economics a-level notes (very useful)

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  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    T.nLe- Lt^ro^ g^ Aa^'ts**'rca tL^+ z fshtg A of *o.Vc.s (."* ^ i t, i .J, ,sf- E-n. t J2o" lo.3' U^i urr , /Vuvss t (hi^-" t '- Ol'put,u.g '. Ta? rd\/Q,/ we \f,-ra 6n ,aJ kl lu* \"r\ , t4r9

    O B"+f." *--1,^-., - J , t io-J@ w^1.t@ B"^r9.ts

    * (--*

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    "l I h e' e.a.e.4 ;^ Jt^e., -t tt^ r ^aMpl6el#g/h\ a,Ab,I . l \ rb) Pr"p\v .",Lu l,.e^ue- otr- b

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    NO ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    l r ) i - lA l /orht of t rql - bL t {1avv L45.

    "0 tu NM\t co* la qivr. ' ,s4 +. +Le "*fl\ ^z^tr "{ ' , l lzuo) wo,Lzrs-TA,s

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    f1 l'ev-wa.l

    O Ai 1i,e leuz( P.e., lL..e i, o^ ovgroroJ..f ,r^ t< u^)4. "+a qrvtr p." J*"t , fk* , nc- l*^u4tl ,^o.-bzl 4'^l(*.." 9o. wawlJ beklVr "[ l ^t f"Q* vhi .h is ol tk soci^l o iu-* levol ,tso- "+ Ji

    + Mo,bcf fo; lu 'e t^ t o| P"Q" bz,o*se tL-,< is a'avcvSroJuct'"' u^J-zryr i

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    / ( \ t -Lo ' r . c. C-ar f at.1 L s...',)a\ e{ tLe- p""c w*-uz,+ Q. l ibrua- {"'el-^41e,Cle-" lV\z-(L fi^. eVt^l"J ^-ea t \*s -f"r . teJ atovc- . T|* goctal ,p l i* -* ie,c! is oJ ,g- l^* t M,r',{ prrc.(t \a-e\ ?t&-. lJe^.e- *L- N-ee *,o-1,..*-l Joes nol l"Vni* fo 6

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    . l f tjs be c atrSe ,+ *t t . I- lc. laaracfCrrStrc4 o ^bl ic ,Js. Si^.a"ptc- coulJ .^se i f * i fL. - l - ^^ e[^o-1{-, l.n-^.e- i+

    ris +- +Ie rCQ, r i de r T.cLler- . T/" t fhn-z- it ho inceqt',vZI" y.oJ-^ee- )l^ose ooA3 i^ 9o. izJu. --r/ ' t (1lL< .2 f s q. *4 lf ar g t"a c l af oPlt^u^ L-vel2^a f^^J .* . *^.V-\, in ,guvaqc l - ( * [^a-g u"7 le J. ^'+ -euu ol

    @ As1-^e-1 ', ' ^1 i ^Io--olion Pl^ < a^ k-e ^lz tq ft - U-eoff in.n.e &eJ-c ^lrr"- i*J-

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    i" 1"."*^. f\o^rn *i l \ v le* h+* l l l " ,stues a-s 4.,^nfl .n" Tl^;t (e^A, f" aq uqJe.rcoasu^p/)-^ "{ hn ^ l/ 'Leare' i- tt '-sk".*-v^^ v 'esulh-q i' . welong {.ss, st^ce sacie{u *o*/J L? Lt -

    { . , . " f { i f i t .on.ss64-s wrorL hzol lh.^.a- . TL-us

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    @ 7.\.2 oE@ T.e^J

    CL.y*"- I Re-.

    @ in.-ml-Co^r f^^\ / t'\^.h^^

    Celz.\s 1,o.-, ^9 .OP" l^{ i o^ / P^. \ ' , " , . -^- t ./ \

    Q, ---r Q"

    z in 'tNcowrt: - t cz{e. is fa. \L*s - QJ } (+"-*^l

    - 1 .ufu. is ga;r t* , - q J. (;-fo-;o- 3.-J)

    - ?.;e. q-los)i"i CPEO) -'+$s^si|',,enzss/Qz5po*siveas3s uf Q. r d- e fo ^ c'af e,-i c- .

    i.o\ o: \ ' rc- e\ os{i c.AQ" zAP't.

