eπίκληση φόβου στη διαφήμιση

ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών Μάρκετινγκ & Επικοινωνία με Νέες Τεχνολογίες Διδάσκοντε ς: Φ. Κοκκινάκη Eπίκληση φόβου στη διαφήμιση: Πότε και πώς χρησιμοποιείται Ο.Π.Α ΜΕΝΤ 2011-2012 Ομάδα εργασίας: Κωστοπούλου Άννα Παλαμάρα Μαρία- Ελένη Σαφελάς Γιώργος

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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1. & : . E : .. 2011-2012 : - 2. : , : . 2 / .. 2011-2012 3. : ( ), . , . .. 2011-2012 4. : . : : 4.. 2011-2012 5. 5.. 2011-2012 6. ( & ) ( / ) .. 2011-2012 7. : : - : , , : ( ) 7.. 2011-2012 8. 2 (La Tour & Shaker, 1988) . / . .. 2011-2012 . / 9. .. 2011-2012 10. 3 : : : , : ) (self efficacy) ) (response-efficacy) 10.. 2011-2012 11. / 11.. 2011-2012 12. ( Framing the fear appeal) ?????? ? ? .. 2011-2012 13. ( Framing the fear appeal) - (risk aversion). (risk seeking). .. 2011-2012 14. (Rossiter & Thorton 2004) , .. 2011-2012 15. (fear appeal models) .. 2011-2012 16. Drive theory ( Hoveland, Janis, Kelly, 1953 ) 16 . , . .. 2011-2012 17. Parallel Response Model ( Leventhal, 1971 ) 17 : , .. 2011-2012 18. Extended Parallel Process Model (Witte 1992) 18 : : : !!! .. 2011-2012 19. Protection Motivation Theory (Rogers 1975) 19 4 : ( -) .. 2011-2012 20. , , , , . .. 2011-2012 21. (,384-322 ..) .. 2011-2012 22. Martijn A.Boermans, The communication process of persuasion and fear appeals, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Ralph A. & The Committee on Definitions, 1963, p. 9 Brian Sternthal, C. Samuel Craig, Fear Appeals: Revisited and Revised, Journal of consumer research ,Vol. I, December 1974 John J.Wheatley, Marketing and the Use of Fear- or Anxiety-arousing Appeals, Journal of Marketing, April, 1971 Michael L.Ray, William L. Wilkie, Fear: The Potential of an Appeal Neglected by Marketing, Journal of Marketing. Vol. 34 (January 1970). pp. 64-62. Gerard Hastings and Martine Stead John Webb, Fear Appeals in Social Marketing: Strategic and Ethical Reasons for Concern, HASTINGS, STEAD, AND WEBB 22.. 2011-2012 23. Tony L. Henthorne, Michael S. LaTour, Rajan Nataraajan, Fear Appeals In Print Advertising: An Analysis of Arousal and Ad Response, Journal of Advertising, Volume XXn. Number 2 June 1993 Punam Anand, Keller Lauren, Goldberg, Increasing the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals: The Effect of Arousal and Elaboration, Journal of consumer research Inc. Vol. 22, March 1996 Michael S. Latour, Robin L. Snipes, Saraj Bliss, Dont be afraid to use fear appeals: an experimental study, Journal of advertising research March/April 1996 John J.Burnrlt, Robert E.Wilkes, Fear appeals to segments only, Journal of advertising research, Volume 20, Number 5 October 1980 Punam Amand Keller, Lauren Goldberg Block, Increasing the persuasiveness of fear appeals: The effect of arousal and elaboration, The journal of consumer research, Vol 22, No 4(Mar.1996), pp.448-459 23.. 2011-2012 24. !!! 24.. 2011-2012 25. .. 2011-2012 26. .. 2011-2012