ec. certif'icate...04 l2 2015 multiple frames atex and ll-cl-\ 041 1212015 pic-i20 insex/allen...

Certificate Number BaseefalsATEXo162U lssued 9' December 2015 Page 1 of 3 EC. TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIF'ICATE Component lnt€nded for use oo/in an Equipment or prot€ctire System Intended for use in Potentially Exptosive Atmospheres - Directiv€ 94l9/EC 3 EC - Type Examination Cenificatc Number: 4 Cornponent: RGB, Rcc an't RGS Range ofmulti cabte transits 5 Manufacturer: MCT Brattbrrg AB 6 Address: SE-371 92 Klrtskrona. Sw€den 7 This cornponent and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in rhe sch€dule to this cerificate and rhe documenls the.ein referred to. 8 Baseefa, Notified Body number 1180, in accordance wirh An;cle 9 olrhc Councjt Direcrive 94/9/EC of23 March 199,1, certifies that th;s componenr has been found ro compty wjth rhe Essentjal Heatth and Safer/ Requir€ments relating to the desiSn and construction ofcomponents inlended for use in potentially cxplosive armospheres given in Annex II to the Direclive. The examination and test results are .ecorded in confidential Report No. CB/BAS/EXTRl5.0249-00 9 Compliance with the tsssential Health and Safery Requircments has been assured by comptjance with: Baseefa l5ATEX0l62U EN 60079-0:2012 +All:2013 EN 60079-7:201s EN 60079-31:201.1 except in respect ofthose requirements listed ar item l8 ofthe schedule. l0 lhe sign "U" is placed after the cerlificate number. It indicates ihat this cenificate must not be mistaken for a ccnificate intended fbr an equipmenr or pro.ective system. This parrial certification may be used as a basis lbr cenification ofan equipment or protective system. ll This EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERIIFICATE relares only to the design and construction of th€ specified Component. Fudhe. rcquirements of the Dirc€rive apply 10 the manufaduring process and suppty of this component. These are not cov€fcd by this certificare. l2 Tbe marking ofthe componenl shall include the following I @ II2CD ExebrrcGb Exrbr CDblr.b= 60.c 1o +70.c Baseefa Customcr Reference No. 5909 Projecl Filc No- 15/0975 Thn documenr is isued by d,e comp.n) srbjccl lo (s Cencrul co.dnions lor ccnitcriion sc^ices accessible at lrp ,{s $.se5 conrc./t cm! d cond us as.x Md lhr Supplemenlarr- lems ahd Conditions accessible ar I!o:/ rww basera com/{udilo.r-4p. Allenrron is dr.M to thc litrnation orliability, indemnificalion ardjurisdicrion nsu€s defned lhcrcD nv holdcrol lhisdocuncnl isadvised lhar inlnmalion cohraiied herein r€f.cts rh€ conpany\ findmes al the tnne ofils irlene.ljor only d $ilbin thc lints ofclicnfs rnsirucriohs, ifanl I does not nec€ssarity indical€ rhal lhe equitmenl ia) be uscd in panicular induslries or cncutrstances The Compary\ sole r.sponsibili\' k ro irs client and lhis docunenr does nor exoneralc panis ro a hnsadion from exerching all their riShb and oblrgatn,nr trnder n,e lmtrscrion docunenls. fhE docunEnl cMnor bc reproduced cxccpr in Uitl, schedule includ€d. *ilhour prior wn(en appovalorlhe conpany ny unaurhonzcd alrcralion, lorgery or tilsiicarion ofrhc contenr or appealanc€ oi fih docunEnt Bu.lawlitl rndollendc$mavbeDrosecurdtothetullcsrc\ of the la{ SGS Baseefa Limited Rockhead Business Park, Staden Lane, Buxton. Derbvshirc SK17 gRz Telephone +44 (0) 1298 766600 Fax +44 (0) 1298 766601 e mail !dbtA!e!99tb.9s!! web sile Rcghrered ih angland No 430s578 Reeisier€d addr€ss Rossndre Rusinss Park, Ellesmere Pon, Chesbt.. Cl165]LN Bpt"/,'> R. irrued 2?'J'trurr} !016.o r.Dlr.. oriq'nll R s slN( LAtR W tEtt_xnt-t: GENERAL MANAGER " On behalfof SGS Baseefa Limited

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Page 1: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015

Certificate NumberBaseefalsATEXo162U

lssued 9' December 2015Page 1 of 3

EC. TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIF'ICATEComponent lnt€nded for use oo/in an Equipment or prot€ctire System

Intended for use in Potentially Exptosive Atmospheres - Directiv€ 94l9/EC

3 EC - Type ExaminationCenificatc Number:

4 Cornponent: RGB, Rcc an't RGS Range ofmulti cabte transits

5 Manufacturer: MCT Brattbrrg AB

6 Address: SE-371 92 Klrtskrona. Sw€den

7 This cornponent and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in rhe sch€dule to this cerificate and rhedocumenls the.ein referred to.

