in

reliance upon the consent not to use or disclose any information contained herein except in the

context of its business dealings with The Group. The recipient of this document agrees to inform

present and future contacts who view or have access to its content of its confidential nature.

The recipient agrees to instruct each employee that they must not disclose any information

concerning this document to others except to the extent that such matter(s) is(are) generally

known to, and are available for use by, the public. The recipient also agrees not to duplicate or

distribute or permit others to duplicate or distribute any material contained herein without The

Group's express written consent.

The Group retains all title, ownership and intellectual property rights to the material and

trademarks contained herein, including all supporting documentation, files, marketing material,

and multimedia.



The following proposal is in consideration of a contract to be established between The Group

and interested entities and their agents and assigns. Any and all contract(s) is(are) currently

pending the acquisition and presentment of the venture capital to identify a more direct initiative

and research and development model.




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Executive Summary - Structure of Administrative Organizations

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:Perkins, Thlton-Ray Global

Agricultural Development Trust

c / o 2 4 1 2 E O l i v e r S t

B a l t i m o r e , N a t i o n

M a r y l a n d R e p u b l i c

[ 2 1 2 1 3 - 9 9 9 8 ]

b y G e n e r a l P o s t

n o n - D o m e s t i c , n o n -

R e s i d e n t

( 4 4 3 ) 8 6 9 - 4 2 1 0

:King,:Allahsane-Khalil-:Conté -


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Executive Personnel and Objectives

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The information contained herein will outline the plan that the joint venture between The Group

and any potential Funding Source will be undertaking starting in the West African Geographical

Area known as the Economic Community of West African States. The plan will outline the

integral investment of the equivalent of One Trillion, Five Hundred Billion Trust Units in

whatever exchange format the funding source will prefer. (One trust unit is equivalent to 25.8

grains of AU).

The staging area for the economic revolution will be Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary

Islands, Spain due to the tremendous advantages the geographic location offers for dissemination

of the agricultural products processed and distributed from there. This summary will outline the

potential of these initiatives to be revolutionary in that they will solve many long-standing

problems faced in the region to be improved, as well as outline the advantages in encouraging

foreign investments, the security provided the potential investor(s) initial offering, and the long-

term return on Investment (ROI).

The feasibility of the agricultural aspects of the plan and the requested investment is

substantiated by a Study performed by qualified organizations in 2009. The World Bank and

the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations published the report in 2009 titled,

“Awakening Africa‟s Sleeping Giant – Agriculture”. This report details the how‟s and why‟s of

the bulk of our objectives and many additional factors that we should consider as well. In

addition, this particular report has been expounded upon as well by other organizations that have

added additional information. What these organizations have lacked, and the reasons these

objectives have not been realized, is our focus and have been resolved by our approach.

The brief business plan that follows this Executive summary will outline the current

offerings available to any potential investment source which is where we would like to begin our


1. Cacao gathering and processing

2. Coffee gathering and processing

3. Cashew Nut gathering and processing

4. Almond Nut gathering and processing

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5. Similar processes for Oranges, Pineapples, Oil Palm, Mango, Rice, Cassava, Teff, Fonio,

and other products commonly used in the region will be developed along with the staples


Although the complete development plan needs to be formulated, it can only be fully

completed once the research and development company that we are partnered with can begin to

provide us with good, sound, definitive direction and perform the necessary tests and provide the

equipment necessary for the other phases of the plan. This initial phase will require 500,000,000

trust units to be infused and about 2 years for the initial mining to be performed and the debt

serviced. Therefore we are submitting this „preliminary‟ Development Plan and Executive

Summary in anticipation of such equity injection.

Please be aware, the complete details of the plan we have produced for the Development

of the ECOWAS is indeed proprietary and very valuable. No intrinsic details of the workings of

these plans will be discussed until a valid, enforceable contract is in place to protect the

intellectual rights of the creators of these plans. I pray all will be understanding of such.

