dynamicgames: bargaininghrtdmrt2/teaching/gt_2017_19/l6.pdf · finitehorizonbilateralbargaining...

Dynamic Games: Bargaining Carlos Hurtado Department of Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [email protected] June 27th, 2016 C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

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Page 1: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Dynamic Games: Bargaining

Carlos Hurtado

Department of EconomicsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

[email protected]

June 27th, 2016

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 2: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 3: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 4: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

I Why are economists interested in bilateral bargaining?

It is a foundational or fundamental economic relationship on which the theory ofmarkets should be built.

I Today we are going to study a model of alternating offers bargaining that wasformulated separately by Dale Stahl and Ariel Rubenstein.

I The model uses a repited version of the ultimatum game where two players have acontinuous dollar to divide.

I There are several stages on the game, so we will use a discount factor δi

I How do we interpret a discount factor δi?

Either as the time cost of money or the probability of continuing to another stage(if all players share the same discount factor).

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

I Ultimatum Game: Two players have a continuous dollar to divide.Player 1 proposes to divide the dollar at x ∈ [0, 1], where he will keep x and player2 will receive 1− x .Player 2 can choose to either Accept this division of the dollar, or Reject it, inwhich case each player receives 0.

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

I Ultimatum Game:

Players: I = {1, 2}

Actions: A1 = {x |x ∈ [0, 1]} and A2 = {A,R}

Strategies: S1 = x and S2(x) ∈ A2 = {A,R}

Payoffs: (x ,A)→ (x , 1− x) or (x ,R)→ (0, 0)

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

I Any division (p, 1− p) of the dollar can be sustained as a Nash equilibrium:

1 : s1 = p

2 : s2(p) ={


if 1− x < 1− pif 1− x ≥ 1− p

I Notice that 2’s strategy specifies how he responds to any offer, not just the onethat 1 actually makes in equilibrium.

I We might interpret this equilibrium as "2 demands at least 1− p, and 1 offers 2the minimal amount that 2 will accept."

I In the case of p < 1, however, player 2’s strategy involves a not believable threatto reject a positive amount 1− p in favor of 0. Not rational behavior1.

1 Rationality requires that player 2 accept any non negative offer. If we assume that 2 accepts only positive offers, there isnot best response for 1: he wants to choose x < 1 as large as possible, which is not well-definedC. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory 4 / 31

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

TheoremThere exist a unique SPNE such that Player 1’s offer is p=1 and Player 2’s strategy isAccept with probability one, that is:

P1 : p = 1P2 : A

Proof: If Player 1 offers p < 1 he is leaving money on the tableIf p < 1, then ∃ε > 0 such that p + ε = 1.Notice that p < p + ε

2 < 1 and 1− p − ε2 > 0

Then s̃1 = p + ε2 is accepted and strictly dominates s1 = p. Hence, in any SPNE

Player 1 offers p = 1.R and A is a best response because Player 2 always gets payoff of 0.However, assume that Player 1 offers p = 1 and Player 2 Accepts with probabilityπ < 1.The expected payoff of Player 1 is then 1 · π < 1.Player 1 could offer π < s̃1 = π + 1−π

2 < 1 and Player 2 Accepts because1− π+1

2 > 0.Player 1 could deviate of offering p = 1, a suboptimal strategy.

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 2 stagesI Now consider a 2-stage analysis where player 1 proposes to divide the dollar at a

level x1. Player 2 Accept this division of the dollar, or Reject it. If Rejection occursplayer 2 proposes to divid the dollar at a level x2. as if they where playing theUlitmatum game. Notice that this is not a repeated game, as there is only onedollar to be divided over time (not a new one for each stage).

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 2 stages

I Nash equilibrium has two useful implications that are worth noting:

1. If i makes j an offer that j will accept, then the best response property of a Nashequilibrium requires that i offer j the minimal amount that j will accept, accordingto j’s strategy.

2. Player j’s rule for which offers he accepts at a given stage is based upon thediscounted value in that stage of rejecting the offer: j should reject an offer thatgives him y in stage t if and only if the present value in stage t of what he will getby rejecting exceeds y. The present value of continuing to the next stage thusdetermines a player’s cutoff for accepting/rejecting offers.