8 Baseefa, Notified Body number 1180, in accordance wirh An;cle 9 olrhc Councjt Direcrive 94/9/EC of23 March199,1, certifies that th;s componenr has been found ro compty wjth rhe Essentjal Heatth and Safer/ Requir€mentsrelating to the desiSn and construction ofcomponents inlended for use in potentially cxplosive armospheres given inAnnex II to the Direclive.

The examination and test results are .ecorded in confidential Report No. CB/BAS/EXTRl5.0249-00

9 Compliance with the tsssential Health and Safery Requircments has been assured by comptjance with:

Baseefa l5ATEX0l62U

EN 60079-0:2012 +All:2013 EN 60079-7:201s EN 60079-31:201.1

except in respect ofthose requirements listed ar item l8 ofthe schedule.

l0 lhe sign "U" is placed after the cerlificate number. It indicates ihat this cenificate must not be mistaken for accnificate intended fbr an equipmenr or pro.ective system. This parrial certification may be used as a basis lbrcenification ofan equipment or protective system.

ll This EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERIIFICATE relares only to the design and construction of th€ specifiedComponent. Fudhe. rcquirements of the Dirc€rive apply 10 the manufaduring process and suppty of thiscomponent. These are not cov€fcd by this certificare.

l2 Tbe marking ofthe componenl shall include the following I

@ II2CD ExebrrcGb Exrbr CDblr.b= 60.c 1o +70.c

Baseefa Customcr Reference No. 5909 Projecl Filc No- 15/0975

Thn documenr is isued by d,e comp.n) srbjccl lo (s Cencrul co.dnions lor ccnitcriion sc^ices accessible at lrp ,{s $.se5 conrc./t cm! dcond us as.x Md lhr Supplemenlarr- lems ahd Conditions accessible ar I!o:/ rww basera com/{udilo.r-4p. Allenrron is dr.M to thclitrnation orliability, indemnificalion ardjurisdicrion nsu€s defned lhcrcD nv holdcrol lhisdocuncnl isadvised lhar inlnmalion cohraiied herein r€f.ctsrh€ conpany\ findmes al the tnne ofils irlene.ljor only d $ilbin thc lints ofclicnfs rnsirucriohs, ifanl I does not nec€ssarity indical€ rhal lheequitmenl ia) be uscd in panicular induslries or cncutrstances The Compary\ sole r.sponsibili\' k ro irs client and lhis docunenr does nor exoneralcpanis ro a hnsadion from exerching all their riShb and oblrgatn,nr trnder n,e lmtrscrion docunenls. fhE docunEnl cMnor bc reproduced cxccpr in Uitl,schedule includ€d. *ilhour prior wn(en appovalorlhe conpany ny unaurhonzcd alrcralion, lorgery or tilsiicarion ofrhc contenr or appealanc€ oi fihdocunEnt Bu.lawlitl rndollendc$mavbeDrosecurdtothetullcsrc\ of the la{

SGS Baseefa LimitedRockhead Business Park, Staden Lane,

Buxton. Derbvshirc SK17 gRzTelephone +44 (0) 1298 766600 Fax +44 (0) 1298 766601

e mail !dbtA!e!99tb.9s!! web sile www.baseefa.comRcghrered ih angland No 430s578

Reeisier€d addr€ss Rossndre Rusinss Park, Ellesmere Pon, Chesbt.. Cl165]LN

Bpt"/,'>R. irrued 2?'J'trurr} !016.o r.Dlr.. oriq'nll

R s slN( LAtR W tEtt_xnt-t:GENERAL MANAGER "

On behalfof SGS Baseefa Limited

Page 2: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015

Certificate NumberBaseefal5ATEX0l62U

lssued 90 December 2015Page 2 of 3



15 DescriptionofColnponcnt

The RGS, RCB, RGG range of multi cable transits ar€ intended fbr use s,ith circular cabtes or circutar meral DiDes. Theliam€s may be welded, cast in concrete or bolted to an enclosure o. building wall. The transit rrames are manufacturedfiom metal having a right angle or flar bar fbrm, with rhe maleriat having a minimum tensile strength ofi40 N/mm2- Theransit fiames are of welded construction. which provides an ape.ture for the inserlion oftransit blocks to seal around thecables or pipes as above.

The RCS. RGB, RGC rang€ ofmulti cable transirs are assembled fiom ihe lo owingl

a Frame variants as detailed in matrix drawing No I 16009. Each ofthe frame variants as detailed in the matrix, maybe welded together to form multiple rows and columns of rlames, in addirion these fiames mav be Dlated orsurface lfeated to suit the application.

b- Solid rubber insed blocks manufactured fiom Lycron A. Ihese blocks range from smm to l20mm square, and arema*ed and designated 24x510 ro 12010. The blocks are uniquety marked on both faces wiih a green Exdesignation su(ounded by a green hexagon frame.

