drugs in the treatment of heart failure — update to issues 186 and 187 (continued from last week)

from our files DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEART FAILURE - update to issues 186 and 187 (continued from last week) Radionuclide and hemodynamic assessment of left ventricular function reserve in patients with left ventricular aneurysm and congestive cardiac failure. Response to exercise stress and isosorbide dinitrate. Stephens, J.D. et al. Circulation 61: 536 (1980) Vasodilators in congestive heart failure. Cohn, J.N. Circulation 61: 661 (1980) Effect of fluid administration on the development of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus and congestive heart failure in premature infants. Bell, E.F. et al. New England Journal of Medicine 302: 598 (1980) Principles of vasodilator therapy for left ventricular congestive heart failure. Giles, T.D. Heart & Lung 9: 271 (1980) Single dose of aldactone helps to control intractable chronic heart failure. Ceremuzynski, L. et al. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 10: 6 (1980) Effect of va<;adilators on systolic time intervals in heart failure. Leier, e. V. et al. Clinical Research 28: 191 A (1980) Vasodilator drugs in the treatment of heart failure. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 10: 258 (1980) Va<;odilator therapy for congestive heart failure. Dillon, T.R. et al. Journal of Pediatrics 96: 623 (1980) Danger of withdrawal of va<;odilator therapy in patient' with chronic heart- failure. Hanley, S.P. etal. Lancet I: 735 (1980) What the experts think. Ma<;on, D.T. et al. Primary Cardiology 6: 83 (1980) Which drug for which disea,e? Opie, L. H. Lancet I: 101 I (1980) Withdrawing va,odilators. Pohl, J.E.F.et al. Lancet I: 1032 (1980) Clinical efficacy of gitoformate. Ambrosioni, E. et al. Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research 6: 221 (1980) Oral Amrinone in refractory congestive heart failure. Wynne, J. et al. American Journal of Cardiology 45: 1245 (1980) Progress in vasodilator therapy for heart failure. Cohn, J.N. New England Journal of Medicine 302: 1414 (1980) Drug regimens for congestive heart failure. Unverferth, D.V. et al. Geriatrics 35: 261) 980) A clinical trial of ticrynafen in congestive cardiac failure. Reed, S. W. et al. Current Therapeutic Research 28: 102 (1980) Defining the role of vasodilators in CHF. A wen, J .A. et al. Drug Therapy Hospital 5: 25 (19801 The role of vasodilating agents in the treatment of chronic heart failure. Gunnar, R.M. Angiology 31: 526 (1980) Hemodynamic effect, of intravenous butopamine in congestive heart failure. Thompson, MJ. et al. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 28: 324 (1980) Tolmesoxide, a new va,odilator in refractory heart failure. O'Boyle, e.P. et al.lrish Journal of Medical Science 149: 374 (1980) Sodium and water retention associated with indomethacin therapy. Deglin, J.M. et al. Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 14: 620 (1980) Dihydralazin side effects in congestive heart failure. Morand, P. et al. Therapie .,5: 645 (1980) The action of kaliumcanrenoat in patient' with left heart failure, global heart failure and cor pulmonale. Widmann, L. et al. Herz Kreislauf 12: 435 (1980) - Use of vasodilator drugs for refractory congestive heart failure in chronically hemodialyzed patient'. Goldman, R.S. et al. Dialysis and Transplantation 9: 938 (1980) Orally active va<;adilators in the management of chronic treatment-resistant cardiac failure. Wirtzfeld, A. et al. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 105: 1379 (1980) Role of diuretics in the treatment of heart failure. Porter, G.A. Journal of the A merican Medical Association 244: 1614 (1980) blocking agents and coronary failure: choice of agent and evaluation of efficiency. When to avoid administration? Weber, S. et al. 0156-2703/82/0130-0019/0$00.50/0 © ADIS Press Semaine des Hopitaux 56: 1595 (1980) Congestive heart failure. Patient Care 14: 14 (1980) Treatment of cardiac failure with systemic vasodilator drugs. Garciapuig, J. et al. Medicina Clinica 75: 398 (1980) Vasodilator therapy for left ventricular failure in acute myocardial infarction. Le Pailleur, e. et al. Therapie 35: 717 (1980) Vasodilator therapy for chronic congestive heart failure. Parmley, W. W. et al. Connecticut Medicine 44: 782 (1980) Long term oral vasodilator therapy in severe right ventricular failure due to right ventricular infarction. Mehta, J. et al. The Journal of the Florida Medical Association 67: 1073 (1980) Pola<;sium supplements in elderly patients with cardiac failure. Lye, M. Practitioner 224: 1314 (1980) Hypertension in general practice: Part III. Treatment of hypertensive heart failure and hypertensive emergencies. Opie, L.H. South African Medical Journal 58: 1025 (J 980) Etude controlee de l'ibopamine (SB 7505) chez des patients ages presentant une slase pulmonaire et des oedemes aux membres inferieurs. Nicaise, J. et al. Acta Therapeutica 7: 67 (1981) Spironolactone in digitalis treated heart failure after pacemaker implantation. Sabin, G. et al. Medizinische Klinik 76: 39 (J 98 J) Long-term va<;adilator therapy for heart failure: clinical response and il, relationship to hemodynamic measurements. Massie, B. et al. Circulation 63: 269 (1981) Vasodilator therapy for heart failure. Rubin, S.A. et al. Journal of the American Medical Association 245: 761 (1980) Beta-receptor blockers in the early stage of myocardial infarction with left ventricular failure. Jentsch, G. Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 123: 425 (J 981) Va,odilator therapy for left ventricular failure. Jacobs, W.R. et al. Geriatrics 36: 137(1981) A different drug for a failing heart. Emergency Medicine 13: 116 (1981) The treatment of heart failure by saluretic drugs. Donat, K. Forl<;ehritte der Medizin 99: 567 (\ 981) rhe use of vasodilators in cardiac insufficiency. Suarez, L.D. Investigacion Medica Internacional 8: 108 (1981) Hemodynamic effect, of inhaled terbutaline in congestive heart failure patients without lung disease: Beneficial cardiotonic and va,odilator beta-agonist properties evaluated by ventricular cathetierization and radio-nuclide angiography. Slutsky, R. American Heart Journal 10 I: 556 (J 98 J) 5-HT,-receptor blockade in the treatment of heart failure. Demoulin, J.e. et al. Lancet I: 1186 (J 981) The role of va<;adilators in the treatment of congestive heart failure and myocardial ischaemia. Tarnow, J. Anaesthesist 30: 269 (1981) BM 10,188 a new orally active inotropic agent effective in the treatment of severe chronic heart failure in man. Sauer, E. et al. Herz Kreislauf 13: 271 (19811 Vasodilator drugs in the treatment of cardiac failure. Ikram, H. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine II: 339 (1981) Treatment of severe congestive heart failure with the fenoterol. Irmer, M. et al. Klinische Wochenschrift 59: 639 (1981) Successful treatment of fetal congestive heart failure secondary to tachycardia. Harrigan, J.T. et al. New England Journal of Medicine 304: 1527(1981) Long term va<;adilator therapy for heart failure. Lancet I: 1350 (1981) Va,odilator therapy in management of chronic heart failure. Letac, B. et al. Therapie 36: 1(1981) Do venodilating drugs last the life in heart failure?Witchitz, S. et al. Therapie 36: 96 (1981) Physiopathology and treatment of heart failure in acute myocardial infarction. Perrett, CI. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift III: 965 (19811 Mechanisms and implications ofva,odilator tolerance in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Colucci, W.S. et al. American Journal of INPHARMA 30Jan 1982 19

