e n r i c h i n g students ’ learning experience through c ooperative l earning a pproach

E E n n r r i i c c h h i i n n g g Students’ Students’ Learning Experience Learning Experience through through C C ooperative ooperative L L earning earning A A pproach pproach Final Report Final Report 10 July 2009 10 July 2009

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E n r i c h i n g Students ’ Learning Experience through C ooperative L earning A pproach. Final Report 10 July 2009. Why this action research?. Paradigm shift of learning and teaching ESR Report 2006-2007 Continuum to continuous improvement to the innovative practice Cater for PD needs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: E n r i c h i n g Students ’ Learning Experience through C ooperative  L earning  A pproach

EEnnrriicchhiinngg Students’ Students’

Learning ExperienceLearning Experience throughthrough

CCooperative ooperative LLearning earning AApproachpproach

Final ReportFinal Report

10 July 200910 July 2009

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Why this action research?

• Paradigm shift of learning and teaching

• ESR Report 2006-2007• Continuum to continuous

improvement to the innovative practice

• Cater for PD needs

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• To investigate the adoption of cooperative learning approach and examine teachers' and students' perceptions upon the use of cooperative learning approach.

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Research QuestionsRQ1. To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

•What are the patterns of cooperative learning approach in the classroom?•What are teachers’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?•What benefits do teachers gain in cooperative learning approach?

RQ1. To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

•What are the patterns of cooperative learning approach in the classroom?•What are teachers’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?•What benefits do teachers gain in cooperative learning approach?

RQ2. What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

•What are teachers’ stages of concern?

RQ2. What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

•What are teachers’ stages of concern?

RQ3. How do students perceive their learning through cooperative learning approach? 

•What are students’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?•What do students think about cooperative learning approach?

RQ3. How do students perceive their learning through cooperative learning approach? 

•What are students’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?•What do students think about cooperative learning approach?

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Data Collection and Methods (1)

• Primary source of data– Teachers

• Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) (pre- and post-tests)

• Lesson observation (with records)• Teacher survey• Focus group interview with teachers

– Students• Student survey• Focus group interview with students

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Data Collection and Methods (2)

• Secondary source of data– Subject panel meeting minutes

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RQ1 RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?cooperative learning approach?

– What are the patterns of cooperative learning approach in the classroom?

– What are teachers’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?

– What benefits do teachers gain in cooperative learning approach?

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Patterns of using cooperative learning approach1. Group size: mostly 4-5 students in one group 2. Group dynamics: mixed ability 3. Roles: mostly well-defined by class teachers 4. Physical setting: display of students' work

/display of visual materials prepared by teachers

5. Cooperative learning strategies: group work/group discussion (most)-jigsaw reading, envoy exchange, gallery tour (medium)-pairs check/celebration/ rainbow grouping (few)

6. Ways of learning: learning by doing / learning by being taught/ observation

7. Types of participation: peer learning (most)-independent learning (least)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Varies from subjects and teachers– From students’ perspective

• “More [coop] in English and General Studies.” (One P.3 student, Focus Group Interview, 22 May 09)

• “General Studies and Chinese more … Putonghua …less…” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

• “English …less…” (One P.6 student, Focus Group Interview, 27 May 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Varies from subjects and teachers– From teachers’ perspective

• “Some topics …may not be suitable for using CL.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “Maths…one lesson or two lessons… we need to cope with exam, if we use CL for all lessons, there is lack of time for doing so…unless there is a change to the assessment…unless more lessons are given…” (One teacher, Teacher Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Positive attitudes towards cooperative learning approach:– From students’ perspective

• Positive learning atmosphere using cooperative learning

• Lower level students' responses more positive than upper level students (tend to be "strongly agree" as shown in the frequency) (Student survey, May 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Positive attitudes towards cooperative learning approach:– From students’ perspective

• “I feel happy as we can work together.” (One P.3 student, Focus Group Interview, 22 May 09)

• “I can learn more in group work.” (One P.3 student, Focus Group Interview, 22 May 09)