Thank you,

/s/King, Allahsane-Khalil,:Contè

:King, Allahsane-Khalil-Conte - Trustee

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Executive Personnel and Objectives

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The Business Plan for Development in Africa


:Perkins, Thlton-Ray Global Agricultural Development Contract Trust ........................................ 7

Co-operative Agricultural Operations International S.A. – Santa Cruz de Tenerife ...................... 7

World Trade Development Partners - ......................................................... 7

Global Trade and Development Partners ....................................................................................... 8

Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III/ Director – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd - .................................... 8

Nene Akpotuso III/Officer – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd - ....................................................... 8

Clement M Sowah/ Officer – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd - .................................................... 8

Ibriham Kourouma .......................................................................................................................... 9

The Need Defined ......................................................................................................................... 10

Current State of Ghana, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Mali ........................................................ 10

Background ............................................................................................................................ 10

Agricultural Project Proposal ........................................................................................................ 11

The Project .................................................................................................................................... 12

Funding Requirement s ................................................................................................................ 13

General Information About The Canaries .................................................................................... 16

The Special Tax Regime (REF) .................................................................................................... 17

The Special Economic Zone (ZEC) .............................................................................................. 17

Taxation Of ZEC Companies ........................................................................................................ 19

Traditional and Customary Farming ............................................................................................. 20

Implementing Cooperative Farming .......................................................................................... 21

Answering the demand for infrastructure ..................................................................................... 22

Initial Phase................................................................................................................................... 25

Equation 1 - The cost breakdown is estimated as follows: ...................................................... 25

Project Funding Scheme: ............................................................................................................. 25

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Executive Personnel and Objectives

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The Management Team

:Perkins, Thlton-Ray Global Agricultural Development Contract Trust King Allahsane Khalil Conté - Trustéé (571) 284-0774

This trust will be the lead entity for all operations of the Co-Operative Agricultural Development

INTL S.A. – A Canary Islands Registered Entity. The reason for this is this trust has been

formed under the free enterprise rules of Private International Law, exists under the rules

enforced by the Hague Convention on Trusts, and all relationships to the trust are by contract.

The advantages of this are endless, and the agilities as well. This trust will be registered in the

Canary Islands of Spain and all functions of this global operation will be headquartered from

there. The professionals necessary for the administration of the Projects will be hired on an as

needed basis, and the trust will represent the interests of the indigenous populations it serves.

Co-operative Agricultural Operations International S.A. – Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Autonomous region of the Canary Islands has worked to provide the framework for

significant resources supporting industrial operations to and for the African Continent. There

are 700 Hectares of Industrial Property available on the Island of Tenerife for Industrial

Operations for the West African Region we intend to evolve. The economic platform the

Autonomous region has provided for this framework is advantageous as well. There is a

nominal 4% tax on funds provided within the framework the government of the Canary Islands

has created, which will further solidify the suggested operations. Ships employed by the

Operation will shuttle agricultural products within the first year of operations and will provide

additional funds for the expansion of the project, as well as a secure operations headquarters

independent of the regions being affected.

World Trade Development Partners -

World Trade Development Partners will be a development organization organized under the

Trust outlined above in Autonomous region of the Canary Islands, primarily from the Granadilla

Industrial Zone, and will build and operate the servicing company(ies) which would like to

provide goods or services to the project. The trust will file as an unincorporated business

association in the Autonomous region of the Canary Islands for the purpose of contracting with

any entity in the related enterprise. As these entities contract with WTDP, their expertise and

experience will become a part of the overall portfolio, they will be offered a seat on the board,

attend meetings, etc. This will enhance the proficiency in which we will be able to apply the

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principles to be introduced by the group, which will outline why this approach should work where

others have failed.

Global Trade and Development Partners -

The ultimate goal of our endeavor is to make Africa, or the ECOWAS at least, responsible

participants in the future of food production and a beacon of hope and prosperity throughout the

world. This can only be done by providing the platform for our food production and the

products we prepare in our economic facilities to be traded on a global level. This will be done

herein and thus the reason for this partnership to be funded and progress. More details herein.

Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III/ Director – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd -

Nana Gyepi III is a divisional Chief of Ghana, West Africa and is the founder of the SUCARDIF

Association, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) created to relax the constraints and

alleviate poverty and financial suffering currently being experienced in Ghana and throughout

the ECOWAS. Nana Gyepi III duties will include representing the interests of Courteous

Success, Inc and Courteous Success (GH) Ltd as we development sound customer relations

and derive local support in the rural regions of Ghana. The Northern region, Upper West

Region, Upper East Region and trade with Burkina Faso will be very beneficial to our

agricultural operations due to the proximity of the Guinea Savannah Zone. These regions are

the focus for now and the technological approach we will interject.

