earnings quality slides fsa

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  • 7/25/2019 Earnings Quality slides FSA


    Chapter 17: Earnings Quality

    T1: Earnings Quality

    T2: Earnings management

    T3: Cash flow management (Yes)

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    Page 2

    T1: Earnings quality

    Earnings quality: The egree to whi!h earnings refle!t unerlying e!onomi! performan!e

    Chara!teristi!s of high quality earnings:Transparent: "ery little or nothing is hien (full is!lo

    sure)Protecting proprietary information is understood, hiding

    other information is less understood

    Clearly stated accounting principles as opposed to havi

    ng them vaguely definedConsistent

    Accounts for similar economic transactions in a similar


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    Page 3

    Earnings quality

    Earnings quality means ifferent things to ifferent finan!ial statements users (!onte#tual):$egulators will refer to earnings that ahere to the rules

    %n&estors will refer to earnings that are prei!ti&e of futu

    re !ash flows'eners will refer to earnings that are !onser&ati&e

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    Page 4

    T2: Earnings management

    A company is going through the interview process inorder to hire a new chief financial officer. In the last in

    terview session, each of 3 finalists is given the comp

    any's financial data and asked, "hat are the net ear

    nings!" applicants diligently compute the net earnings. #either of them gets the $o%. &he candidate who

    lands the position answers the uestion %y replying,

    "hat do you want them to %e!( )loud laugh*

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    Page 5

    Earnings management

    ew efinitions of earnings management (E)* purposeful inter&ention in the e#ternal finan!ial reporti

    ng purpose+ with the intent of o,taining some pri&ate gain (-!hipper+ 1./.)

    The !hoi!e ,y a manager of a!!ounting poli!ies (a!!rual

    s)+ or real a!tions+ that affe!t earnings so as to a!hie&e some spe!ifi! reporte earnings o,0e!ti&e

    ra!ti!es ,y whi!h earnings reports refle!t the esiresof management rather than the unerlying finan!ial perf

    orman!e of the !ompany4 (*rthur 'e&itt+ former -EC Chairman)

    *!!oringly+ E often unermines EQ

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    Page 6

    Earnings management

    *rthur 'e&itt the num,ers game4 famous spee!h (fo

    rmer -EC Chairman+ 1../+ 5Y6 Center for 'aw 8usiness): This pro!ess (E) has e&ol&e o&er the years into what !an ,est

    ,e !hara!teri9e as a game among maret parti!ipants * game that+ if not aresse soon+ will ha&e a&erse !onsequen!es for *meri!a;s finan!ial reporting system * game that runs !ounter to the

    &ery prin!iples ,ehin our maret;s strength an su!!ess4 %n!reasingly+ % ha&e ,e!ome !on!erne that the moti&ation to me

    et >>

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    Page 7

    The impa!t of earnings management

    Can amage the per!ei&e qualityof reporte earnings$esulting in the ,elief that reporte earnings o not ref

    le!t e!onomi! reality

    This un!ertainty ultimately has the potential to unermine the effi!ient flow of !apital there,y amaging effi!ient !apital allo!ation

    Post+nron, post+financial crisis- Investors reuire large

    discounts or withdraw from the stock market

    iuidity pro%lems

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    Page 8

    Earnings management

    'et?s not ,e 0ust negati&e 5oti!e that earnings management !an ,e goo (really+ YE*)/anagers possess private information, and can use earnin

    gs management to convey this information

    arnings smoothing to avoid unnecessary costly de%t covenant violation

    0 was known for its earnings smoothing practices

    nsure investors of ongoing growth

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    Page 9

    %n!enti&es for earnings management

    * E#ternal a!tors *nalyst ore!asts (,etter meet or ,eat it) @euristi! 8en!hmars (a tiny profit is way ,etter than a tiny l

    oss) A Be!how et al (23) why earnings are Diny4

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    Page 10

    %n!enti&es for earnings management

    *symmetry aroun was foun for:

    Earnings relati&e to analysts? fore!astEarnings le&el

    Earnings !hange

    Be,t marets an !ontra!tual o,ligations (,etter not

    &iolate e,t !o&enants) Competition (,etter !reate ,arriers to entry)

    8 %nternal a!tors

    otential mergers (ma#imi9e share pri!e to ,e use in a merger)

    lanning an ,ugets (,etter meet the ,uget targets)