• “Feeling happy … as we can have group discussion …not so boring…” (One P.4 student, Focus Group Interview, 25 May 09)

• “Comparatively more diversified learning activities such as group discussion…” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

• “Sometimes we have group work. It’s less boring…” (One P.6 student, Focus Group Interview, 27 May 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Positive attitudes towards cooperative learning approach:– From teachers’ perspective

• “When students need help, students help each other…” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “Students can develop their potentials through cooperation.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “Students can self-construct knowledge by themselves. Their impression will be deeper.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 June 09)

• “…actually students become more active. Their role … in their personal growth… they can be little teachers through sharing with each other.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “…in maths topics…tight schedule … if it’s not on schedule, I cannot delay it too much… for General Studies, I use more…” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview II, 17 Jun 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Benefits of cooperative learning approach– From teachers’ perspective

• Motivation– “Arouse students’ learning interest and curiosity for inquiry.” ( 提升學生學習興趣

及探究精神 ) (Teacher survey, June 2009)• Engagement

– “[It] enables to increase interaction, helping raise learning effectiveness.” ( 能加強課堂的互動性,讓學生藉著合作教學來提高學習效能。 ) (Teacher survey, June 2009)

• Development of generic skills– “Helping students to develop social skills which are important to students' future

career.” (Teacher survey, June 2009)– “Students learn division of labour, how to express opinions and present.” ( 學生學

習分工、表達意見和匯報的技巧。 ) (Teacher survey, June 2009)• Teacher learning

– “It strengthens teachers‘ skills in co-operative learning.” (Teacher survey, June 2009)

– “Grasp more about coop learning models and teaching strategies.” ( 對推行合作學習的模式及教學策略掌握更多 (Teacher survey, June 2009)

– “Helping me grasp coop learning skills and strategies.” ( 使我更能掌握合作學習的技巧和策略 ) (Teacher survey, June 2009)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning approach?

• Difficulties?– Differentiation

• “Each year students are different. … there are many external factors affecting students…” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “I will consider discipline problems before using CL…it’s my concern about whether I will use CL… if that is a good class, I will be more willing to use it.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 Jun 09)

• “student motivation…if that class’s motivation is low, it seems a waste of time… first, the students don’t know what to learn, they can’t structure what they learn; on the contrary, using other activities such as games, the effectiveness will be higher…” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 17 Jun 09)

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RQ1 To what extent do teachers adopt cooperative learning


• Difficulties?– Physical setting

• “gallery tour …it is difficult to do so…as it’s too crowded in the classroom when it’s a big class. ” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 June 09)

• “in the music room, students have to move the chairs by themselves…it’s difficult to do gallery tour.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview I, 16 June 09)

– Time• “time to prepare…. If I sit down and plan in

advance, that will be better…only 1 teacher to do planning, that’s not so good…if around 2-3 teachers do it, it will be better.” (One teacher, Focus Group Interview II, 16 Jun 09)

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RQ2 RQ2 What are teachers’ concerns about What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?the use of cooperative learning approach?

What are teachers’ stages of concern?What are teachers’ stages of concern?

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RQ2 What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

• Comparison between pre-and post-tests of SoCQ








0 Awar



1 Info



2 Perso


3 Man



4 Con



5 Coll



6 Refo



07-08 (J an)

07-08 (J un)

08-09 (May)

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RQ2 What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

3. 我連甚麼是合作學習也不知道。 07-08 (Jan)0.62

07-08 (Jun) 0.79

08-09 (May)1.64

19. 我關心我的合作學習教學對學生產生的影響,例如學習興趣、解決問題能力等。

07-08 (Jan)5.26

07-08 (Jun) 4.86

08-09 (May)5.86

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RQ2 What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

• Comparison between pre-and post-tests of SoCQ– Similar pattern as last year

Stages07-08 (Jan)

(n=34)07-08 (Jun)

(n=29)08-09 (May)