Nene Akpotuso III/Officer – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd -

Nene is the tribal Chief of the family responsible in the Ada-Foah Area of Ghana, West Africa.

Nene has pledged the largest area of the Sangoor lagoon and much of the coastline of the Volta

region for sea-salt production and for food crops. We also have plans to expand the Volta

River for Fishing and general port activities that will support the salt industry and in time some

geological activities such as cement production from lime deposits, and perhaps some granite

operations for coastal defense or export. We have partnered with Nene Akpotuso and have

accepted His pledge to work closely with us as we further develop our development plan for the

area, as He has already worked diligently with us to this point from our conception in 2007.

Clement M Sowah/ Officer – Courteous Success (GH) Ltd -

Mr. Sowah is our Construction expert and will head all construction operations necessary for the

safe and efficient operation of our development initiatives. This will include the infrastructural

demands required for the operations as well as housing and buildings necessary for

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management and labor operations. Mr. Sowah currently holds building permits and construction

license for all major phases of construction and maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Housing

Construction, Demolition, and etc. Mr. Sowah has decided to join Courteous Success, Inc and

merge His Company with ours once we are fully operational. We are happy to have him on our


Ibraham Kourouma – Chief among the Malinka People – Conakry, Guinea

Mr. Kourouma is the Father-in-Law of :King,:Allahsane-Khalil,:Contè, a king of the Fulani and

Malinka people of Guinea West Africa. Ibraham Kourouma has given the first land to the King

for development of the project. The land is situated in Debele, Guinea and is in the midst of

tropical rainforest that commonly produces some of the products which will be the focus of the

agricultural operations detailed herein. The farms which will be employed to gather products

already being produced and transferred to the Canary Islands Operations Headquarters will be

gathered from this region, and is expected to expand to at least 1,000 farms in the first 2 years,

and operations permit.

Ameriguin Enterprises S.A.R.L. – Guinea West Africa

Ameriguin Enterprises, headed by Fanta Oulen Kourouma-Perkins is a Society Limited doing

construction and other trade related business in Guinea, West Africa. It‟s principle purpose is to

exploit construction and other technical operations of the West and introduce them into Guinea

Society. The primary resource for the Society is training in Safety and hygiene relative to the

advanced industrial practices and to deal with the ebola, and malaria as well as other health

problems in the rural regions. For this purpose, the Society Limited will be providing Food

Security to the regions as a part of the group by supplying refrigeration technologies for food

and vaccines. These and other health related enterprises will be budgeted along with the Co-

operative Agricultural Operations in regional areas of Guinea to be affected.

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The Need Defined

Current State of Ghana, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Mali


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For more than four Hundred Years Africans were taken against their will as slaves to

faraway lands. Although this was often done at the behest of their own people or by different

tribes, the damaging results are the same. The illegal slave trade left Africa without the

strongest backs and the brightest minds. Centuries of this activity has resulted in rundown

conditions, extreme poverty, and insufficient infrastructure for social advancement, though the

technologies exist for good.

These are the conditions we intend to resolve for the betterment of the region and our

posterity. We believe Africa‟s development is paramount for the world at large.

Ghana is the most socially and democratically advanced region of West Africa. It is pre-

dominantly English speaking after being under British rule until 1957. Ghana has evolved into a

state of stability and governmental adaptation paramount to other African nations, and has

privatized most of its business functions to encourage foreign investment and trade. We believe

Ghana is the perfect place to start our development initiatives.

Agricultural Project Proposal


Ghana‟s potential for agricultural production is immense and we believe that this potential is not

being realized. The eastern region of Ghana, which is the primary region for agricultural

production because of its environment and soil characteristics, we believe, will be highly

supportive of various crop productions on a commercial scale. There are also plans for similar

projects in the western and northern regions of Ghana.

Government Departments involved

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Water Resources, Works, and Housing

Local district assembly-Agricultural Officers

Our Participation

Research and Development of viable processes

Implementation of approved processes for training and development

Management and Supervision of Implemented plans until they are completed or


Requirements from Local Government Authorities

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Documentation, information and consultation regarding procedures, processes and

regulations necessary to start and complete projects.