    - /r .o*u . l ^t f i "4 (YED) -- - {o - n.^o1 li ue " - i ^{".io noo JO /- *

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    DATEr.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

    r'tc-Q- e\ ^s ti cr{ o F &^o^J CXED):a) AQ*'r.

    A ?. . '/ .l ) por;1, ,a Subrt l- f "s , ,^n^E'

    eloJ+;.,+y of t*l f ' Lrc>)'., AQ'^ Z

    A ?" '/.9 5h".4-r^^ ---+ Lzss*ir-, resoarcea e>nnof bz -h^^3e.J'c, ) L"--raq -{ l14u.s eloslia, oLle- {o c z. lo./-,, " f . .J- "{ ,on ,

    -+ F,*^c)ol o, ) ,uen fu p.oui4e.s /coas-.v.^zyE '+ ea se-uice/# a^.o-" e p-J-cf l "^ / con s^n1lra,.r '

    * (lse ("q,\o+,"a\..r'

    ^(*^^f,n*e ^o-llzf

    --.t -T\4 lnb o^. ,^o"Lel ,o Tl^e laLo-r tnanlcef ,s ho"f v.r ( i - f { ; . ie^f , A. ,,n^.kz-( l^; _lure. .oru(J, {-o* -tt"- ;^^U;t;/ * (o Lo u - +" ratawe e-^t i 15 L.|*""^iotr . Tho.e ar Q a YrunL4r 6 re4

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    Ye{e.5 +" it^. inob',]-,*. o(worh4rs +" ynove #- be-lwe-.- jot< J* " *o ft * t^'L o{ op1.o.g.,^*es[Lills o( {-;,^', As +^ t ?ca4op,u l+asvro^u{oc{^-,nq to Se-rvrc-e. gu.fu- basz, k^h \o*-cLi l \ad / ^o^u^\

    l^L*. l^ov

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    -r@ D"-^-^.t f*r-- ta "/a;\l9 Ltg*a-.d g..as9ur ah lr-rLe!,

    L^-, e sf- -+ Nota: Fqrnz-rJ ha-z 1i11L -J-l

    " , ielJ / ha.-e-s*

    # Ft -"{*^\'\cn( --) iu a^ ,-7.cJ;. la! le- --3 G.e. y.i.e- \e-e,\s,

    - Ea*, \ iV; , . " , is sl^Vle. P.; . . has 4o L< sl^LLz R - ^^aLlL

    - ,oJ .{ t,nna'^re ^of s+tLV - *U.t trsu.a{ l

    h< i" cl^* o J,fy .ro- he* (-h-4, cor^) eocoa) r- ,r-

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    C--^;."t* Mi^,**- ,^ ,(Le-aSowg: O Kc(p f*" ge-.ftt




    \mn-owe or, 'z-t]{- "Q [' te-

    R.l* c< v. \unta1 tr-cag lc

    @ t sfo^J^-J "Q \. i^M^W ro at e'fe1 te-\\c- .{S

    @' E^ccgg 9- - ( , l r+^,t lou^ule^ Ac,J crhg e^Let oaq NUW.


    le *;fL - L

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    - ( l^i^tz,n )a S co a9 e16.q c-o3Sho"toqz ol ot^r\r .b\e hoqge 1 l^*J{o-J< J,n,} -onl 1o rev+ o*4 \r*e. (.' c 2

    L*g\-^ofi o- ITl, t v ' . . lJ pv , ceI leue I a.f P* !< JL" 7,^^^f;+, ig of a, Ho*"u"5tL" t ru ' t^ le.y-n| ;o^ TrrcQ Io"el abong f l^- -o- lJ #.o \* leuel ol P*.