0 Awareness 1.49 1.62 2.76 +

1 Informational 3.77 4.24 4.30 +

2 Personal 4.13 4.49 4.46 -

3 Management 3.63 4.03 4.21 +

4 Consequence 5.08 5.48 5.36 -

5 Collaboration 3.91 4.51 4.58 +

6 Refocusing 4.17 4.34 4.56 +

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Type of Concern Stages07-08 (Jan)

(n=34)07-08 (Jun)

(n=29)08-09 (May)


Unrelated 0 Awareness 1.49 1.49 1.62 1.62 2.76 2.76 +

Self 1 Informational 3.77




2 Personal 4.13 4.49 4.46 -

Task 3 Management 3.63 3.63 4.03 4.03 4.21 4.21 +


4 Consequence 5.08







5 Collaboration 3.91 4.51 4.58 +

6 Refocusing 4.17 4.34 4.56 +

RQ2 What are teachers’ concerns about the use of cooperative learning approach?

“Impact” concerns > “Self” concerns > “Task” concerns > “Unrelated” concerns“Impact” concerns > “Self” concerns > “Task” concerns > “Unrelated” concerns

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RQ3 RQ3 How do students perceive their How do students perceive their learning through cooperative learning learning through cooperative learning

approach?approach?–What are students’ attitudes towards cooperative learning approach?–What do students think about cooperative learning approach?

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RQ3 How do students perceive their learning through cooperative learning

approach?• Gaining knowledge and skills

– consistently agreed that cooperative learning helps train students' communication skills (more than 90%)

– most students agreed that CL helps students learn more knowledge (more than 95%)

• Motivation– most students agreed that CL arouses their interests in learning (more than 90%). – most students agreed that CL activities are interactive (more than 90%). – Lower level students (45%) strongly agreed that they are satisfied with their learning

performance in CL. – Upper level students (29%) strongly agreed that  they are satisfied with their learning

performance in CL. There is a difference between these two levels. • Peer learning / peer support

– Lower level students (63%) strongly agreed that peers can give support to their learning. Upper level students (30%) strongly agreed that peers can give support to their learning. There is a great difference between these two levels.

– Lower level students (64%) strongly agreed that they like peer learning . Upper level students (59%) strongly agreed that they like peer learning.  There is not a significant difference between these two levels.

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RQ3 How do students perceive their learning through

cooperative learning approach?• Gaining knowledge and skills

– “I learnt something in the topic … Hong Kong history…” (One P.4 student, Focus Group Interview, 25 May 09)

– “Different people absorb knowledge differently… if we discuss together, it can be better …” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

– “Coop is better …More people discuss so that we can have more exchanges of ideas.” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

– “…we can learn how to cooperate with each other and discuss together.” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

– “If we have group discussion, we can exchange ideas and get better ideas.” (One P.6 student, Focus Group Interview, 27 May 09)

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RQ3 How do students perceive their learning through cooperative learning

approach? • Peer support/ peer learning

– “Sometimes when we have problems, we can solve them together.” (One P.5 student, Focus Group Interview, 26 May 09)

– “Every one learn differently and we can share what we learn.” (One P.6 student, 27 May 09)

– “I like coop more because if we just sit there and do not have courage to raise questions. If we seat together and discuss, we can have more courage to share and express feelings.” (One P.6 student, 27 May 09)

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• Shift of paradigm: – teacher-led to student-ledstudent-led

• Use of cooperative learning approach – Positive attitudes (students and teachers)

–More use of different different cooperative learning strategies ( e.g. butts-up / gallery tour/ blood flow )

–Classroom environment (physical setting)

– Teaching schedule vs. Learning effectiveness

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• Differentiation– Discipline problems vs. Learning

effectiveness – Motivation vs. CL

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Implications1. CPD

- Understanding of CL- CL: theory in practice

2. Teaching schedule/ time factor

vs. adaptation 3. Assessment vs. CL4. Effective learning & teaching

with good pedagogical design

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Knowledge (i.e. subject knowledge)

Skills (e.g. collaboration skill)

Attitudes (e.g. respect others)

Effective Curriculum =




Cooperative learning

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