A variation of the lnsert Blocks may also be manufactured 10 provide tjMC protection and rhese are uniquetymarked on the forward face with a yellow Ex designation surrounded by a ye ow hexagon fi.ame. The back taceis marked with a green Ex designadon surrounded by a green hexagon frame

c. Inserl blocks manufbctured from Lycron A. These blocks have moulded semi-circular concave sections of fixedradius along their length, which when placed on rop of each orher form a square block of20 ro t20mm. Theblocks have a central circular hole offixed diameter, ranging from ,lmm to 90mm depending on rhe btock size,and when compressed fbrm a seal around circula cables or pipes. These blocks losether wirh their associatedcabl€s or pipes arc assembled in rows inside the frame up 10 a specified heisht, with the block halves designatedand marked 20/4 to 120/90. the blocks are uniquely marked on both firces wjth a green Ex designationsurround€d by a green hexagon framc.

A varialion of the Insert Blocks may also be manufacturcd ro provide EMC prolection and rhes€ areuniquely marked on the forward face with a yellow Ex designarion sunounded by a yellow hexagon frame. Theback lace is marked with agreen Ex d€signation surrounded by a green hexagon frame

Metal stayplate, which is positioned inside thc frame between each conplete row ofthe rubber blocks. Thestayplate is retained by lugs which allow ;t to sl;de in the frame as rhe insert blocks are compressed.

Press wedge, which is fit ed into position in a lirlly relaxed state and then tightened to ihe required torque via 2 x8mm stainless steel Allen grub screws or 2 x siainless stecl hexagon headed bolts. which then cornpress the insertblocks to seal the cables / pipes. A variation of the Press wedge may also be manufactured ro prov;de EMCprotection and these are identified by yellow Bx markings on rhe liont face


Certilicate Number Baseefal5ATEXol62U

16 Report Number

Baseefa c€rtification repot CB/BAS EXTRl5.0249-00 (Re-issu€d 2?d Jrnusry 2016)



Sch€dule of Linitations

Thcsc hansits are suitable for us€ within a service temperature range of-60'C to +70"C.The blocks must be ass€mbled using the manufacturer's supplied rallow lubricanr which nust be applied to afaces ofihc scaling blocks priorto assembly.The iransits are only lor use wilh circular cables and circular pipes3.

Page 3: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015

Certificate NumberBaseefal5ATEXol62U

lssued 9'" December 2015Page 3 of 3




Drawing No:l

r 60009

'l l600lo'r l600l r


'lt60023'l t60024

'1l600 l7't l600l8'1150422'l150423'l 150424'l t50425' 50426

't],5o4zj'1t50428't t30320' 3032l' 30322

'l130323'1130324'11i0325'l [0327'1130328'1406.13

Tbe assembled liame and cables sharrbe reft for a period of4B hours priorro the insrallation being energised.wh€nrhefran€ is used for increased safety or dusr prorecrion, the f;ame sha be suitably sealed (rn acco.dancewith IEC 60079-14) to nainrain the ingr€ss prot€crion rating ofthe associat€d enctosureThe fasteners ofallvariants shallbe torqued uD ro 20NmNon-metallic su.faces shall be prorcct€d from ctecrrostatic charging hazards

Essential Health and S.fety R€quir€nenrs

All relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements are covered by the standads tisted at item y.

As fbllows. in addition to those covered by the standards ar it€m 9.

19 Drawings rnd Docun€nts

'l t50429

'l 80326

' 5o4i5


























Date Description

08/1212015 Matrjx component approved ATEX / IECEX frames08/12/2015 P'IG-I20 Allen EMC Stainless ATEX / IECEX08/1212015 PI C- 120 Hex EMC Stainless ATEX / IECEX04112/2015 lrames for ATEX and IECEX04/12/2015 Ins€.t Blocks 90 and 120 ATEX08/1212015 Spare block EMC 120 x 5/008/1212015 Spare block EMC l20xl0/008112/2015 Spare block EMC081t2/2015 Iflsert block EMCO4ll2/2015 Insen blocks normal module ATEX01/12?2015 Spare block02/12/2015 Spare block 24 x 5/0 ATEX02112/20t5 Spare block 12 x l0/0 ATEX02/1212015 Spare block Normal module ATEX04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTGl3/10/2015 Rear presswedge PTGI3/10/2015 litting for presswedge PTGl3/10/2015 Nut for fiont presswedge PTGl3/10/2015 Nut for rear presswedge PTCl3/10/2015 Lockplatel3/10/20l5 LockplatePTG24/03120t1 Springl3/10/2015 Allen Screw0211212015 PTG-I20 IITV.SEXKANT / HEX Slainlcss ATEX1311012015 HEX Screw04112/2015 Label lbr MCT Brattbers ATEX / IECEX PTGO1ll2/10t5 Stayplate with inlay ATEX