    Eu.or" on .o^l lncu] 1o oLla',^si. iaif i .^^11t !^', 7. i .e {euel , TL;, hi, izi |"



    rLwa.ia o.*)ue lr o Jwcerg "f r i c- l fu.e

    M-rtr- l www.psrat

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    l .o lu" . ,s r aq" ' rr-* l turo g.oJ-ots ar, ' { : iJ,z r f +Q- fwraleaa.o^};^-. }warr lJ to s9 t1^d,- 1.,J-"19 iasi Lc, 4\* to L^-oyn^^ u^o.h-el' llowewe(t |o

    Lav4h \-t,n',s k y.'lerl +l^r- E*""1,.^^ gr o J-cer s, +1. f u wo^lJ "^lo.n 4

    t^f dq non- f(,,{ l (o)vcaYt ' TL',s u"oull .r.o)e ; Ji

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    c-o w; ll e-rea) z- a \ a-q,zr v^r ltzt f^,f*.c. fh^s lL; t craal

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    |'t^- co.* -o. a +i,*, TG^" shjffi^q tl^. c^ ewL i" +t-- \"{ t 11* ,a-e "{ l"*whi.t" i : 1v\w b S t to*. Tl"i' res. fs Lt -| 4 l^2,\/ e t. lI t Prtuv 7.i.e le."zl D,ofz -;tu ^1'f.{ o{ a.flt" i ^e I Jeaoe- of +La +^x vi ll L. Lo.^.g b4, caq sqyqa-rJ t< y -.Jucz.S.11", a.re4 -itL 5ta.5 *;ll W h.^t tl * e4^9s'6ev5 t (J o-f1z- aren "-i l l kb".^t . a f,,-q.s.q . 'f " ro Lac{,-rs a\re- u*lrlO L p

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    B,^{{n. Sto"tc--+ A re^ol /s " 1 {, ", " {o w-.t *.1 {^',1^"e c

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    flI l-.a^Ji t io^S so tL^+ it ^ inimir

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)



    solv4 oA e ,ol\o*, ', * ..oole-' ^,-l.z. ' it^it ; t tvo iJaa Leh' '^J " f t -^,*o^J*J eaagqauae1'. l - \"^"n, Tk ", n,'u-l ,q .u4oi^ctrLt^v\r 'S {o^c-e9 fl.ou-L -rll, ^ol)o^s cdag

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    r) F^.lt.t ^{ fs"l in-- . Cons**err caul{ e-xf tQ-v;4wcz a. cho* -trAe- tn l^t fe to. vir-a.

    T( t1^;, ne - 't Jo,,+ bq o\ 1- qro6 Co a SqqerJ)fW- fr" i*p^.-* co-lJ L- (o. a- Ll Lo^s^ner5 la^we- aast;{+ ' ,^ f{-.1 l^ . fz/r. . .1". .^"", fLL "jJ c-urvQ-co^lJ " l"- ' f lf . , rur- \"{t , c,seub't^q c.e-le" is o. rl-u


    ar(- 4X

    . ,c,os rrziq h-f r isL,

    I t i ) DD {n. Io. :A, I i^ Jisposubl+ Y C >rclaal ' t^ C^btl t I t ' Lu ooJ.

    0\l" s

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    ov- . - t \ ic - e-- ls. is rQ-Jwce,5 f tc q_,J, |^Llz {o^J f",_fo.'*t-1, tL^, t t " ss . f r - rcQ,z+, o+erqvv1 cQ-+a-Y' ,so ^jr t*1,

    A* a-eva\ l l is s^bsi J i ts - l -o lo. i ,s co- lJ a- lso^f {""f t\," ss .Q Y c,e S;* ." a. s- ts iJ-a re-J-caJ cot fe4o,rnors, f t^t i , rg4t "^ l l - f l . Ho*eve-r, i {+l^e-s-ls iJ i+i Are- 'eJ-.e-J., 4- rvt-r\ l^u a\ t c-sl "{

    .o 3^c. l i avr , 'n_^a witl lavo F" ye-J^Q. oufp^f Js, Mo.e,ou

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    ,r44 .ice I'e ci^sl-i.?Wc .o-\J t^^'e- e- lc-s{,c J 4.,i44tA v u"V* vl^\.t^ o., a^ca-\J h^,s Jitf..o*\ {o,:tas Q-renc2s. TL*s qiut^ a rola. l l re*bsli*ftr .o^t-*,@f\ort-6vsr, if llr--tt a s.^JJcn s!^"-l e- Jue fo - Jis.^s " / (^^t-.7\a.1i^e, conivyALr< - i1l^ l be (o- .oJ t" s