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 2 stages

I Any division of the dollar in either stage 1 or stage 2 can be sustained by a Nashequilibrium (Why?).

I Subgame perfection determines a unique division of the dollar (Why?).

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 2 stagesI Consider the following 2 stage bargaining game in which $1 is to be split between

players 1 and 2. Each player i has discount factor δi ∈ (0, 1)

- Determine the subgame perfect equilibrium of this game(Hint: use backward induction).

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 2 stages

Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium:I Player 1: Stage 1 plays x1 = 1− δ2; Stage 2: accept any x2.I Player 2: Stage 1 accept if and only if 1− x1 ≥ δ2; Stage 2: play x2 = 0

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 3 stagesI Consider the following 3 stage bargaining game in which $1 is to be split between

players 1 and 2. Each player i has discount factor δi ∈ (0, 1). Determine thesubgame perfect equilibrium of this game.

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 3 stages

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Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

Finite horizon: bargaining for 3 stages

Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium:

I Player 1:

Stage 0: plays x0 = 1− δ22 ;

Stage 1: plays x1 = 1− δ2;

Stage 2: accept any x2.

I Player 2:

Stage 0: accept if and only if 1− x0 ≥ δ22 ;

Stage 1: accept if and only if 1− x1 ≥ δ2;

Stage 2: play x2 = 0

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Page 17: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 18: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

I Two players bargain over a pie of size 1

I Agreement: X = {(x1, x2) ∈ R2|x1 + x2 = 1; xi ≥ 0 ∀i}

I Bargaining Procedure:

- Players can take actions only at T = {1, 2, · · · }

- At each t ∈ T player i proposes x ∈ X , player j chooses A or R

- If player j chooses A bargaining ends

- If player j chooses R bargaining continues with j propose

I The game is infinite in two dimensions: 1) Continuum of choices 2) Unboundedpaths.

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Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

I Ariel Rubinstein retired yesterday, Jun 26th, 2017. He started teaching in October1976 (as a Ph.D. student at the Hebrew U.) for a period of 41 years. He is the onethat rediscovered Nash.

TheoremEvery bargaining game of alternating offers in which the players’ preferences are wellbehave has a unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium. In this equilibrium Player 1proposes to Player 2 exactly the present value that he will get when is his turn, andaccepts an offer from Player 2 that is at leas as good as what we gets if he continues thegame. Hence, any subgame perfect equilibrium must have the players reach anagreement in the first round.

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On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 21: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:


ExercisesI Consider the following 4 stage bargaining game in which $1 is to be split between

players 1 and 2. Each player i has discount factor δi ∈ (0, 1). Determine thesubgame perfect equilibrium of this game.

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Infinitely Repeated Games

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 23: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

Infinitely Repeated Games

Infinitely Repeated Games

I If a game has a unique Nash equilibrium, then its finite repetition has a uniqueSPNE (Exercise).

I Our intuition, however, is that long-term relationships may be fundamentallydifferent from one-shot meetings.

I Infinitely repeated games also model a long-term relationship in which the playersdo not know a priori when they will stop repeating the game: there is nopre-ordained number of repetitions.

I Recall the terminology: The game that is being repeated is the stage game.

I The stages of the game are t = 0, 1, 2, .... An infinitely repeated game is alsosometimes called a supergame.

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How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 25: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?I A player receives an infinite number of payoffs in the game corresponding to the

infinite number of plays of the stage game.I We need a way to calculate a finite payoff from this infinite stream of payoffs in

order that a player can compare his strategies in the infinitely repeated game.I The most widely used approach is discounted payoffs:- Let ρit denote the payoff that player i receives in the t-th stage of the game.- Player i evaluates an infinite sequence of payoffs as a sum of discounted values.


δti ρit

- This will be a finite number as long as (|ρit |)∞t=0 is bounded above.- This discounted sum is typically modified by putting (1 - δi) in front (for reasonsthat will be clear in a moment).