Project endorsement by traditional ruling parties

Members of the project management team have been in Ghana acquiring this information and


The Project

The Project will begin with the harvesting of cacao, coffee, cashews, almonds and other

precious commodities from farms that already are producing these valuable commodities but

currently are not processing the products for the readily available markets, locally, regionally, or

internationally. This will provide much of the capital necessary for the other developmental

stages of the Project and our Business Plans. The funds necessary for start-up of the project

will support this phase fully and will be repaid from the proceeds, re-evaluation of the projections

will be completed after the first year and any adjustment in the proposal will be made at that


Within the first ten years, detailed development plans will be established within the ECOWAS for

at least 1,000 Co-Operative Agricultural Operations of about 50,000 hectare areas each

strategically located for optimization of the resources available to them. This will comprise an

estimated 500 Million Trust Unit investment to each „enterprise zone‟ with strategic alliances

with the governments established within each region. A budget will be provided for the

monitoring of the enterprise projects slated for each co-operative whereby the related

governments will be provided the tools to monitor and approve all related construction projects

within its relative jurisdiction. This will provide the framework for true and accurate government

for the people within the enterprise zones on a case by case basis. These 1,000 projects will

account for 500 Billion Trust units in the security of the 50,000 Hectares by purchase, or joint

venture agreement, the facilities design and construction, reliable residential areas for the

workers and urban populations within the enterprise zones, equipment, environmental

safeguards, and processing, distribution, sales, and marketing of the refined products.

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Funding Requirement s

At this time we are in the Pre-Startup Phase. Sufficient data has been attained and the

preliminary research has been done to support the project phases that will follow. We fully

intend to begin operations as soon as the funding is in place. The agricultural operations that

have been offered for implementation by our research and development partners has indicated

to us that funds will be available to service the debt as soon as the facilities are in place to

properly test and produce the process for identifying valuable resources available from

previously unrefined areas. For this phase 50,000,000 Trust Units will be required. This will

cover the Research and Development deployment into the region, and provide the costs of the

equipment to begin preliminary operations. This financial influx will be repaid within two years of

beginning operations and the extended and expanded agricultural operations themselves will

cover the costs of the development plan and capital requirements for additional phases. The

additional Phases of this project are agricultural in nature and will help to fulfill the millennium

challenge goals outlined by entities concerned with this region. Our Projections involve the

production of:

o Development of Secure Processing and Transportation of Resources-Canary Isles

o Oil Palm Processing (Hybrid Tenera) (Human Consumption and Energy)

o Mangifera indica (mango) Processing (Human Consumption and Energy)

o Cacao, Coffee, Almond, and Cashew Production & Refining

o Traditional Farming (Corn, Maize, Rice, Cotton, Cassava, Sugar) Productions

o Aquaculture Farming using advanced farming techniques.

o Infrastructure Demands and necessary supporting training facilities

Infrastructure demands are estimated to be the most costly of the investments. Each Co-

Operative will be responsible for the infrastructure it needs to provide the agricultural product it

produces to the market identified for distribution under internationally recognized requirements.

For this purpose each Co-Operative will be allotted and additional 500 Million Trust units for

construction of the infrastructure required for realization of these goals, and will be required to

issue bonds under the Seal of the respective co-operative for repayment of the investments,

with reasonable interest. This will account for the additional 500 Billion Investment requested

on a draw down schedule developed in accord with the investor.

Total Requested: One Trillion Five Hundred Billion Trust Units (One Trust

Units = 25.8 Grains of AU) (Example – One troy ounce of Gold is 480 grains. If Gold is trading

at 1000 GB Pounds, One grain is 1000 divided by 480 = 2.08333 Pounds times 25.8 equals

53.75 Pounds. In this example: One Trust units converts 53.75 GB Pounds to a usable

commodity for future generations to use and thrive.)

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Development of Secure Processing of Investment Resources – Granadilla Industrial Zone

Oil Palm Processing

This involves the planting, harvesting and processing of Oil Palm trees currently being mass

produced in tropical forests in Ghana, and the processing of the Palm Nut to extract its oil for

pharmaceutical, medical, industrial and domestic uses.

The Oil Palm tree is a native of tropical West Africa where wild types exists in the lowland

forest areas. The hybrid Tenera tree was developed in the 60‟s through Malaysian interests and

was introduced to West Africa. Although the main centre of origin of the oil palm was West

Africa, it has become widely distributed in the tropical zones of South America, Indonesia,

Malaysia, and many parts South East Asia. It grows well between latitudes 13 degrees north

and 12 degrees south of the equator. In West Africa the main oil palm belt runs through the

southern latitudes of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria and Cameroon. The equator

itself runs through the heart of Tema, Ghana.

