dual tech 2013 fed & mun

g How it Works for Hot & Co ld Lines Ho w i t Wo rks f or Drain Lin es  Leaks? Back Ups? No more pinhole leaks or heavy metals leaching into your water! *Master Lic ensee, U.S. Navy Patent #5,70 7,702 No more scale build up or root intrusion! *U.S. Patents #6,691,741 • #7,216,674 •  #7,849,883  #7,849,883 *Canadian Patents #2,462,853  #2,505,939  Add iti onal Patent s Pend ing 1. Corroded pipes are sand blasted to prepare for rehabilitation. 2. “Shots” of epoxy are then moved through- out the entire piping system. 3. The end result is a protective epoxy barrier between the pipes and water. 1. Blocked and root-intruded pipes are cleaned with a cutting tool. 2. An epoxy impregnated liner is pulled into place and infated with an internal rubber bladder. The liner is left to cure. 3. The bladder is removed, leaving behind a “pipe within a pipe.” 1-800-834-9597 • www.nuowtech.com • info@nuowtech.com Fix Your Pipes From The Inside! Problem Solved, Guaranteed! Less TIME! Less MESS! Less MONEY! Nu Flow Pot able Wat er Epoxy #7000 (a) Nu Flow #2000 Pi pe Lining Lic. #882102 Lic. #M13549 Lic. #0077809 Lic. #2705150029

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8/11/2019 Dual Tech 2013 Fed & Mun

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8/11/2019 Dual Tech 2013 Fed & Mun

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Nu Flow’s in-place restoration technology has beneted our customers in a wide variety of ways, which includes

dramatic savings in cost, time, inconvenience and destruction when compared to a traditional pipe replacement.

Federal & Municipal Property Customers

Location: Washington D.C.

Situation:Fire suppression systems for eight stations within theWashington Metro were leaking and had corrosion buildup.The pipe systems consist of 300 feet of ductile, black ironand galvanized pipes ranging from 1 1/2” to 6” in diameter.

Solution:Nu Flow sandblasted the system to rid the pipes of buildupand corrosion. Then epoxy was sprayed through the pipesto create a protective barrier to prevent future corrosion orfailure.

 Wh er e li fe int er ac ts wit h inf ras tru ct ur e.


Washington D.C. Metro Stations: Fire Suppression System Rehabilitation

Situation:Lateral pipes were experiencing blockage and failures due t oroot intrusions, cracks, corrosion and failing joints. Thetypical lateral pipes range from 4” to 6” in diameter and somepipes run up to 120 feet long.

Solution:Nu Flow installed more than 10,000 feet of structuresidential, commercial and industrial properties inRegion. Nu Flow’s Pull-in-Place liners rehabilitateand prevent corrosion, blockage and leaks from octhe future.

 Wh er e li fe in te ra cts wi th in fr as tr


Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario, Canada: Lateral Drain Rehabilita

Location: Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario, CanadaLocation: Fort Drum, New York

Situation:Fire suppression system in a U.S. military base’s aircrafthangar was experiencing pinhole leaks, failing joints andtuberculation, causing failures and false alarms. More than amile of black iron pipes have 420 sprinkler heads.

Solution:Nu Flow sandblasted the pipes to remove buildup, thencoated the pipe system with epoxy to cover holes andprevent future failure. Nu Flow’s solution saved the customerfrom the cost and logistics of replacing the entire resuppression system.

 Whe re li fe in ter ac ts wit h in fr as tr uc tur e.


Fort Drum Army Base: Fire Suppression System Rehabilitation

Location: Fort Myers, Florida

Situation:4”, 6” and 8” diameter cast iron sewer drain pipes under theslabs in half of the 5-story jail were corroded, causing back-ups and limited water ow.

 Whe re li fe in ter ac ts wit h in fr as tr uc tur e.


Lee County Jail: Sanitary Drain Syst em Rehabilitation

Solution:Digging through the foundation was not an option, becausethe facility had to have the sanitary system operational andthe jail was at 94% capacity with no room to move theinmates. Nu Flow’s patented Pull-in-Place structural linerwas inserted without destruction or disruption.

Location: Annapolis, Maryland

Situation:The Maryland House of Delegates’ Lowe Ofce Building hadleaking roof drains, which range from 3” to 5” in diameter,

and a failing HVAC pipe system, about 1.5 miles of black ironpipes that range from 2.5” to 4” in diameter. The customer didnot want the building’s structure disturbed during the work.

Solution:While the Lowe Ofce Building underwent a $9 million rNu Flow successfully cleaned and lined the aged roof

HVAC pipe system without causing destruction to the disturbing the other contractors. Nu Flow’s trenchlessgreatly extended the useful life of the pipe systems.

 Wh er e li fe in te ra cts wi th in fr as tr


Maryland House of Delegates Building: Roof Drains and HVAC Rehabilitati

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Situation: A 3” cast iron drain line, used to drain the elevator shaft fromhydraulic oil and other uids, was lling with rain water. Thedrain line is located 5 feet under concrete.

Solution: A CCTV investigation revealed that two joints inwere allowing inltration. Nu Flow’s Pull-in-Placeliner was installed to seal and protect the pipe. cured overnight and the installation process did nthe airport’s operations.

 Wh er e li fe in te ra cts wi th in fr as tr


Toronto Pearson International Airport: Elevator Shaft Drain Line Rehabilitat

Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Situation:In 1999, the base’s $400 million hospital had just been built.Unfortunately, when soft water ran through the black ironpotable lines, it pulled iron out from the pipes, which madethe water red. The new hospital could not open until thisproblem was solved, so a repair was needed quickly.

Solution:American Pipe Lining, a Nu Flow company, had the perfectsolution for the customer. Our blown-in epoxy coating wasapplied via existing access points to the pipes, so t here wasno demolition to the new building. Technicians coated about2 miles of pipes, ranging from 3” to 8” in diameter.

 Whe re li fe in ter ac ts wit h in fr as tr uc tu re .


Elmendorf Air Force Base Hospital: Potable Rehabilitation

Location:  Albany, Oregon

Situation:The 60-year-old, three-story courthouse had heavily corrodedpotable pipes that ranged from 1/2” to 3” in diameter. Thepipes are located under a concrete slab beneath the oors,and the customer wanted to preserve the building.

Date of Completion: August 2000

Solution:Nu Flow successfully cleaned and lined the entire potablesystem inside the old courthouse, restoring the pipes back to

their original diameter. Our blown-in epoxy coating was installedwithout any demolition to the building, meaning there was nodust, no dirt or digging during our work.

 Whe re li fe in ter ac ts wit h in fr as tr uc tu re .


Linn County Courthous e: Potable System Rehabilitation

Location: Toronto, Canada

Situation:The cafeteria’s 24-year-old 4" cast iron dishwasher drainpipe system experienced severe corrosion, leaks and lowow from heavy scale build-up throughout the years. Thecustomer was sick of the pipe system failures but did notwant the mess and disruption from a re-pipe.

Solution:Nu Flow’s “high temperature” epoxy accommodated the140-degrees dishwasher water. Our patented Pull-in-Placestructural liner was installed using existing access points,which prevented the need to dig up the kitchen. This linerprotects the drain lines from future failures, including leaks.

 Whe re li fe in ter ac ts wit h in fr as tr uc tu re .


York University Glendon Campus Cafeteria: Drain System Rehabilitation