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    Page 11

    %n!enti&es for earnings management

    C ersonal a!tors

    F ersonal ,onuses (@ealy+ 1./G) a

    %f earnings are a,o&e the ma#imum for a ,onus or far fro

    m the minimum+ ,etter lower earnings this year%f % am within the ,onus range+ then ma#imi9e earnings

    romotions an 0o, retention8etter loo an ama9ing CEH

    8ig ,ath ,y new CEHs

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    Page 12

    %n!enti&es for earnings management

    B oliti!al moti&ations (lower earnings)Buring tariff in&estigation Iones (1..1)

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    Page 14

    Jeneral earnings management tools

    *!!rualK,ase earnings managementChange a!!ounting poli!ies

    lay with estimates

    Boes not affe!t !ash flow

    anagers !an ,e!ome &ery !reati&e when it !omes to earnings management

    *n the Hs!ar for most !reati&e a!!ounting awar goes to>Ieff -illings (Enron?s CEH)

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    Page 15

    $eal earnings management

    $eal (transa!tionK,ase) earnings management

    Change real ,usiness a!ti&itiesCut 456 and advertising7 offer discounts7

    &ime deliveries


    Channel stuffing

    Aggressive discounts

    @as an immeiate effe!t on !ash flows

    -hortKterm ,enefit+ ,ut a net negati&e o&erall effe!t

    &he soup story

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    Page 16

    $eal earnings management

    @ow to sa&e money on Draft Binner K time your gro!

    ery shopping to the last ays of the perioLL or soup sales in gro!ery stores+ Chapman an -tee

    n,urgh (211) showe that managers use aggressi&e pri!e is!ounts+ feature a&ertisements aisle i

    splays towars the en of the quarterMyear* willingness to sa!rifi!e longKterm &alue to meet shortKter

    m sales or earnings ,en!hmars

    areting a!tions ,oost quarterly net in!ome ,y up to GN

    @owe&er+ there is a pri!e to pay: the !ost in the following perio ,eing appro#imately 7GN of quarterly net in!ome

    5othing illegal

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    Page 17

    $eal earnings management

    ore iffi!ult to un!o&erBoes not &iolate J** (the soup is!ounts)

    @ar to prote!t in&estors

    @ar to tell the moti&e: a legitimate ,usiness e!ision+ ora shortKterm E mo&e

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    Page 18

    Choi!e of a!!ounting poli!y

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    Page 19

    *!!ounting estimates

    reparation of finan!ial statements requires intensi&e use of estimates

    Estimates !an ,e neutral+ or>opportunisti! to show a esire out!ome

    'oan loss pro&ision in ,ans6seful life of assets

    ension assumptions

    *sset impairments

    Joowill writeKoffs*llowan!e for ou,tful a!!ounts (8om,arier+ 21=+ Q1 2


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    Page 20

    *nalysis of quality of re&enues

    $e&enue re!ognition poli!ies at Oynga?s arti!le

    %n groups: Bis!uss the following:

    1 Bes!ri,e what Oynga i


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    Page 21

    rauulent earnings management

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    Page 22

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    Page 23

    i!rostrategy (0ust another e#ample)

    8a!grounoune in 1./. ,y i!hael -aylor+ that was soon 0oine

    ,y -an0u 8ansal+ whi!h stuie with him at %T

    The !ompany prou!e software for ata mining an ,usiness intelligen!e

    %n 1..2+ the !ompany gaine its first ma0or !lient when itsigne a 1 million !ontra!t with !Bonal?s

    $e&enues in!rease ,y 1N e&ery year ,etween 1.. an 1..P

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    Page 24


    %n ar!h 2+ after a re&iew of its a!!ounting pra!ti!es+ i!ro-trategy announ!e that it woul restate its finan!ial results for pre!eing 2 years

    This le to an -EC in&estigation+ an su,sequen

    tly to a lawsuit against i!ro-trategy an !ertainof its offi!ials o&er frau was file

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    Page 25


    E ra!ti!es: i!ro-trategy;s reporting failures were primarily the result of premature re&enue re!ognition"iolate a!!ounting rules in !ompli!ate transa!tions

    i!ro-trategy ha esta,lishe a pattern of ha&ing top e#e!uti&es refrain from signing ma0or !ontra!ts until after the en of ea!h quarter Then they woul sign enough ofthem to ensure meeting re&enue targets

