dynamic performance measurement control dynamic event grouping multiple configurable counters...

Dynamic performance measurement control • Dynamic event grouping • Multiple configurable counters • Selective instrumentation Application-Level Performance Access • Incremental profile dumping • Runtime profile access Multi-Level Performance Instrumentation and Mapping • Optimized instrumentation • Tracing library enhancement • Performance mapping profile display System and Hardware Performance Integration • Callback registration for system and hardware counters • Trace recording of counts Project Goals and Recent Accomplishments Performance Technology for Tera-Class Parallel Computers: Evolution of the TAU Performance System Application / Library C / C++ parser Fortran 77/90 parser C / C++ IL analyzer Fortran 77/90 IL analyzer Program Database Files IL IL DUCTAPE PDBhtml SILOON CHASM TAU_instr Program documentation Application component glue C++ / F90 interoperability Automatic source instrumentation Program Database Toolkit (PDT) Platforms: IBM SP3, SGI Origin 2K/3K, Compaq Alpha Cluster, Cray T3E / SV-1, Linux x86 / IA-64 clusters, Hewlett-Packard Superdome/V-class, Hitachi SR8000, NEC SX-5 Languages: C, C++, Fortran 77, F90, OpenMP, Java, Python Thread libraries: pthreads, SGI sproc, OpenMP, Java, Windows Communications libraries: MPI, PVM, SHMEM Parallelism paradigms: shared memory multi-threading, distributed memory message passing, mixed-mode Performance technologies: Dyninst dynamic instrumentation, PAPI and PCL hardware counter libraries, Opari automatic OpenMP instrumentation, EPILOG tracing library, EXPERT trace analyzer, Vampir trace visualization, Paraver trace visualization TAU Performance System Status SAMRAI (LLNL, Andy Wissink). TAU is being integrated in SAMRAI framework as the main performance measurement facility, replacing hand-instrumented counters and timers. TAU is included as part of the SAMRAI distribution. OVERTURE (LLNL, Brian Miller). TAU is being used in the Overture framework for object-oriented performance measurement. Miller has also integrated TAU in the adaptive-mesh refinement simulator, AMRSim, and is using TAU for another (undisclosed) software development project. ALPS (LLNL, James Schek). The Adaptive Laser Plasma Simulator uses SAMRAI as a software component. It gains access to TAU’s measurement support in SAMRAI as well as uses TAU directly in other ALPS code. C-SAFE (ASCI/ASAP; Utah, Chris Johnson and Steve Parker). TAU is being integrated in the Uintah Computation Framework (UCF) for use in performance measurement and analysis of C-SAFE applications. This work also includes new performance regression analysis and results reporting tools for cross-version and cross-experiment performance evaluation. PERC (DOE SciDAC; PERC consortium). TAU has been installed at PERC sites and is being applied in performance analysis studies of SciDAC applications, including the EVH11 astrophysics code. Oregon is an affiliate member of PERC. VTF (ASCI/ASAP; Caltech, Julian Cummings and Michael Aivazis). TAU is being integrated in the Virtual Test Facility (VTF) infrastructure because of its sole ability to portably measure performance across HPC systems with dynamically-loaded libraries and Python-controlled execution. OpenMP (ASCI Path Forward; Intel/KAI, Bob Kuhn; Pallas, Hans-Christian Hoppe). A performance monitoring interface for OpenMP is being defined and will be submitted to the OpenMP Architecture Review Board for standardization. A prototype has been developed and demonstrated with the TAU performance system and the EXPERT analysis tool. SAGE (LANL, Jack Horner). TAU has been applied to performance scalability analysis of the SAGE application. TAU is the only performance system that reliably provided a portable parallel profiling capability across all ASCI platforms. POOMA II (LANL / Code Sourcery LLC, Jeffrey Oldham and Mark Mitchel). TAU has been used as the primary tool for performance analysis throughout the POOMA project, most recently in the POOMA 2 development. TAU is the only tool able to instrument and measure the complex use of C++ templates and expression template parallelization in the POOMA framework. TAU Applications EPILOG Paraver TAU Performance System Architecture Work packet computation events colored by task type Distinct phases of computation can be identifed based on task Performance Mapping in Uintah • Utah ASCI/ASAP Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions •Uintah Computationa l Framework (UCF) •Taskgraph macro dataflow •Performance mapping based on task semantics Performance Profiling of EVH1 • Enhanced Virginia Hydrodynamic s #1 benchmark •IBM SP3, 16 processors •jRacy parallel profile display tools TAU Integration in SAMRAI • Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastruct ure •Group-based SAMRAI performance timers and counts •Seamless integration in routine and MPI performance measurement Integrated OpenMP + MPI events Thread message pairing Mixed-Mode Performance Analysis (OpenMP + MPI) • 2-D Stommel model of ocean circulation •Jacobi iteration, 5-point stencil •Integrated OpenMP and MPI events •Uses OpenMP performance tools interface •Automatic Dr. Allen D. Malony, PI Dr. Sameer Shende, Post-doc Robert Bell, Research associate Kai Li, Ph.D. student Li Li, Ph.D. student Computational Science Institute Department Computer & Information Science University of Oregon DOE Grant No. DE FG03-01ER25501 . . . Raw performance data PerfDML data description Performance analysis programs PerfDML translators Performance analysis and query toolkit ORDB PostgreSQL TAU Performance Database Framework • XML profile data representation •Multiple experiment performance database