Types of Oil Palm Available: 3 Varieties

1) Dura

2) Pisifera

3) Tenera is a Hybrid of both the pervious varieties

The Tenera variety has been chosen for our project because this variety is most suitable for

commercial production. Also the Oil Palm Production Board of Ghana has focused on the mass

production and implementing of large scale farms for the preceding three years. The resulting

opportunity will provide the accumulation of several production processes readily availing fresh

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fruit bunches by the time we get our processing facilities in place. This will be further outlined in

our financial section.

Traditional Mango Processing

Mangoes are currently processed at two stages of maturity. Green fruit is used to make

chutney, pickles, curries and dehydrated products. The green fruit should be freshly picked from

the tree. Fruit that is bruised, damaged, or that has prematurely fallen to the ground previously

could not be used. Ripe mangoes are processed as canned and frozen slices, purée, juices,

nectar and various dried products. Mangoes are processed into many other products for home

use and by cottage industry.

Mango processing presents many problems as far as industrialization and market

expansion is concerned. The trees are alternate bearing and the fruit has a short storage life;

these factors make it difficult to process the crop in a continuous and regular way. The large

number of varieties with their various attributes and deficiencies affects the quality and

uniformity of processed products. The lack of simple, reliable methods for determining the stage

of maturity of varieties for processing also affects the quality of the finished products. Many of

the processed products require peeled or peeled and sliced fruit. The lack of mechanized

equipment for the peeling of ripe mangoes is a serious bottleneck for increasing the production

of these products. All of these hurdles give our project increase validity because the hurdles

previously precluded the uses of a readily available source of income for the region.

Mango Processing Proposed

We propose using the mango for energy as well as for food. As you can tell in the

pictures below, mangoes grow well, thriving in the tropical environment in Ghana and as far

north as Mali in Sub-Saharan West Africa.

Figure 1 Fresh Fruit on the tree Figure 2 Is left to rotten on the ground

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Most of the valuable fruit falls to the ground and rots year after year, adding to the world‟s

environmental concerns. We propose using the fruit to make ethanol and using the nut to make

bio-diesel, encouraging economic viability and helping in alleviating global warming in the

process. And this can be done with fruit that has fallen prematurely or even over-ripe fruit.

General Information About The Canaries

The Canaries form an archipelago made up by seven main islands, located in the Atlantic

Ocean near the Tropic of Cancer, near the African coast of Western Sahara. The islands stretch

in an East-West 500 Kms arch. The latitude of the Canaries is in the subtropical zone, being the

same as that of Orlando, Florida. The climate of the Canaries, however, is tempered by the

surrounding ocean.

The Canary Islands are an integral part of Spain; this has been so for more than 500 years, and

a huge majority of Canarians have confirmed their status repeatedly over time. The language of

the Canaries is Spanish (Castilian), but the accent is more like the Spanish spoken in the


The Canaries form an "Autonomous Community" within the Kingdom of Spain. The islands have

their own Government, Parliament and Administration, established by the Statute of Autonomy

of the Canary Islands. The Canarian fiscal and economic system is different from the general

Spanish one, which is in force in the major part of the Mainland.

As a part of Spain, the Canaries are also part of the European Union. However, the islands

enjoy some exceptions in the fiscal and economic area.

The currency in the Canary Islands is the euro, as in Spain.

The Parliament of the Canaries is in Santa Cruz de Tenerife; the delegation of the Spanish

Government in the Canaries is in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with a sub-delegation in Santa

Cruz de Tenerife; the Supreme Court of Justice of the Canarie is in Las Palmas de Gran


The Supreme Court of Justice exercises the judicial power. Appeals against its resolutions are

to the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of Spain.

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The Special Tax Regime (REF)

Although mainland tax regulations apply in the Canaries, companies operating there are also

eligible for special tax incentives (the Special Tax Regime or REF). Key features of the REF are

as follows:

VAT is not applied in the Canary Islands; instead there is a specific Sales Tax (IGIC)

which has a general rate of 5%. In addition to increased and reduced rates of IGIC, there

is a zero tax rate for certain basic need products and services (eg telecommunications).

Exemptions from duty on capital increases.

