economic capital for conglomerates

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  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates


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    Economic capitalfor conglomerates

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates


    Financial institutions recognise the importance of understanding and being able to measure

    the risks associated with their business. This allows a company to more accurately determine

    the amount of capital it needs to hold to cover these risks.

    A measure of economic capital assists in quantifying the level of capital required to support

    a business and its associated risks and understanding how these risks differ between

    products, business divisions and business strategies.

    Financial services companies have generally measured economic capital using various

    methods which approximate risk based capital with a focus on the key risks for the entity.For example, banks have generally used value-at-risk approaches, while insurance companies

    have historically focused on asset liability modelling, or more generally, Dynamic Financial

    Analysis. These different approaches make it difficult for the management of conglomerates

    to compare and understand the relative performance and capital needs of its entities. This

    paper considers and compares the current approaches adopted by banks and insurers, and

    discusses the challenges faced by conglomerates in applying a consistent framework across

    all its entities while allowing for the various interactions between those entities.

    Economic capital for conglomerates

    Definitions of capital

    The basic starting point in most companies is shareholder capital. For any financial services

    company, part of this shareholder capital will be required to be held as regulatory capital.

    This is currently a focus for companies given the environment surrounding regulatory capital

    is changing in light of the new Basel II requirements, the possibility of the introduction ofSolvency II, and the impact of IFRS on existing APRA capital requirements.

    Target surplus is effectively the amount of capital that you decide you need to hold

    above the regulatory requirements to give you a buffer before reaching the regulatory

    requirements. Any remaining capital is normally regarded as surplus capital.

    Companies would like to know how much capital they need to hold to manage their

    business within their own risk tolerance risk tolerance would allow for an amount of

    acceptable loss, a probability of that loss, and a time horizon for that loss. This is generally

    referred to as economic capital.

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    Because target surplus is generally calculated in relation to regulatory capital, while

    economic capital is intended to look at the underlying risks, the relationship between target

    surplus and economic capital is not predictable. Economic capital could be lower than

    regulatory capital (and would be for most bank mortgage books, for example), but could

    also be higher than target surplus (and would probably be for most fund management


    Figure 1 Economic capital

    The table below summarises the features of regulatory capital, target surplus and economic

    capital. Economic capital is not necessarily a subset of shareholder capital, as there may well

    be assets implicit in the balance sheet that can be used in the event of poor experience.

    These could include such things as future profits or charges. Regulators usually have to trade

    off between simplicity and detailed matching of the risks facing businesses in the industry

    while economic capital is calculated looking at the risks specific to the company.

    Figure 2 Features of different types of capital

    Overview of economic capital

    Economic capital is used to assess the level of capital required to support a business and

    its associated risks. A measure of economic capital assists in quantifying these risks and

    understanding how they differ between products, business divisions and business strategies.

    To calculate economic capital, a company needs to quantify the risks it faces over a specified

    time period that is appropriate to the risk and the business. This is done by analysing what

    the potential losses could be, as well as the probability of a loss of that size. It also needs to

    take into account the risk appetite of the companys owners and investors.

    Why measure economic capital?

    Companies want to be able to quantify the level of capital that ensures they are able to

    cover the unexpected losses arising from all the risks faced by the business, while avoiding

    the inefficiencies associated with overcapitalisation.

    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

    Regulatory capital Economic capital Target surplus

    Defined by regulators Anything that can absorb

    economic losses

    Designed to provide a buffer

    to regulatory capital

    Uses (mainly) accounting

    definitions of capital

    Could include intangibles,

    hidden reserves, pricing

    changes etc

    Uses same definitions of

    capital as regulatory

    Trade-off for regulators between

    simplicity and detailed matching

    with the business

    Intended to support the

    underlying risks of the


    Can be similar to economic

    capital (depending on risk


    Failure defined at a point of

    regulatory action

    Failure defined as

    zero capital

    Failure defined at

    regulatory minimum

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates



    Being able to measure the various risk components assists in identifying the key risks and

    improving the understanding of how those risks influence the business, which in turn can

    focus the business on the appropriate actions to reduce their impact.

    Measuring economic capital also allows capital allocation to be managed on a basis whichreflects the risks faced by business units or products, while a consistent measurement of

    economic capital enables a company to measure the relative performance

    of products, customers or business units.

    Economic capital can also be used to assess whether risk mitigation strategies, policies or risk

    controls (e.g. hedging, guarantees, insurance and risk-pooling schemes) are cost-effective.

    In addition, new regulatory regimes (like Basel II and potentially Solvency II) provide

    companies with the opportunity to reduce the regulatory capital they are required to hold if

    appropriate methods are used to measure risk.

    In summary, economic capital helps to identify appropriate capital levels, and manage the

    business allowing for appropriate returns for risk. Simple businesses with one product

    line can do this instinctively using regulatory proxies. Complex businesses need formalisedprocesses, as the risks are not intuitive.

    Figure 3 What questions can EC help answer?

