ecotourism impact of globalization & sustainable tourism-final

Amazon Basin’s Indigenous Tribes: Impact of Globalization and Role of Sustainable Tourism Students :- Mansi Khurana Nasimul Bahar Professor Kristy Adams 16 th February, HTOM 508 : Globalization and Sustainable Tourism (Winter-2011) Hot Topic Presentation

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A look into 'Ecotourism' under the umbrella of 'Sustainable Tourism'- Impact on Amazon rain forest & indigenous tribes.(findings from research, 2011)


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Amazon Basin’s Indigenous Tribes: Impact of Globalization and Role of Sustainable Tourism

Students :-Mansi KhuranaNasimul Bahar

Professor Kristy Adams

16th February, 2011

HTOM 508 : Globalization and Sustainable Tourism (Winter-2011)Hot Topic Presentation

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Over 5,000 indigenous societies continue to exist today; some adversely distressed for centuries by colonizing nations; currently they are facing aggressive land encroachment, deforestation, over fishing, oil & mining exploitation etc., by global corporation’s accord with foreign & local bureaucracies, by these strong forces they are evicted from their ancestor lands, loosing traditional native livelihoods, endangering their existence. Source: IFG&IP(2009)

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Why we should care for Amazon forest & its tribes ? Facts, No Myth

•AMAZON forest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, comprises 9 South American countries, covering over 7.5 million km₂ =44% of S.A. territory, or size of contiguous USA.

•It is the largest bio-diversified habitat which shelters 200 mammal species, 950 bird species, 2,500 fish species, 300 reptile species, 25 millions of insects species !

AMAZON is the native land of 215 ethnic groups speaking 170 different languages over 190 million acres of land, indigenous population of known tribes in the Amazon (2006) approximately 450,000, about 0.25 percent of Brazil's total population. Many un-contacted tribes still remain undiscovered.

Estimated 10,000,000 indigenous were living (dawn of 16th century), before European explorers invaded South America in search of gold and riches, which ended in devastating massacres leaving less than 1,000,000 million indigenous people by the end of 18th century !Now, from 20th century, global warming & globalization’s combo effect consuming rest of remaining, slowly but surely.

•Amazon’s natural resources are depleting alarmingly, which is affecting rest of the world severely. •This is how a species extinction process starts ! Our Extinction !

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150 million tribal people in more than 60 countries, including an estimated 100 “un-contacted tribes,'' their lives and way of life are under threat by settlers and loggers, foreign workers as well as foreign mine and oil corporations. Brazil's National Indian Foundation (FUNAI)

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Revealed: Hidden tribe in the AmazonDate: Published On Thu Feb 3 2011

Source: The BBC and Survival International have released footage from one of the last human tribes to be completely untouched by society. The tribe exists around the border of Peru and Brazil . *posted by Jon Bershad | 2:32 pm, February 4th, 2011 & The Huffington Post Joanna Zelman First Posted: 02/ 4/11 10:41 AM. Video taken from plane by: Indian Affairs Dept & BBC ;

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• A regulated sustainable Eco-Tourism may educate and create awareness, both to hosts(tribal communities) & guests (tourists), pros & cons of both worlds.

• Mutually benefited respectively by joyful rich experience of adventurous eco-tourism by tourists and aware of the modern globalized world and become financially strong; at the same time slowly reduce heavy dependency on forests resources and agriculture by indigenous communities of Amazon.

• Keeping their heritage, culture and way of life intact or become slowly modernized according to the choice of individual tribal community.

• Recent extensive survey reflects, majority of indigenous communities chosen to live their ancestral way of life, keeping harmony with nature and keep in touch with modern world only as need basis and support ecotourism, which could be run and managed by themselves as recently most governments slowly demarcating their land and passing/fostering law for their empowerment and control of tourism in their designated land.

So, What? How Eco-Tourism has symbiotic relationship with Amazon forest & its indigenous tribes ?

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Ecuador to Peruvian basin, Amazon forest area

Texaco-Petroecuador, Chevron, Amazon Indigenous people and their habitat

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Dream people of AMAZON-their survival in Globalization-2010

A solution achieved by a tribe to sustain - In reality, not many tribes are able to voice out & reach to the world. •ASHWA indigenous community-PERU & ECUADOR: pro-activeness protected their tribe from 2008~2009•QUICHUA indigenous tribe-ECUADOR, Capirona & Rio Blanco (NAPO): completely tribe controlled & managed promising Eco-Tourism since 1989•HUAORANI tribe-ECUADOR, BRAZIL & PERU- operating independently sustainable ‘Ecolodge’ operations profitably from 2007•DENI tribe-South east of BRAZIL-successfully & permanently push backed commercial logging from their territory by demarcating land by the help of ‘GREENPEACE’,CIMI & OPAN non-profit organizations-2001•PIEDRA BLANCA -Ecotourism (embraced Internet) successfully running by tribal community since 1997•KAPAWI & ACHUAR tribes-run ‘KAPAWI Lodge’ through co-ownership with 1993

but, Life Finds its way !

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CONCLUSION• Ecotourism could only become sustainable & successful if it is carefully designed,

planned & closely monitored through active participation of indigenous communities with the full support of their local government, co-operation from public sector, non-profit organizations, NGOs, ACT(Amazonian Cooperation Treaty) as well as by United Nations, G8, G20 & other nations of the world.

• Ecotourism proven to be successful in few Amazonian tribes, empowering them to control & managed tours/lodges/backpackers etc. Progressively, more tribal communities are adopting Ecotourism as a supplementary income, by observing its benefits.

• Adopting Ecotourism as a part of their life would help all Amazonian indigenous communities to sustain economically & reduce dependency chiefly on forest’s resources and on commercial agriculture (like Soya, Maze, Sugar cane etc.).

• If Globalization & Ecotourism is monitored & regulated carefully it would reduce oil exploitation, commercial logging, and cattle ranchers land encroachment by making indigenous tribes vast land productive & vigilant to the world community; also through this process, in time it may reduce/heal negative impacts of deforestations.

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Puzzled ? Curious ? Questions to class:1. If you are a tourist in Amazon, how you could

contribute to sustainable ecotourism efforts ?

Controversy ?

2. How many Amazonian indigenous tribes exists & how many are they till date?

3. Name one indigenous tribe from INDIA, BANGLADESH & Amazon(SOUTH AMERICA) ?

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Thank you for your attention & participation

Any Question ?