The use of undistributed profits to reduce the taxable base provided that the amounts

concerned are invested within three years in certain qualifying fixed assets or public


Enhanced tax credits for various types of investment.

The Special Economic Zone (ZEC)

The Canary Islands Special Zone has been created within the fiscal and economic regime of the

Canary Islands for the purpose of encouraging the economic and social development of the

islands and the diversification of their manufacturing and service sectors.

The ZEC was initially The Canary Islands Special Zone authorised by the European

Commission in January 2000.

In early 2006, the Department of Economic Affairs and Finance of the Canary Islands

Government suggested the introduction of improvements to the Canary Islands Economic and

Fiscal Regime, including the extension of the time frame of the low tax zone beyond 2008 of 25

years for companies in the service sector and 50 years for companies operating in the industrial


In addition, a suggestion has been made for solving the problems related to double taxation on

profits. This modification aims to make the ZEC a real stimulus for attracting companies with

newly-created economic activity. At present, companies with their head office in mainland Spain

are subject to double taxation on profits, which makes it difficult for them to set up in the low tax


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Following the announcement of an extension in December 2006, the benefits provided by the

ZEC will initially be available until December 31, 2019, although this may be further extended if

the European Commission authorises it.

Any company intending to carry out manufacturing, commercial or service activities within the

territory of the Canary Islands may register in the ZEC; financial services are excluded.

Permitted manufacturing, processing, handling and goods distribution activities include:


Food, beverages and tobacco;


Leather goods and footwear;

Furniture and related products;

Paper, publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded material;

Building materials;

Machinery and mechanical equipment;

Electrical, electronic and optical materials and equipment;



Wholesale and distributive activities;

Packaging, bottling and canning

Permitted service activities include:

Transport and related activities;


Natural resources and waste disposal;



R + D;

Education and Training;


Legal and fiscal services;

Other services

Service companies registered under the ZEC may be set up in any part of the Canary Islands.

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Production, processing, handling and distributive activities must be located in certain

Designated Areas at:

On the island of Grand Canary

The Port of La Luz and Las Palmas

Gando Airport

The Arinaga Industrial Estate

On the island of Tenerife:

The Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Los Rodeos and Reina Sofía Airports

The Granadilla Industrial Estate

There are Designated Areas on each of the other Canary Islands.

Any Company wishing to set up in the ZEC must satisfy a number of requirements, of which the

most important are:

A ZEC Company must be newly incorporated;

At least one of the persons authorised to manage and act on behalf of the Company must be

resident in the Canary Islands;

A ZEC Company must make an investment of at least EUR100,000 (EUR50,000 in some

locations) in fixed assets related to the activity within the first two years subsequent to


A ZEC Company must employ at least five persons (reduced to three in some locations) in

the ZEC area within the first six months subsequent to authorisation and must retain this

number of employees, on average, throughout its lifetime;

A ZEC Company must present a description of its activities, with particular mention of its

economic viability, international focus, contribution to the economic and social development

of the Canary Islands and solvency.

Taxation Of ZEC Companies

ZEC companies enjoy the following tax benefits:

Corporation tax (levied in Spain at 30%) is charged at 4% on profits derived from ZEC

activities. The rates depends on:

o Net creation of employment;

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o The period of inclusion in the Register of ZEC Companies;

o Whether the activity is new or pre-existing;

o The type of activity

ZEC companies are exempt from Capital Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty in the following circumstances:

o Purchase of goods and rights for the conduct of the business activity of the ZEC company within the geographical area of the ZEC;

o Company operations except liquidation;

o Stamp duty on documents connected with the company‟s operations in the geographical area of the ZEC

o ZEC companies are exempt from Canarian Indirect General Tax (Canarian Sales Tax) on delivery of goods and provision of services from one ZEC Company to another, and on imports.

o International Double Taxation Treaties and the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive:

The Canary Islands are an integral part of the territory of Spain and the European Union. Therefore ZEC companies may take advantage of Double Taxation treaties signed by Spain and the EU‟s Parent-Subsidiary Directive. ZEC Companies are not obliged to deduct tax from payments for tangible assets made by them.

