
Ebola Virus

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Ebola Virus


Ebola virus disease is also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever, or simply Ebola.

Disease caused by Ebola virus.


It was identified in 1976, when two outbreaks occurred in Sudan and Zaire (areas near Africa)


In 1979, it was found in Africa and no clinical case has been found for 15 years.

Another strain of Ebola was isolated in 1989 during an outbreak of infection of monkeys named Macaca fascicularus.



The EBOV genome is a single stranded RNA

19,000 nucleotides

They have reserved directions, branches and loops.

They mostly have thread like structures


Spread by direct contact with blood or other fluids of an infected human or other animal



Late symptoms

How it gets into our systems?

There are two candidates for host cell entry proteins:

Cholestrol transport proteinMacophages: the immune cell receptors


The disease tipicaly occurs in tropical regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.

From 1976 to 2013, WHO reported 1,716 confirm cases.

As of 16 Dec,2014 6,756 deaths are reported.

Zaire outbreak

On 26 August,1976 outbreak of Ebola began in small village.

The first person infected with this disease was a village school headmaster.

2013-2014 West Africa Outbreak

World wide outbreaks

Affected Parts

The expected reservoirs(Fruit bat)

Effects on animals (WILD animals)

Ebola have resulted in deaths of 5,000 Gorillas

Resulted in 88% decline in Chimpanzee

Domestic animals

In 2012, it was demonstrated that it can travel without contact with pigs.Scientists failed to achieve transmission factors in animals.Dogs may become infected from this virus but not develop symptoms.


Balancing electrolytes in bodyTreat other infections in bodyMaintain blood pressure

TreatmentCurrently, there is no treatment for EVD and doctors simply treat symptoms, support the infected person and deal with any complications that result from the disease.

Preventative Measures

Preventative MeasuresAvoid contact with infected bats, monkeys or apes.

Avoid contact with raw bush meat. Bush meat is the meat of wild animals; this includes hoofed animals, rats, bats and monkeys.

Future Perspective

The natural reservoirs or the hosting body for this deadly creature is still unknown

SummaryWe have isolated a new strain of Ebola virus from a non-fetal human case infected during the autopsy of a wild Chimpanzee. The wild troop to which this animal belonged has been decimated by outbreaks of haemorrhagic syndromes. This is the first time that a human infection has been connected to naturally-infected monkeys in Africa. Data from the long term survey of this troop of chimpanzee could answer questions about the natural reservoirs of the Ebola virus.

May Almighty keep us away from such viruses. Ameen