140 t6 |

'l l5043l

These d.awings are common to Baseefal5AI EXo162U, Baseela l5ATEXOl63X, IECEX BAS l5.0l08xand IECEX BAS15.0107U and held with the latter.

rThis drawings is common to Baseefal5A IExol62U and IECEX BAS 15.0107U ad.l held with the latrer-

Page 4: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015
Page 5: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015
Page 6: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015
Page 7: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015
Page 8: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015

Certificate NumberBaseefa15ATEX0162U/2

Issued 28t h October2016Page 1 of 2



Component Intended for use on/in an Equipment or Protective SystemIntended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Directive 2014/34/EU

3 Supplementary EU - TypeExamination Certificate Number:


3.1 In accordance with Article 41 of Directive 2014/34/EU, EC-Type Examination Certificates referring to 94/9/ECthat were in existence prior to the date of application of2014/34/EU (20 April 2016) may be referenced as if theywere issued in accordance with Directive 20 14/34/EU. Supplementary Certificates to such EC-Type ExaminationCertificates, and new issues of such certificates, may continue to bear the original certificate number issued priorto 20 April 2016







RG B, RGG and RGS Range of multi cable transits

MCT Brattberg AB

SE-371 92 Karlskrona, Sweden

7 This supplementary certificate extends EC - Type Examination Certificate No. Baseefa15ATEX0162U to applyto products designed and constructed in accordance with the specification set out in the Schedule of the saidcertificate but having any variations specified in the Schedule attached to this certificate and the documents thereinreferred to.

8 SGS Baseefa, Notified Body number 1180, in accordance with Article 17 of Directive 2014/34/EU of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council, dated 26 February 2014, certifies that the product, as modified by thissupplementary certificate, has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating tothe design and construction of products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II tothe Directive.

SGS Baseefa Customer Reference No. 5909 Project File No . 16/0796

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions for Certification Services accessible at http ://www ­Conditions.aspx and the Supplementary Terms and Conditions accessible at http ://www.sgs .com/SGSBaseefa/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx Attention is drawn tothe limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereinreflects the Company's findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client's instructions, if any. It does not necessarily indicate that theequipment may be used in particular industries or circumstances. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerateparties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full ,schedule included, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of thisdocument is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law .

SGS Baseefa LimitedRockhead Business Park. Staden Lane.

Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9RZTelephone +44 (0) 1298766600 Fax +44 (0) 1298766601e-mail [email protected] web site www.sgs

Registered in England No. 4305578.Registered address : Rossmore Business Park, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 3EN


TECHNICAL MANAGEROn behalf of SGS Baseefa Limited

Page 9: EC. CERTIF'ICATE...04 l2 2015 Multiple frames ATEX and ll-Cl-\ 041 1212015 PIC-I20 INSEX/Allen stainless ATEX 1l/10/2015 iilling wedge PTG,l20 lll10/2015 Front presswedge PTG l3/10/2015

Certificate NumberBaseefa15ATEX0162U/2

Issued 28th October2016Page 2 of 2




Certificate Number Baseefa15ATEX0162U/2

15 Description of the variation to the Product

Variation 2.1

To allow for an increase in diameter of the central circular hole of the 120 size insert block and 120 size EMC insert block,from the range 70mm to 90mm to the range 70mm to II Omm, in 2mm increments.

As a consequence of this variation, paragraph ' c' of the original product description will change to incorporate the newsize of 120 block, this and will now read:

c Insert blocks manufactured from Lycron A. These blocks have moulded semi-circular concave sections of fixedradius along their length, which when placed on top of each other form a square block of 20 to 120mm. Theblocks have a central circular hole of fixed diameter, ranging from 4mm to II Omm depending on the block size ,and when compressed form a seal around circular cables or pipes. These blocks together with their associatedcables or pipes are assembled in rows inside the frame up to a specified height, with the block halves designatedand marked 20/4 to 120/110. The blocks are uniquely marked on both faces with a green Ex designationsurrounded by a green hexagon frame.

16 Report Number

Baseefa certification report GB/BAS/ExTRI6.031l/00

17 Schedule of Limitations

8. Cables or pipes used with the block size range 120192 to 120/110 shall be additionally clamped to ensure that pulling ortwisting is not transmitted to any connections

18 Essential Health and Safety Requirements

Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements is not affected by this variation.

19 Drawings and Documents




Sheet Issue









These drawings are held with IECEx 15.0107U and common to BaseefaI5ATEXOI62U, Baseefa 15ATEXOl63X andIECEx BAS 15.0108X.