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Page 1: DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEART FAILURE — update to issues 186 and 187 (continued from last week)

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DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEART FAILURE - update to issues 186 and 187 (continued from last week)

Radionuclide and hemodynamic assessment of left ventricular function reserve in patients with left ventricular aneurysm and congestive cardiac failure. Response to exercise stress and isosorbide dinitrate. Stephens, J.D. et al. Circulation 61: 536 (1980)

Vasodilators in congestive heart failure. Cohn, J.N. Circulation 61: 661 (1980)

Effect of fluid administration on the development of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus and congestive heart failure in premature infants. Bell, E.F. et al. New England Journal of Medicine 302: 598 (1980)

Principles of vasodilator therapy for left ventricular congestive heart failure. Giles, T.D. Heart & Lung 9: 271 (1980)

Single dose of aldactone helps to control intractable chronic heart failure. Ceremuzynski, L. et al. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 10: 6 (1980)

Effect of va<;adilators on systolic time intervals in heart failure. Leier, e. V. et al. Clinical Research 28: 191 A (1980)

Vasodilator drugs in the treatment of heart failure. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 10: 258 (1980)

Va<;odilator therapy for congestive heart failure. Dillon, T.R. et al. Journal of Pediatrics 96: 623 (1980)

Danger of withdrawal of va<;odilator therapy in patient' with chronic heart-failure. Hanley, S.P. etal. Lancet I: 735 (1980)

What the experts think. Ma<;on, D.T. et al. Primary Cardiology 6: 83 (1980) Which drug for which disea,e? Opie, L. H. Lancet I: 101 I (1980) Withdrawing va,odilators. Pohl, J.E.F.et al. Lancet I: 1032 (1980) Clinical efficacy of gitoformate. Ambrosioni, E. et al. Drugs Under

Experimental and Clinical Research 6: 221 (1980) Oral Amrinone in refractory congestive heart failure. Wynne, J. et al.

American Journal of Cardiology 45: 1245 (1980) Progress in vasodilator therapy for heart failure. Cohn, J.N. New England

Journal of Medicine 302: 1414 (1980) Drug regimens for congestive heart failure. Unverferth, D.V. et al.

Geriatrics 35: 261) 980) A clinical trial of ticrynafen in congestive cardiac failure. Reed, S. W. et al.

Current Therapeutic Research 28: 102 (1980) Defining the role of vasodilators in CHF. A wen, J .A. et al. Drug Therapy

Hospital 5: 25 (19801 The role of vasodilating agents in the treatment of chronic heart failure.

Gunnar, R.M. Angiology 31: 526 (1980) Hemodynamic effect, of intravenous butopamine in congestive heart failure.

Thompson, MJ. et al. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 28: 324 (1980)

Tolmesoxide, a new va,odilator in refractory heart failure. O'Boyle, e.P. et al.lrish Journal of Medical Science 149: 374 (1980)

Sodium and water retention associated with indomethacin therapy. Deglin, J.M. et al. Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 14: 620 (1980)

Dihydralazin side effects in congestive heart failure. Morand, P. et al. Therapie .,5: 645 (1980)

The action of kaliumcanrenoat in patient' with left heart failure, global heart failure and cor pulmonale. Widmann, L. et al. Herz Kreislauf 12: 435 (1980) -

Use of vasodilator drugs for refractory congestive heart failure in chronically hemodialyzed patient'. Goldman, R.S. et al. Dialysis and Transplantation 9: 938 (1980)

Orally active va<;adilators in the management of chronic treatment-resistant cardiac failure. Wirtzfeld, A. et al. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 105: 1379 (1980)

Role of diuretics in the treatment of heart failure. Porter, G.A. Journal of the A merican Medical Association 244: 1614 (1980)

~-Adrenergic blocking agents and coronary failure: choice of agent and evaluation of efficiency. When to avoid administration? Weber, S. et al.

0156-2703/82/0130-0019/0$00.50/0 © ADIS Press

Semaine des Hopitaux 56: 1595 (1980) Congestive heart failure. Patient Care 14: 14 (1980) Treatment of cardiac failure with systemic vasodilator drugs. Garciapuig, J.

et al. Medicina Clinica 75: 398 (1980) Vasodilator therapy for left ventricular failure in acute myocardial

infarction. Le Pailleur, e. et al. Therapie 35: 717 (1980) Vasodilator therapy for chronic congestive heart failure. Parmley, W. W. et

al. Connecticut Medicine 44: 782 (1980) Long term oral vasodilator therapy in severe right ventricular failure due to

right ventricular infarction. Mehta, J. et al. The Journal of the Florida Medical Association 67: 1073 (1980)

Pola<;sium supplements in elderly patients with cardiac failure. Lye, M. Practitioner 224: 1314 (1980)

Hypertension in general practice: Part III. Treatment of hypertensive heart failure and hypertensive emergencies. Opie, L.H. South African Medical Journal 58: 1025 (J 980)

Etude controlee de l'ibopamine (SB 7505) chez des patients ages presentant une slase pulmonaire et des oedemes aux membres inferieurs. Nicaise, J. et al. Acta Therapeutica 7: 67 (1981)