Traditional and Customary Farming

Vast amounts of square hectares lay untilled in all states of the ECOWAS. This land is

very fertile and is under the control of the traditional families who have the land through their

ancestors. The government(s) has not been able to provide guidance and resources to the

people for the agricultural development and have, in the case of Ghana, opened the areas up to

privatization to encourage the influx of investment dollars and modern technology into the

regions. Here in lies our unique opportunity. Because the land is virgin and large scale

application of chemical based fertilizers and pesticides have not been introduced, we could

encourage the production of organic grains and produce from these lands. Helping to alleviate

hunger by encouraging economic use of the land rather than offering a hand out to the people

will also assist Millennium Challenge Authorities meet their projections.

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Executive Summary for the Development Plan for the ECOWAS

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Implementing Cooperative Farming

Because the protection of the invested capital and the return on investment is so crucial,

we believe the Co-operative business model that has proven extremely successful in

industrialized countries is imperative. A co-operative is a commercial body built upon the

business structure which is both accountable and durable. We intend to promote the

implementation of cooperatives upon a predetermined scale to interject the investment(s) into a

practical and document-able system. This process will encourage the training of the local

human resource, provide for the safe and efficient use of the modern equipment presented to

the region, provide a unified voice to the local farmer no matter the scale of their individual

operation, and provide support for the exposure of the products produced to the international

market to ensure best rate of return. And all this will be accomplished in a repeatable and easily

update-able fashion throughout the region, an example answering many proposed problems.

Co-Operatives are proven to build Co-Operatives are the roots of civilization

Products that can be produced through Agriculture

Through our projected business model, many agricultural products can be produced,

processed, packaged, and distributed. All will be done through the co-operative models we have

proposed and the investment and return recaptured with minimal risk to the investor.

Agreements situated and secured before the investment ever is introduced will be provided

between the Governments in power, the traditional land owners, and the investing public. These

safeguards can and will be insured through international entities such as the Export/Import

Bank. This will insure the investments against anything from social uprising(s) to government

coupe(s). In the unlikely event of such an occurrence since it is believed that such uprisings are

not simply cultural but a direct result of the living conditions we intend to effect.

Some of these productions will include ideas such as the following:

Corn grown and refined into staple products used every day in the industrialized world

will be refined and packaged on site using the cooperative system. Also others such as:

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o Maize, rice, cotton, soybeans, Castor

o Cassava, potatoes, sugar beets, plantain, banana

o Groundnuts, cashews, almonds, coffee, cocoa, sun flowers, etc., etc, etc.

Answering the demand for infrastructure

How do we provide Infrastructure? And more importantly, how do we pay for it? Two

Questions that have been confronted many times without resolve, but also one that we intend to

promote and resolve during the course of this presentation, and at the hopeful conclusion, to

address it as such once and for all. Ironically the answer lies in the same condition as the

question answered heretofore. The answer is in the land itself, lying waste along with the lives

of the people that own it.

The Co-operative Agricultural Operations International will be responsible for identifying

construction techniques adaptable to the environments they are assigned and providing

technical training, modern resources, and equipment to the human resources available within

the geographic regions they are assigned. This will provide the framework for self-sustaining

infrastructure construction and economic security simultaneously, transforming the region from

a vast wasteland with no GDP interactions to viable and productive economic infrastructures

virtually overnight.

Infrastructure Technology and Resource Management

How do we go in to the powerless regions of West Africa, build modern roads and

bridges, tunnels and railroads trestles, provide engineering products and everything that is

necessary and pay for it all? Good question and we think we have the answer. The same

concept for BOT that we described in the previous section is applicable here. We can go in

using nominal start-up capital, and produce the resources for the renovation of the region,

update it with modern highways, overpasses, tunnels and access roads through the BOT

method. By gaining the rights to the thoroughfares we can build toll roads that will be used only

by paying travelers and account for every penny we have invested or controlled until a buyer

comes along. We can then recoup the full investment plus any gain we deem viable. At which

time we leave the area more beneficial to the inhabitants and hopefully do the same thing

somewhere else in the world until we have accomplished our agreed upon goals.

One of the big concerns for the successful operation of our development initiative is the

infrastructure of the countries we plan to effect. Some of those concerns are to be mentioned

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here, and as is our model so is the solution to the problem. Once we have identified a region

that we would like to develop using our Appropriate Technology, we will institute the following

products and processes to relieve concerns.