    $e&enues were sha&e: 1... K G=m+ 1../ K 11m+ an 1

    ..7 K 1mAll 3 years turned from profita%le to losing money

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    Page 26



    *fter it announ!e that it woul restate earnings for 3 years+ its sto! fell 3/N in 1 ay H&erall sto! pri!e roppe from a high of 333 per share to 33 per share

    %n *pril 21+ the !ompany settle a !lassK a!tion suit all

    eging frau arising from its a!!ounting pra!ti!es3 of its e#e!uti&es at the time of the restatement agree t

    o frau in0un!tions an pai penalties of 3G+ ea!hThey also pai a !om,ine total of 1 in isgorgement

    The !ompany agree to unertae !orporate go&ernan!e!hanges an implement a system of internal !ontrols

    2ave an independent director reporting directly to the 1C )pr


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    Page 27

    Earnings management hierar!hy

    1 Choi!e of a!!ounting poli!ies

    2 *ggressi&e a!!ounting estimates A a!!rual earnings management

    3 -e!on ,est transa!tions K real earnings manageme

    nt= rauulent transa!tions (J** &iolation)


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    Page 28

    %ni!ators of earnings quality

    = Qualitati&erofita,le ,usiness moel

    Effe!ti&e internal !ontrol systems -HR 32 == is!losure

    Quality of the management team

    -trong !orporate go&ernan!e

    -pe!ial ,usiness e!isions ri&en to a!hie&e esire a!!ounting results (S of -Es+ *)

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    Page 29

    %ni!ators of earnings quality

    = Quantitati&e

    $elation ,etween (a!!rualK,ase) net in!ome an (!ashK,ase) CH: are a!!ruals too ,ig

    &he divergence, remem%er!

    *!!ounting oli!y !hoi!es estimates

    ersistentM sustaina,le earnings or 0ust oneKtime gainsro forma earning &ery ifferent from J** earnings

    6o the reasons seem to make sense!

    Earnings quality moels

    These are only suggesti&e ini!ators

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    Page 30


    *!!ruals are funamental in a!!ounting

    -u,0e!t to 0ugment an is!retion

    The *!!rual *nomaly4 is!o&ere ,y $i!har -loan (1..P): You !an earn a,normal return ,y taing

    a short position in the high a!!ruals firms an a long position on the low a!!rual firms*!!ruals are less persistent than !ash flow

    %n&estors o not unerstan it

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    Page 31

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    Page 32

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    Page 33

    Earnings management an fair &alue

    @ow oes fair &alue a!!ounting affe!t earningsmanagement2 opposing ways

    /ore earnings management %ecause >>>>>>>>>>>>

    ess earnings management %ecause >>>>>>>>>>>>

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    Page 34

    *!!ounting poli!y an estimation

    Transparent a!!ounting poli!y is!losure

    @ow &ague is it

    Che! the re&enue re!ognition poli!y (footnotes)Boes it loo aggressi&e or !onser&ati&e

    8a e,t allowan!e:

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    Page 35

    Earnings persisten!e

    %f earnings mostly !ome from firms? normal operati

    ng ,usiness+ in general+ we shoul see a sta,le tren of earnings o&er years

    easure earnings persisten!e

    The resiuals from a firm spe!ifi! regression shoul ,e smallYou !an !he! on seasonal quarterly earnings

    The closer to 1 is, the more persistence the earnings are

    i t f i it

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    Page 36

    ersisten!e of &arious items (sour!e: Be!how+22)

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    Page 37

    -pe!ial ,usiness transa!tions

    -E is use to stru!ture &ery !ompli!ate finan!ial transa!tions (Enron)

    'eases: * !hange from !apital leases to operatingleases

    $elateKparty transa!tions *!!ounts re!ei&a,le sale to ,ans aroun the en

    of quarter to polish CH

    *ll !an ,e ini!ati&e of low earnings quality

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    Page 38

    8eneish?s earnings manipulation s!ore

    K-!ore K=/= U .2 # B-$% U G2/ # J% U == # *Q% U /.2 # -J%U 11G # BE% K 172 # -J*% K 327 # '"J% U =P.7 # T*T*

    Bays $e!ei&a,le %ne# (B-$%) (5et $e!ei&a,lestM -alest) M 5et $e!ei&a,lestK1M -


    Jross argin %ne# (J%) V(-alestK1K CHJ-tK1) M -alestK1W M V(-alestK CHJ-t) M -ale


    *sset Quality %ne# (*Q%) V1 K (Current *ssetstU EtU -e!uritiest) M Total *ssetstW M V1 K ((Current *ssetstK1U EtK1U -e!uritiestK1) M Total *ssetstK1)W