Spironolactone in digitalis treated heart failure after pacemaker implantation. Sabin, G. et al. Medizinische Klinik 76: 39 (J 98 J)

Long-term va<;adilator therapy for heart failure: clinical response and il, relationship to hemodynamic measurements. Massie, B. et al. Circulation 63: 269 (1981)

Vasodilator therapy for heart failure. Rubin, S.A. et al. Journal of the American Medical Association 245: 761 (1980)

Beta-receptor blockers in the early stage of myocardial infarction with left ventricular failure. Jentsch, G. Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 123: 425 (J 981)

Va,odilator therapy for left ventricular failure. Jacobs, W.R. et al. Geriatrics 36: 137(1981)

A different drug for a failing heart. Emergency Medicine 13: 116 (1981) The treatment of heart failure by saluretic drugs. Donat, K. Forl<;ehritte der

Medizin 99: 567 (\ 981)

rhe use of vasodilators in cardiac insufficiency. Suarez, L.D. Investigacion Medica Internacional 8: 108 (1981)

Hemodynamic effect, of inhaled terbutaline in congestive heart failure patients without lung disease: Beneficial cardiotonic and va,odilator beta-agonist properties evaluated by ventricular cathetierization and radio-nuclide angiography. Slutsky, R. American Heart Journal 10 I: 556 (J 98 J)

5-HT,-receptor blockade in the treatment of heart failure. Demoulin, J.e. et al. Lancet I: 1186 (J 981)

The role of va<;adilators in the treatment of congestive heart failure and myocardial ischaemia. Tarnow, J. Anaesthesist 30: 269 (1981)

BM 10,188 a new orally active inotropic agent effective in the treatment of severe chronic heart failure in man. Sauer, E. et al. Herz Kreislauf 13: 271 (19811

Vasodilator drugs in the treatment of cardiac failure. Ikram, H. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine II: 339 (1981)

Treatment of severe congestive heart failure with the ~-stimulator fenoterol. Irmer, M. et al. Klinische Wochenschrift 59: 639 (1981)

Successful treatment of fetal congestive heart failure secondary to tachycardia. Harrigan, J.T. et al. New England Journal of Medicine 304: 1527(1981)

Long term va<;adilator therapy for heart failure. Lancet I: 1350 (1981) Va,odilator therapy in management of chronic heart failure. Letac, B. et al.

Therapie 36: 1(1981)

Do venodilating drugs last the life in heart failure?Witchitz, S. et al. Therapie 36: 96 (1981)

Physiopathology and treatment of heart failure in acute myocardial infarction. Perrett, CI. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift III: 965 (19811

Mechanisms and implications ofva,odilator tolerance in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Colucci, W.S. et al. American Journal of

INPHARMA 30Jan 1982 19

Page 2: DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEART FAILURE — update to issues 186 and 187 (continued from last week)

Medicine 71: 88 (1981) Recognition and management of congestive heart failure. Frankl, W.S.

Geriatrics 36: 92 (1981) Heart failure: Pathophysiology and treatment. Braunwald, E. American

Heart Journal 102: 486 (1981) Comparative pharmacology and clinical efficacy of newer agents in

treatment of heart failure. Taylor, C.R. et al. American Heart Journal 102: 515 (/981)

Problems in assessment of new pharmacologic agents for the heart failure patient. Rude, R.E. et al. American HeartJournal 102: 584 (1981)

Vasodilators in cardiac failure? Fischer, E. et al. Deul~che Medizinische Wocp~nschrift 106: 1263( 1981)

The acute effect ofa new positive inotropic agent (AR-L 115 BS) on cardiac hemodynamics and contractility in patients with severe chronic congestive heart failure. Hauf, G.F. et al. Arzneimittel-Forschung 31: 253 (1980

The comparison of the effects of AR-L 115 BS and dobutamine in patient~ with severe cardiac failure. Klein, G. et al. Arzneimittel-Forschung 31: 257(1981)

Study of the acute effect of A R- L I 15 BS a new positive inotropic agent, in patients with exercise-induced heart failure. Drexler, H. et al. Arzneimittel-Forschung 31: 259 (1981)

A new non-glycoside, non-adrenergic cardiotonic agent AR-L 115 B~l Hemodynamic proof of its efficacy after both i. v. and oral administration. Thormann, J. et al. Arzneimittel-Forschung 31: 273 (1981)