(1− δi )∞∑


δti ρit

- This is a renormalization of utility that doesn’t change player i ’s ranking of anytwo infinite sequences of payoffs.

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How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

I We all know that:

an − bn = (a − b)(an−1 + an−2b + an−3b2 + . . .+ abn−2 + bn−1)

= (a − b)n−1∑j = 0


I Set a = x and b = 1:

xn − 1 = (x − 1)(xn−1 + xn−2 + xn−3 + . . .+ a + 1

)= (x − 1)

n−1∑j = 0

x j

I Hence:n−1∑j = 0

x j = xn − 1x − 1 = 1− xn

1− x

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How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

I Note that, if |x | < 1:lim

n→∞xn = 0

I Then:


n−1∑j = 0

x j =∞∑

j = 0

x j = 11− x

I In particular, the (1− δi ) insures that player i evaluates the sequence in which hereceives a constant c in each period as c:

(1− δi )∞∑


δti c = c(1− δi )

11− δi

= c

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How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

I An alternative approach is limiting average payoffs:


∑n−1t=0 ρit


I The existence of this limit is sometimes a problem.

I The advantage of this formula, however, is that it is easy to calculate the limitingpayoff if the sequence of payoffs eventually reaches some constant payoff.

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 30: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I We will analyze the game using discounted payoffs. Consider the following versionof the prisoner’s dilemma:

1/2 c ncc 2,2 -3,3nc 3,-3 -2,-2

I Here, c refers to "cooperate" while nc refers to "don’t cooperate".I A theorem that we stated in the beginning of the class implies that there is a

unique SPNE in the finite repetition of this game, namely nc, nc in each and everystage.

I This remains an SPNE outcome of the infinitely repeated game:

player 1 : nc in every stageplayer 2 : nc in every stage

I Given the other player’s strategy, playing nc maximizes player i’s payoff in eachstage of the game and hence maximizes his discounted payoff (and also his averagepayoff, if that is how he’s calculating his return in the infinite game).

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I This isn’t a very interesting equilibrium. Why bother with infinite repetition if thisis all that we can come up with?

I In particular, we ask "Can the players sustain (c, c) as the outcome in each andevery stage of the game as a noncooperative equilibrium?"

I Consider the following strategy as played by both players:

1. Play c to start the game and as long as both players play c.

2. If any player ever chooses nc, then switch to nc for the rest of the game.

I This is a trigger strategy in the sense that bad behavior (i.e., playing nc) by eitherplayer triggers the punishment of playing nc in the remainder of the game.

I It is sometimes also called a "grim" trigger strategy to emphasize how unforgivingit is: if either player ever chooses nc, then player i will punish his opponent forever.

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I Does the use of this trigger strategy define an SPNE?

I Playing c in any stage does not maximize a player’s payoff in that stage (nc is thebest response within a stage).

I Suppose player i starts with this strategy and considers deviating in stage k toreceive a payoff of 3 instead of 2.

I Thereafter, his opponent chooses nc, and so he will also choose nc in theremainder of the game.

I The use of trigger strategies therefore defines a Nash equilibrium if and only if theequilibrium payoff of 2 in each stage is at least as large as the payoff fromdeviating to nc in stage k and ever thereafter:

(1− δi )∞∑


δti · 2 ≥ (1− δi )


δti · 2 + δk

i · 3 +∞∑


δti · (−2)


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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I We have:

(1− δi )∞∑


δti · 2 ≥ (1− δi )


δti · 2 + δk

i · 3 +∞∑


δti · (−2)



δti · 2 ≥ δk

i · 3 +∞∑


δti · (−2)


δti · 2 ≥ 3 + δi


δti · (−2)

21− δi

≥ 3− 2δi

1− δi5δi ≥ 1

δi ≥ 15

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I Deviating from the trigger strategy produces a one-time bonus of changing one’sstage payoff from 2 to 3. The cost, however, is a lower payoff ever after.

I We see that the one-time bonus is worthwhile for player i only if his discountfactor is low (δi < 1/5), so that he doesn’t put much weight upon the low payoffsin the future.