    Economic capital control cycle

    Economic capital models are complex and will generally need to evolve over time as new

    techniques are developed for the quantification of risks and as additional data becomes

    available. The first step in the process of developing an economic capital model involves the

    business identifying or reviewing their risk policy framework, which includes risk appetite

    and risk definition. The company then goes to the detailed planning stage which includes

    high level risk identification. It is important that this assessment includes all risks that could

    result in unexpected losses for the company. It is common for companies to only consider

    two or three key risks rather than include all risks.

    Once all the risks have been identified, they need to be modelled and valued. Some risks are

    well understood and the methods used to value them are established. However, for certain

    risks the measurement techniques are less well developed and the data required is often not

    readily available an example is the modelling of operational risk.

    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

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  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates



    Figure 5 The distribution of the impacts on capital are translated into

    risk tolerance

    Measuring risk based performance

    Economic capital not only provides a company with a measure of the amount of capital

    required, it can also be used as a framework for the performance measurement process.

    There are a number of standard measures of risk based performance. The table below shows

    how four of these measures relate to each other earnings per share, return on equity,

    economic value added and Return on risk adjusted capital.

    Figure 6 Scorecard of performance measures

    While accounting profit is included under all four methods, only Economic value added and

    return on risk adjusted capital include an allowance for the cost of capital. RORAC is the

    only measure of the four that specifically allows for risk.

    RORAC is normally defined as some derivative of the normal operating profit over a risk

    adjusted capital, normally a measure of economic capital. EVA and RORAC provide some

    correlation to shareholder value. The disadvantage of both EVA and RORAC is that they are

    far more complex to calculate than the simple measures of ROE and EPS.

    Return on risk adjusted capital is consistently used in much of the financial sector. It relies on

    appropriate measurement of economic capital to allow for risk.

    Scorecard of performance measures

    Measure Accountingprofit included

    Cost of capitalincluded

    Allows forrisk

    Correlationto value

    Ease ofcalculation





    EPS = Earnings per share; ROE = Return on equity; RORAC = Return on risk adjusted capital

    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates



    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

    Economic capital versus shareholder value

    There is often confusion surrounding the definitions of the terms economic capital and

    shareholder value. In our view, economic capital as the level of capital required to meet the

    risks over a given timeframe, while shareholder capital is the markets view of the discountedvalue of all future profits adjusting for the risk of actually receiving those profits.

    The risk adjusted return on capital measure is widely accepted and is an appropriate

    measure of performance. However, it only provides a measure of performance in respect of

    the profits generated in the current financial year. These on their own, do not allow for the

    potential impact of future earnings or management actions. This is particularly an issue for

    companies that provide longer term contracts to their customers (e.g. life insurers).

    Using some form of appraisal value performance measure (in addition to RORAC) also

    provides useful management information, and allows for the impact of future years profits

    from the business.

    Appropriate economic capital and the allocation thereof across business units and products

    allows shareholder value impacts to be measured more accurately.

    Figure 7 Scorecard of performance measures

    Specific issues for conglomerates

    In practice, different businesses have a number of practical issues which make measurement

    of capital and performance more difficult.

    1. Regulatory capital at different risk levels

    Regulatory capital for different businesses provides different coverage of the actual risks.Simple examples of differences include:

    unit linked business has very similar operational risks to unit trust business, but requires

    different levels of regulatory capital

    the capital requirements for a bank selling mortgages (on balance sheet) are measured

    differently from very similar risks incurred by a lenders mortgage insurer (although these

    are getting closer together as APRA reviews their requirements)

    regulatory capital does not always impact economic capital, but differences create

    challenges in managing more than one balance sheet.

    Source : Insurer Solvency Assessment, Towards a global framework, International Actuarial Association Insurer

    Solvency Assessment Working Party, February 2004

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    2. Accounting treatments

    Accounting treatment should not, in theory, matter for economic capital we are, after all,

    looking at the underlying risks. A few issues emerge, in practice, though.

    shareholder capital has a different relationship to the underlying risks in different types of

    entity (e.g. general insurers specifically hold liabilities more than their best estimate; life

    insurers hold a reserve for future profits)

    most people expect that economic capital will be a subset of shareholder capital, but the

    shareholder capital shown on the balance sheet may include or exclude items you would

    want to treat differently for economic capital.

    profit can be defined in different ways, and for performance measurement, it is important

    that profit is both consistent across the group, and understandable to management

    it is important to be aware of accounting differences between businesses, even though

    they shouldnt matter to the underlying economic risks.

    3. Difference in significant risks

    Different risks being important will create different emphases in the measurement process.

    The diagram below shows the main sources of risks usually defined. If one particular risk is

    the major source (e.g. insurance risk for a general insurer, or credit risk for a retail bank) then

    that risk will generally be the source of focus in any economic capital framework.

    When that framework is rolled out across different entities, it can be difficult to combine

    with other types of companies with different risk emphases.