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Dynamic performance measurement control

• Dynamic event grouping• Multiple configurable counters• Selective instrumentation

Application-Level Performance Access• Incremental profile dumping• Runtime profile access

Multi-Level Performance Instrumentation and Mapping• Optimized instrumentation• Tracing library enhancement• Performance mapping profile display

System and Hardware Performance Integration• Callback registration for system and hardware counters• Trace recording of counts

Project Goals and Recent Accomplishments

Performance Technology for Tera-Class Parallel Computers: Evolution of the TAU Performance System

Application/ Library

C / C++parser

Fortran 77/90parser

C / C++IL analyzer

Fortran 77/90IL analyzer










Applicationcomponent glue

C++ / F90interoperability

Automatic sourceinstrumentation

Program Database Toolkit (PDT) Platforms: IBM SP3, SGI Origin 2K/3K, Compaq Alpha Cluster, Cray T3E / SV-1, Linux x86 / IA-64 clusters,

Hewlett-Packard Superdome/V-class, Hitachi SR8000, NEC SX-5

Languages: C, C++, Fortran 77, F90, OpenMP, Java, Python

Thread libraries: pthreads, SGI sproc, OpenMP, Java, Windows

Communications libraries: MPI, PVM, SHMEM

Parallelism paradigms: shared memory multi-threading, distributed memory message passing, mixed-mode

Performance technologies: Dyninst dynamic instrumentation, PAPI and PCL hardware counter libraries, Opari automatic OpenMP instrumentation, EPILOG tracing library, EXPERT trace analyzer, Vampir trace visualization, Paraver trace visualization

TAU Performance System Status

SAMRAI (LLNL, Andy Wissink). TAU is being integrated in SAMRAI framework as the main performance measurement facility, replacing hand-instrumented counters and timers. TAU is included as part of the SAMRAI distribution.

OVERTURE (LLNL, Brian Miller). TAU is being used in the Overture framework for object-oriented performance measurement. Miller has also integrated TAU in the adaptive-mesh refinement simulator, AMRSim, and is using TAU for another (undisclosed) software development project.

ALPS (LLNL, James Schek). The Adaptive Laser Plasma Simulator uses SAMRAI as a software component. It gains access to TAU’s measurement support in SAMRAI as well as uses TAU directly in other ALPS code.

C-SAFE (ASCI/ASAP; Utah, Chris Johnson and Steve Parker). TAU is being integrated in the Uintah Computation Framework (UCF) for use in performance measurement and analysis of C-SAFE applications. This work also includes new performance regression analysis and results reporting tools for cross-version and cross-experiment performance evaluation.