1) The bad conditions of roads and lack of bridges, overpasses over low lying areas, and

just generally bad driving conditions for all motorists. The Solution:

Our High specification concrete batching system

We will work with the governments in the areas where our technologies will be introduced to

develop roads, bridges and overpasses using the proprietary concrete batching systems

provided by our development partners. Through these technologies we have exclusive rights

to their remarkable system throughout the ECOWAS. And it is revolutionary.

2) The unsafe housing and sanitary conditions in the region is not feasible for human

existence. Our system of Research and Development will provide intense and localized

development of safe and sanitary housing and will allow us to assist our local partners to

pay for the development as they receive their portion of the proceeds of the operation.

Systems such as Insipit Africa,

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3) Installed with the sanitary solution –„the waterless toilet‟ system will be key institutions.

We have the rights to the waterless toilet and other sanitary products in the region, which will

make us the green friendly, energy and resource conscientious leaders in the industry and the

region. This waterless, chemical free, environmentally friendly sanitation aid is just the thing for

the developing region. And we will manufacture the toilet and the installation will more than

likely extend well beyond our project adding to the companies‟ bottom line tremendously in my


4) The production facilities we will be putting in place during the alternative energy

production/ economic development of rural areas of West Africa phase will provide

electricity and clean drinking water as a by-product of production. And because the

facilities are chemical based facilities, the additional incentive is environmentally friendly

as well.

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Executive Summary - Structure of Administrative Organizations

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Initial Phase Summary (Start-up Cost for 1000 operating entities)

Funding of 100 Co-operatives is estimated at One Trillion Five Hundred Billion Trust Capital

Units in Exchange Currency to be converted at the common rate at time of signing and funds

may be generated during a post-determined factor.

Equation 1 - The cost breakdown is estimated as follows:

Amount needed USD Purpose Resulting outcome Potential

350,000,000,000 R & D Facilities Plan and Apply Mining, Ag, Infra, etc.

500,000,000,000 Equipment Equip 1000 Co-ops Long term income

150,000,000,000 Operating Capital Operations to return Expansion

500,000,000,000 Infrastructure,TranspoConstruction

Highways, Rail, Transportation

Move people and resources

Project Funding Scheme: A treaty providing for the unity of purpose for the

establishment of the funding arrangement necessary has been developed and will accompany

this Executive Summary. Both the Shaykamaxum Empire and the Yamassee Nation have

agreed to participate in these project(s) with both funding and personnel in order to fully realize

these projections. The exact substance for the funding of the project(s) are proprietary to the

:Perkins, Thlton-Ray Global Agricultural Development Pure Contract Trust and is the intellectual

property of it, as such. Any other support or contract deemed necessary will be addressed


Commodity Bonds will be created for futures pledged to secure the investment at 20-30 year

periods. The procedure will go like this: The bonds will be created in lots of 250,000 metric

tons of rice, milled and bagged in 50 kg sacks available F.O.B. at port nearest production

facility. The ratio used to determine the actual value will be the Day rate for spot gold with 25.8

grains of gold to the dollar. For Instance, rice selling at retail for 41.9 cents per pound will be

calculated based on the spot price for gold of 1200 USD per ounce. One ounce contains 480

grains, therefore one dollar is actually worth 1200 divided by 480 which equals $2.50 times 25.8

equals $64.50. 41.9% of 64.50 equals 27.0255 US dollars per pound for rice, and 2.2 pounds

equals one kilo, or 27.0255 times 2.2 which amounts to 59.4561 dollars per kilo or 59,456.10

per metric ton. Using this formula, one contract of rice (250,000 metric tons) will amount to

14,864,025,000 USD (14 Billions, Eight Hundreds Millions, Six Hundreds Thousands, four

millions, and twenty five thousands). This is the equation that will be used to calculate the

bonds issued to the investor(s), and the equations stated on the bond payable in 20 years or 30

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years depending upon the negotiations. Approximately 101 bonds will be issued to fund the

entire 1,000 co-operatives. The Contract Trust will negotiate 37 other transactions and the

resulting operations similar to this one, for a total of 38,000 co-operatives operating in support of

Global Agricultural Development.

This is the preliminary plan we have for further development. Our business plan is to procure

joint venture partners to help us achieve the lasting results we desire. Please inquire for

additional participation,

Thank You,

iamIAM: King-Allahsane-Khalil-:Conté - Trustee

+1(443) 869-4210 USA or +(224) 65561.0770 Guinea [email protected]