    4. Detailed methodologies

    Banks have tended to have a risk by risk focus, where insurance companies have a product

    by product focus. In theory, the outcome would be the same, but in practice, difficulties in

    approach will make compromise more difficult.

    Figure 8 Methodologies

    5. Time horizons

    Time horizons between different types of product and financial services entity make a

    difference to both the capital and the profit part of a risk adjusted performance measure.

    The natural time horizon for different product types can be quite different. This will

    naturally lead to a different time horizon within one product type, which will have to be

    forced into a standard one across the whole conglomerate to enable meaningful capital

    allocations to be made.

    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

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    Figure 9

    A common compromise timeframe is one year.

    6. Culture of measurement

    In the table below, we set out some key cultural differences between different types of

    institutions. Once again, these differences have arisen naturally owing to the nature of the

    main products and risks within these institutions. But their existence makes the combination

    of different economic capital frameworks a real challenge.

    Figure 10 Measurement cultures

    7. Correlation and diversification benefits

    In a conglomerate, with many different risks, it is important to understand the correlation

    between risks, and products, and also to allocate appropriate diversification benefits.

    Figure 11 Diversification

    The calculation of correlation benefits is complex in itself (there is usually inadequate

    statistical evidence). But allocations of the benefit will also depend on the purpose of the

    measurement. The existence of the diversification benefit will lead to competitive advantage

    for both types of financial services company within the conglomerate, but it may be sensible

    to keep that benefit for the centre, to reward the decision makers who have taken on the

    challenges of managing a diverse conglomerate.

    Total Capital requiredis lower because of


    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

    Bank Life insurer General insurer Fund manager

    Risk vs product Risks generally modelled


    Products generally modelled


    Products generally modelled


    Products very similar

    Risk coverage Culture of covering all risks Tends to focus on the biggest


    Asset and insurance risks most

    generally covered

    Risk coverage often limited



    Tend to be analytic where


    Often view stochastic as best


    Stochastic approach particularly

    for claims cost

    Analytic approach

    Time frames One month to a year One to three years Depends on insurance portfolio Risk coverage often limited

    Value of intangible

    assets considered

    Future profits rarely valued

    except for DAC

    Future profits regularly valued Future profits rarely valued Often valued where life

    insurer is associated

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates




    Finally, there are a number of practical issues in setting up an economic capital framework.

    There is no right answer to any of these issues, but it is important to recognise them, and

    make active decisions about them.

    centre vs the business unit

    In all businesses, the tension between the centre (to keep control) and the business unit

    (understanding their business) is strong. In a conglomerate with different types of business,

    this becomes more emphatic.

    Figure 12 Information flows

    levels of allocation

    There is a tension between allocating capital to many different areas (eg by product/

    customer) and creating a measurement that the business can understand. The lower the

    level of allocation, the more arbitrary it will seem to individual product managers.


    Without an understandable framework and calculation process, the business is less

    likely to buy into the process and the outcomes (particularly the measurement of their

    own performance).

    cultural change

    Introducing economic capital as part of the performance management process of a

    business is a profound cultural change.


    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates



    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

    Figure 13 What is inside the Economic Capital models?

    Our approachOur approach to implementation is shown in the diagram below.

    It is vital that the business is involved enough in the process not just the central capital

    management team to understand the risk profile implied for their business and understand

    the capital implications of increasing or decreasing the risks of their business.

    Figure 14 Six Proven in practice phases

    Critical Success Factors

    From observation, there are a few critical success factors to implementing an economic

    capital framework.

    change management orientation

    senior management champion (e.g. CEO)

    staying ahead of regulatory trends

    detailed knowledge of your business, its markets, operating environment and regulation

    combination of economic theory, actuarial practice and investment

    stochastic techniques

    sound project management

    strong communication skills ability to identify the key financial and operational risks in your business

    data availability.

  • 8/3/2019 Economic Capital for Conglomerates



    Trowbridge DeloitteEconomic capital

    EC implementation challenges/lessons learned:

    In our experience of economic capital implementations, there are common issues that can

    derail the process. They can be categorised into three main issues:


    is the culture right? Needs empowerment for decision making and ownership/

    accountability of risk

    it is all about Operational integration and not implementation

    Socialization - education and awareness of Board, Executive Directors, Senior

    Management team, etc

    resistance to introduction of risk-adjusted performance measurement across the business

    knowledge transfer.


    common agreement on definition of Economic Capital

    difficulties in gathering, storing and manipulating the required data

    time horizons for capital

    treatment of mismatches between economic and regulatory capital

    subjectivity of correlation matrix

    increased complexity for capital processes (pricing, management reporting, capitalmanagement, risk management, ALM, etc).


    lack of comparability to industry

    lack of recognition by rating agencies and stock analysts.

    Overwhelmingly, the hardest thing to get right is not the technical risk measurement, but

    driving the concepts into the business and getting buy-in from all stakeholders.

    For more information contact:

    Jennifer Lang

    Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 5076

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Ian Jones

    Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 5081

    e-mail: [email protected]