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    )Ad ( 1_


    ^.-i \otte,, -o.l-e,.s dre- o'^,[^![.4 k res-qrcus exyn^J,c aq cha^q c tl^6,. -*llp -t t o.e\s ol .i-e-, Tla.s *Le ss - {be-conne-s t taor(, e l^S l t - ; ^ss u; t^q, cnl. - is g,a- i t r9.J\A. i l l " r l . ' feJ te.\ow, cpL ca^ s

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    vo.( iJ re>^te^ *(^^+ (@ses +L.e- ss . f r ic4 lo la r^el^sf i " ' ,n+1r* sht-l ,-y^A, 9, n-

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    Wl,, is J1"4 ovtrnvt^4 "25jr i . l ; -x yo-*, ,?

    ( ---r D. l ;n* qovLY6ae-^+A. *Nt Fitt fl"" s ho.) u"(,L, s*i tr ,V -o J*-f ,or, r

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    !^4h t- l -(oc-et 'g, \ tui f tn -L{lW-rr X h^a.rh-z,t ui \ f be-ca*^fer 1." d,.^cfi ve .

    Gi. i^ t e-,cz {e.e s *\^icu c-^veL f g.-$1 te,'\s t"-k&oo J.*.

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    fJ- tot i ,^r

    -k ^rgA-9et l ' t*,fi o- f..ta) ?dsitiu!- - {^tcc qoqr Sf-Jlcs v^orL Seri ou sr) o."+ o^ s -Jc.ts

    NCe^ti' r{ ' - t-oSf t lL14 - C4 ^ | fo -J.owr " $. t eJ- "^t l"^?") lu t?*" t 04 sac 'c \ , ( s";- f^|)L)^f v-a9oq9 - T luol i af l twth

    \t 91""-lJ onu, nr^n^fs 71'e s -t 6'JieS {o - eJ-.o{ iune-^ $c qdwe--avenl ^f+-J A s-L+iJ' ,r?

    Dot-s oJncolro- f 7.-J^"*iu; iq s"c'e]v?^) ENl",t ' oA PPFb) V-ffe.fs ah p",Q,fl

    Yf /oo^ e-coma*io ' i f "^* 'ot1 - o- 4ca.^d^ t C- *-t

    t4ausi^_f{ r tCe9 aa L . { : . l ,o^sng - iq ^"1 ah iaveslo.s ,/ ( , - t f i l^z

    h.onz buqersf lo^s+ gricet {. 11"* l r-- tYe- ' ' r f5 / f ec-^o*,c-

    'tqp ec+ o !. hr u

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    W Lt-^ c\nss,

    MCQG., over +tL "t^zal.\-rsl-.(D 9.^. i -s - Dofi^,f, " - , J; raqg - PPlt s*t

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    ..^ 9 ".,. +r 9 *,,Tr^J ^!, \. i : - l l . fi " ^ p..*if 5 ol/o* f ;.*, I t" fecp-. I^,^ o^'^^ l L^te J .^i4, l f +L'at^? +\^" ^*.-^l ^-a-,\aJaLeo^ fu,. qe--*l|, ^ f* c*lJ t-^& pifL

    | ^^o+l"n o^+ b, *Vo ln^"^ ' { w

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    @i* J*c t.i

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    - Atrewowal\g. rCgourg4-- c"z*cS :t^l t^r^^Vrlif AS a-,(ff 6\ O. n'^\\".^o.ti .e f o'* o? cq er

    b)G.\r :-eo\^. *z\ 9 a.(e t c\ a-*.ve.\ e+il l eK n"l gvt( at^4 ea q^{ (,.JSo\- . to*e\9 reelb\ re co^

  • 7/30/2019 Economics A-Level Notes (Very Useful)


    @ 9[.. ) - . -^ ,/ e \o-"- 6*a:- I" fl * slrn-l- .^,t, f{""J bn-n're-s a. L t t