I When each δi ≥ 1/5, do the trigger strategies define a subgame perfect Nashequilibrium (in addition to being a Nash equilibrium)?

I The answer is Yes!

I A subgame of the infinitely repeated game is determined by a history, or a finitesequence of plays of the game.

I There are two kinds of histories to consider:1. If each player chose c in each stage of the history, then the trigger strategies

remain in effect and define a Nash equilibrium in the subgame.2. If some player has chosen nc in the history, then the two players use the

strategies (nc,nc) in every stage.

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

I Whichever of the two kinds of history we have, the strategies define a Nashequilibrium in the subgame. The trigger strategies therefore define a subgameperfect Nash equilibrium whenever they define a Nash equilibrium.

I Recall the fundamental importance of the Prisoner’s Dilemma: it illustrates quitesimply the contrast between self-interested behavior and mutually beneficialbehavior.

I The play of (nc, nc) instead of (c, c) represents the cost of noncooperativebehavior in comparison to what the two players can achieve if they instead wereable to cooperate.

I What we’ve shown is that that the cooperative outcome can be sustained as anoncooperative equilibrium in a long-term relationship provided that the playerscare enough about future payoffs!

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

A General Analysis

I We will calculate a lower bound on δi that is sufficient to insure that player i willnot deviate from s∗i .

I Suppose player i deviates from s∗i in stage k. We make two observations:

1. Player −i switches to s−i in each stage t > k. Player i’s best response is tochoose si in each stage after the k-th stage (recall our assumption that(s1, s2) is a Nash equilibrium).

2. The maximal payoff that player i can gain in the k-th stage is di (byassumption).

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

A General Analysis

I The following inequality is therefore necessary and sufficient for player i to preferhis trigger strategy to the deviation that we are considering:

(1− δi )∞∑


δti · π∗i ≥ (1− δi )


δti · π∗i + δk

i · di +∞∑


δti · πi



δti · π∗i ≥ δk

i · di +∞∑


δti · πi


δti · π∗i ≥ di + δi


δti · πi

π∗i1− δi

≥ di + πiδi

1− δi

π∗i ≥ di (1− δi ) + δiπi

δi ≥ di − π∗idi − π

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An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

A General Analysis

I As in the previous example, we have obtained a lower bound on δi that is sufficientto insure that player i will not deviate from his trigger strategy given that theother player uses his trigger strategy.

I Several observations:1. The analysis focuses on a single player at a time and exclusively on his

payoffs. The bound thus extends immediately to stage games with n > 2players. The assumption that there are two players has no role in the aboveanalysis.

2. Notice that any player who deviates from the "better" strategies (s∗1 , s∗2 )triggers the switch by both players to the Nash equilibrium strategies (s1, s2).This is unfair in the sense that both players suffer from the bad behavior ofone of the two players (it is part of the definition of equilibrium).

3. If di ≤ π∗i , then player i has no incentive to deviate from s∗i (he doesn’t evenget a one-stage "bonus" from ending the play of (s∗1 , s∗2 ) for the rest of thegame). We thus don’t have to worry about player i’s willingness to stick tohis trigger strategy regardless of the value of his discount factor.

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On the Agenda

1 Finite Horizon Bilateral Bargaining

2 Rubinstein Bargaining Outcome

3 Exercises

4 Infinitely Repeated Games

5 How Players evaluate payoffs in infinitely repeated games?

6 An Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma

7 Exercises

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory

Page 40: DynamicGames: Bargaininghrtdmrt2/Teaching/GT_2017_19/L6.pdf · FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining FiniteHorizonBilateralBargaining I Anydivision(p,1−p) ofthedollarcanbesustainedasaNashequilibrium:



I Consider the following stage game:


1\2 L C RT 1,-1 2,1 1,0M 3,4 0,1 -3,2B 4,-5 -1,3 1,1

a. Find the unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium.

b. Write down a trigger strategy where the outcome of the game is (M, L).

c. Find a lower bound on δi that is sufficient to insure that player i will not deviatefrom his trigger strategy given that the other player uses his trigger strategy.

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