    -ales Jrowth %ne# (-J%) -alestM -alestK1Bepre!iation %ne# (BE%) (Bepre!iationtK1M (EtK1U Bepre!iationtK1)) M (Bepre!i

    ationtM (EtU Bepre!iationt))

    -J* E#pense %ne# (-J*%) (-J* E#pensetM -alest) M (-J* E#pensetK1M -alestK1)

    'e&erage ine# ('"J%) V(Current 'ia,ilitiestU Total 'ong Term Be,tt) M Total *ss

    etstW M V(Current 'ia,ilitiestK1U Total 'ong Term Be,ttK1) M Total *ssetstK1W

    Total *!!ruals to Total *ssets (T*T*) (%n!ome from Continuing HperationstK C

    ash lows from Hperationst) M Total *ssetst

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    Page 39

    8eneish?s earnings manipulation s!ore

    Ks!oreX K222 ini!ates noearnings manipulation

    Ks!ore K222ini!ates earnings manipulation *ll &aria,les are !onstru!te from the finan!ial statem

    ents (easy to !al!ulate) * shorter&ersion K-!ore:

    K-!ore KPPG U /23 # B-$% U .P # J% U G.3 # *Q%U 717 # -J% U 17 # BE%

    Eliminates the less signifi!ant parameters

    rof 8eneish ,a!Kteste the moel against finan!ial r

    eports release ,y !ompanies in 1./2K.2The K-!ore !orre!tly ientifie 7PN of the manipulations

    17GN of falseKpositi&es were returne

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    Page 40

    'et?s e&aluate Jroupon?s earnings quality

    Jroupon?s K-!ore of 332G in 21

    $estate earnings for 211-hares of Jroupon sun nearly 17N as in&estors rea!te

    to a restatement of re&enue figures ,y the offers we,site as well as the !ompany?s amission of material wea

    ness4 in its internal !ontrols (inan!ial Times+ *pril+ 2212)

    Bo not 0ust apply it me!hani!allyBi&isions of ratios

    Bollarama ha a high K-!ore+ ,ut ri&en ,y *$ that was minus!ule (all ratios)

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    Page 41

    T3: Cash flow management

    YE-L Cash flow !an also ,e manipulate> ,ut les

    s -mart managers now that analystsMin&estors pay

    attention to CH an now how to play the game

    -ome of it is relate to !lassifi!ation within the statement of !ash flow

    -ome is relate to real transa!tions

    %t is all legal

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    Page 42

    T3: Cash flow management

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    Page 43

    -tret!h out paya,les

    -low own the rate of payments to &enors to impr

    o&e CHThis temporary in!rease in CH is unliely to ,e sustaina


    The e#tension of paya,les !an ,e ientifie ,y mon

    itoring ays? sales in paya,les (B-)B- (Ening *MCHJ-) Z 3PG

    Jeneral Ele!tri!: Bays? -ales aya,le

    Year ening Be!31 23 22 21 2B- G31 G1G =77 =2

    i ,l

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    Page 44

    inan!e paya,les

    * !ompany uses a thirKparty finan!ial institutio

    n to pay the &enor in the !urrent perio+ with the !ompany then paying ,a! the ,an in a su,sequent perio



    JE CapitalCorp

    Hperating !ashoutflow

    inan!ing!ash outflow

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    Page 45

    inan!e paya,les

    *t the first quarterJE pai the amounts to Belphi?s &enor

    Belphi in?t e#pan any !ash

    = Then Belphi re!lassifie *M to shortKterm loans

    * nonK!ash transa!tion= %n the su,sequent quarter

    Belphi pai JE an the !ash outflow was a!!ounte for as a finan!ing a!ti&ity

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    Page 46

    Capitali9ing normal operating e#penses

    %t ,oosts operating !ash flow+ ,e!ause normal e#

    penses (operating !ash outflows) get shifte to the in&esting se!tion as !apital e#penitures (in&esting !ash outflows)%n real life there are G shaes of grey

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    The happy ening

    B%Y earnings management A the %8 !ase

    *fter the game: