du'á wida (by imam ja’far as-sadiq (as)) compiled by shia ithna’sheri community of...

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.si cm.org.uk Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family ِ مْ يِ حَ ّ ر ل اِ انَ مْ حَ ّ ر ل اِ ّ ا اِ مْ سِ بٍ دَ ّ مَ حُ مِ الَ وٍ دَ ّ مَ حُ م ى لَ عِ ّ لَ صَ ّ مُ هّ ل ل ا

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Page 1: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family

ان& م( ح+ م& ا الل2ه& الر- ب&س+

ي+م& ح& الر-

د8 م- ل? ع(لى م;ح( م- ص( الل2ه;د8 م- و(ال& م;ح(

Page 2: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

O Allah, You have said in Your revealed book, month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed.

(2:185) And now this month of Ramadan, has completed,

ل+ت( ف&ي &ن-ك( ق; م( ا (لل2ه; ا

ل& ن+ز( ك&ت(اب&ك( ال+م;ان( ال[(ذ&ي م(ض( ر; ر( ه+ ش(

آن; ر+ ي+ه& ال+ق; ;ن+ز&ل( ف& اان( م(ض( ر; ر( ه+ و(هذ(ا ش(

م( ر- د+ ت(ص( و(ق(

Page 3: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

So I beseech You, by Your Noble Countenance, and Your perfect words,

if there is any sin on me which You have not forgiven, or which You want

to punish me for, or take me to account for,

ك( ال+ك(ر&ي+م& ه& ئ(ل;ك( ب&و(ج+ س+أ( ف(

ة& ات&ك( الت-ام- ك(ل&م( و(ي( ع(ل(ي- ذ(ن+بr ل(م+ ا&ن+ ك(ان( ب(ق&

ه; ل&ي ر+ ت(غ+ف&ي+د; ا(ن+ ت;ع(ذ?ب(ن&ي ع(ل(ي+ه& ا(و+ ا(و+ ت;ر&

ن&ي ب&ه& اي&س( ت;ق(

Page 4: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

(I beseech You) to not let this night pass, nor this month be completed, except that You have forgiven me, O Most Merciful of the merciful. O Allah

for You is all praise, for all Your praiseworthy acts, the first of them,

and the last of them,

ر; هذ&ه& ال-ي+ل(ة& ج+ ا(ن+ ال( ي(ط+ل;ع( ف(م( هذ(ا ر- ا(و+ ي(ت(ص(

ت(ه; ل&ي ي(ا ر+ د+ غ(ف( ر; اال- ق( ه+ الش-

ي+ن( م& اح& م( الر- ح( ا(ر+د&ك( ام& د; ب&م(ح( م+ م- ل(ك( ال+ح( الل2ه;

ا ر&ه( ا و(آخ& ل&ه( ا او- ك;ل?ه(

Page 5: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

what You have said of it for Yourself, and what the creatures

have said, the praises, the strugglers, the few, who have

fulfilled Your remembrance and Your praise,

ا ن+ه( ك( م& س& ل+ت( ل&ن(ف+ ا ق; م(

ال(ئ&ق; ال( ال+خ( ا ق( و(م(د;و+ن( ت(ه& ج+ د;و+ن( ال+م; ام& ال+ح(

ع+د;و+د;و+ن( ال+م(ك( و+ن( ذ&ك+ر( ر; و;ف- ال+م;

ك( ل(ك( ك+ر( و(ش;

Page 6: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

those who You have helped to fulfil You right, among Your various

creation, of the near angels, and the Prophets, and the Messengers. And the various utterers and those who

glorify You,

(د(اء& م+ ع(لى ا ال-ذ&ي+ن( ا(ع(ن+ت(ه;ك( ل+ق& ن(ف& خ( ك( م&ن+ ا(ص+ ق? ح(ب&ي+ن( ر- ال(ئ&ك(ة& ال+م;ق( م&ن( ال+م(

ل&ي+ن( س( ال+م;ر+ الن-ب&ي?ي+ن( و( و(ي+ن( ن(اف& الن-اط&ق& ا(ص+ و(

ي+ن( ل(ك( ب?ح& ال+م;س( و(

Page 7: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

from all of the worlds. You have made the month of Ramadan reach us, and

given us of Your bounties, and we have Your provision and Your favour,

and You apparent blessing

ي+ن( ع(لى ي+ع& ال+ع(ال(م& م& م&ن+ ج(

ان( م(ض( ر( ر( ه+ (ن-(ك( ب(ل-غ+ت(ن(ا ش( اا ن+د(م( و(ع(ل(ي+ن(ا م&ن+ ن&ع(م&ك( و(ع&

م&ك( م&ن+ ق&س(ت&ن(ان&ك( ر& ام+ ت(ظ(اه; ان&ك( و( س( ا&ح& و(

Page 8: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

So for that is ultimate praise for You, (Praise which is) for ever, continuous,

tranquil, infinitely eternal, which does not finish for all times, exalted

be Your praise.

د; م+ ن+ت(هى ال+ح( ب&ذ(ال&ك( ل(ك( م; ف(

ال&د& الد-آئ&م& ال+خ(د& م( ر+ ل?د& الس- خ( اك&د& ال+م; الر-

د; ال-ذ&ي ال( ي(ن+ف(ل- ث(ن(اؤ;ك( ط;و+ل( األ(ب(د& ج(

Page 9: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

You helped us in it, until You fulfilled in it for us its fasts and

rising for prayers in it,and whatever we did in it of good,

gratitude and remembrance.

ي+ت( ع(ن-ا ت2ى ق(ض( ا(ع(ن+ت(ن(ا ع(ل(ي+ه& ح(

ه; ي(ام( ه; و(ق& ي(ام( ص&ي+ه& ن-ا ف& ا ك(ان( م& ال(ة8 و(م( م&ن+ ص(

ك+ر8 او+ ذ&ك+ر8 م&ن+ ب&ر� ا(و+ ش;

Page 10: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

O Allah, accept it from us with, Your most gracious acceptance,

Your overlooking (the faults), Your pardon, Your forgiveness and Your true pleasure. Untill You make us

triumphant in it, with every desired good

ن& ن-ا ب&ا(ح+س( ب-ل+ه; م& ت(ق( م- ف( الل2ه;او;ز&ك( ت(ج( ل&ك( و( ب;و+ ق(

ان&ك( ر( ك( و(غ;ف+ ح& ف+ و&ك( و(ص( و(ع(ف+ان&ك( و( ة& ر&ض+ ي+ق( ق& و(ح(

ي+ر8 ي+ه& ب&ك;ل? خ( ن(ا ف& ر( تى ت;ظ(ف? ح(


Page 11: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

and generous giving. And protect us in it from every feared thing, or drawn affliction or earned sin. O,

Allah, I beseech You of the greatest of what anyone of Your creation has

beseeched You,

و+ب8 و+ه; ز&ي+ل& ع(ط(اء8 م( و(ج(

ي+ه& م&ن+ ي+ن(ا ف& ت;و+ق& و(ل;و+ب8 ج+ و+ب8 ا(و+ ب(ال(ء8 م( ه; ر+ ك;ل? م(

و+ب8 ك+س; او+ ذ(ن+ب8 م(ا ئ(ل;ك( ب&ع(ظ&ي+م& م( م- ا&ن- اس+ الل2ه;

rد أ(ل(ك( ب&ه& ا(ح( س(

Page 12: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

from Your noble names, and Your beautiful praise, and Your special prayers, Bless Muhammad and his


ك( م&ن+ ك(ر&ي+م& ل+ق& م&ن+ خ(ي+ل& ث(ن(ائ&ك( م& ائ&ك( و(ج( م( ا(س+

ة& د;ع(ائ&ك( اص- و(خ(د8 و(ال& م- ل? ع(لى م;ح( ا(ن+ ت;ص(

د8 م- م;ح(

Page 13: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

and make this month of Ramadan, the greatest month of Ramadan ever

passed for us, since we came down to the world, in the protection of my

religion, And sincerity of my soul, and fulfilment of my wishes

ن(ا هذ(ا ر( ه+ ع(ل( ش( ا(ن+ ت(ج+ و(ر- ان( م( م(ض( ر& ر( ه+ ا(ع+ظ(م( ش(

ل+ت(ن(ا ا&ل(ى الد�ن+ي(ا (ن+ز( ن+ذ; ا ع(ل(ي+ن(ا م;ة& د&ي+ن&ي م( ك(ة� ف&ي ع&ص+ ب(ر(

اء& ي و(ق(ض( س& ال(ص& ن(ف+ و(خ(آئ&ج&ي و( ح(

Page 14: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

and completion of benefits on me, and removal of evil on me, and a

garment of health on me, and make me, by Your mercy, from those for

whom You have

آئ&ل&ي ع(ن&ي ف&ي م(س( ف? ت;ش( و(

ة& ع(ل(ي- ام& الن?ع+م( ت(م( و(ل&ب(اس& ء& ع(ن?ي و( و+ ف& الس� ر( و(ص(

ي+ه& ي(ة& ل&ي ف& ال+ع(اف&ت&ك( م&م-ن+ م( ح+ ع(ل(ن&ي ب&ر( ا(ن+ ت(ج+ و(

ت( ل(ه; ر+ ا(د+خ(

Page 15: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

kept the night of Power, and for whom You have made it better than a

thousand nights through great reward, stored magnanimity, and

gracious gratitude, and long life, and continuous ease.

ا ي+ر� ا ل(ه; خ( ع(ل+ت(ه( د+ر& و(ج( ل(ي+ل(ة( ال+ق(

ر8 ه+ م&ن+ ا(ل+ف& ش(ائ&م& ر& و(ك(ر( ف&ي ا(ع+ظ&م& األ(ج+

ك+ر& ن& الش� ر& و(ح;س+ الذ�خ+

ر& د(و(ام& ال+ي;س+ ر& و( و(ط;و+ل& ال+ع;م+

Page 16: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

O Allah, I beseech You from Your mercy, Your power, Your pardon Your

favours, Your sublimity, and Your favours and graces of old, not to let

this be

ت&ك( م( ح+ ئ(ل;ك( ب&ر( ا(س+ م- و( الل2ه;و&ك( ل&ك( و(ع(ف+ و(ط(و+

د&ي+م& ال(ل&ك( و(ق( ائ&ك( و(ج( ن(ع+م( و(ان&ك( س( ا&ح+

ع(ل(ه; ت&ن(ان&ك( ا(ن+ ال( ت(ج+ ام+ و(

Page 17: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

our last Ramadan until You make us reach the next [Ramadan] in the best of condition. And make us know its crescent with those who witness it

and recognise it,

ر& ه+ ن-ا ل&ش( د& م& ر& ال+ع(ه+ آخ&

ت2ى ت;ب(ل?غ(ن(اه; ان( ح( م(ض( ر(ال8 ن& ح( اب&ل8 ع(لى ا(ح+س( م&ن+ ق(

ال( ل(ه; ن&ي ه& ف( ت;ع(ر? و(&ل(ي+ه& ع( الن-اظ&ر&ي+ن( ا م(

ي+ن( ل(ه; ع+ت(ر&ف& ال+م; و(

Page 18: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

in the best of health from You, the best of Your bounties, the most

abundant of Your mercy, and the best of reward in Your decree. My Lord, He who is there is no Lord for me other

than Him,

(ن+ع(م& ا ي(ت&ك( و( ف&ي ا(ع+فى ع(اف&ت&ك( ن&ع+م(

ل& ز( ا(ج+ ت&ك( و( م( ح+ ع& ر( ا(و+س( و(م&ك( ق&س+

ب¤ ب?ي( ال-ذ&ي ل(ي+س( ل&ي ر( ي(ار(

ه; ال( ي(ك;و+ن; غ(ي+ر;

Page 19: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

do not let this farewell [of Ramadan] be the farewell of termination, nor the final covenant from me till the meeting [at death] until You have

shown me from the coming [Ramadan] through abundance of


د(اع( ن?ي ل(ه; و& د(اع; م& هذ(ا ال+و&ن(اء8 ف(

اء& ن?ي ل&ل&ق( د& م& ر( ال+ع(ه+ و(ال( آخ&اب&ل8 ف&ي ي(ن&ي+ه& م&ن+ ق( ت2ى ت;ر& ح(

ع& الن?ع(م& ا(و+س(

Page 20: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

the best of hopes, and I am most loyal to You, Surely You listen to the

prayer. O Allah, hear my supplication, and have mercy on my


(ن(ا ل(ك( ا اء& و( ج( ل& الر- ا(ف+ض( و(&ن-ك( اء& ا ن& ال+و(ف( ع(لى ا(ح+س(

ي+ع; الد�ع(اء& م& س(م+ ح( ار+ ع+ د;ع(آئ&ي و( م( م( اس+ الل2ه;

ع&ي ر� ت(ض(

Page 21: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

and my humbleness to You, and my dependence and reliance on You. I am submissive to You, I do not hope for

success except through You and from You, so be generous to me, exalted is

Your praise,

ت&ك(ان(ت&ي ت(ذ(ل�ل&ي ل(ك( و(اس+ و((ن(ا ل(ك( ا ت(و(ك�ل&ي ع(ل(ي+ك( و( و(

ا و(ال( اح� و ن(ج( ج; ل?مr ال( ا(ر+ م;س(ا و(ال( ر&ي+ف� ة� و(ال( ت(ش+ ع(اف( م;

ن;ن+ ام+ ن+ك( و( ت(ب+ل&ي+غ�ا ا&ال- ب&ك( و(م&ل- ث(ن-اؤ;ك( ع(ل(ي- ج(

Page 22: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

holy are Your names, Through the reaching of the month of Ramadan,

and making me free of every disliked thing, every danger, and all


اؤ;ك( ب&ت(ب+ل&ي+غ&& م( ت+ ا(س+ د-س( ت(ق( و(

ان( م(ض( ر( ر( ه+ ش(و+ه8 ك+ر; ا م&ن+ ك;ل? م( ع(اف� (ن(ا م; ا و(

ذ;و+ر8 و(م(ح+

ائ&ق& ي+ع& ال+ب(و( م& و(م&ن+ ج(

Page 23: Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS)) Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).  In the name of Alláh,

Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali). http://www.sicm.org.uk

Du'á Wida (by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS))

All praise is for Allah, who helped us with the fasts of this month, and the rising in it [for prayer] until the last

night from it has reached us.

د; ل&ل2ه& ال-ذ&ي ا(ع(ان(ن(ا ع(لى م+ (ل+ح( ا

ر& ه+ ي(ام& هذ(ا الش- ص&ر( ت2ى ب(ل-غ(ن&ي آخ& ه& ح( ي(ام& و(ق&

ن+ه; .ل(ي+ل(ة& م&