PERC (DOE SciDAC; PERC consortium). TAU has been installed at PERC sites and is being applied in performance analysis studies of SciDAC applications, including the EVH11 astrophysics code. Oregon is an affiliate member of PERC.

VTF (ASCI/ASAP; Caltech, Julian Cummings and Michael Aivazis). TAU is being integrated in the Virtual Test Facility (VTF) infrastructure because of its sole ability to portably measure performance across HPC systems with dynamically-loaded libraries and Python-controlled execution.

OpenMP (ASCI Path Forward; Intel/KAI, Bob Kuhn; Pallas, Hans-Christian Hoppe). A performance monitoring interface for OpenMP is being defined and will be submitted to the OpenMP Architecture Review Board for standardization. A prototype has been developed and demonstrated with the TAU performance system and the EXPERT analysis tool.

SAGE (LANL, Jack Horner). TAU has been applied to performance scalability analysis of the SAGE application. TAU is the only performance system that reliably provided a portable parallel profiling capability across all ASCI platforms.

POOMA II (LANL / Code Sourcery LLC, Jeffrey Oldham and Mark Mitchel). TAU has been used as the primary tool for performance analysis throughout the POOMA project, most recently in the POOMA 2 development. TAU is the only tool able to instrument and measure the complex use of C++ templates and expression template parallelization in the POOMA framework.

TAU Applications



TAU Performance System Architecture

Work packet computation events colored by task type

Distinct phases of computation can be identifed based on task

Performance Mapping in Uintah

• Utah ASCI/ASAP Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions

• Uintah Computational Framework (UCF)

• Taskgraph macro dataflow

• Performance mapping based on task semantics

Performance Profiling of EVH1

• Enhanced Virginia Hydrodynamics #1 benchmark

• IBM SP3, 16 processors

• jRacy parallel profile display tools

TAU Integration in SAMRAI

• Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure

• Group-based SAMRAI performance timers and counts

• Seamless integration in routine and MPI performance measurement

IntegratedOpenMP +MPI events


Mixed-Mode Performance Analysis (OpenMP + MPI)

• 2-D Stommel model of ocean circulation

• Jacobi iteration,5-point stencil

• Integrated OpenMP and MPI events

• Uses OpenMP performance tools interface

• Automatic instrumentation with Opari

Dr. Allen D. Malony, PIDr. Sameer Shende, Post-docRobert Bell, Research associateKai Li, Ph.D. studentLi Li, Ph.D. student

Computational Science InstituteDepartment Computer & Information ScienceUniversity of Oregon

DOE Grant No. DE FG03-01ER25501

. . .

Raw performance data



Performance analysis programs


Performance analysisand query toolkit



TAU Performance Database Framework

• XML profile data representation

• Multiple experiment performance database

Performance Technology for Tera-Class Parallel Computers: Evolution of the TAU Performance System

. . .

Raw performance data



Performance analysis programs


Performance analysisand query toolkit



Application/ Library

C / C++parser

Fortran 77/90parser

C / C++IL analyzer

Fortran 77/90IL analyzer










Applicationcomponent glue

C++ / F90interoperability

Automatic sourceinstrumentation


Thread API


Java program

TAU package mpiJava package

MPI profiling interface

TAU wrapper

Native MPI library

Profile DB



Allen D. Malony, PISameer Shende, Research AssociateRobert Bell, Research AssociateDOE Grant No. DE FG03-01ER25501

Performance mapping for different tasks

Mapped task performance across processes

Work packet computation events colored by task type

Distinct phases of computation can be identifed based on task

8 processes

8 processes

32 processes32 processes

32 processes


Paraver. . .

Raw performance data



Performance analysis programs


Performance analysisand query toolkit


TAU Performance Database Framework

System and Hardware Performance Integration•Callback registration for system and hardware counters•Trace recording of counts

Multi-Level Performance Instrumentation and Mapping•Optimized instrumentation•Tracing library enhancement•Performance mapping profile display